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5 | coward

"You're super late."

Jaehyun tried to arrive early as possible but he caught by traffic and other things. When he walked into his office, he got surprised by his friend who was seated on his swivel chair. For him, it isn't wrong for others to enter his office without his permission. As long as his secretary knows it.

"Was I already replaced?" Jaehyun asked jokingly.

Johnny, an alpha, chuckled, "Yeah, I told your father that you were the worst president ever."

The man rolled his eyes, "Oh, really then? I'll let my father know that the head of the finance department is stalling again when there is a bunch of works to do in finance."

"I was joking, Jae!"

Johnny stood up from the chair for Jaehyun to sit down. The man went to stand infront with his hands in his pockets. Jaehyun raised an eyebrow at him while he fixes the folders laid on his desk.

"What?" Jaehyun asked.

"Is it about an omega? That's why you were late?"

The alpha furrowed his eyebrows and immediately shook his head, "No! I didn't even see one there."

Johnny teasingly smirked, "No one's going to know. It's just the two of us."

Jaehyun pointed the ballpen that he was holding, at the alpha, "I'll have you know that your little omega keeps on making me date someone I don't know. He tried to pair me up with a beta today infront of my child. What will Blue think about that? That I'll replace his other parent?"

"His missing parent."

"Not too long."

Johnny sighed, "Just lie to Blue."

"What the fuck are you saying?" Jaehyun uttered, "That will mess me up. Also, I can't do that."

"I'm just saying that," Johnny sat on the chair, "You should just find someone else other than that chick. I'm sure that omega's still doing the deeds to other men--"

Jaehyun suddenly groaned, "Do you even hear yourself?"

"I'd help you with finding, but what do you even want from that omega? You barely know that when you guys met at the bar."

"He's my child's parent--"

"So? Then what? What if that omega's bonded or something?"

Jaehyun sighed, "You sound like my mother."

"We're just worried. What if things would be better if you stop looking for that omega? Blue can learn to forget, so can you," the man said.

"How did you even know that Blue will just forget about it? He basically wants his mother. If I find that omega, I might've just made Blue a bit happier than he used to be."

Suddenly, they stopped upon hearing a knock on the door. They looked behind just to see Jaehyun's secretary coming into the office. Johnny stood up with a sigh while Jaehyun just cleared his throat.

"Wrong timing?" Doyoung, an alpha and the secretary, asked.

Jaehyun shook his head, "It's nothing."

The bunny looked at the other man but just gave him a shrug.

"Anyway, the meeting's about to start. Johnny, you're needed there too."

Jaehyun nodded. He stood up and buttoned his coat. He fixed his necktie and hair on his way to the meeting room. Doyoung followed behind him. Johnny followed behind them.

"How many minutes is this meeting?" Jaehyun asked, looking at his watch.

Doyoung hummed, "Just a few minutes, maybe. You're a bit hot headed today."

"Nah. Don't mine me," the man said.

"Did you two argue something?" Doyoung asked.

Jaehyun sighed, "You know what it was, Doyoung."

"Okay. I'll just shut myself up then. I'd probably say the same anyway."

The man clicked his tongue before he opened the door to the meeting room. He was greeted by the employees in whom he bowed back. He made his way to where his father was seated. He took a bow before he sat beside the elder. His secretary just stood behind him to collect notes for a report. Jaehyun was still confused about the sudden meeting but something felt fishy.

The man goes to turn and asked Doyoung to lean down.

"What is this all about anyway?" Jaehyun whispered.

The man just hummed and showed a smirk before he stood up straight. He didn't really give an answer to his boss but it was meant to be a surprise. Doyoung was told to his mouth shut so he did. Jaehyun furrowed his eyebrows at him but before he could even complain, his father suddenly spoke.

"Sorry for the sudden meeting," his father said, "But I feel like it should be said infront of the board members and head officers."

He stood up from his chair and looked at his son who looked really confused. He smiled before he pulled Jaehyun to stand up as well. Jaehyun slowly did, he even needed to ask why to his father but then again, he didn't get an answer. His father pulled him so he could stand beside him. All eyes were on them, both in such powerful positions.

"Please welcome your new CEO," his father uttered, "My son, Jung Jaehyun."

"Pa, I want to back out from the position."

After the meeting, Jaehyun asked his father if they could talk. His father lets him and they went into his office. Jaehyun just had to say it.

His father on his chair and looked up at his son, "You haven't even tried it for a day, and now you want to pass it? Have you forgotten that this is ours and just anyone's company?"

"I never wanted to be in this position! You know that, pa!"

"Are you being a coward again, Jaehyun?"

Jaehyun furrowed his eyebrows, "What? A coward? Pa--"

"You've always been against our decision. You seem to be afraid. Why? Can you even me a reason, Jaehyun?"

The man sighed sharply, "I don't need to give you a reason! You know I'm not fit to this position! I never wanted anything this big and heavy to handle! I don't have any plans--"

"Since the day you were born, you already have your name in this position. It's not something you can change. You're the only one that suits to be here. Not anyone from your cousins or the employees. Whether you like it or not. So, you suck it up and better act like a real alpha, Jaehyun."

The man groaned before he just walked out of the room, leaving the office of his father. He did slam the door close just because he was really frustrated about it. But he was surprised when he saw Doyoung and Johnny waiting for him outside of the office.

"Guys, I don't need an advice right now."

"We're not here for that," Johnny said, "Need a breather?"

Jaehyun took a deep breath before he nodded.

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