Strange Findings

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Chapter 4 Strange Findings 

"What in the world!" Tim screamed. He couldn't believe what he just found. "Oh my goodness, this is the strangest little monster I've seen in a while... my lord look at these hands."

Tim examined the baby's different colored hands. "Blue and Pink hands huh?... this ain't paint either...strange." little Lavender continued to cry and whine. "Aye! Aye! Stop cryin!" Lavender immediately stopped crying.

"My goodness you're a smart little fella aren't cha... and you're only a newborn." Lavender stayed silent and drifted back to sleep inside the basket. Tim picked up the baby and carried it back to the ship. 

"Look what I found here boys!" Tim yelled for his teammates. "What did you find!? Some treasure?" "No! But I did find myself a little monster here!" Tim revealed the small baby. "Oh my god! What in the world is that! So repulsive!" One the pirates said revolted.

"What are we gonna do with this Tim? If it ain't treasure throw the thing out." One of the pirates questioned Tim in a serious tone. "This is going to be our money maker, people will be so intrigued by this little monster that they'll pay money to see him! Good idea right?" 

To be continued...

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