•Year 2•

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Leader— Lavenderstar: A dilute classic torbie molly.

Deputy— Flightpath: A long-furred fawn molly with a scarred tail.

Medicine Cat— Poppyflower: A light-brown mackerel tabby molly.


Burrfrost: A mostly white cat with an orange tabby tail.

Thornaster: A mottled-brown tom with a dark stripe running down his back. Apprentic: Hailpaw

Talonlight: A dark blue-gray ticked tabby tom.

Nutash: A silver classic tabby and white tom.

Coldfoot: A dark gray and white bengal molly.

Waternose: A chocolate point molly.

Juniperscratch: A pale orange ticked tabby molly. Apprentice: Dappledpaw

Spotshade: A silver smoke molly.

Shatteredburrow: A dilute tortoiseshell molly.

Goldspark: A dilute spotted torbie and white molly.


Hailpaw: A pale gray and white rosetted molly.

Dappledpaw: A brown speckled and white molly.

•Moon 13•

—Every cat that caught white cough has now healed and no sources of white cough remain in camp!

—Dappledpaw was out hunting when a large boulder fell on her tail. She managed to escape but her tail was badly injured.

—Waternose's dog bit has healed perfectly! She's a bit disappointed that it didn't leave a scar though. 

—During a patrol, Nutash and Coldfoot meet another rival clan, NacreClan! The two patrols greet each other and talk for a bit before going about their business.

•Moon 14•

—Hailpaw has proven herself to be ready to become a warrior and, happy tears in her eyes at seeing her daughter all grown up, Hailpaw is given the name of Hailecho, in honor of her tranquility.

—Despite Poppyflower's best efforts, Goldspark dies due to an underlaying infection in her broken bone. Despite not knowing her well, the clan grieves for her, honoring her as if she'd been in the clan since it was created.

—Nutash and Waternose had a disagreement while patrolling. They remain mates, but they're a little bit moody towards each other for a while.

—Flightpath still wonders about being leader.

—Shatteredburrow lays by herself, thinking of her past life.

—Waternose is daydreaming about possibly having kits with Ashnut!

—While on patrol, Talonlight and Burrfrost heard a strange sound coming from behind a boulder.  Being curious, Burrfrost goes to investigate only to come face to face with the snarling fangs and slashing claws of a wolverine. Talonlight ran to help, but he was to late and found Burrfrost dead in a pool of their own blood.

•Moon 15•

—An eagle attacked a patrol and tried grabbing Flightpath! Luckily, she was a bit too heavy for the eagle and it let go.

—Waternose was walking along a stream when she stepped on a snake. It bit her before slithering off. Luckily, it was only a Garter Snake, and she was fine.

—Dappledpaw's tail has healed well!

—Lavenderstar visits the medicine cat den to have a nice chat with Poppyflower. As the two are talking, Lavenderstar can't help but admire how beautiful Poppyflower is and realizes that she's beginning to gain a crush on the medicine cat.

•Moon 16•

—Despite having been constantly tended to and cared for, Thornaster's broken leg is beginning to grow sore a tender. The medicine cat is concerned about infection, especially after it took Goldspark's life.

—Waternose has grown increasingly frustrated that none of her encounters she has with possibly dangerous animals are leaving her with scars. She hopes to someday have something to prove her bravery other than fame.

—Coldfoot knows that Flightpath is growing a bit old, and hopes to become the new deputy when she retires. 

—Lavenderstar and Poppyflower have a nice conversation about herbs while on a patrol!

—While patrolling, a rogue ambushes Shatteredpelt and runs off, leaving her with a torn pelt.

•Moon 17•

—Despite her deformity, Dappledbounce has become a proud warrior of LavenderClan, honored for her honesty!

—The infection in Thornaster's bone has healed!

—Despite things going well, Poppyflower feels a sense of dread, as if something bad will happen soon. What it will be, no one knows.

—Spotshade thinks about her old enemies at the barn she used to live at.

—Shatteredburrow talks quietly to themselves. Talonlight, being curious, listened to what she said, but all he heard was something about running and clovers.

—Dappledbounce checks in with Poppyflower so that she can make sure she doesn't overwork herself due to her bad joints.

—While patrolling, Spotshade spots a plump rabbit over the border of another rival clan, HazeClan. She tries to catch it, but is instead met with a patrol of HazeClan cats. Instead of coming home with food, she comes home with a torn up tail and a lawful of regrets.

•Moon 18•

—Talonlight has joined the elders den at the age of 121 moons old. The clan honors him and all the work he did for the good of the clan, promising that he'll be among the most respected of LavenderClan cats.

—The same snake that bit Waternose a few moons ago bit Nutash!

—Nothing significant happened during patrols this moon.

•Moon 19•

—Thornaster has finnaly healed after breaking his leg!

—Despite being bitten by the same exact snake that had bitten Waternose, the bite Nutash got left a scar.

—Having been friends throughout kithood and apprenticeship, Hailecho and Dappledbounce decide to take their friendship a bit further, and are now mates!

—Spotshade's mangled tail has healed, but her dignity remains hurt.

—Thornaster's has begun considering taking a mate of his own, but he isn't sure who he will choose. 

—Burrfrost appears to Lavenderstar and Poppyflower during a patrol and has a nice chat with them!

—Spotshade and Shatteredburrow chase a large dog off of their clan's territory!

•Moon 20•

—Juniperscratch was simply minding her own business during a solo patrol when she feels something clamp down upon her paw. The only reason she was saved was that Poppyflower heard her yowl in pain, and managed to free her from the twoleg trapped. Juniperscratch's paw is left badly injured.

—Lavenderstar does her best to comfort Juniperscratch after the younger cat explains her concerns about possibly being permanently injured.

—Poppyflower is feeling a bit overwhelmed, and has begun going around and asking anyone with a mate if they could have kits, slightly joking, but at the same time, hoping for an apprentice sometime soon.

—Nothing significant happened during patrols.

•Moon 21•

—Thornaster helps comfort Juniperscratch while she's stuck in the medicine den.

—Lavenderstar almost lost a life after accidentally swallowing a bit of deathberry while trying to impress Poppyflower. Luckily, she ended up okay, just embarrassed.

—Despite Lavenderstar's rather embarrassing attempt to impress her, Poppyflower feels a bit of love forming for her leader.

—Hailecho finds Lavenderstar rather annoying in her attempts to enamor Poppyflower.

—Spotshade and Thornaster were on patrol when they came across a lost kittypet named Mustard. The strange cat says that she'd heard of the clans, and was seeking shelter with them after a fire had burnt down her old house. After staying in the clan for a bit, Mustard chooses to stay and changes her name to Mustardfall.

•Moon 22

—Much to her dismay, Juniperscratch's injured leg never healed properly, but she tells herself that it could have been worse, and continues on with life. She considers maybe taking a mate so she could have someone constantly by her side to help her out if she ever needs it.

—Spotshade has been acting odd, as if she's planning something, but before anyone can question her about it she catches greencough.

—Nothing significant happens during patrols.

•Moon 23

—Thornaster is badly injured after saving Nutash from a large dog.

—Spotshadow has luckily recovered from her sudden bought of greencough.

—Poppyflower is hoping for kits soon, as she hopes for an apprentice.

—Shatteredburrow is acting strange again, apologizing to her prey before eating it. No one knows why she is the way she is, as she always deflects questions.

—Waternose is considering how she would do as a deputy.

—Coldfoot realizes that she's begging to catch slight feelings for Juniperscratch, and Juniperscratch begins feeling the same way.

—Talonlight is enjoying life as an elder!

—While patrolling, Coldfoot and Juniperscratch run into a large dog. They try to fight it off, but Juniperscratch faces a lot of difficulty due to her injured leg. Coldfoot tells Juniperscratch to run and get out of the fight while she still clan. Juniperscratch listens, but feels they've made the wrong choice as they hear a bloodcurdling scream echo in the distance only to be abruptly cut off.

—Hailecho slips and scrapes herself while patrolling.

 •Moon 24

—Everyone grieves greatly for Coldfoot. Juniperscratch, Thornaster and Nutash take it the hardest. 

—Juniperscratch decides to take on the role of the medicine cat. She claims that it would be better off if she were, and that she can't fight well anymore anyway. Poppyflower is both relieved to have some help in the medicine den, and dismayed at Juniperscratch's disheartened attitude.

—In the time of sorrow for the loss of a well-renowned clanmate, Lavenderstar and Poppyflower grow closer together and confess their love for eachother, becoming mates.

—Dappledbounce tells Nutash that she feels like StarClan hates her for formerly being a rogue, and thats why she was cursed with her disability. Nutash tells her that everything would be alright, and tells her that StarClan cared for every cat in the clan, whether they used to be outsiders or not.

—Lavenderstar and Hailecho were patrolling along the thunderpath to make sure there weren't any injured cats by it. Hailecho saw an unusually shaped rock that looked like another cat on the other side and without thinking, bolted across. A monster hit her hard and for a moment Lavenderstar thought that Hailecho had been killed, but luckily, the young cat barely survived. 

That's it for year number two! A lot happened this moon, especially a lot of death. I didn't really care for too many of the cats that died other than Coldfoot, that one was pretty sad. Also, I'm worried for Hailecho. She's one of my favorite cats but at the end of the year she gets hit y a monster and may or may not end up paralyzed, plenty of drama for next year! On the upside, we have Mustardfall!

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