•Year 3•

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Leader— Lavenderstar (46 moons): A dilute classic torbie molly.

Deputy— Flightpath (113 moons): A long-furred fawn molly with a scarred tail.

Medicine Cat— Poppyflower (42 moons): A light-brown mackerel tabby molly.

Juniperscratch (27 moons): A pale orange ticked tabby molly with a twisted, scarred leg.


Thornaster (54 moons): A mottled-brown tom with a dark stripe running down his back.

Nutash (31 moons): A silver classic tabby and white tom.

Waternose (33 moons): A chocolate point molly.

Spotshade (72 moons): A silver smoke molly.

Shatteredburrow (76 moons): A dilute tortoiseshell molly.

Hailecho (23 moons): A pale gray and white rosetted molly.

Dappledbounce (20 moons): A brown speckled and white molly.

Mustardfall (96 moons): A dilute tabico point molly.


Talonlight (128 moons): A dark blue-gray ticked tabby tom.

•Moon 25•

—Lavenderstar falls very ill with a case of yellowcough.

—Nutash is having a recurring nightmare about being chased by a pack of dogs.

—Juniperscratch is worried that other cats are judging her for becoming a medicine cat.

—Shatteredburrow keeps calling cats by the wrong name, many cats are beginning to find her rather suspicious. She tries to convince them that she's just tired, but some think she's going crazy.

—Nothing of particular interest happened this moon.

•Moon 26•

—Waternose gossips to Nutash about which cats she thinks would have interesting kits, and which ones go well together. 

—Nothing interesting happens during patrols.

•Moon 27•

—Lavenderstar has recovered from yellowcough!

—Shatteredburrow is talking to herself again, most of the cats begin to believe that she must've gotten hit in the head when she was hit on the thunderpath.

—While training, Mustardsplash notices that Flightpath seems to be admiring her!

—Dappledbounce and Lavenderstar hear something while they were on a hunting patrol. Dappledbounce chooses to go and investigate and sees a fox. They run away quickly, but the fox still manages to injure Dappledbounce's tail.

•Moon 28•

—Hailecho has proudly announced that she's expecting kits! The clan is overjoyed, as they will be the first kits born in the clan. 

—Lavenderstar considers forming an alliance with one of the other clans so they can have some help with some of the frequent dangerous animals.

—Juniperscratch is still feeling rather gloomy, not being used to being stuck in camp so often.

—During a patrol, Mustardfall, Waternose and Spotshade spot a large dog chasing something. After closer inspection they realize that it's another cat! They quickly divert the dog's attention and chase it out of their territory. The other cat introduces herself as Bearsky, and she says that she came from CloverClan. She chooses to join LavenderClan instead.

•Moon 29

—Flightpath has gotten heat exhaustion after she spent too much time patrolling!

—Hailecho's broken back has begun to grow infected, which is especially concerning considering she's expecting kits. 

—Bearsky is thinking about maybe taking a mate in her new clan, even though she just joined. 

—Waternose has begun mimicking Lavenderstar's body language while talking to other cats, attempting to seem more powerful and intimidating.

—Patrols were boring.

•Moon 30•

—Despite having a broken back at the time of giving birth, Hailecho managed to have three healthy kits, Dustkit, Applekit and Coyotekit. The infection in her back has also gone away.

—Flightpath has recovered from her heat exhaustion!

—Dappledbounce's tail has healed well!

—Lavenderstar already thinks of who could mentor the new kits.

—Spotshade was patrolling with Lavenderstar when she spots a rabbit over CloverClan's territory. She remembers what happened last time, but she chooses to go after it anyway. The same thing happened as before, with Spotshade leaving with a hurt tail and damaged ego.

•Moon 31•

—Waternose finally gains the scar she's always wanted after getting into a border skirmish.

—Shatteredburrow manages to finally catch a rabbit from CloverClan's territory without being caught.

•Moon 32•

—Poppyflower has announced that she's expecting kits!

—Lavenderstar lost a life to a dog. She's now down to seven lives.

—Waternose is feeling down while watching Coyotekit, Applekit and Dustkit, wishing she had kits of her own.

—Patrols were boring again.

•Moon 33•

—Flightpath has retired to the elder's den. The clan thanks her for serving as deputy for so long, and tell her that she deserves to be happy in the elder's den.

—Spotshade's tail has healed!

—Waternose is chosen as the new deputy, her confidence and ambition made her seem like the perfect cat to be leader.

—Waternose is daydreaming about a celebration in her honor.

•Moon 34•

—Poppyflower gives birth to a singular kit, Smallkit!

—Juniperscratch has announced that she's expecting kits, but no one knows who the father is.

—While patrolling Mustardfall and Lavenderstar find an abandoned kit. They quickly take the young kit back to camp and have the two queen take care of him. He joins the clan under the name of Harvestkit!

—Thornaster and Nutash manage to chase a large dog from their territory without getting injured!

•Moon 35

—Waternose has finally announced that she's expecting kits!

—Hailecho's broken back has finally healed!

—Applekit catches greencough after wandering out of camp in the cold.

—Harvestpaw has been named an apprentice and is given to Dappledbounce to train.

—While patrolling the ground beneath Waternose collapses, but she is quickly saved by Thornaster, only a little shaken up by the whole ordeal.

•Moon 36

—Juniperscratch gives birth to a single kit named Snipkit. She also adopts a kit named Berrykit after he was abandoned by a loner.

—Applekit dies of greencough right before she became an apprentice. Her entire family grieves for her.

—Dustpaw is apprenticed to Mustardfall while Coyotepaw chooses to take the paths of a medicine cat, especially after the death of her sister.

—Shatteredburrow is considering taking a mate, but she's worried it'll be difficult due to her strange attitude.

—Smallkit is going around and asking how he's a tortoiseshell when he's a male, and they're supposed to be born female. No one has any answers.

—While patrolling, Dustpaw and Mustardfall run into a rogue named Trout, who offers to join the clan as a medicine cat. The clan welcomes her and she takes the name of Troutleaf!

That's another year finished! This was a much happier one than the last one, plus we've finally gotten kits! 

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