Another one in my life.

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I walked home a little slower than everyone else.

I was still thinking what would happen if I accidentally or intentionally hurt Aurora; what would Eveline do?

I wasn't planning on it anytime soon, but in the future maybe...

I kept those thoughts on my mind as I went home.

When I arrived, I could tell that they had gotten here already, because the door was slightly open, and the only other one here was my mom, and she never leaves the door open.

I walked inside, and the creak of the door made my presence known to everyone in the whole town.

I shut the door, and looked forward. I heard both Yeper and Eveline in the other room, probably playing some sort of game, or planning on going somewhere.

I walked down the hall to my room.

But when I got there, the silence was interrupted by Yeper coming to my door.

"Hey Tendo?" Yeper asked me, causing me to stop and look at her.

"Yes?" I wondered what she was asking me now. I hoped she didn't want me to try on some girly clothing or anything like that.

"Can you come to my room, please?" She responded.

I was a little skeptical about this, but I complied, and walked toward her room, with her leading the way.

When we got there, Eveline was waiting in the center of the room, right on the floor. She was laying there, looking at some magazines.

I walked a little further in, which was a mistake.

Yeper closed the door behind me.

I whipped around, and saw that Yeper was blocking my way out. I was trapped.

"We need to know something." Eveline began. "We must know this. You have no choice but to answer this question."

I nodded and gulped. Now I was worried that they WERE going to make me try on REALLY girly clothing, and force me out in public.

Yeper and Eveline looked at each other and nodded. "We need to know, if you can wear the new tuxedo we ordered?" Yeper said.

Now I was truly horrified. I never wore tuxedos. NEVER. They are a death sentence.

"Wh-why?" I asked nervously.

Yeper and Eveline both smiled. " You have nothing to worry about. We just want you to look your best for a romantic dinner tonight with Aurora."

My eyes widened. They what?!

"Sorry, but I ha-have to go." I turned toward the door, but was still blocked by Yeper.

"No way out of it." Yeper reminded me. "You have got to look the part. After all, this may be the time when you two kiss for real."

I was freaking out at this point. No way was I going through with this. What was with everyone going behind my back, and making all these surprise set-ups?

"It will be nice to actually have you look nice." Eveline told me.

That insult temporarily snapped me back into focus.

"What? I don't need a tuxedo to look nice!" I informed her.

Eveline laughed.

"Come on Tendo," Yeper begged me. "Please?" She looked innocent, and fragile when she said this.

I was starting to agree with what they said. A tuxedo wouldn't be bad necessarily... I thought to myself. I could actually look professional...

No! I would not let myself be swayed so easily! I would fight back!

"I was never informed of this." I said to them. Ha! That showed them!

Yeper however, had an response, "Oh we know. We knew if we did tell you beforehand, you would've canceled everything."

She was right of course.

"So we went behind your back. But can you blame us? We just wanted you to finally have someone special!" They both looked at each other, and giggled. "And see you two kiss."

I blushed. "I am kissing no one."

"Pfft." Eveline answered. "Whatever you say."

Yeper looked back up at me. "Please?"

I tried refusing but found out I didn't have the heart or mind to do so. It was frustrating, but it seemed...

That I would have to try on tuxedos, picked out by girls.

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