Constan's Christmas Predicament.

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Constan loved this time of year!

All the gifts, and good food, as well as family coming over. He also loved spending time with friends and watching their reactions as they open the gifts he got for them.

He also really liked the sense of good cheer and Christmas spirit, as they say in the hearts of almost everyone.

And especially the love that is demonstrated in everyone as they wish everyone a merry Christmas, and give gifts that not only come from just buying something at the store, but also from their desire to get the ones they love the best that they can give. Or at least close to the best.

He would always purposely go on a walk in town, and try to spy on some couples kissing under the mistletoe. He loved seeing that site.

He didn't try and put them under it, no. He just watched as they went under themselves.

But, that's not what his problem was.

He was sure that Cindi would try and catch him under it.

His problem was elsewhere. In gifts.

Yes, he did in fact plan ahead and attempt to get everyone a great gift, but it ended up sort of failing, as he either forgot, or just got caught up in the business of life.

He did however, manage to get Aurora, Cindi, and his mother a gift. So the hard ones were out of the way.

Now, he just had his sister and his brother to get something for.

And that's where this part begins for him.

-December 3-


Just wow.

He had had his eye on something magnificent for Yeper, but the next day, when he came back, it was all out of stock.

He guessed that he just had unfortunate timing in that one.

-December 6-

He was running through the aisles at the gold old superstore, to see if this store had the item he was looking for.

All the other stores were sold out of this, and it was a great gift for Tendo.

It was a 3D pair of goggles that you wore, and it allowed you to see a different image every place you go. And, they weren't made up images that you saw. They were real.

He thought that Tendo would like it, because he would be fascinated by it, and attempt to explain what these images all were.

And the thought of not being able to get it... that would just be really unfortunate.

And there it was!

As he entered the aisle, he saw the pair of goggles. There was one left, and nobody was around! Score!

He walked over to them, and picked them up. He then slung hem around his neck.

"Now, just to find Yeper something..." He thought aloud.

He went to the checkout with the item, and was waiting in line, when a heliolisk and must have been his son helioptile, walked up to wait in line behind him.

The son then pointed at the goggles. "Daddy, daddy look! I found one!"

Constan looked behind him to see the kid pointing at it.

The father put a hand on his son's shoulder. "Now, son we can't get that one. This young lad has it, and is going to buy it."

The son then appeared sad. "But, what about mommy? This would be perfect for her. She's stuck in bed all day. I want her to see cool places."

The heliolisk shook his head. "I'm sorry, but we can't. We'll find something else to give her."

Constan knew that he couldn't just let that family go without this. Stuck in bed? That could mean a hospital bed.

He turned around and faced them. He grabbed the goggles, and handed them to the kid. "Here. Take them. I don't really need them."

The kid's eyes lit up. He grabbed them, and showed his father.

The heliolisk smiled at Constan. "Are you sure? This is an expensive item."

Constan nodded. "Go ahead. You need it more than me. Plus, it's Christmas, and I can't be selfish this time of year."

The heliolisk's smile went bright. "Thank you. I mean, thank you really."

Constan smiled back, and walked past him to leave. He turned back and said, "Merry  Christmas!" Before going.

Alright, so back to square one.

-December 9-

He tried so hard today to find what he was looking for.

It seemed like every single item was sold out! Why couldn't he get them anything?

That really did stink.

He walked home early in the morning. Tendo and mom were going to leave to shop soon as well. But, he wasn't going to go because he was doing his shopping alone.

He got back, and sat on the floor.

Their mom looked at him. "Constan, are you ok? What's the matter?"

Constan shrugged. "Couldn't find what I was looking for."

His mother sighed. "That's too bad. You can go with us this morning if you want to."

He shook his head. "No thanks. One of the things I would want to get is for Tendo, and he's going with you already."

She nodded. "Alright. Well, I hope you find something for him."

Constan nodded as well, and began to think about what else they may like.

-Half an hour later-

Tendo and mom were leaving.

Tendo ran to the door to open it for mom, when apparently, Cindi was on the porch.

Constan was too busy focusing on what to get Yeper and Tendo, that he didn't notice what they were talking about.

But it didn't matter, because she came in anyway.

She went over to the fireplace and sat in front of it. Constan decided to abandon his thoughts of what to get Tendo and Yeper for now, and just be with Cindi.

-December 10-


That was a very surprising turn of events yesterday for Constan and Cindi.

Cindi confessed to not having emotions, and didn't know what to do.

Constan wasn't exactly sure how she could lack emotion when she seemed to express it often. But, in her words that was all a cover up-a fake.

But in the end, Constan did get her to cry.

He wasn't 100% sure if that was a good thing or bad, but he was happy to be there with her, and help her through the tough time she was having.

She confessed to only having emotion when he was around as well.

He felt sort of the same way towards her.

She brought out the best in him when she was around.

She made his day brighter.

And, he loved all the more for how she trusted him enough to let out her pent-up emotions.

He promised her and himself that he would never leave her side. Not once.

He would be there for her for as long as he lived.

-December 15-

He was blushing like his cheeks just got severe sunburn.

He couldn't stop.

Apparently Cindi had gotten over being sad. So much so, that she led him under the mistletoe, and kissed him full on!

It had been 5 minutes since then, but he just couldn't stop blushing!

-December 20-

At this point, he was about ready to give up.

He just couldn't find Yeper or Tendo a single gift that they would like.

Everything was sold out.

He was planning on maybe just giving them gift cards somewhere. He had no other ideas.

He hadn't asked anyone to help him, but he figured that they wouldn't be able to help in any sort of way.

He was on his own in this.

But, he decided to tell Cindi about his little predicament.

-December 21-

He had just finished telling her about his problem.

She had stayed silent the whole time, and just listened. He was a little upset that he couldn't give them anything worth while, but not so much that he would throw a tantrum.

He waited for her response.

Cindi appeared to be thinking. "So... you had an idea of what to give both of them, but you found everything to be sold out. Is that right?"

Constan nodded. "Yeah. I guess I should've gotten them everything earlier."

Cindi then began to chuckle. The chuckle turned into laughter quickly.

Constan frowned at her laughing. Was she laughing at him?

She stopped after a few seconds, and smiled. "That's funny."

Constan glared at her. "What is? That I can't get them anything for Christmas? How is that funny?!"

She raised her paws defensively. "Woah, calm down. That's not what's funny. The funny thing is..." She then got up from her spot, and walked over to Constan. "I... own both of the things you want to get them!"

Constan gasped. "What? You do?"

She nodded. "Yeah! I've got the goggles, and the jewelry set! Both of them hardly used! You can take them from me, and give them to your siblings."

Constan was really excited, but shook his head. "I... I can't."

Cindi appeared confused. "Why not?"

Constan stood up. "Because it's yours. And you would give them to me, and I would give them to my brother and sister? It just doesn't seem right."

Cindi shrugged. "Whatever you want to do. I've got the stuff in my room at home if you still wish to."

She turned around to leave his house, when Constan stopped her.


She looked behind herself.

Constan sheepishly walked up to her. "I'll... I'll do it. I'll be willing to take them if you're willing to give them."

She nodded. "Of course I am! I'll go get them now."

Constan smiled slightly. "Th-thank you." He briefly kissed her, and turned around to walk off.

Constan tingling from the kiss he gave her.

But at least... he could give them something now. Even if it was used. He would just have to explain why he gave them used items.

Lots and lots of trial and error he could say.

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