Yeper's Christmas Predicament.

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Yeper had lots of work to do.

She couldn't slack off; not at this crucial time. If she slacked, then she would end up letting down everyone else, and that was NOT an option.

It was December 1, and she had an idea.

She HAD to go through with it too, because it was just so darn good! It would be sure to make anyone who's not happy, happy. It would make those who were already happy even more so! She was so excited!

She was planning a Christmas party.

It wasn't gonna be a regular one either; it would be super fun and exciting!

So, that's why she couldn't hold up in any way. She wasn't about to let down those who would want or need to party!

-December 4-

At this point, she had decided to tell everyone about her idea.

Well... only Tendo, Constan and her mother. Oh! And Eveline. She was totally gonna let Eveline in on this whole thing.

When she had told them abut her idea for the party, she got all positive reactions.

"That sounds like a good idea!" Her mother had said.

"I say go for it." Constan told her. "It's probably gonna end up being really fun."

"Great!" Tendo answered. "Will you need help with it?"

Yeper smirked. "I will yes. And, it will take a long while. I want to make it the best Christmas party ever!"

-December 15-

Tendo Constan and Yeper were all in Yeper's own room; planning for the party.

They didn't want Aurora's father to know, so they pretended to be all stealth-like, and keep it a secret.

Aurora, their mom, and Aurora's dad were all eating moms snickerdoodles in the kitchen. Yeper wanted to eat some herself, but she was too focused on planning.

Someone then knocked on her door.

Constan, Tendo, and her froze.

"Who is it?" Tendo had asked.

"It's Aurora." The person answered.

Tendo then breathed a sigh of relief, and got up. He was about to open the door, before he looked at Yeper.

Yeper nodded. "Mhm." She thought it would be safe to tell Aurora about it. After all, Aurora could definitely be a big help.

Tendo then opened the door a slight way, and puled Aurora inside, before shutting it.

Tendo unnecessarily peeked out to make sure that nobody was following her Yeper guessed. Yeper had rolled her eyes when he did that.

He sighed. "Phew. Glad it wasn't our mom."

Yeper shrugged. 'He knew it wasn't our mom when he heard Aurora's voice.' Yeper thought.

Aurora looked around. "What's going on in here?"

Tendo sat by Yeper. "We're... planning something."

Constan then acted like the absolute dork he is, and wiggled his fingers, as he made a strange face. "Yes! We are devising a scheme to rule the world!"

Yeper and Tendo smacked him at the same time.

Tendo then fessed up, "We're planning a party for Christmas."

Yeper then noticed as soon as Tendo said that, that Aurora seemed to get a little afraid. "Christmas... Day?"

Tendo then shook his head. "No, it would be the Saturday after."

The conversation continued, blah, blah, blah...

Basically, Aurora agreed, and they continued planning.

-December 18-

They still had lots of work and planning to do.

They hadn't even figured out where to host the party!

Yeper had asked about Aurora's house, but Aurora had told her that it wasn't available on that Saturday.

So, Yeper had to come up with another place where the party could take place...

-Next day-

She got a great idea!

Why not host it at the school!

The school board has said that school was not going on that week, and that it was going to be vacant that entire week! She could have it there!

But first, she had to ask them.

Hopefully all those old, school teachers had a heart...

-After the call-

What do you know?

They DID have a heart.

They said that it could take place there, and that the only conditions were to be clean up afterwards, and put everything back the way it was...


Now she just had to set it all up!

-December 23-

Two days till Christmas.

They had begun setup for the party.

She planned on inviting all her friends, her family, (obviously,) Aurora's family, Tendo and Constan's friends, and even Cindi's family!

But, Cindi said that her family wasn't into that kind of stuff, so they wouldn't be coming.

Oh well.

Still gonna be a great party!

-The day of the party-

Everything had been set up.

It was all ready.

In other news, she got such a cute jewelry set for Christmas from Constan! Who knew that he could actually get her something she liked!

Just kidding.

It was a great Christmas.

They ate at Aurora's for breakfast, went back home, and opened their presents.

They all got nice and good stuff.

In the afternoon, they all went over to Aurora's house, and ate dinner there! Then, they went caroling with their family!

It was super fun. Aurora had a good singing voice.

Tendo sounded like a dying beedrill.

Constan actually had a fair voice.

Cindi even came! Though, she didn't sing much. But when she did, she sounded beautiful!

Yeper herself thought she sounded pretty good.

It seemed all the girls had great voices, while some of the guys had good voices, and the rest should stick to instruments.

L-O-L. But she loved them anyway.

But back to the party news.

Everyone arrived on time, and there ended up being more than 50 people there! So many!

Yeper spoke with everyone to see how it was. They all loved it!

She was happy.

She was happy, that they were all happy.

She had strategically hung up mistletoe at the entrance, so any couples who came in who get caught!

Tendo and Aurora did. (Of course.) Constan and Cindi did. (That kiss was fun to watch.) And other couples did the same.

Yeper actually had a question for Tendo halfway through the party, so she confronted him, when he was with Aurora.

"Hey Tendo?" Yeper asked.

Tendo and Aurora both were gazing through class windows outside. But they both turned to her. "Yes?" Tendo answered.

Yeper looked at them both. "I was wondering what you gave Aurora for Christmas."

Tendo blushed lightly, and rubbed the front of his right paw with his left. "Well... it was kinda lame..."

Aurora leaned against him. "Hey gave me himself."

Yeper appeared confused. "Huh? What does that mean?"

Aurora smiled. "He told me that he would give me his undivided attention, and person for the next two weeks. He would do anything I wanted him to. It would seem a little unusual and maybe even dumb to others, but to me, it was really sweet."

Tendo blushed a little more. "Well... you did deserve the best I could offer..."

Aurora kissed his cheek. "And you gave me the best that you could offer."

Tendo smiled his dorky smile, as Yeper nodded, still confused, but walked out of the room.

She enjoyed the rest of the party.

It was fantastic.

But she couldn't stop thinking now: Tendo got his special someone, and Constan his, but... where was hers?

But, she couldn't think about that now, when there was so much going on!

Party, party, party!

(There you go! That was tough. Phew! My longest few chapters. Alright, so I've got some things to address...

This story has pretty much ENDED. I know it has a large fanbase, [thank you so much! ^^] but I can't continue it forever.

I've gotten some questions about writing a sequel of Tendo and Aurora's marriage. I'm gonna tell you right now: I am thinking. If I did pursue that, know that it wouldn't be easy, and might actually become boring.

I COULD make it about their children, but that would also be harder than just starting a whole new story altogether.

So, that's probably a no. Sorry.

I am considering making a New Year's chapter, but it would be really difficult to think of a plot.

So, probably not about that too. Sorry again.

I WILL however, be making a Valentines special. Actually, 3 chapters. Which brings me to the next point:

I know that these last few chapters have been more toward the serious side of things. And, that's what I intended.

But do not fret! The Valentines will be more laid back, and more toward humor romance than serious romance.

There will be newcomers, lots of flirting, and some lovey dovey stuff!

And don't worry Yeper! I have a romantic plan for you too...

But, you'll all have to wait on those!

But while I'm here, why not advertise!

A new pokemon story I'll be writing. I don't know the name yet, but it will be about a flareon and pichu's adventure, when they become lost from their trainer. It will be more towards adventure and action, but will have some good amount of humor, and even more romance! It will also most likely be longer than this story was. Maybe. I don't know.

But, looks like that's the end for now, so farewell to all!

And, have a Merry Christmas! And a happy New Year!)

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