Chapter Five: What You've All Been Waiting For

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A/N: I've literally been crying since I got home from school and went to my room. That was over two hours ago. I really fucked up this time. And I resorted back to old habits to deal with it, which I was OVER. At least I thought so. I really, really fucked up. God dammit. Im sorry, guys. I'll let you read this shit story now, though I'm not sure why you like it. Enjoy, I guess.


Ross groaned as he heard a knock on the door, as he'd been trying to find a way to escape again. It'd been a few hours since the incident with the two boys, and no one had even passed his room, so he figured it'd be a good time to try.

He put his sword in its rightful place, double checking it was hidden and answering the door.

It was the king.

"Hi, um.. I-I uh.. I don't know your name." He said, confident at first, but his voice fading out as realization struck him.

"Ross. Ross Aphmau."(I've honestly had this planned from the beginning.) he replied, intending to only say his first name, but ending up letting the last one slip, silently cursing himself for the mistake.

"Lovely name." Max replied, smiling slightly, which he couldn't remember the last time he'd done.

"Bland. Booring. Over used. Nothing "Lovely" about it." Ross responded out of instinct, automatically not caring what came out of his mouth, and sitting on the edge of the bed. Max closing the door.

"Well I think it's splendid." He replied, wondering what exactly might have happened to make Ross like this, and to seem to despise himself.

"Well, I guess I can't change your mind. Sure." Ross sighed, mumbling the sentence with the enthusiasm he didn't have.

Max walked over and sat next to Ross, taking his hand lightly and giving it a gentle squeeze.

"Why're you like this?" He asked, Ross rolling his eyes at the question.

"Why're you like that?" He responded, laying back on the bed, and putting his arms over his eyes.

"I asked you first." Max replied sassily.

"Many different, complex reasons you probably wouldn't understand. Your turn."

"That was not a legitimate answer and you know it." Max laughed slightly midway through the sentence and laying back on the bed next to Ross.

"Fine. One, many betrayals and heartbreaks. Two, it's much easier to take care of people when you're not taking care of yourself. Three, your fucking guards tend to chase me and usually I get hurt and I don't care. F- you know what, I could go on forever, but I'm not going to." Ross said calmly, but irritation radiated from him.

"Family died when I was just a kid, and I was forced to rule as a thirteen year old, leavings the kingdom in utter chaos for about a year because I wasn't of age. This kingdom was great before my parents died. The way it is now I'd just the reminders of that year. I'd given up on it, until I met you, I guess."

"Me? That's impossible. You can't possibly care about a stealing slave. That's preposterous."

"Well it's true. And if I can care about someone else, you can care about yourself. You just need some help. And even though I'm new to this, almost entirely, I'm gonna help you." Max smiled, a full, real smile, for the first time in years, and rolled over to where he was facing Ross.

"Wow. Ok, I'll try, though I'm not sure how you can help." Ross said, taking his arms from his eyes and rolling over as well.

"Like this." And with that, Max leaned in, and kissed Ross, square on the lips.

A/N: I'm really sad, but writing this made me feel better, so that's a plus, I guess. Anyway, WHOO!!!! THERE'S FINALLY SOME ACTUAL MITHROSS!!! YES!!! Eh.. Heh heh.. Heh.. I'll just go now. - Destiney Will Post The Face-Reveal Once She Gets Her Purple Highlights

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