Chapter 18: It's Not Love

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First of all, I want to thank God and all of you readers for loving this story and giving it so much love :)

Hello everyone! :) I just wanted to give a small surprise with a new chapter :). I know you all were waiting for the next chapter, so that is why I am giving a small, short and sweet update. I have decided to make the chapters shorter and do more frequent updates. So, today is the first update of the week and if I get a good response from all of you readers then I will update the next chapter midweek or Friday :)

If you wish, please do comment and upvote this chapter :) I know last chapter brought mixed feelings and I am glad it brought mixed responses because it is a pure reaction that readers should have and I am so proud how all of you are so involved in the story :) So, please be open to me about your opinions on the story because I absolutely love, love, love when readers give me feedback and tell me how the story is :) You all can give me feedback by posting on this update, messaging me on Wattpad or Twitter on my account name @JasmineDarcie :)

So, again I will be frequently updating this story from now on with shorter chapters, but don't worry the storyline is really long, so this story has a long way to go and will not be ending :). If I get a good response on this chapter then I will do more frequent update and update midweek or Friday :) If you wish please do comment and upvote :) Thank you for reading! :)

Note: Please do tell me if you like the new book cover :)



A yellow hue flashed in the darkness of my eyes to awaken my thoughts and bring me to reality. I placed my hand on my eyes as I felt my heart lightly beating against my chest. I took a deep breath as I kept my eyes closed and kept my hand still which moved up and down against soft skin underneath it.

Slowly opening my eyes, I felt the sunshine flash through the white cloth of the tent as it attempted to bring me back to reality and forget the dreaminess of the night. The sun shined lightly on my hand as I looked down and realized it laid on a bare chest. My eyes widening as my head laid in silence against it. Thunder rumbling through my body as my heart began to race.

Then reality struck as last night flashed in front of my eyes. A tale of passion and ecstasy that was intoxicated with pure lust. Passion that had no bounds and crossed barriers. His hands lightly touching my skin as he embraced me an unfamiliar comfort that was not found before. His touch on my bare skin that I enjoyed. My touch seemingly luring him more towards me and allowing him to touch bare tones of my soul.

What have I done? In that moment, all I remember was the desire I had of wanting him to want me and to give me passion and comfort that I could not find in anyone else. I had lust which I wanted to fulfill and that is what I did. In a moment of weakness, I failed to realize how much he wronged me and instead decided to lure him and fulfill long held desires that existed somewhere in my heart. I just know that I wanted that moment and I was in my complete senses when I lured him and made him mines' for a moment.

Last night, I untied my morals and gave up my values for a sin called lust. My parents always told me lust is sin and something one should never give into because it will only bring destruction. Indeed, last night, I destroyed myself because I gave into it. I gave into the physical attraction I held for him and for once get that feeling of being wanted. It is so wrong. Wrong on so many levels to give into ones' desires and commit sin. All my life, I have done everything I could to follow my morals and values and last night, I gave them up for a man who always wronged me and did everything in his power to hurt me...Why? Not because of love...Love?Uff...the mere idea of loving him somewhat sets up a fire in my soul. I cannot love him. There is no going back to the man who did everything in his power to hurt me. Not once he decided to give up on his revenge despite how selfless I was as a wife....despite my love for him that I always expressed. Love is about honesty, loyalty, and compassion...none that I ever got from Shivaay...More than that, I don't think I would be ever able to love him again. Love him the way I always did. I have remnants of love for him which are somewhere in my heart, but they are worthless...they are remnants that only express lust for him and not that selfless love I once had.

I felt his arms wrapped around me tightly as I laid in silence hearing the sounds of heart against my ear. I noticed I was wearing his black blazer as I had it wrapped around me tightly to protect myself from the ocean breeze. I lifted my head up as I looked at his face. He held his mouth slightly open as he lightly snored. The remnants of my lipstick stained on his cheeks as I lifted my arm out of his tight grasp and lightly ran my hand over it. My hand stopping at the edges of his jawline as I seemingly admired it. I took a deep sigh as I remembered last night and what happened. I shook my head as I paused the thought and avoided looking at him. It's better that I should leave.

What happened last night was wrong and to be honest, I fell for lust now when I think about it...It cannot be love...I have some pieces of love I had for him, but not the love I used to have...the compassion, the care, and selflessness...I cannot seem to find it. It's just even if I think about loving him, I keep thinking about how he has wronged me. Somewhere I want to give him a chance, but then my mind tells me not to because it may be risky and he may once more play with my mind. At one point I may have been ready to take him back, but now if I keep thinking about everything that has happened, I don't think I can ever love him like I did...I closed my eyes as I felt a tear slipping down and falling against his cold chest.

Running my hand through my messy hair, I wrestled myself in his tight grasp to get up. I attempted to wrangle my arm out of his grasp as he held me tightly. I continued to struggle pull my arm out and before I knew it his eyes became wide open. I looked up at his face as he seemingly moved it downwards towards me. His eyes standing still on my face as his hand softly ran through the tangles of my hair. His touch unfamiliar as it felt more comforting as his hand softly caressed the back of my head. A shiver going down my spine at the soft touch I felt. I noticed a soft smile appearing on his face as he looked at me and ran his hand on the side of my cheek attempting me to lure me towards him.

No Anika. Don't be lured. This is wrong and a sin. Don't do this. Get up and leave. Leave him for once and for all. The thoughts seemingly energizing me as I pushed my hands against his chest and with all my energy sat up. His face appearing seemingly confused as he looked at me quickly sitting up.

I avoided his gaze as I awkwardly ran my hand through my hair looking around the tent and noticing the pillows were thrown everywhere as a blanket seemingly made it to the edge of the zipper of the small opening of the tent. There was an awkward silence that ran through the tent as we looked at each other awkwardly. I didn't know what to say. I couldn't say considering there was no excuse on hand. I was in my senses when I decided to give in to his touch and for once be comforted by it.

I noticed his hand reaching out towards me as I quickly pulled it back. His eyebrows raising as he looked at me confused as I looked up at him. His mouth slightly wide open as he ran his hand through his hair.

"Anika...about last night...I...I don't know what to say...All I know is that we both were in our senses and we clearly knew what we were doing. That moment...was everything to me Anika..." He paused as my eyes widened as I looked up at him trying to understand the meaning of his words as he bit his lip and looked at his palms before at me as he softly smiled.

"Anika, I can only find comfort in your presence. Your presence brings peace that I have always searched for. I only find myself when I am with you...I have hurt you so much and, perhaps, I don't deserve you, heart keeps telling me that I should only be with you..." He spoke softly as he placed his hand on top of mines'.

My mouth widening as I began to realize what he was saying. What happened? How did he change so quickly? A few days ago he hated my presence and now he says he wants to be with me. What is he talking about? Is he playing with me again? Is he playing with my mind? No. No Anika. No don't give into him. Even if his words may have some truth, you cannot go back to him. He has wronged you and what is the proof he will not hurt you more...

"Stop. Stop Shivaay...Please don't hurt me more with your lies. Please...don't...If you think that after all that has happened we would come back together then you are wrong. You are absolutely wrong...What happened last night was a moment of weakness..."

"What?" He said in shock as his hand slipped away from mines'. He somehow appeared to be pained by my comment as he began to bite his lip in frustration.

" was lust...I had a physical attraction and I pursued it...After meeting you so many years later, that attraction developed and I pursued it. You also pursued lust because that is the only thing you are capable of. are not capable of pursuing any of these. You don't even know how please don't mistake this moment as a realization that you want to be with me because it's wrong." I stopped as I realized tears were slowly slipping their way down my cheeks. It pained me to say such words, but I knew they were true. Last night was not an expression of love. They were not. It was just sin. Nothing more. Both of us just pursued a physical attraction. Well I did for the first time, but I know he always just had a physical attraction for me and pursued it when we were married. I was the fool who loved him in our marriage.

"I know I am not capable of being trusted upon, but last night was not lust for me. It wasn't. How do I say this, but Anika...last night had a deeper meaning for me-"

I held my hand up as I realized he was beginning to play his game with me. But this time Anika will not fall for it. Nope. I will not fall for his cheap games anymore. Last night I pursued an attraction and that was it. In fact, it was a closure as I satisfied the last remaining bits of an attraction. I can never even think about returning to him considering we broke off a sacred relationship...marriage. We ended a sacred relationship and after ending that there is never turning back. Never.

"Look...don't play with me ok. I don't want your cheap games. All I know is what happened last night was wrong and we knew it, but we pursued it. It's shameful, but I pursued it and now all I can do is try to forget...It's better we try to forget..." I whispered as he sat still his eyes piercing through me as I knew he was slowly getting angry and frustrated.

But, all I knew was that I had to leave and not fall back in a trap. I couldn't be trapped again and entangled in his web. I cannot. It's better I pick up myself and leave. So, I did.

I quickly took off his oversized blazer and placed it on the ground. I grabbed my shawl at the edge of tent as I fixed my kurta. I shook my head as I looked back at him as I noticed a tear was slipping down his cheek as he looked up at me.

I didn't want to leave him like that, but I knew I had to. It would be the best for me to leave and try to forget. I know it would be hard to forget, but I had to. I cannot go back to that path of one sided love where one only gets pain and nothing more. We are already divorced which is the ultimate end to a relationship. There's no turning back. I sighed as I held my shawl tightly and got out of the tent.

I wrapped my shawl around me tightly as I began to quickly pace myself through the sand. I didn't know what to say. What was there to say considering the fact that I was in my complete senses when I gave into a moment of weakness and lived an unhinged desire and lust I had...Last night, I broke my morals. I lost my values all for the sake of pleasure. They say that one should never get trapped in the worldly things of lust and pleasure. But, I did. This will be my reckoning. I know it.

"Anika! Anika! Just listen to me once!" Shivaay screamed as I looked back and saw him running after me. I walked quickly as I heard him continuing to call after me and not stop. I sighed as I closed my eyes shut trying to forget everything that happened, but I couldn't. I felt anger building up inside of me as he couldn't understand the words I had spoke to him in the tent. Quickly turning on my feet, I looked back at him as I shook my head in frustration.

"Do you even know what we have done?! We crossed our limits last night and we cannot argue that! Do you even know what this means? We are divorced...we don't have any reliable relationship that would have allowed us to commit such sin!" I screamed as he stopped in his steps looking a bit taken aback from my words. His eyes widening as words took a hold of him and he didn't know what to say.

"Sin...last night was a sin to you...We were both in our senses!"He yelled as he took a deep breath and looked out towards the ocean trying to find a way to gather his thoughts. His unbuttoned shirt still blowing up in the air as he tried to keep calm and try to understand what was going on.

I sighed as I wiped my tears and crossed my arms as I looked out at the ocean. A ten second silence present between us as we stood in front of each other confused and not knowing what to say. We both didn't know what we had done and we both didn't realize last night what the possible consequences of one moment's pleasure would bring.

Anika just tell him what you are thinking and let him know. Let Shivaay know that this moment does not open doors for him to come back to your heart and play with it as he wishes before leaving you to be alone...Tell him. I gathered my thoughts as I looked back at him.

"I know! I know we were in our senses and that is what is sinful! We knew what we were doing was wrong, but guess what? That didn't stop us because we were entangled in the idea of lust...we don't love each other, so why the hell did we do this? Because of a thing called lust ok?!" I said as I slammed my hand in anger against my thigh as I clenched my jaw tightly.

It was lust. That is what I see in its purity when I reflect back on last night. We unshackled our barriers and gave into lust for one another. We fulfilled a physical attraction we had for one another and that was the sin we committed. It's sinful to fulfill lust and toy with anyone who doesn't share a relationship of any sorts with least that is what my parents have told me and brought me up with. The truth be told...I committed sin and I know this sin will come back and bite me...It always does.

He walked slowly towards me as his eyes stood still on my face. His feet made their way towards me and stopped an inch away from me as I took a step away only to have him hold my hand. I stopped as I looked up and into his eyes as I noticed them visibly getting teary...those were not the eyes I always had seen. They had an unusual sign of pain.

" don't love me..."He whispered as I raised my eyebrow at him trying to understand what he was saying. Why is he asking this question? He shouldn't be...

Love...loving him?...If I think about all the times he has hurt me and tuned his back towards me then would I say I love him?-No. Considering how he got married to me to get revenge and break me...would I still say I love him?-No. If love is based on the idea of honesty and loyalty then no. I do not love him. I cannot considering what he has done to ruin me and break me.

"No..."I confessed as my eyes met his. His eyes widening as he seemed taken aback from my answer that was truthful. It was the pure truth.

If I look into my heart and look for bits of love...I may find Shivaay's name written on them because somewhere I may have that love, but if he is talking about the selfless, compassionate love I had for him which drove me crazy and drove me to great lengths to give up everything for him then no I don't have that anymore. If is the love that I had when I tolerated his toxicity as a husband and became selfless as a love then I don't have that love. I don't have that obsession that I had and so no I am not in love with him.

He stood still as he seemed to not know what to say. His body appearing stone cold as he appeared emotionless. Tears making their way down his cheeks. An odd vulnerability I had never seen him in. It was unusual. It was not him. Somewhere I want to reach out in this moment and hold him, but I know it would be wrong. It would be wrong of me to look back at him. It may be a trap too. He may be projecting this image to trap me again.

"Love is about selflessness. Compassion. Care. I may have some pieces of that love left Shivaay, but that love I had for you which made me want to give up everything and just be yours' is something I have lost. You have hurt me so much that I don't think I can ever love anyone again. Because...because when I look back at that love...all I can think about is how you hurt me and took revenge from me for a insult at your office party. You went to so many levels to take revenge from me because of how I insulted you in front of your colleagues in an office party because of how you dared to play with my heart and be my boyfriend for five months to only break up with me...I was justified to insult you and I know I took the wrong path, but for that ruined my life Shivaay...You went to lengths to play with me, play stupid games and then marry me with an intent to divorce...In that marriage, I broke off my relationship with my parents and was so selfless to you. No matter how toxic and possessive you were, I did everything I could to keep you happy without caring for myself and that was so wrong. It was so wrong. Yet I did because I felt the need to love you and I loved you so much...But, I cannot redo it again Shivaay....I cannot go through that again..." My voice began to break as I began to choke on my tears as I attempted to control them. I held my hand on my mouth as I looked down at my feet drowning in the sand as I attempted to keep above it and survive.

Shivaay stood still. I could only hear him deeply breathing as he didn't say a word. He didn't know what to say I could tell. I stood in silence as I wiped my tears and attempted to control myself and keep calm.

"Give me a chance Anika...give us a chance...I know I have hurt you so much, but for once give me a chance and give us a chance. Please...." He whispered as I sighed and took a deep breath.

"I wish I could give us a chance, but I already know what will happen. You can never change are so selfish and you really thing you can change yourself and be a better man? No. You can only play mind games and that's all Shivaay, so please...I beg of you to please let go of me and forget what happened. It would be the best for us..." I whispered as I wiped my tears and without allowing him to say another word, I walked away.

My soul dreaded to part from the conversation, but I knew I had to. I have to leave him behind...especially considering what happened last night, I know it is important to stay away from him and not give into moments of weaknesses, especially pieces of attraction I have for him. It' s a shame what I have done. I have not only shamed my values, but also myself by willing to give into someone who hurt me so much and played games with me and my heart. I cannot believe what I have done. What have I done? I kept the thoughts in a loop in my mind as I made my way out of the sand and onto the side of the road where my car was parked. I sighed as I opened my purse and fumbled through it to find my keys.

Quickly opening my car's door, I grabbed my seat and turned on the ignition. I took a deep breath as I felt my hands tremble from the rush of adrenaline that entered my body cued by the feelings of guilt, shame, and pain that remerged from the depths of my mind. I sighed as I looked at the beach in front of me as my eyes wandered to the group of tents where last night happened. I bit my lip as I looked at the small figure far away towards the sea which was him...Shivaay...standing in silence with his back towards me as he looked at the sea. Somewhere I have the urge to get out of the car and go towards him, but I know it's so wrong to do that...I myself have admitted I don't love him then why would it be right for me to run towards him and give into him due a moment of weakness I had last night...No I will not do that. I will not give in...I took a deep breath as I pressed the gas and reversed my car before getting on to the highway.

Shivaay's Point of View

My hands ran through the grains of sand as I sat down and looked out towards the sea. The vents of last night playing through my mind as all I remembered was the pieces of love I had laid upon her. All I remember in that moment was that I gave into Anika and the vulnerability of love I had. When I kissed her, all I remember was how I felt the need to touch her, be close to her, and silently love her through gestures...We both were in our senses and agreed then why does she only see this as sin? She shouldn' least now when I think about it I thought that she agreed to a night of passion because she loved me...or else why would she...? I stopped the thought as I ran my hand through my hair in frustration.

She doesn't love me. Her words claiming her lack of love for me are continuing to run through my head. Her words piercing thorns into my heart...The moment I heard her words I felt a certain sweep of emptiness inside of me. Her words creating a hole in my heart and draining hope that she loved me. Her words claiming it was pure lust seemingly challenging me and breaking me into pieces.

How is it that she doesn't love me? She loved me so much. And why do I feel she still does? I can sense it that she still loves me...But what if she really doesn't love me anymore? What will I do then?

What do you mean what you will do Shivaay? You are the one who did all of this. You hurt her, broke her trust, and disrespected her pure, sacred love for you. How can you expect that she would continue to love you despite what you have done? How can you? You cannot expect her to love you...It's not possible. You deserve her hatred. You deserve it.

But, I cannot let go of her. I cannot let her just walk away from me. After realizing my love for her, I cannot just leave this love unfulfilled. I cannot. I have to win her trust and love. I have to fight for my love for her. I have too...

I suddenly awoke from my thoughts as my phone vibrated in my pocket. Quickly looking down at my phone, I realized it was Om as I picked the call up.

"Where are you? Papa is freaking out because today we have the monthly meeting with the residents and attending physicians and you were supposed to announce you new plan?" Om indicated as my eyes widened upon the realization that today was an important day. I took a deep breath as I threw my head up in the air in frustration. How can I forget about that? Oh great. I thought as I shook my head and smacked my lips.

"Ok you just try to calm Papa down and I will come home pronto ok? Don't worry ok?!" I argued and slammed my phone shut as I shook my head and pressed my fingers against my temple.

Anika what are you doing to me? Why are you making me forget everything and only think about you? Is love really supposed to be so intoxicating or is it my guilt and shame consuming me?

Anika's Point of View

I looked back at the mirror in front of me and ran my hand quickly along my face to make it more better appearing as I rubbed off the last remnants of my lipstick and fixed my hair. My eyes wandering to a small love bite on the side of my neck realizing to whom it belonged to. My mind again entering the loop of memories that centered on last night. The way his soft lips ran along my neck and attempted to consume the tinges of sweetness it held. I bit my lip at the thought of it as my fingertips circled the love bite. I sighed as I pulled my hair in front and covered it up before wrapped my shawl around me as I got out of the car. I quickly chewed mints in my mouth to suppress the remnants of alcohol breath I had.

I felt guilt overcoming as I thought about how I would face my parents after the sin I had done. How would I look at them in their eyes considering I abandoned their values, that they had long endowed me with, last night. Not once did I think about how hard they worked to engrave their values in me and how much respect they had for me and my sancity. I had already put their values in shame before by marrying Shivaay and now I had done it again...What have I done? How could I submit to lust and abandon a lifetime of values I held...I sighed as I tried to calm myself down...I cannot let my parents find out. I cannot imagine their reaction and how hurt and angry they would be. My parents are so strict about culture and tradition and if they find out...I cannot imagine what their reaction would be.

Stay calm Anika and do not let Ma suspect a thing. I tried to calm my shaky nerves as I quickly walked up the steps to the front door and grabbed my keys to open the door, but too only have it swing open right at my face. My eyes widening at the sudden appearance of Ma right in front of me. My eyes quickly lowering as I noticed a questioning gaze on her face. She crossed her arms as she looked at me curiously as I weakly smiled and awkwardly stood in silence.

"So you are finally home? How was your shift?" She asked with a curious tone as I smiled and tried to be calm and cool as I knew Ma was an expert in reading body language.

"It was good. Now will you just let your daughter stand at the front door hmm?" I said trying to lighten her mood which I could tell was filled with tension and frustration.

I took a small step inside and squeezed past her as I saw dad doing yoga in the large entryway. I smiled as I hugged him as he hugged me.

"Good morning and how is my daughter?!" He said excitedly as he pecked my forehead.

"I am great and how are you?" I said trying to be cheerful as I tried to calm down the bundle of nerves building up inside of me.

"Don't be that way Anika...I know what you are doing...Why did it take so long in the hospital? You were gone all night!" Ma exclaimed as I sighed and tried to stay calm.

"Ma I am a doctor and it will take time. I mean it's my profession...and...I don't think...I owe an explanation" My voice slightly stuttering in nervousness as I tried to remain calm.

"Oh really Anika? Why do I feel you are lying?...And...what is that on your neck?" Ma said coming a bit closer towards me as my eyes widened realizing her eyes were laid on the side of my neck where the love bite was. I quickly placed my hair in front trying to cover it.

I felt guilt and shame overcoming me once more as my eyes lowered not once being able to meet Ma's...I couldn't considering how last night I broke trust and values she instilled in me. She takes pride in the supposed purity and sancity I display and I cannot break it and hurt her.

"Um...nothing. Just a scratch. Look Ma, I was at the hospital and it was a busy night. I should get going upstairs and have an important meeting today again at the hospital, so I have to freshen up and get going again...See you alright?" I said and quickly made my way to the stairs.

"Anika! What is wrong? Why are you behaving so weird? Why is it that I don't want to believe you!" Ma called as I stopped in my steps and sighed as I tried to bite my lip realizing tears of guilt were forming in my eyes.

"N-Nothing Ma. Please just believe me. I am just tired and that is it. Ok..." I said weakly smiling as I looked at Ma as she appeared unconvinced. I sighed and I quickly made my way up the stairs and dashing to my room before slamming the door shut.

I laid my head against the door as I felt tears slowly slipping down my cheeks. I took a deep breath as I tried to control my tears...I don't even know why I am crying. I don't know if it is because of the burden of guilt and shame I hold due to letting down my parents' values and breaking them. I don't know if these tears belong to Shivaay and the realization that perhaps I do not love him anymore...I do not know if these belong to the fact that I somehow may still hold feelings for him...I don't know.

I slipped down on to the floor and crawled up against the door as I began to cry and think about Shivaay...I shouldn't be crying for him then why am I? Why does it pain me to distance myself away from him? I shouldn't be pained....Last night was a closing chapter perhaps and I have fulfilled that attraction I still held...I shouldn't cry, but think of it as a way to move on and how it is dangerous to return back to the same path that I was at five years ago. I should not cry and waste my tears on him. He doesn't deserve them. He shouldn't. After what he has done, it's better to not cry over him and instead try to move on. I keep telling myself to, but it is truly better to move on.

Shivaay's point of View

I quickly fixed my watch as I made my way down the stairs. I looked towards Papa who stood waiting impatiently as he looked at me. I tucked my black shirt as I quickly put on my black coat and made my way towards him.

"How can you be so late? There is only a half an hour left!" Papa exclaimed as I sighed in irritation and looked at him.

"Look Papa, we will get there and I am prepared for the meeting ok? Can you just stop be so irritating and calm down?!" I replied in annoyance as he took a deep breath to calm himself down as he grabbed my shoulders and looked at me eye to eye.

"Well I made you the CEO because I thought you were responsible and able to handle the job. You cannot just be lazy and ill timed on the smallest things! I know this meeting is minimal, but think about something that you just took over this hospital and it is important to create a good image ok? Good image equals less rebellion alright?" Papa recounted which he frequently did despite no matter how hard I worked and improved the hospitals. He still somehow always tinkered on the mistakes or shortcomings and never on the proud moments.

"I know Papa. Ok? Now how about you stay calm and go to the car. I am going to get my laptop from the study room ok?" I said as Papa rolled his eyes before making his way out of the living room. I shook my head in annoyance as I began to make my way to the study room.

"Hey! Where were you all night?!" Om questioned as he ran down the stairs.

I stopped in my steps as his question reminded me of a flashback of last night and how in that moment I had consumed myself with passion for the woman I loved. I attempted to shake the thought as I looked back at him.

"Where do you think? I was there where you left the beach..." I replied as I tried to downplay the situation I had placed myself in last night.

"All night?" He said appearing curious as he crossed his arms and looked at me.

"Y-Yeah. I just wanted to clear my mind out, so that's what I did...Anyways, how about we talk about this later ok? I have to get my laptop and get going for the meeting..." I said smiling and trying to divert the conversation as I made my way towards the study room.

"Oh of course you do not want to delay that considering Anika will be there!" Om exclaimed as my eyes widened looking back at him as he gave me a teasing smile. I threw him a glare before shaking my head and making my way towards the study room.

To say the truth, I am in a sort of rush to meet Anika. I don't know why considering she publicly proclaimed her distaste for me. Somehow I still want to see her and relish myself in her presence. Somehow I still want her and I will do everything to win her heart because I cannot let go of her. I cannot give up on my love for her and the pure love she once had for me.

Sneak Peek of the Next Chapter:

"So, are we good Anika? Can we just press restart please?" Armaan said as he placed his hand on my shoulder and smiled looking into my eyes.

I sighed as I contemplated on the thought. It is not easy to press restart,but we were just testing the waters and he does deserve a chance. But, what have I done? I crossed a line yesterday with this man's cousin and now I am thinking of going back to him. However...he's just his cousin and it was a mistake. I's better to move on and I should forget about last night and only think about the future. I should give him a chance, but should I tell him about Shivaay and I? Should I? I thought as I looked back as I saw Shivaay fuming as he held the leather chair tightly in the conference room. His face red with his veins throbbing in his neck.

I sighed as I looked back at Armaan and thought about it. Move on Anika and show him that he isn't worth it. I pressed my lips together and smiled as I shook my head.

"Of course. I will give us a chance," I said a little loudly to make sure Shivaay would hear.

"Great, then let's go for lunch ok?" He said as I smiled and I began walking with him.

"Dr. Anika Malhotra!" I stopped in my tracks as I recognized the deep voice of anger and frustration.

I quickly turned around and looked back at Shivaay as he clenched his fists and cracked his knuckles before making his way towards me.

"Can you stay back for a moment?" He said in an attempt to lure me back.

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