Chapter 36 Part 2 of 2: Our Home

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Hi everyone :) I want to begin by thanking God for continuing to give me the courage and strength to continue to write along with His blessing. I want to thank each and every reader who has this story along with sharing it with others and each week giving so much love to it :) Thank you so much everyone and I am very humbled at the moment and I just want to thank all of you amazing readers :)

The long paragraphs in last scene are actually quite detailed, romantic intimate (not explicit) scenes I wrote according to reader demand, so you can read them if you want too. They are not long point of views at the end...

The details (are intimate scenes not characters' point of views) in the last proposal and intimate scene were essential to show the romantic tension between them and also show romance since many readers have wanted to see more romance between the long paragraphs between dialogues are intimate scenes not the characters' point of views :)

Will Anika and Shivaay repeat their mistake that they committed on the beach and led to twins? Find out in this part...

This chapter is more on Anika's point of view to set her obsession track that will last a few chapters before it focuses on her building her love again...she first has to tackle her obsession.

Yes, I could have gone the cliche route and began this three part wedding special with a wedding, but as a writer, I made the creative decision to reverse wedding traditions making some happen before the wedding which you will find in this two part chapter :) Also, this chapter has flashbacks giving clues on why Shivika separated and what happened to Chaaya and this was the chapter in which I had to do flashbacks before Shivika began their new journey :)

Also I had to add details in this chapter to set up and explain their point of view along with explaining romantic scenes since readers want more romance between them and explain the feelings characters have for one another, but will lessen as updates go forward :) Also, settings were only described in this chapter to set up the new track and set up a new image in readers' minds, but such will change in upcoming updates and details will lessen. Sorry :(

I promise Shivika's wedding is in Chapter 37 :)

Please do read Shivaay's flashback in Part 1 before reading Anika's flashback in this chapter as both are important to explaining what happened and both give different perspectives :) Thank you :)

The sudden turn in Anika and Shivaay's relationship is best explained by the long monologues in Chapter 35 in which indicated Anika's thin line of obsession for Shivaay as she admitted her therapist told her she has an obsession for Shivaay, so take that into perspective to realize the sudden turn in her attitude and relationship with Shivaay-their relationship is very dynamic and this chapter shows how their marriage will be....Also, please read Chapter 35 to understand why both have suddenly become so romantic with one another :) rooftop scene, Shivaay's scene in hospital, and Anika's last few thoughts in Chapter 35 to understand :)

This part has a heavy romantic scene at the end, but it is not explicit...still if you do not like the tone of that scene then I will censor it, but please let me know by commenting or messaging me :)

The last scene has a big surprise for readers, so let me know :)

Wedding special has three parts and I am hoping to update the rest of the two by Thursday/Friday :)

Thank you for reading and if you liked this chapter then please do like, comment, and share :)

I hope to make more grammar edits by tomorrow, but it is quite late at night in the U.S., so unfortunately I will not be able to do such today :)


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The hills continuing to pass by rearing us out of the platonic screams and shatters of voices that erupted from the glass windows and buildings which piled and tumbled upon one another. My body laying at an angle as we continued to escape from the miseries of the world and dive into a silence...a complete silence untouched by yet the malicious hands of other beings.

Lifting my eyes towards Shivaay, I found a soft smile touching his lips...the very lips that allievated my tears which had slipped at the corner of my lips...begging me to want more of him, but knowing to keep a distance since it was wrong to even indulge in a moment like this knowing how he had brutally dug his fingers into my love and laid his marks of betrayal upon it.

My hand trembling with my fingertips trailing from the cold realm of my neck towards the spot at the corner of my lip, where he laid a tender desire, that still was tingling and continuing to heat up. Shivaay's gaze appearing to fall upon me realizing what I was I was tending the mark he had laid.

We're going home. His words lingering in the back of my mind as I saw us escape the streets San Francisco before driving down a single road leading to the hills. Home...What home? Where is he taking me? Isn't his home where his family is or...? My heart dropping its beats in nervousness as I clasped the palm of my hand against my chin looking out the window to only find a reflection of the threads I wore around my wrist...the mangalsutra.

Memories touching down upon me as I looked at the mangalsutra that once laid against my neck now wrapped around my hand reminding me of how its story never ended, but was now going to its vows had paused for a momentary time, but now they were resurrecting back to life...

Is it true our marriage never ended? Is it true we have continued to be bonded by our vows that never ended by a piece of paper? Have I always seen myself as his wife...seen myself as his wife in the moments we have shared since he came back...seen myself as his wife the night we...

Closing my eyes shut, I attempted to drive the ill thought out of my mind, but failing realizing it was still there continuing to fall within me and reach out to the mehfil of my heart where my love for him weakly sung its tunes...If I look into this mehfil, I can find moments my heart sung for sung the night I held him in my arms during Priyanka's sung in that elevator where he held me in his sung when he breathed life into me saving when I almost slipped away into deep sung the night of the carnival where he sat next to me and for the first time admitted his sung at the beach where we became one to only be sung when he saved me and protected my honor...the tunes faltered when he decided to claim me as his in front of the world in a wrong way...but the tunes continued to sing in silence when I laid alone on the ground and he took me into his shelter...comforting me...salvaging my tears...this heart sung its tunes when he protected my children... no our children in front of the cruel world claiming us as his...

Tears escaping from that withered rubab that continued to sing its chorus in the mehfil of my love telling me that all this did sing tunes of our sacred vows that we had vowed to each other.

My gaze lifting up as my vision appeared to gain clarity from the blur that had appeared to cover it for a heart faltering not able to realize what it had caught sight of...sight of lost dreams that it once had built upon a fragile glass of hope...The distance appearing to clear as darkness escaped with light falling upon the hope I had built...the home I myself had built...years ago...for our family.


My hand wrapping around my womb, I felt the little one kick against it bundling in excitement awaiting for the surprise that it was to see through her mother's eyes. A giggle escaping from me as I laid my head against the seat while responding to the kick with my own by hitting my foot loudly against the ground.

"Shivaay! Look...even our baby wants to now know we are going!...Hm! Tell me nah...Please?" I pouted my lips looking somewhere in the dark trying to locate him. My hands clasping at the end of the blindfold in an attempt to untie it before I felt the warmth of his hand immediately grab hold of it.

"No! Don't you dare Anika! I swear you are becoming more of a child yourself each and every day!" He exclaimed with a tinge of annoyance appearing to lose his patience inciting a wide smirk across my lips as I hummed a tune.

"Oh really? Well...this is called karma Mr. Oberoi...Remember how much of a child you were when we got married? So, this is karma to you!" I exclaimed wittingly as Shivaay took a large sigh to hold his thoughts knowing I was trying really hard to tease him since I was enjoying doing such at the moment.

"You know you are taking quite a bit of advantage with your pregnancy," He spoke trying to remind me how I seemingly had lost demure and exchanged for a gregarious personality always out to find ways to needle him since somehow I found thrill in it to spice up our marriage...

Shrugging my shoulders, I continued to grin before wrapping my hands around the growing child that was now beginning to blossom to life each and every day. "I know and I am proud of it!...You know I read somewhere we should always try to add some vibrance and spice to marriage or else it get's very dull and bland especially after children are born," I noted trying to bring out the artifact of knowledge I had kept within me.

Silence appearing to touch him as he appeared to think of a thought before clearing his throat loudly. "Oh really?...Hmm...spice you said?" He spoke once again while I nodded remembering how I had read to always continue teasing your partner and indulge in low level conflict as it helps to grow and clear up paths for future misunderstandings.

The car coming to a sudden stop as I looked around trying to hear a sound or some hint about where we were. Ever since the morning, Shivaay kept repeating he has a surprise for me and barely had let me take a shower before forcing me to come with him and see what surprise he has in store...indeed my mind is running in loops trying to figure the surprise, but failing to find it.

"Oh can you please untie the blindfolds now? Your child and I are not happy right now and frankly feeling quite suffocated...You do know what happens when we are not happy and satisfied!" I proclaimed trying to remind him how he has been a victim to sudden onsets of my temper that have been blooming since the first trimester of the pregnancy...

I have had a temper since I was young, but seemingly it has become more fierce which can be due to the little one not feeling her best...Yes her. Shivaay has told me to always refer to our baby as a girl since he wants a daughter and believes we will jinx the hope by it.

"You mean our daughter? Correct?" Shivaay spoke with command once again as I sighed shaking my head before crossing my arms knowing he was quite adamant at the moment of wanting a girl and not a boy which I cannot reason myself yet why he would want such.

"Yes my love, daughter," I replied trying to keep my patience while Shivaay let out a small chuckle before appearing to get out of the car letting the sound of the ocean pass by. The inquisitive mouse inside of me trying to raise her ears to match the trail of clues and open the box of surprise before he does it...

The door next to me opening as I looked towards him where he likely was standing. "If we have a son, what are you going to do then? Hm?" I questioned curiously while Shivaay took a deep breath of perseverance before grabbing a hold of my hand.

" many times have I told you to not speak in such a manner? How many times have I told you to pray for a daughter? Can you just listen to this one request I have?" He requested as a giggle touched my lips realizing I was being the annoying devil at the moment who continued to pester him.

"Hmm...I don't know...Look it's all up to fate whether we have a boy or a girl...I hope you do understand," I noted my point feeling Shivaay pulling me out of the car with my hand on my womb barely able to lift its weight up.

"Acha let's not argue now ok? I want this moment to be special...for the three of us," He spoke in a softened voice which was a rarity.

And keeping the silence dancing, I felt a delicate, heated touch stealthily trail its way around the silk covering my waist before enveloping it tightly. A gasp erupting from me as my hands immediately grabbed hold of the intruder to only know it belonged to my lover. "Shivaay! What are you doing?!" I exclaimed hearing a dull, snicker erupt from his lips before I felt them grab hold of my cheek taming my giddy spirit...asserting he was the one in control.

His hand teasing the knot of the blindfold entangling is fingers into it before tugging me towards him. His lips laying a supple of warmth as they slid delicately down to my neck before relishing into a pond of saliva as he deepened the kiss on my sweetspot knowing that is where pleasure arose from.

My body beginning to tremble as I bit my lip trying to hold on to myself, but finding his seduction tempting lifting a warm feeling within me. "" I began to stutter losing my words like a bird that continue to squeak the same tune when consumed with an utter loss of time.

"You...projected...a dull, boring marriage for I am trying to liven the excitement," He whispered huskily making me dig my nails into his hands feeling his lips press their stubborn way into the silky blouse that was tied to my saree's pallu...

A coy smile touching my lips finding excitement in the moment though knowing it was wrong how we were in public indulging in such affection. The thought letting me break out of the steam as I shook my head. "N-no...p-people...will see us...Stop please," I whispered while Shivaay faintly grinned against my shoulder before laying his pierced lips against my ears blowing heat into them lighting them up again.

"No one will see us...because we are home," He whispered as his fingers untied the knots of my blindfold letting it slip and unveil hope.

My hands collapsing against my mouth feeling stunned by the sight in front of me...realizing how it reflected a dream I had weaved a long time back...when I was young and tended to paint such fantasies upon paper hoping to escape from the ruins in which I grew up in. My heart suddenly beginning to leap out of my chest with dreams beginning to lift out of it in pure elation erupting as a large shriek.

"Oh my God...what is this?!" I exclaimed immediately looking towards Shivaay who gave me placid smile before wrapping his arms around my waist ensuring that I was not walking through a dream, but reality.

His hand clasping against my cheek tenderly revealing his eyes that held a tail of dreams as well which appeared to now awaken with excitement finding me as someone with whom he would like to share them. "This is our home gift to you," He spoke lightly tuning off the exhilaration I carried making my love suddenly sweep itself and run in jubilance not able to take in the fact that he bought this gift for me...for us...for our family.

My eyes wandering back to our home that laid in solace towering like a beige colored mammoth with the ocean peacefully touching it and lifting its spirit behind it. A breeze welcoming the both of us and chiming against the overwhelming happiness we both carried, but failed to speak of. A happiness I could lay in words, but only by expressing it as my hands spontaneously wrapped around him pulling him into an embrace before brushing my lips against his neck laying my love at his bounding pulse.

"I love you...I love you so much," I whispered before submerging myself in the mint cologne he carried trailing my hand up and down his heart comforting it and letting it know it was loved. His nose spiraling into the edge of jawline with his lips laying a swift kiss against it acknowledging my words knowing they belonged to him.

My hand wrapping around his neck forcing him to look into my eyes wanting him to live the dream that I was holding within them. "This is the home where we will build our family...where our children will build their values, bloom into beings, and escape with their own fantasies...this is the home where we will build our love...where we will not decorate this home with the malicious greed of the world...but only love...a love that will strengthen its weak walls...a love that will allow this home to face its storms...a love that will give peace that no other place can offer..." I whispered as a blissful smile touched Shivaay's lips letting me know how much he too craved for a home like this...a home where our pasts will not come to haunt us...a home where the both of us could find refuge in...a home where we both would be accepted and loved.

"I promise Anika...that this is the home where our dreams will be fulfilled...I promise to cherish this home and cherish you and our children in it...I promise to hold on to this home and nurture our lives...mending our pasts...and building a future where it would be only the both of us and our children...a home where only our love will grow...our love for one another and for our children...I love you Anika..." I smiled softly hearing his words that genuinely cracked from the hard surface of his heart where he buried such vulnerabilities. His gaze lowering finding himself intrigued by my smile before he pressed his lips against mine slipping into their warm opening and fulfilling their emptiness with the succor of love like they always did...bringing me into the home of his heart where only I was the empress.

Flashback Ends

Tears escaping from my eyes as my hands began to tremble finding each and every moment shared in that home touch and tune the strings of broken dreams within me...It was supposed to be our home...A home that quickly collapsed due to the havoc that soon came...A home where dreams were made in the empty walls they carried, but never fulfilled because before they could be, fate entered as an unruly beast snaring into our lives and ripping the threads that bound our marriage...

We sat in silence with my eyes standing still at the home in front...not able to realize how fate had made a turn and brought me to the same exact place and moment where I had left everything...where I had left my dreams of building this home...with my own hands from layering it with happiness to cherishing it with treasuring love in each and every corner of it...

Never would I have thought that I would return back to this home...our home.

A piercing touch grabbing hold of my hand making it flinch making me rise out of my thoughts that were not able to make me breathe...making me suffocate within them. My eyes immediately lifting towards his realizing who it was...the very man who brought me to this throne...gave me the crown...and then looted it for himself.

A regal smile appearing across him as he gently squeezed my hand trying to shake me out the rapid orchards of withering dreams that were now vining themselves up and growing within me...wanting to latch on to an illusion that once again...once again they shall be breathed in and given life.

"Let's go home Anika..." His voice gentle, yet bittersweet appearing to waver completely aware of my thoughts at the moment that appeared to torture me reminding me how he was the very man who stole this home from me...stole my enchanting, childish fantasies that I carried within me as a grown woman hoping to weave them as a his wife.

He slipped away from thoughts walking out of the car before towards me opening the door gesturing me to step into the very ashes of the life he himself had burned with his own bare, naked hands. Hesitation touching me not allowing me to step out realizing how once he was the one who threw me out of the sacred boundary of a home we had built...not once looking back...sitting like a demon upon the sage of our home...ensuring by his sadistic deeds that I shall not return.

An earnest touch slipping against my hand that laid on my lap...lifting me out as my feet stumbled not able to grasp on to the ground beneath...feeling revulsed upon the thought of building a home with him...the very man who looted each and every treasure I had.

Our feet lightly tapping against the brick brown, cemented driveway leading to the entrance of a place where I may have to suffer and stay for a lifetime...a place where I may face the same toxic love that was borne...a place where I may indulge in nights of passion to mend my wounds... a place where I may continue to lay my tears from shells of arguments allowing them to echo, but not be heard.

My waist wrangling itself with heat seeping through the chiffon layers of my dress where his fingers unintendedly found themselves lurking...wanting to provide pity to a lifeless being. "Anika...I know what you are thinking at the moment...I know it is difficult for you to return to the very place where you had weaved a dream of building a home...a dream I myself slit with my own hands..." His voice trembling barely able to keep a stream of words as I lifted my tear swollen eyes to find himself also laying tears upon his heart where he nurtured the dark, charred love which he carried not able to know how to relieve himself of it.

His tears sieving into my own that let themselves drip and smolder upon my own wounds that laid fresh and continued to scream...calling for healing, but failing to find the healer who would dare to touch the ugly, deformed lesions that bubbled from my heart.

The night's breeze falling and whistling through us as we stood in silence looking at one another realizing how empty we both were...realizing the wounds we both gave to one another...finding ourselves wanting to lift out of our flesh and grab hold to one embrace one mold into one mend our love that was wrangling between the grave and life...a love that wanted to lift itself out from the buried dusts of our hearts and enter the presence of eternity...a love that we both wanted to passionately indulge in for a moment...only a moment...

His gaze lowering finding themselves observing the lone tear standing itself on my quivering lip which was numbing against the cold chills running through me. My chin inclining treading its way toward him assuring him that his innocent thoughts were those that I would accept...but before the assurance could reach him, he ripped his gaze away from me demeaning himself as my culprit.

Taking a deep breath to vanquish the moment of weakness he caught hold of, he looked ahead towards our future...a future we both seemingly had somehow landed in and now did not know how to get out of. His fingers appearing to covertly graze themselves down into the breaks of my fingers before taking hold of my hand and capturing my attention.

His blue hues meeting mine ensuring I would listen to his thoughts that he did not allow anyone else to hear except me knowing I would cherish them. "I...I am sorry Anika...I am sorry and I...I know...I know all of this must pain you, but I...I want to start...from where we left off...I...I k-know it's not easy...knowing what I have done...b-but...p-please...give me a had," His voice dropping and falling as tears began to endlessly drawl themselves out of his wounds not able to tolerate them...latching on to an illusion to building a new home with me...once illusion that may be difficult to fulfil.

Relive the life we had?...My breath taking a loud gasp as the wave of love...bliss...and even the virulent, malignant moments we shared began to turn back towards me...reeling me and inciting my love to once again relish in them. A peculiar, deadly desire appearing to rise and lift its hand from the grave of our vows...wanting to relive each and every moment of passion we both indulged in and shared for one another.

My lips clasping against his hand immediately as I began to leave a trail of kisses upon it...sucking on to the invisible bruises...from bearing the brunt of being unloved...that they held...molding the heat of mouth on to the frigid, raw demon he had knowing it was from the darkness he embraced in a broken past.

His hand wrapping on the top of my head pulling me into the comfort of his heart where I began to lay my tears knowing that is where they would be heard..."I...I want to relive everything Shivaay...r-relive e-each....and...e-every...m-moment...I...want all of it...all of it...I want your s-succor...I...I want the solace that o-only you can o-offer me...I-I w-want y-your l-love...I w-want...that...h-happiness...that only you could give me...I want us...I really want us to be o-one..." My lips burying into his heart as I laid a firm, fierce kiss upon it to ensure my decision...knowing that this is what I wanted...knowing that I wanted to forget each and every wrong he did to me and for once...for once just give into surrender to love by forgetting each and every wound he had given because I am tired...tired of fighting...tired of carrying this disgusting, ugly creature that continues to torture me...I am tired.

The waves of my hair falling on to my face as I began to feel a flight of savaged, raging kisses that he began to lay on each and every corner he could find from criss crossing his lips at the edges of my cheeks before letting them fall down to the nape of my neck where he salivated upon it...wanting to ensure that the pulse that beated there could merge his love into it and slip it down to my heart letting it know that this time...his love was was now being cleansed...and now fully diving into divine chastity.

His lips pausing laying themselves against my temple wanting to touch the soul that was barely able to hold on to life...a soul that was buried under the layers of demons I myself carry. "Then allow me...allow me to bring you to our home...where you will be cared for...where you will rule and I will beg...where you will be able to live the life you have wanted...where you will never embrace tears, but only sing tunes of glory...where you and I will both bring our children to the world and build a life of only love....come to my home...our home...where you will be loved and only loved...Anika...I only love never hurt you..."

His words...coming out as whispers from his tears...finding an unusual power in them as they one by one tore down my barriers that I held for years...barriers that never allowed anyone to see the tortured being I carried within me...barriers that never allowed anyone to see how behind the smile, I was falling apart...begging for mercy...begging for God to reunite me with my love...each and every moment, I begged for Shivaay...I did...and I shouldn't, but I love him...I love him and I cannot...I cannot let go of him no matter what...He is everything to me...He has given a part of him to me...a part that I hold on to dearly within my love and now I cannot let go of him...I need him...because I love him.

Lifting my head up, I looked into his eyes finding his promise reflecting in the tears that he held...His promise becoming a life of its own reflecting that this time this promise would be held...that this time I would be loved...that this time he shall follow the righteous path of love and fulfil his duty not only as my husband, but as my soulmate..."Then...bring me to our home..." I whispered gently accepting his promise willing to give him a chance.

A feeble smile coming across his trembling lips that continued to be embroiled with tears feeling his hands cusping themselves around my cheeks before lowering his lips against my temple sealing the promise...letting the demon inside of me know that it too shall be loved...that it too shall be mended.

His hand taking hold of mine before he began to lead me up the steps towards our home...leading me to the path...where now we would only touch love...touch the petals of love and not the thorns of hate we both indulged in as demons. My eyes meeting his as I weakly smiled meeting his hopeful smile that barely touched him considering pain continued to brush itself in his eyes...telling me he as struggling...struggling to hold on to himself.

The door opening as I slightly smiled seeing an elderly woman welcome us. Shivaay wiping his tears immediately in an attempt to hide the weakness he latched on to for a moment...a vulnerability that he appeared to only want me to see. "Um...everything is ready Mrs. Sharma?" He barely spoke while she nodded looking towards him and I.

"Is she Mrs. Oberoi?" She questioned before giving me a smile as I smiled gently finding good in her.

Shivaay taking a deep breath as I looked towards him finding his smile gaining strength realizing the truth...our truth...that indeed we were soon to be husband and wife...bonded once again by sacred vows that we would keep forever for a lifetime. "Yes...this is Anika," He noted with a tinge of glory admitting our bond before finding honor in it.

Mrs. Sharma placing her hand upon my head making me lower it realizing she was blessing me.

"Please call me Anika," I spoke as I smiled looking towards her.

"Beautiful and respectful of her elders, I like her," Mrs. Sharma spoke with a frail voice as Shivaay's smile widened appearing to look towards me with pride gleaning in his eyes...that I was his.

"Acha...thank you Mrs. Sharma for setting everything up. may go now and I am so sorry for keeping you late. " Mrs. Sharma shook her head before grabbing her coat from the coat hanger inside and walking out.

"Don't worry beta. You have helped me a lot and this is nothing compared to what you have done. I will see you both tomorrow ok?" She spoke as she walked out waving back towards us.

Shivaay continuing to smile while I took a step forward before he immediately wrapped his arm around my waist firmly pulling me back. Confusion touching me failing to realize why he had paused my steps.

"You are entering our home for the first time and I want to welcome you...Wait here for a moment hm?" He spoke gently unraveling his hand from my waist before walking inside.

My eyes widening hearing his words not able to believe them considering the Shivaay I knew, he would never believe in such finding them as fool's words and thoughts. I smiled quietly finding a sense of eagerness and even jubilance upon how finally...finally I was to be welcomed in the home we had built years before...A home where we both longed to live for years, but failed due to time that eclipsed us and ravaged our marriage...But now, seemingly time has gathered the strength to support us and our love...and now I will accept time and allow myself to be loved...

A small whimper of light appearing as a pearl in front of my eyes that fell upon it...a light of faith... that it too shall continue to burn each and every day...ensuring strength and love is built in this home that is yet lifeless.

My eyes matching Shivaay's that appeared to cherish this moment...this moment when we were both about to step into our life soulmates...finally reuniting somehow after walking for ages searching for one another...begging to be together.

His hand holding the plate of aarti as he began to whirl it around me trying to ensure I would stay protected and safe...while also appearing to welcome the hope that seemingly my presence and his presence would both together give to not only the both of us, but also our children. A smile touching me as I felt tears slip down finding a conflict erupt between my soul...that reminded me how I was thrown out of our home before by this very man...who broke my pride in an instant...and my heart that told me to hold on to this allow myself to be forget and give him a chance because that is a chance that not only I, but our children need for their future.

His finger touching the vermillion as he dapped itself with it before treading its way to my temple and placing it there. A weak smile touching me finding yellow petals, being thrown upon by me by him, ensuring they would endure me.

Shivaay smiling before he placed the aarti's plate at a table and grabbed on to something. My eyes widening as I realized it was a kalash intended to welcome a new bride. Hesitation touching me reminding me how yet I was to be his wife...under the guise of the world...He lowered himself placing the kalash at my feet before looking towards me.

"Shivaay...I..I can't...We are yet to be married," I spoke trying to incise reality into him knowing it would be wrong to do such especially fearing his family may find out.

Shivaay sighing as he grabbed a hold of my hand looking into my eyes assuring me that there is nothing wrong in fulfilling this tradition. " are the light of this home...and my life...I want to welcome you into this home the way you deserved to be welcomed years ago...You are wearing my mangalsutra...I placed sindoor upon you before...We vowed to each other years go under the divine...You are my wife and I am your husband..."

His words appearing to diminish my hesitation...luring me into the myth that held some truth. An illusion I wanted to believe in this moment knowing that...perhaps a piece of paper can never end the vows one has spoken under the divine...perhaps indeed he is still my husband and I am his wife...that tomorrow our wedding is just a symbol to the world of our union...but the truth is we already are one.

Slipping my feet out of my heels, I took a step forward building the desire to begin our new life together...a life free of our woes...our broken pasts...a life in which we can only love one another...a life in which he would mend me and give me strength to love him...a strength that I truly want because I do want to love him...

Weakly smiling, I lightly pushed the kalash with my toe, letting it collapse and scatter the grains of rice on to it...grains that will not bring the malicious wealth that ruined our marriage, but the wealth of love for him that somewhere I still carry within me.

My gaze meeting Shivaay as he grabbed by hand with a wide beaming smile now touching the tears still in his eyes...His pain appearing to lift finding some healing that I was about to enter his life...that soon I was to be his...forever this time.

My heart taking reign of me telling me to step step into this path that would lead to healing...of a broken love...a path that would lead to my love...a path I desired for years hoping that it would be endowed upon me once again...a path I desired to be part of only for Shivaay.

His hand lifting me up as I took a step inside knowing that this is the home I belong to...we belong to.

Dimmed light touching our home with my eyes falling upon the dark walls that barely lit themselves up still deprived of love...

"I love this home Shivaay! There is so much light...and then look we can see the ocean from know once we move here from the east coast after my school finishes, we will take nice walks along the beach with our...daughter...Then I will sit here waiingt for you to come home...and then scold you if you come late!" My voice from the past appearing to echo as I looked towards the empty sitting room towards my left where a grand window welcomed the silent ocean waves...where I dreamt to sit for hours with our daughter...Tears touching my eyes as I took a deep breath attempting to hold them, but failing as they slipped down my cheeks before looking at the empty home realizing how it may have never found light.

"Waise, I like this staircase nah? I can stand on the top and keep track of you whenever you even decide to drink alcohol...and if you do then forget it...forget the fact I will allow you to come up! You will sleep over there next to the fireplace understood?!" My hand clasping against my lips as I looked at the grand charcoaled staircase twisting and turning before touching a large checkered square glass window layering the wall from where I shouted my will towards Shivaay when we came.

"Anika..." My breath heaving loudly with reality jolting catching me off guard as my steps halted in an instant turning towards Shivaay who stood behind me...My eyes widening as memories rushed back in an instant as we reflected into one another's eyes...both remembering the intimate moment we spent in this home...our home...the day we took reign of it. Our souls trembling...finding themselves rupturing...wounds flying and collapsing upon them not wanting to rivet over the first memory we made in this home...initiating the beginning of love that we laid upon its fragile ground within its delicate walls...and faith to strengthen each and every moment that we would spend.

"Hmm...waise I know what my favorite room in this home is..."

"Acha ji please tell me?"

"Our think we should once look at it and see if its aura is right..."

"Aura?" A giggle escaping loudly from me.

"We have to see if it fits our needs...especially the bed...I mean we have to see ...if...we can..."

My eyes lifting up as I looked at my illusive being carried by Shivaay up the stairs as my giggles loudly echoed in the empty, hallow home.

A warm touch brushing against my back making me meet his eyes that appeared to observe the bits of memories I held...memories that were too painful reminding me of what we had lost even before we could hold it and nurture it. We have lost everything...our marriage...our love...and even our child...How are we going to rebuild all of these precious, treasures that we with our own hands foresaked? My soul collapsing in its grave...not wanting to fight...not wanting to beg for love once again...not wanting to face betrayal again...fearing touching it...making it realize how in this home the death of love may happen once again...a death of marriage may happen once again.

"Anika... I will be back hm?" He spoke attempting to diver the memory not able to face it knowing he was the one who broke it. His feet distancing themselves from me as he walked away disappearing down the hallway below the stairs.

My hand clasping against the wall as an overture of weakness consumed me not allowing me to stand...taunting me...teasing me again with the fact how I was giving into my love once again...telling me to walk away...telling me to not hold on to this bitter love...reminding me the moment when this very man, who is welcoming me today, was the one who savagely threw me out of our home...a home that I built with sacrifice and love...a home that I cherished dearly praying for its strength and always ensuring it was where my family and I could find refuge...

This is the very man who lifted you out of your the weakest moment in your life...and threw you out...This is the man who played a charade with you...This is the man who betrayed you...What are you doing Anika? What are you doing? What kind of illusion were you trying to nurture yourself in tonight? How could you laugh with him? How could you find ways to cherish moment of love with him?...How?...Remember the moment he...he broke you...the moment he brought your reckoning...the moment he sacrificed your love and burned the vows you both took for his greed?....Remember?


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

My eyes laying closed shut, but light of the moon appearing to tumble into my soul awakening it as I took deep breath before trailing my fingers to find traces of my love, but failing as they only fond a cool sheet...Not being able to gather pieces of him, my hues opened finding the moonlight touching tinges of my womb reminding me of the emptiness it held. Tears tenderly stroking my cheeks where I felt his phantom kisses still lingering begging my tears to lift their miseries...Taking a deep breath, I wrapped my hand around my womb wishing and praying that somehow divine fate lays Chaaya in it, but knowing the hope was futile since Chaaya has gone to that piece of divine's engraved beauty from where no one returns.

"I...I know...Ok. I...I will be leaving soon from a flight for tomorrow," A bare whisper slipping behind me as I lifted my gaze finding his reflection in the clear shades of the window in front of me. Confusion weaving itself into me as I looked at him appearing to pace back and forth behind me.

His hand pressing hard on to the doorframe as he leaned against it. "Look, once Shivaay Singh Oberoi says something then he commits to it no one can turn him back on his word...No one besides God," He spat with anger appearing to lift itself into life inside of him repressing the grief he had held moments before.

Raising my eyebrow, I laid still before slipping the palm of my hand underneath my pillow wanting to lift myself and question the curiosity that now was leaping inside of me. What word? What committment? How can he leave considering it's only been a week since Chaaya's passing? How can he leave me alone like this? My temper skidding down into me not comforted by the idea Shivaay wants to walk away the moment I need him the most.

"Don't call me again alright? I will call you," His voice now a decibel louder with wicked vexation before he threw the phone on the dressing table next to him. Silence touching him as he appeared to take deep breaths before slipping himself onto the small sofa across from me.

My gaze standing still while I laid in silence with an unusual urge to watch his each and every move finding an unusual mystery weaving its coarse around him...His lips appearing to quiver as he chewed on it fiercely appearing to flinch suddenly as he traced his hands into his hair appearing agitated with a thought that ruminated inside of him.

"S-Shivaay...what's wrong?" I spoke barely letting my words push through the dry desert that laid in my throat. Gathering some strength, I clenched on to the edges of the bed sheet before lifting myself up and dragging the end of my saree from the bed forcing to get up.

Shivaay's gaze remaining lowered, finding himself dazed in the glass of whiskey that laid in his hand before taking a large sip of it intoxicating his trepidation with it. His jaw appearing to clench tightly while he buried his hands tightly into the sofa holding onto a thought that was simmering inside of him wanting to escape, but appearing to be shackled by remnants of will he kept.

Biting on to my lip, I stood still encountering layers of shades that appeared to come to the surface in a form of anger seen in his jaw repeatedly lifting and hardening while his eyes glistened from pieces of gloom that he kept. My heart drumming its curiosity upon sensing some mystery in the man who laid in front of it.

His hand wrapping around the bottle of whiskey as he poured its poison in the empty glass before taking another sip of it in an attempt to submerge a bitter thorn that was poking and teasing him seen in how he wrangled between different shades he carried at the moment.

The glass skidding loudly against the table making me flinch as I took a step back finding the sound a reminder of how once the glass poured its toxin that corrupted his soul, he always lost himself to the demonic phantom that laid within him...a phantom with whom I would argue and lose my rage with.

His eyes lifting revealing the red shade of the wicked, sinister, vile apparition that now was resurrecting itself inside of him. Fear latching on to me in an instant as I stumbled back realizing the rage that was about to come...not only from him, but also me. Another argument...another shattering of glass and photoframes, and then...passion once again.

In an instant a force wrapped itself around my wrist, deepening a strong hold, before lifting my feet off pulling me towards it. My eyes widening as I stumbled at the edge of the sofa before grabbing it and leaning above him. His blue hues capturing me, luring me into their darkness in which I often found thrill. A demonic smile appearing across his lips as a heated touch brushed lightly against the edge of my waist inciting my gaze where I found his fingers slipping underneath the saree's cloth appearing to admire it. A shade of red appearing across my cheeks finding his fingers molding seduction...appearing to allure me into the idea of sadistic pleasure.

"Shivaay, what are you doing?" My voice trembling feeling demure as my hand grabbed the end of his fingers knowing where they were leading to...a path we had just take moments ago.

He appeared to take a deep breath before pulling me closer, molding our bodies into one allowing us to both drown in their smoldering heat. Immediately taking hold of the back of my head, he placed his temple against mine making me gasp as I felt his nose scaling down from the edge of my jawline down to my neck making me shiver upon finding the heat of his lips blowing gently against the creases of my collarbone. Keeping the silence waltzing, his teeth grabbed hold of my skin appearing to tease it making the corners of my waist recoil inwards not able to hold on to gravity as my hands wrapped into his hair before burying myself into the warmth of his neck. His teeth appearing to search for a mystery as their encircled against my skin before finding themselves upon my pulse that beated loudly against their touch. Finding tis treasure, he claimed it incising his teeth into the spot while I heaved clenching on to the end of his shirt surrendering to him...wanting him to engrave his soul in the beats of my heart that laid underneath the flesh where he was claiming me. He appeared to take a deep breath before lifting his teeth away and with any hesitation pressing his lips on the burning wound to heal it with the dynamite of passion that rolled out of him.

His hand trailing at the edge of my hair line, appearing to admire the brunette waves, before deepening his grasp and entangling them around his fingers making me lift my eyes up capturing sight of him finding pure love glistening in his eyes...a love that appeared to merge with a timeless demonic being that laid within them...a being I found myself admiring, cherishing,...and even loving...The danger in his eyes calling me to give in...I don't know what it is...but something about him makes me want to surrender...especially in this moment of vulnerability when I have lost everything...every single thing...and person...and my blessing...only to have him.

His lips appearing to quiver wanting to form words, but not finding their tune as his eyes grazed themselves upon my features appearing to cherish them and engrave them within small treasure boxes of memories he buried within the layers of sinister darkness that lurked within him. His fingertips once again scratching down my neck and wrapping themselves around my mangalsutra pulling me closer towards him as my feet slipped down immediately making me drop down to my knees finding him leaning over me.

" the value of your love?" He whispered unraveling a wicked edge to it inciting a chill down my spine. The window from the open window whistling its way inside while I sat in silence looking into his eyes searching for a reason why this question came...Value?...Giving a pure, innocent naïve soul value is something no lover shall do because it is sin to weigh love by the entities of greed and lust that thrives in this ominous era.

A soft smile appearing across my lips feeling a tear slip down my cheek realizing how deep my love had gotten...a love that now consumed me to a point that I could no longer think of any other phenomenon besides it. "He questions his lover to value her love...He questions his lover to value her love...but he forgets that this love is one that cannot even by measured by the oceans where lovers lay submerging themselves into passion...A love that had now lays engraved in my soul...a soul that nourishes itself upon it, but imprisons it from any escape...A love that has molded itself into a a point that it consumes its beats...creating waves of lightening upon which lives the lakes of enchanted bliss that is pure...a pure divine nectar...a nectar that no one can touch, no one can taste, no one can catch sight of...a nectar that only can be consumed by a lover who will only be able to feel its enchanting, gratifying light that will awaken the soul...purifying its sins and chastising it..."

A smile laying itself upon my lips realizing indeed how I had finally surrendered to love...surrendered to its purity knowing it was something I shall never escape from...not wanting to knowing it was where I found solace. My gaze lowering upon his lips that appeared to tremble holding on to an enigma that was lighting itself inside of him. My hands taking holding of his knees as I leaned towards his lips finding their mystery tempting. His hand standing still as it wrapped around my mangalsutra...Lifting my gaze, I found his eyes numb while the tunes of love appeared to ring and taunt the demon lurking in his eyes finding itself losing its power over him...but not leaving him.

Suddenly a wicked laugh erupted from him slipping his grip from my mangalsutra before throwing his head back trailing his hands into his dark locks capturing hold of the manic that lived inside of him. The sinister demon inside of him appearing haunting as my hands slipped from his knees immediately realizing that I had lost Shivaay at the moment...the Shivaay I loved...the one who loved me with passion...the one who strung the tunes of my love...the one who molded his soul into mines uniting us into one...

"Uff...Anika!" His voice suddenly roaring as the apparition took hold of his voice screaming through it before he immediately slammed his feet against the ground lunging towards me grabbing my shoulders and pulling me towards him forcing me to look into the lurking creature inside of him. Shock touching the layers of my love as I saw his shade changing in an instant...a shade of a vile, ugly, dark specter that lived inside of him...

A unholy smile approaching his lips as he hissed his anger and slit his demon. "He asks the value of her love...because in his kingdom lovers like her are mere illusions upon which pleasure is found...He asks the value of her love the reckoning has come upon which he shall end the rolls of chess he has laid and conquered...He asks the value of her love because...the love she claims is a delusion of lust upon which he relished... He nourished his hunger...He fed upon his desires...He ravished himself in his pleasures...He asked the value of her love because now the time has end the fool's game he indulged in... a game in which he weaved the steps...she followed...a game in which he provoked...and she assuaged....a game in which he commanded...she surrendered..."

A sudden bitter poison erupting within my core as his words rickshayed through my flesh, flying through my layers, and slashing the love that sutured itself to my soul. The deep, corrupted poison suddenly blowing its winds over the currents of love that laid in my heart immediately laying wounds upon it. Shock corrupting into me making my pulse revolving and dropping, and violently swiveling upon hearing that the lover I loved was never my lover...but a malignant spirit who had forced itself within me...consuming my treasures...looting my innocence...stripping my honor...

Tears escaping from my soul, that now was wrangling, screaming, raging in winds of anger as my hands clasped against the ground underneath me...which appeared to recoil and fold upon itself not wanting to hold my burden...knowing I was about to soon go to the grave.

The sensual, devilish laugh escaping from him as he lunged rising with sovereignity...knowing he arose victorious from the game he cruely had laced me with. His feet taking a step towards me as I lifted my gaze looking up towards him revealing the wounds he had laid upon me. My skin suddenly crawling wanting to waver away upon feeling each and every passionate, lustful stroke, kiss, and bite he had laid moments go when he made love...

His villainous laugh vanquishing as he snarled his ecstasy of power."And now the game ends my love...Now the game ends," He whistled away looking towards me revealing the sadistic, apparition that thrived inside of him...thrived in each and every moment we spent...

No...No. No. I cannot...I cannot surrender to his words. Never. A game? Absolutely not. Shivaay can never stoop this low for a game...The Shivaay I know has humanity...The Shivaay I know mends my wounds...listens to my grief...kisses my tears...embraces my flaws...loves my soul with a passion and ardor that no one has ever.

Clasping my hands against my lips, I dragged my fingers against my tears scratching them away before drawing my strength....strength that seemingly eclipsed from my love...allowing me to lift myself up. My heart beginning to pound lightly as the ache of anger began to simmer and blow itself upon it.

Without a second thought, I grabbed the collar of his kurta dragging him roughly across the carpet and pulling him towards me forcing him to look into my eyes. The wind beginning to blow its rage upon us as we captured sight of one another. His eyes appearing to be haunted by the perverse phantom that lived inside of him, but seemingly appearing to have belittled remnants of love...a love that I consumed many times...cracking through the surface....

He is lying.

"G-game?! W-What game? Huh! What the hell are you saying? Your eyes are screaming the truth...the truth that you love me! How dare you play such a sick joke with me?!" Screams erupting from the wounds that now were flaming up fanning a levitating fire inside of me.

Shivaay standing still as my words appeared to pierce a thorn in the infernal creature that lived in him finding his eyes wavering appearing to falter in meeting my gaze. His hands wrapping around my wrists claiming my heartbeats once again as his before lifting my hands off of his collar. A smirk appearing across his lips appearing to hold on to his wickedness. "Love? Love? Hm?...Do you really think you are worth being loved? Have you ever looked at yourself and seen the filth that reeks an ugly, smell of malieficence from you?...Huh? Why would I want a girl who has no character? A girl who ran away from her own home to marry me shows the desperation she had for money! My money!...I mean look at you...I knew your intentions from the start. I knew you were with me for my money and despite how I treated you, how much I insulted you, and even...after you found out I had placed a bet with my friends to date still took me back! Why? Because you did not lust upon me, but my wealth, my lifestyle, the luxuries...You wanted that because of where you come from...those polluted slums where a filth like you is born and nurtures itself to become a-" His rage pausing in an instant as my eyes widened realizing what he was about to say...A word that reeked in the gutters of the sinister, vile soul that had come from the grave.

His hands appearing to loosen their grip from my wrists with his eyes appearing to go numb...losing the vivacious demon that had spewed its despicable, vices upon me soiling my pride in a molded filth that now shall never be cleansed...The ground beneath me crawling into itself not wanting to hold the filth that stood upon it.

Tears slipping down my cheeks as I looked into his eyes searching for my love, but only finding a clout of darkness standing...a darkness where his toxic being lived that commanded him...nourished his ego...nurtured his pride. My heart dropping in an instant not able to hold a love that now was splintering and dying by a slow poison that lifted from the lover's lips for whom this heart continued to hold on to life.

My feet stumbling back as my hand clasped onto my mangalsutra finding the sacred vows found in its threads...appearing to wither...losing its breaths moment by moment realizing that the one for whom these vows were for...was a marauder of love.

"H-How...c-could y-you...m-malign m-my l-love?...I...I g-gave u-up m-my...w-world...m-my p-parents...even m-myself...for y-you! I...I...sacrificed d-dreams...for you!...I...e-even changed temper, my likes and dislikes, even the w-way I c-carried m-myself for you!...I-I...did everything to fulfill my duties as your wife...from ensuring you are cared for to ensuring your pleasures are m-met...I...I made sure you were l-loved by me. I...I n-never...n-never o-once...pried upon the illusive wealth you h-held...I...I pried upon your heart!...I lusted upon your passion!...I loved you because damn were the first being w-who e-ever made me f-feel loved!...N-No one l-loved me...No one...I...I...loved you because...b-because you made me feel that I too am a human...not an o-object...but an actual h-human...I l-love y-you b-because you m-made m-me b-believe that l-love is n-not a mere illusion, but t-truly...truly is a pure, i-innocent...treasure...blessing...that o-only divine gives to s-some...." My hand grabbing hold of my chest beginning to feel my breaths tumble and rumble upon one another finding my love...that I once cherished...shattering into thorns that were now pricking me and suffocating my own being.

Shivaay standing still with his gaze lowered finding itself lingering on the mangalsutra I held delicately in the palm of hand...knowing it was on the verge of falling apart...knowing its vows were slipping away...escaping from the beads that encased them preciously while enduring the brunt and cruelty from demons upon its shells. My eyes lifting up as I looked up at the divine who was watching me at the moment...

Shivaay heaving a deep breath in an attempt to gather beads of strength for the words he was forming from the vices he carried. His gaze lifting up appearing to drug themselves with pearls of aloofness...not once showing pity, but only a menacing vice that he was eager to embrace and fulfill. "F-For me...i-it...was not...l-love...It was never love and I know that...y-you a-are just...fooling me right now...with your innocence...that fate has luckily endowed upon you. Y-you were playing a game with me...and so did I. T-this was a bet. Ok?...That day at the office party when you decided to insult me in front of my business clients...I lost an important project and even those business associates who were...big assets to our company...My father was going to take me off as CEO due to you!...So I decided, why not teach... a gold digger...a selfish...sinful, spiteful woman like you a lesson!...So I decided, why not marry you...why not shatter your ego that prides in meaningless vows like these...why not use this as a take...your honor...and so I did it! I succeeded! And now...considering Chaaya is no longer...part of our lives...I...I have no be with shall go on separate paths..."

My heart dropping in an instant as shock rippled through it burning the love it held realizing that it all was a sham. A lie. That each and every moment we spent together...holding on to one another...lifting our tears upon one another...spending nights of passion...allowing him to touch the bare tones of my soul that no man has ever laid upon....Was our love a lie?...A farce...An illusion in which I illusion I failed to see. He...He struck our vows by valuing it on money...through a bet? Was I just object? An object that he indulged in lust with only to fulfill his desires? Was I ever seen as a wife to him or just a...a courtesan?...My eyes closing shut realizing the true worth...I held in our marriage...I was never his wife...but his...

A dark, velvet colored hallowness embracing me, enveloping me, and falling upon my heart where my love laid dying...ready to be placed in a coffin and buried where a piece of my soul already Chaaya...Tears rifting out of the slits from my heart as my hand trailed itself to my womb where it laid battered...bruised from the loss of the blessing it once kept...Tracing my fingers, I delicately scraped it against heart finding his love for me...that I treasured under the layers of it...breathing its last...

"W-Why?....Why? Are you doing this to me Shivaay? Hm?....I...Y-you and C-Chaaya a-are e-everything t-to m-me...Everything...F-fate a-already s-soaked my w-womb and t-took m-my...m-my s-soul...m-my Chaaya...a-and n-now y-you a-are...p-please d-don't d-do this!...Hm? I...I n-need you!...Y-You are the o-only one I have Shivaay...You are m-my only l-love...m-my t-true love...m-my soulmate...Y-you are t-the o-only one who has loved me Shivaay...d-don't do this! Please!" My hands trembling as I clasped them together folding them against my heart begging him to hold on to our vows...our marriage...our love...

Shivaay's gaze lifting up His eyes appearing to soften with his lips beginning to tremble holding on to something...a thought...a confession...or a secret...I can see it in his eyes...I can see love piecing its way, aching, and struggling to breathe in the being that lived inside of him...that gave him life...gave him heartbeats in which my love was stroked.

He took another deep breath running his hands through his cheeks and appearing to ponder over a thought before speaking. "Leave Anika...leave. I...I h-have...filed...for a father and I have struck a business deal with the Sharmas...which depends on me marrying Tia," Shivaay's voice barely breaking through...but instantly piercing the threads of my love...poisoning it with the irks of betrayal...My eyes widening as suddenly anger lifted itself inside of me realizing what he was about to do...the sin he was about to commit...remembering the woman whose name he had just slipped...a woman who was conniving a web around him for months...seen in the late night meetings, the dinners, and the parties...the woman who wrecked my home...She is the reason why my marriage is a the brink of falling into the graveyard where no relationships ever come back.

My eyes falling to the bottle of whiskey that laid on the table...the poison in which he and that woman indulged in many which they both found their desires fulfilled...a poison that likely may have threaded their distance and allowed them to embrace...Without another thought, I grabbed the bottle immediately sliding it off the ground letting it shatter loudly against the floor.

Anger suddenly volcanizing and shredding itself inside of me...letting my mind to begin into loops...reminding of the moments I saw him laughing with her...the time they both danced together...the nights he came home late...nights where he may have...may have made love to her...My eyes widening feeling my love culminating itself in a fire...a raging, slithering, fuming fire that now was setting off the mania...the temper...I had concealed within me for the sake of our marriage...

My hands dragging against the wall as I grabbed the photoframe slashing its memories by letting it fall and collapse without life. Screams erupting from me as my saree's pallu slipped from my shoulder wanting to lift itself away...knowing it no longer had to conceal my honor...since it already had entered the grave...

My eyes lifting up meeting the man in front of only love...standing in silence as he lifted his gaze...a gaze in which a bitter mix of rage simmering with remnants of a shallow love appeared to take shelter. His hands clenched tightly appearing to hold his demon in the palm of his hand as he seethed with his anger that was taunting him to express it.

In an instant, my feet lunging towards him as I beat my hands against his chest with all my force...letting my temper lose and mold into mania...pushing him as his feet slipped off the floor barely able to grab the wall behind him. "You bastard!...How...H-how dare dare you betray me?! Huh! How dare you?!" My hand immediately grabbing the collar of his shirt forcing him to look into my eyes...eyes in which my love was withering into the ashes of betrayal.

"I...I knew it! So, I was right huh! I was right that you and both were having an affair right?! I knew it! And you were saying I was being overtly obsessive...that I shouldn't be checking your texts...seeing where you called! Hm! So, I was here laying in your home...bearing your child...bringing her to life...nurturing her...and you were with that vindictive...spiteful woman! How dare you?! How dare you even think about giving my place to her? My place!" The truth of our marriage laying it coarse...a truth that I never wanted to face, but knew it existed in the distance...I was the fool...I was the one who wanted to dwell into this myth that everything was perfect....our marriage...our family....our love, but no...everything was wrong. Everything. I failed to realize the red flags...I failed to realize that our toxic arguments were never normal...I failed to realize that it was not normal that we would fight and then make love the next moment...I was a fool...a damned fool in love.

Silence catching hold of both of us as tears sparked themselves off from my anger that was still firing, boiling, and simmering on the rungs of rage which traced its routes to the wounds of a broken love that laid inside of me. Lifting my eyes, I looked at him one more time, but only finding an aloof, hellish soul who stood in peace...relishing in my anger...relishing in my pain...relishing that indeed today he had obtained victory by bringing the reckoning...the ruining...of the woman who had wounded him...his ego...his pride...his dignity.

Trailing my hands from his chest to his neck I forced him to look into my eyes wanting to find some love for me in them...wanting to hear the words of love from him...because even in this moment...despite being betrayed...despite being lovelorn...I want to hold on to him...I want to make love to him...I want to embrace his demons...I want to mend him...I want to love him..."J-just...tell me...w-we...we were t-together f-for...t-two y-years...a-and...and not once did you love me?...Hm?...For once...for once...let go of this demon...let go of your pride...your honor...and for once just...look into the mirror of your heart where...where love finds its home...its roots...and tell me that do you truly not love me?"

His blue hues trailing the edges of my mangalsutra....taking in the vows they held...before scattering to the sindoor...a symbol of our love...laying in the parting of my hair. His lips appearing to quiver appearing to force himself to look into my eyes that held the tears of a broken heart...and as he captured my the clouts of sinister vices...beneath the layers of the villainous apparition that commanded him to commit sin...I found...a virgin, innocent love...speaking in the tears that were molding into the rims of his eyes.

He loves me...I can see love in those eyes...My heart tells me that he loves me. A soft smile appearing across my lips with hope touching the wounded love that was barely clinging to life at the moment. "P-please...d-don't do know you love me...I c-can...see it...I your eyes...Your eyes have spoken the truth w-why...why are you d-doing this to me? Hm?" My voice coming out as a small whisper with tears taking hold of it not allowing me to gather strength and speak for my love.

Shivaay closing his eyes shut before dragging his cold flesh across the edges of my wrists, placing his fingertips on my pulse that continued to drop and flutter in fear from realization that its reckoning may have come. A shriek erupting from me as he dug his fingertips into my pulse before lifting my hands and letting them fall free.

A heinous smile touching his lips as he opened his eyes from where tears had escaped replaced with the fierce devil himself that now was consuming him...intoxicating him...and teasing him to commit sin. "Uff...she has been fooled, played, and lays on the ground bare of any object...and here she still is begging...begging for illusion that only simmers upon stooges like you..." He let out a laugh as he turned around making his way to the closet grabbing a suitcase.

My eyes widening realizing what he was about to in an instant, he was about to throw a piece of the gutter...out from his life. "So the game ends Anika...Now you and I shall be on different paths...This is the end Anika...our end," He spoke beginning to drag piles of clothes from the closet before pushing them into the suitcase.

End?...What end?...We just made love...a which I laid my sorrows...replaced my grief with moments of love... muttering "I love yous"...kissing one anothers' tears... in which we held on to one another with passion...mending our wounds that laid on our bare souls...hoping that our grief shall overcome with the pure love that we treasure in the parts of our core...a core where our life is encased delicately under the guise of fate.

Lunging forward, I immediately grabbed his arm tightening my grip upon to capture his attention. "W-We...j-just...made could you do this to me? Hm?...You j-just...said me! can you do this? Hm! No! No you...cannot do this to me! You cannot!" My hands immediately taking hold of his cheeks as he looked at me appearing a little caught off guard seeing an unusual being...something manic...lifting itself in me. My mind beginning to go in loops suddenly realizing I was about to lose him...Lose his passionate touch...His adoration...His admiration...His presence...Our moments of pleasure...Our love...No. No. No!

"I love you...I love you so much...Huh! Don't do this to me!...L-look...I-I...p-promise...I promise to...c-change myself...I promise to b-become the t-type of w-woman that y-you always have seen b-being your wife hm? I p-promise to care for you...I-I p-promise to m-make love to you if that is what you want!...I p-promise to b-be m-more o-open about...about r-romance...I promise to love you s-so much...that you will n-never need anyone! No one!" My body beginning to tremble as suddenly I felt a rush of thrill and rage mixing, falling, rickshaying, and lifting itself into my heart where he lived...where he always was...always thought of...always admired...always seen with love...

"I am the one for O-Only...m-me!...Only me!...No one else ok?...Hm my love?...Y-you are the one for me...You were made for only Anika...only Anika!...Only I can love you the way no one can love you!....Ok? Do you hear me? Only me! Don't you even dare think about replacing me because you and that woman will face my wrath! Alright? Do you understand?!" The voice appearing to not belong to the demur woman in which he found solace...the voice not even being recognized by me as it appeared to lift its own life from the ripples of mania that was appearing to take a sudden control of me...a demon...of my own appearing to consume me with the thought of Shivaay...the thought of only having him...the thought of loving him and indulging in pleasure...It was a thought that somewhere I felt, but fully gave it life today.

Shivaay's eyes widening with an unusual fear appearing to tip into him before he looked at me up and down trying to gather if I was the same woman who he had claimed as his wife...My eyes appearing to burn with a shade of red as I felt my body beginning to violently tremble finding an unusual, haunting being crawling on to me...intoxicating me...making me want to have Shivaay and keep him...keep him as mine...and do anything...even crime to have him.

Without saying another word he brushed my hands off of his cheeks as he began to pile my clothes into the suitcase. My hands clasping against my mouth beginning to shake violently not able to tolerate the thought how a path of isolation was now beginning to run after me...running and pacing as a beast...ready to pounce and prowl me into his claws...

My hand immediately grabbing his wrist forcing him to look into my eyes. "L-look...I-If...t-this is because C-Chaaya l-left u-us d-due to me then I-I am sorry Shivaay...Don't leave me...Please...I am so sorry...Let me live in a corner in y-your h-home...but...but d-don't do this to me...Huh? I...I promise to let y-you l-live your life...the w-way you want to, but don't leave me please..." My voice breaking out before looking into his eyes finding...finding love that was appearing to crack through the demon he carried above it.

Beg Anika...Beg...Don't let this love slip away...This love is your lifeline...This love is the reason why you are living still...No. You cannot let it go...You cannot live without his love...You cannot...He is the only one who is yours'....only yours'....My hands immediately clasping together as they continued to shake wanting to give up, but holding on in fear...fear of losing the last precious being its owner had.

Shivaay's eyes widening as he stood in silence not saying a word, but unleashing havoc within him seen in his eyes that fumed and simmered with wild loops of thoughts that carried themselves forward...fighting with each other and tugging upon one a seemingly war.

His lips pursuing together before he took a deep breath in an attempt to speak. "I-It's not Chaaya ok?...What happened to her was fate...and now what is happening is also fate...The indication that Chaaya left us and then this business proposal shows that our family...our family now no longer exists...that fate wants us to fall apart...fate wants us to separate...and now I shall accept it Anika...ok?...This was all a game...A game that I won and triumphed in...I am happy to see you like this...with this broken ego...this broken pride that you relished in...You deserved this! You deserved every bit of it!" He spat angrily flying his rage into me allowing it smolder below the surface of my skin before rickshaying into the lake of love where I cherished him in...

"Please don't do this! I beg of you! You just cannot do this to me! You said I love you and now you are kicking me out! Why?!" I exclaimed as he piled my clothes into my suitcase as I held on to his arm.

He wrangled his arm out of my grip and slammed my suitcase on the floor before catching sight of me...His eyes suddenly appearing consumed with a barbarous rage and a manic's mind reflected in the darkened hues of his eyes...eyes that held such in moment when he was about to loose himself.

A wide smirk appearing to touch his lips as he looked at me up and down appearing to label me as a woman that did not have any worth in front of him...a woman who was his wife...his appearing to hold not value in his life seen in the sudden indifference touching him. "You are so embarrassing! I mean look at you!" He said as he began laughing appearing to mock my love...taunting it...wrenching it into pieces as it appeared to be something belonging to the gutters from where he claimed I came from...Tears spilling out of my love that now began to lose its beats...realizing how it had been worn for someone else's pleasure...worn and torn till it finally lost its use...

"It is truly a shame to see you like this, but what can I do? You very well know now why I was with you and you still have the audacity to beg for my love and beg me to commit to this false relationship! You truly are unique! But, this is over now darling, so get out!" He exclaimed as I shook my head in a no before staring into his eyes wanting to search for the love that I saw for years...a love that gave me a new lease of life...a love that for the first time made me feel loved.

How can he just let us go like this? After everything we have gone through...we were married...bonded by sacred vows that we both can never let go... He was the father of my child...We had a family...We had everything...although I broke it with my own can he say such? Doesn't his heart once tremble after relishing and feeding off of my love that I sacrificed upon him?

Planting my feet firmly on to the ground, I kept my roots knowing I was not going to leave him and not leave this relationship. I just couldn't...How could I have giving up my entire life for him? How could I leave after forever binding myself in sacred vows with him? How could I let him go after building a family with him...building a home with him?

His cold hands tightening their grip around mines as I felt my feet dragged across the floor not once resisting finding myself in silence...still in time ...not able to comprehend how and where we went wrong...not able to pinpoint a moment when it felt as if he was playing off a façade...Everything was real...It was real.

He dragged me quickly down the stairs while I grabbed on to his hand pulling him back wanting him to pause and for once realize how each and every essence in this home was ours' our love spoke in the photoframes laying on the our love spoke on the couch where we laid in solace for our love spoke in the kitchen where we cooked our in our bedroom we made love...

"Shivaay! Please stop! How could you do this? Hm? How could you just throw me out of your life?! Without any explanation?! How can you throw me out of our home! Our home! A home you and I made! A home where we made our love...where we built our family...a home where you and both breathed life into! How could you do this?!" My screams calling after him as he dived into a distance away from me...not once halting...not once listening...already consumed by his demonic phantom...that commanded him to end the game and break the threads of our sacred bond.

His hand grabbing open the door as my eyes widened with my feet halting immediately not wanting to cross the sacred boundary which I had laid the moment I entered...Memories touching me remembering the first time we walked into this home husband and soulmates...with hopes...dreams to build our own home...a home filled with our from the broken life we came from...Tears touching my eyes while I looked towards him begging him to look into my once look into them and remember...remember the love that the being within me gave...a love which consumed all her strength, her will, herself...

But he didn't look. His hand suddenly pushing me as my eyes widened before my feet stumbled pulling me on to the ground...pushing me across the sacred boundary which I had weaved around my home.... My suitcase lingering behind me as it collapsed next to me.

"I told you to leave, then why aren't you leaving?!! Just get out!" He yelled as I laid still feeling my mind go numb while my soul began to bury itself under the ground beneath me...beginning to lose its life...finding its heartbeats rupturing as it wrangled...wrangled between the will to fight or the need to give up...A soul that now had lost its everything...most of its honor...most of its pride...most of its dignity...losing everything that once it claimed to be its.

Tears washing down my eyes as I hicupped before pulling up my sari's pallu and gathering bits of strength knowing I shouldn't just walk away. Gathering force, I pushed myself up and looked towards him finding him standing still with his eyes appearing to mask itself with darkness...a darkness that lurked within him and now appeared to put him into a manic state...He appeared to not flinch once...not once trembling over what he was doing.

"What do you mean?! What about us? What about this relationship?! You will leave all of this for some stupid deal!" I screamed as I noticed the anger gripping on to his face with his blue eyes now cold that once brimmed with love for me.

Clenching his jaw tightly, he embraced his thoughts not once contemplating upon them...already decided upon what he would say. "God! Anika, really?! How stupid can you be?! How many times do I tell you this is over! We are over!" He exclaimed as he pointed his finger between him and I snapping the thread of love...the thread of our vows...the thread of our marriage in an instant...

How can he do such? How can he just simply end our relationship suddenly? Not once...allowing me to come to terms with it...Not once sitting down and speaking to me about his concerns...How can he just end our marriage in an instant...considering how momenta ago we made love...How can he just end our marriage days after we have lost our child? How?

Tears slipping down my cheeks while I gathered myself before looking towards him.

"Well, it can't! I love you so much and after sacrificing so much for you...You will just leave! You will leave this wonderful relationship we had. My love for you. You will forget all of it!" He stared at me with his eyes piercing through mines with no emotions.

I grabbed on to his collar and shook him hard. "Just tell me what I did wrong! Why are you doing this to me?!" I exclaimed as he looked straight into my eyes that appeared cold not once reflecting the love that they once held for me...All that was reflected was the filth and disgust that he carried.

"You know very well why I did this and why we were together! You know everything now, so just leave!" He exclaimed walking back towards the door. My hand immediately grabbing his without a thought...holding on to hope...hope that perhaps he will stay...perhaps he will not escape...perhaps for the sake of the child we once had...for the sake of our marriage...for the sake of the moments we spent together where we loved one another...He would stop...He would stay and realize that in those moments, we truly held love...we never indulged in a game, but only love.

He stood still appearing to ponder over a thought...some hesitation found as he sighed not once looking back...and then he let go...His hand snatching itself out of my grip before he walked towards the door slamming it shut not once showing me his face...not one reflecting his true intentions...

My body beginning to tremble not able to bear itself...Life appearing to escape as the love upon which it fed itself began to lose its breaths...a love that was now struggling to live, but still was held within me. In an instant, the ground recoiled beneath finding itself not able to bear body collapsing on to the ground as tears dried down my cheeks...My heart detaching as it laid in silence...realizing its death was coming...a death that would dance upon the tunes of love...

Dream and hopes that somewhere I still treasured appearing to crash one by his words began to loop within me...words that taunted me...mocked me...undressed my honor...

Why is he doing this?...How could he just leave me?...How could he play such a game with me?...He cannot...He is not capable to doing such. My heart tells me that even if it began as a soon changed into love...I felt his love found in his tender kisses...found in embrace...found in his sweet nothings...I felt his love when he proudly held our daughter in his hands and looked at me with those eyes that reflected a place within his heart where he cherished me...

I was his wife...I am his wife. How can he forget out vows?...How can he just play with such a sacred relationship? He cannot...He cannot. He cannot do this to me. I don't understand...I just cannot understand why he has done this?

Where did I go wrong? Where did this love go wrong?

Flashback Ends

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Darkness...pitch black...appearing to waltz and dance like a demon in front of me...taunting me and laughing loudly how tonight I had decided to walk to the very man's home who brutally threw me out of it.

My soul now beginning to barely lift up appearing to scream...scream its rage that now was diving and mixing with a poison of mourning....mourning that now its remaining bit of pride was going to be wrapped gently and forever buried in graves where they go after owners sacrifice them for love.

My hands beginning to tremble with tears continuing to drain themselves out of me...snatching remnants of my dignity with it...Numbness touching my body as it limply clasped itself against the window behind me allowing the moonlight to fall and scatter upon my wounds.

What have I done? Why am I here tonight?...Why am I allowing myself to step on to this path again...a path that may end with another betrayal?...How can can I even think about pursuing love with him...? How can I even think about loving him? How can I even desire the fact that I want him to love me?

My hands dragging their way into my hair as I began to entangle them pulling on to them and trying to gather strength to walk away knowing that this was wrong...wrong in terms of pride and dignity, but no...for some reason my body just is just not able to gather the power to do walk away.

No! No! No! Don't you dare walk away now Anika...Don't you dare...This is what you have wanted...This is what you have prayed for years...a prayer your love has sung day and night to have have love have him love you again. No!...You will will be his wife...You will allow him to love you...You will give him his rights as your husband...You will give him a chance...You will feed your strength in loving him when he begins to love you...You will stay for your children...You will stay to build your marriage with him for your children...You will want his will stay for his love...and you will stay for your love...Yes, you will stay...You will stay...

My hand slamming loudly against the window as my heart's voice suddenly fell into complete silence not wanting to voice itself knowing that it had triumphed in the battle...That is had succeeded to keep its owner in the cages of love...not allowing it to escape. heart tells me that the Shivaay I encountered that day was not my Shivaay...that there is more to the story...I know it. I know he loves me and he loved me that time as well...I will stay...I will stay because I promised my father to cherish this marriage for a lifetime...I will stay because my children deserve happiness...and I will stay because I love him....I will stay and wait for my strength to resurrect to allow me to love him...He will repent, but it does not mean I will make him suffer...I will allow him to win my heart...

"Anika! Anika!" His voice capturing my attention as I continued to tremble barely able to wash away my tears that flowed endlessly down my cheeks. Lifting pieces of energy, I took a step forward finding my legs continuing to shake barely able to make their way out. Dragging my hands against the door, I stepped out of the sitting area revealing myself to Shivaay who stood next to the wall of the entrance.

A pained smile touching his lips before he looked towards me revealing tears that he held. My lips recoiling upon themselves biting into them harshly holding my own tears, but utterly failing as well. Leaning my back against the wall, I looked towards him as he stood besides me...

Silence touching the both of us as we let the sound of our breaths tune into each other...allowing to hear the shattering of our hearts that continue to break...continue to fall...continue to struggle between life and death each and every moment...allowing to hear the pain that we both appeared to dive and touch upon the bruises we carried each and every moment.

His fingers slowly, stealthily making their way into mine while I stood still allowing him to take hold of them...desiring that he for once attempts to mend stitch my kiss my hold me...because I am tired...tired of picking myself up...I am tired of fighting...

A cold, creamy touch scattering itself across my palm as he layered it with his shade...My gaze lowering finding our hands dipping and soaking themselves with the pure...chaste color of love...His hand stroking and engulfing my palm into the red kumkum, ensuring my fate would be painted with its blessings...painted with a blessing of love...his love. Wrapping his hand gently around my waist curving me towards a blank canvas that laid upon the empty wall deprived of bliss.

His hand searing into mine as his fingers disheveled the Kumkum from my hand before letting my palm stealthily trail itself to the canvas. My hand reaching a moment of weakness, not able to come into terms, how now its fate was again once allowing its owner to enjoy the shades of marriage...of bridal hood once again.

His fingers taking a firm grasp of my hand, letting me know that how in this journey, I would not be alone and he would here for...ready to hold me when I would his hand pressed mine against the canvas before sliding his own hand away from mine and pressing it besides mine...Our hands laying in silence against the canvas painting it with our hopes...our hope of building our family...building our marriage...and building our love...our dreams of living together for an eternity....dreams that we both would not tackle our demons in this home and breathe life into it with only bliss.

My eyes meeting his finding a faint smile across his lips. Our hands laying side by side as we painted the canvas of our promise...a promise of a future we both will weave with our own hands...with courage...with strength...with love.

"Anika...this canvas is not a mere painting...but this canvas will paint the story of our family...this canvas marks the beginning of our journey to becoming one...this canvas is the one we will always cherish as it will represent our journey to our healing...and the healing of our family...Here will not only lie both of our handprints, but also our children's marking that they too are part of our journey...a journey in which we will tame demons of our past for their sake...and embrace our morality for their happiness...a journey in which we will build our love not only amongst the two of us, but for our children...This canvas is a painting of our love that will grace our family," He whispered barely croaking as tears touched his eyes.

Our hands together slipping away as I looked at the canvas finding his words giving their own shades and color to the canvas...his words that indeed appeared to tell the story of the canvas that appeared quite blank, but colored with our fate lines that now were making an impression there...our fate that will paint this canvas and its destiny.

A cool liquid running against my hand catching my senses while I looked down finding his hand gently stroking the red shade upon my palm, but failing as it already had soaked itself into my fate.

My gaze lifting up looking into his dim blue hues with light barely touching the both of us in the dark home we both stood...our home. "Will you allow me to speak my love tonight?" His voice filled with gravel...barely able to beg for his alms...

A weak smile appearing across my lips as I let them soak themselves with tears. Don't listen to your conscious...listen to your heart...and let it speak. For once don't bind yourself with norms and values of society...don't bind yourself with what you are taught to be as...don't bind yourself with boundaries...In this moment, you know that he will love can tell he loves live it...let him love you.

" me tonight," I whispered taking a firm grasp of his hand assuring me of my decision...allowing him a right upon me.

Shivaay smiling as he entwined his hand into mine as he began to lead me to the illusion...the illusion of love. An illusion I wanted to stay and breathe till end of time...An illusion I was willing to embrace if it made me feel loved.

He led and I followed...Our footsteps matching like a rhythm hinting at our bodies that were now ...begging to hold on to one another...begging to love...begging to be one. Step by step we walked through the large living area layered next to the stairwells where dead couches and lifeless tables stood in opulence, but failing to be touched for years. No light present until a bright hue touched the end of my eyes begging me to look towards it.

Shivaay's hands tracing against the end of the glass doors that layered their way to outside. My eyes still captured by his shadow not once looking anywhere else, but him...wanting in an instant to hold cherish his presence...and to cure him. An enigmatic smile touching him as he caught sight of me.

"I have a beautiful surprise for you Anika..." He whispered huskily before leading me out to the marble set of stairs. Light taking hold of my vision as I winced barely adjusting from the darkness before looking towards its owner. My heart dropping within a flash as it skipped an instant beat with shock touching it not able to realize what it had seen.

Layers of gold and pure white chiffon falling upon one another gracing over the vines of white and pastel pink roses which wrapped around five beige colored pillars that encircled themselves around the sacred agni that would light itself tomorrow at dusk. The lush green lawn drowning with roses varying from shades of pink to red and white as breeze touched it escaping from the ocean seen behind the grates of rose bushes, that lined behind the mandap. Layers of various lights falling upon the medium sized lawn that stood amongst the hills before spreading itself down the layer of granite steps that expanded to a wide backyard falling below to the other side of our home...

A pair of hands streaming across my waist pulling me into his warmth as I allowed him to...My cheek inclining indicating him to lay his lips upon it which he obeyed in an instant smoldering the heat of mouth against my cheek allowing it to veil a shade of red.

A smile touching my lips as I looked into his eyes before letting my hand capture hold of his cheek and lightly rub its jawline finding an unusual allure in the simple feature of his.

"This is my surprise...all of this is my surprise Anika...not only will we build our marriage in this home...but also begin our new life here married and vowed to one another under the shade of divine at our home...I don't want you to be vowed to me under the guises of...of the homes we have come from...I want our journey to begin in this new home...our home...I want to begin our journey to building our family in this very home...our home..." He spoke as I closed my eyes shut finding peace in knowing his intentions...knowing that he truly wanted this marriage...he truly desired to be married to me and to build a home with me.

"But...before even such can happen...I want to assure myself that you truly want this...that you truly desire to be mine..." His voice lowering wanting only me to hear thread a private conversation between both of us.

Slipping himself away from me, he encircled his hand around mine leading me down the granite steps that made their way down the hill leading to the vast lawn. I looked at him confused not able to understand what he meant as we continued to walk down the steps.

My feet halting failing to reach the last step as Shivaay's hand loosened itself against mine. Awe falling upon me with heart beginning to pound loudly not able to contemplate or gain clarity at what I was seeing in front of me.

My eyes falling to layers of photos...our photos...that laid lining the easels that held them. Tears touching me as I captured sight of them finding many from our past...from our first date in which I had my arms wrapped around him tightly with a bridge behind our wedding day when I stood proudly with him priding over the fact that I was his wife with my eyes full of dreams...dreams of escaping my broken family...dreams of building my own home with him...and our children...dreams of being his for eternity...memories I once cherished and still do...memories in which we held our which we loved one another unaware of what was to come forth...memories that now were rupturing from my wounds further burning them and igniting pain within them.

Tones of white light glimmering and bursting with sparks as they formed a web above us...a web of love in which we both were falling into. Hues of red and white candles encircling around the love he wrote upon the ground...the ground within which he himself had buried our marriage in....

Red sheath of rose petals swarming and drowning each and every bit of green with the shade of love as a faint shade of pink rose petals turned and lined the feelings of his heart...penning the love he cherished for me.

I love you Anika...Will you marry me?

The words simple yet speaking a thousand stories that laid in how far our journey has far the both of us have come in even getting to this step...How many demons he may have buried within him to even gather the courage to love...How much anger and rage he may have buried within him to even learn how to love...How much strength he must have gathered to show this point of vulnerability.

His eyes meeting mine making my heart to begin fall freely from my chest...upon seeing that it was about to be loved...that after years of being deprived from the divine nectar of love...years of begging for it to quench my thirst...I was about to be loved. His eyes laying out their palms asking for the alm of love that they appeared to find in bits within me.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Slashing his ego...burying his demons...entrapping his sadistic phantom...he let his knees hit the ground falling in front of me as my feet immediately took a step back not able to bear to see him surrendering to them...since I too had sinned many times...I do not deserve this throne...this throne of being revered by him.

Tears lifting from his eyes looking towards if hunting for mercy from me. His hands appearing to tremble before they fumbled into the pocket of his jacket...His lips beginning to quiver, appearing slightly erratic taking out a small black velvet box before throwing his jacket across the petals making them jump slightly.

My hands beginning to shake realizing what he was about to do immediately grabbing on to the end of my dress...A dip touching my womb as I felt the little ones jump in excitement finding a thrill in see the love that their father was about to proclaim for me. My heart beginning to take leaps before crashing and withering not able to tolerate that how its love was about to perhaps be fulfilled.

He appeared to take a deep breath with his hand trembling before looking towards me and unveiling the gem...a symbol of his commitment...his desire to commit himself and more than himself, his soul to me...a desire to shackle his villainous apparitions...and commit to me...his desire to give into divine fate and bond himself in a sacred relationship with me.

"A-Anika...I...I don't know how to speak of my love for you...Love is something that can never be described...It is n-not a touch...n-not a kiss...n-not a word...not a feeling...n-not an i-illusion...It is just pure...something not touched...but borne within one's is borne l-lifeless...and w-within e-each and e-every human b-being...even those...l-like me...who d-don't e-even d-deserve to be c-called h-human...y-you k-know in w-what kind of people l-love is b-borne with life already s-seeded within them...p-people like you...pure, innocent,...selfless...p-people like you are blessed by God...blessed by divine...and then f-fate...forces people like you to...w-walk on t-thorns to love creatures like m-me...w-who d-don't deserve to be a-awakened humanity within t-taught me that...that even if o-one is on the t-throne of power, t-they s-still w-will be poor...a beggar...if not b-blessed with the wealth of t-touched my d-demons...daring to face them...daring to find good t-that was hidden barely breathing as it suffocated itself by taught me that love is t-taught me...that l-love is not an illusion, but a-actually is that divine n-nectar...that only s-some can c-consume...y-you are t-the r-reason w-why I have learned to beg to God now...beg for his mercy...and I...I don't know if He will give me m-mercy...but...I...I know if...if you can g-give me mercy then that is e-enough for b-bear wrath that f-fate might want to l-lay upon me f-for h-hurting you...for breaking you...for...for b-betraying you...I...I am sorry Anika...I am sorry...I am so sorry..." His voice erupting into wails and before I knew it he immediately reached forward to grab on to my feet surrendering to his sins. My feet pushing themselves back not wanting to be worshipped knowing they shall not be...

And in that moment, not once thinking about the betrayal I faced...the ruining I endured at the hands of him who now laid in front of me....not once thinking about the wounds he laid upon my love...

My flesh hit the ground as my hands immediately took hold of him pulling him into my heart wrapping him into my embrace...wanting to lay my love upon him.His arms wrapping around my waist pulling me into him as he laid his head against my heart with my hand pulling him in wanting to cradle his love...his fragile love...that he delicately wanted to place in the palm of my soul.

"N-no...n-never d-do this huh?...D-do y-you h-hear me?...Hm?...N-never b-beg like this...never!" My breaths stuttering barely uttering my mandate, ensuring he would follow it, before wrapping my hands around his neck forcing him to look into my eyes as his gaze remained lowered not even mustering the courage to look towards me.

He began to gasp for breaths with tears consuming his senses not even allowing him to speak the tunes of his love. A sense of unease embracing itself around me as his gasps appeared to suffocate me...not allowing me to breathe...a desire vulturing within take hold of his consume his pain and poison myself with it, but not him...

My fingertips grabbing hold of his lips that trembled under their guise... beginning to dwell into their roughness as I brushed them up and down wanting to feel each and every lesion that laid upon it. Sighing, I clasped my hand against my mouth before pulling him towards me and placing my temple against his letting silence fall between us. His hand wrapping itself into the waves of my hair...entangling itself into them heaving me towards him capturing me.

His eyes lifting up revealing his truth...The frail, withered rose...which held my love...appearing to awaken as it found that demonic phantom giving into death with his humanity beginning to rouse...the humanity that he had lost the day he burned our marriage..."I...I w-wish y-you didn't betray me Shivaay...I wish...I wish this h-humanity s-spoke t-the d-day y-you t-threw me o-out of o-our h-home...W-where did w-we go w-wrong?...Hm?...M-my h-heart t-tells me that y-you had a b-bigger r-reason l-leave me...My heart...tell me y-you l-loved m-me t-then..." I whispered...questioning our past... wanting answers...wanting a justification for why my love for him continues to breathe and not die...

The heat lips trickling against his which quivered. Shivaay lowering his gaze as he began to rub his palm against my cheek taking hold of my tears wanting to take away the harrow they held. He appeared to show contemplation before sighing and shaking his head against mine appearing to hold back, but failing as his love finally took reign of his self. "I...I p-promise to tell you s-soon...very soon...I p-promise to tell you Anika...But...all I can that I...I loved you w-when...when I had to p-part with you...E-each and every w-word I said that night...w-was...a...a...lie...Yes...yes I entered our m-marriage as a g-game...p-part of a b-bet...but I fell for you...I fell in love with y-you before even y-your p-pregnancy...I fell in l-love with you a-and I...I j-just a-allowed this sadistic creature to b-bury t-this l-love, b-but...the m-moment you c-came b-back...I c-couldn't n-no long p-poison my l-love...A-Anika...I...want to be loved...and I want to love you...I...I am tired of l-living l-like this Anika...I...I am t-tired of b-bearing t-this life a-alone...I...I am s-so sorry Anika...b-but...p-please don't l-leave me n-now...If y-you l-leave n-now...I d-don't t-think I will be a-able to live..."

"!" My hand immediately clasping against his lips forcing them closed shut...compressing the mere word of death...not wanting to even think about parting from him in such a manner...parting from him without having our love fulfilled...

His hues appearing to lose life with tears escaping him from not willing to bear the transgressions he indulged in for a lifetime as his morality began to awaken and grab on to his neck not allowing him to breathe even within his own flesh...Somehow I could feel that dark, ugliness that he now was holding within him praying for it to be uplifted, but now having his prayer heard.

My hands taking a firm grasp of his cheeks forcing him to look into my eyes...letting him know that he too was human...that he too deserved mercy...I cannot forgive him in such easiness...but I cannot allow him to continue to tear himself up and further submerge himself into darkness that would only consume him.

Heal him Anika...Mend him. My love spoke timidly to not ignite my conscious that would not allow such to happen...a conscious that would awaken my morality and make me remember each and every immoral deed he had committed...I don't want to remember the immorality he once wrapped himself within...I don't want to remember that slithered, disfigured, and revolting shaitan that may still live within him...No...I...don't.

Leaving the thought unattended, I let my heart take control of me allowing me to initiate the mending of his heart...and the mending of our love.

My fingers tracing the beads of his tears that disheveled before letting my lower lip take a loose grasp of them...probing their origin...punishing them for letting my love suffocate as I began to lay a silhouette of tender kisses upon them...setting them ablaze with the heat of my lips that began to consume each and every pain of his wanting to make it mine...wanting to root the pain within me if it meant to give him a moment of solace.

His hand stabilizing my trembling fingers as my heart began to increase its beats with a knot of nervousness and demure beginning to tie itself around it. My upper lip pulling on the skin of his eye lightly softly kissing it... wanting to heal it even the malicious shadow that resided within them.

I only want to make him feel loved...I want him to know that he is not alone and that he will always have me because damn it...this heart will not allow me to even live with a moment of peace if I drag myself away from him wanting to snap our bond in an instant... I cannot...He is a part of me now...Not only do I carry a part of him within my womb...but I carry a piece of his soul that has stitched and grasped itself tightly upon my soul not willing to let go...I cannot let him fall...I cannot let his soul shatter and erupt into rickshayed coal pieces that will submerge and dive into the ruins and graves where men like him who have sinned lay...No... I will bring his morality...I will bring his good...He wants to change and now I will do everything to allow this allow his humanity to once again lay its blessing upon him.

His hand entwining with mine as he opened his eyes in an instant beguiling me into them...I found love reaching its hand out towards me wanting me to take a hold of it. Our knees trembling as they began to realize where this moment may be leading itself too...the heat of our bodies begin to smolder brushing against one another gently teasing each other...competing for who would surrender first and give into the night.

"D-don't do this Anika...d-don't l-love a man like me..." He whispered as his lips quivered contouring themselves towards me while I began to tremble feeling my heart dipping down right from my chest and to my hips setting them in warmth begging for him to take command knowing I was weakening to the supple, passion of the heart that now was begging to be unraveled only by him.

Our hands merging together and rubbing into each other...indulging in a playful tease before he wrapped my arm around my back pulling me into him making me gasp as my heart suddenly skipped a beat not able to bear any longer our parting...finding itself collapsing under the tension and conflict of loving or not loving that continued to pounce between the both of us...making us question each and every gap we closed and continue to close tonight...knowing how wrong we both we are going against each and every value...each and every teaching of society...knowing that we might just sin once again, but still allowing ourselves into devour each other in company.

His lips leaning towards mine while I lifted my knees up diving my lips towards him letting him know that he was allowed to make love to them. Hesitation still keeping him at bay as he appeared to take a firm grasp of his desire somewhere having a doubt about whether I truly desired to have passion laid upon me by him.

A timid smile touching me as my lips barely appeared to maintain its hold on gravity with continuing to spiral in modesty. "T-The d-depths of h-his h-heart were b-barren...d-deprived of l-love...only s-seeded with g-grains of l-love...S-she w-wanted h-him to let p-prove his l-love... and h-he did...b-but then...w-when c-creatures...vicious...obscene c-creatures...t-threatened to take her s-slash her honor in t-take a-way the i-innocent p-precious l-lives she c-carried...H-he r-resurrected his l-love and fed and n-nourished it t-the m-moment he d-decided to v-veil her w-with his n-name...h-his h-honor...Of c-course t-this is n-not enough for the sins he has d-done...n-not e-enough to w-win h-her heart...b-but e-enough...enough to let that f-fragile...poor...w-weak l-love within her to b-beg him to g-give love to make her f-feel l-loved..." My voice barely letting itself out as I began to take deeper breaths, but failing to control my heart that now was racing...fluttering...and barely able to contain the thrill of realizing it was going to be loved...loved by the very man for whom it had sacrificed itself many times...soaking into ponds of selflessness...soaking into depths of pure passionate love that threaded itself around each and every core of her soul.

Indeed, I want to be loved by him. I want him to love me...and love me to a point that there is no end, but only more beginnings...a love that will never die, but only continue to nourish and swell with lust, passion, and solace. Yes, is a sin, but it is what keeps us together...allows us to hold on to one another even when we want to part. I want him to love touch each wound he has given me and heal it...with a gentle stroke...a kiss...or a sweet nothing...anything. I don't care what the world will think of me or say to me...nothing matters. Nothing.

A weak smile touching his lips as my words appeared to have strung the tunes of his heart letting it know that his love shall be accepted and cherished by me...That somewhere I still have the strength to treasure another's love. A love that may not be pure, but still able to satiate the wounds and frail love that I carry.

His hand tracing mine before he looked at it finding the empty finger where he wanted to lay his love upon...claim it as his...where he wanted to engrave our vows upon ensuring I would be bonded in them and forever be only his.

A soft smile touching my lips before meeting his blue hues that appeared to glisten...with hope...hope that my answer to his next question would be a yes...a yes from my heart, but not due to compromise.

He appeared to take a deep breath trying to muster strength in the moment when he was falling the most...falling from his throne and to the ground where he now was begging for alms...alms that would give him mercy...His voice appearing to shake as he spoke coarsely, "A-Anika...I promise to veil you with my honor...I promise to cherish your dreams and make them mine...I promise to make you the empress of my home...I promise to let you live the way you always wanted to...I promise to change myself more and mold myself the man that you deserve to have...I promise to love you day and night and to only love you...I promise to love you not as my wife, but as my soulmate...But before I could love you as my soulmate...I have to bind you to sacred vows my wife...I want to marry you not only for the sake of protecting our children and their honor and to ensure that they have a family with both of their parents who would raise them...I don't want to marry you because you are bearing my heirs...No. I want to marry you because I love you and...for me this marriage signifies the beginning of me repenting and redeeming myself to be the husband...the soulmate that could give you strength...heal your wounds...cure your soul...and cherish your heart...If it means for me to wait an eternity for you to accept me then I will...Knowing my intentions and knowing the truth...will you marry me Anika?"

My feet recoiling against the delicate rose petals below me upon which we were laying our love for one another...begging each other to become one...begging to unite...not only our flesh, but our hearts...our souls...our love. His promises lighting threads of hope that seamlessly weaved knots around my heart letting it know that they shall be fulfilled...His promises gently touching my wounds reminding them how now they would be healed because this time he is marrying me for love...not for a game, but pure love...with pure intentions.

My soul beginning to lift from the grave...wrangling and twisting not able to bear the promises, fearing they might break again...knowing and aware of how he can give up his morality to the demonic phantom that lays within him...pushing him to commit sin...

But, my heart not it began to cry...not able to bear that after years of being deprived from even a small chorus of love...was now able to finally get a taste of the honeydew that contained love within it...a love that was precious...innocent...a love that would passionately embrace me and hold me when I would be losing myself...losing myself to the mania that lives within me...losing myself to the loops of that anxious demon that at times latches on to me...a love that would allow me to breathe which I haven't for years...a love that will bear the agony of my dreams and walk even on thorns to fulfill them...a love that will beg me for forgiveness and perhaps repent upon a long path before getting it...a love that will redeem itself and reach its purest form...indeed this is a love I desire...and I love I know he will give me...

My heart knows he wants to change...and now knowing that I have promised myself to him...I cannot back away...I cannot. On the eve of our wedding, I cannot walk away because of fears...fears that will always exist...and always press and inflict more upon my soul not allowing it to breathe...letting it know how it is unlovabale...this fear is the creature that resides within me and one day I have reign this creature. On the eve of our wedding, I will not walk away from him. I will not leave him in this state where he is about to lose complete sense of himself...lose himself to his sins that now are coming to crawl back upon him...No...I will stay...I will wipe his tears...I will lay my frail love upon him...I will cure him...let him know that he has hope...that he can change and win my love...I will allow him to marry me for sake of love because he has a right to love me...and somewhere I want him to love me...and only me.

Our entwined hands still collapsed against my spine as his gaze remained lowered upon the empty finger that now was grazing his heart loosely drawing itself into it...rubbing it...stroking it gently to let it know that it will be healed...

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Author's Note: Long paragraphs are intimate details (not explicit) and not point of views. The following scene shows quite a bit of intimacy and thus the long paragraphs are not point of views of the characters, but are intimate scenes which are not explicit, but show the romance between the couple. I will censor the scene if you do not like the tone of it, let me know by commenting or messaging me :) Thank you :)

"Shivaay..." His name coming out as a hymn from my lips immediately catching his ears as he looked up into my eyes that held patience...waiting and praying that I would agree to him...fearing that I might just leave him at the last moment by giving into my conscious that was not allowing me to give in.

I will listen to my heart...My heart tells me that he is being truthful...he is being loyal...and he is in love. I can see that love bearing its roots in his eyes...see it in how he cares for he holds me in my worst he ensures I he writes poetry to weave the tunes of my he waits for me to allow him to touch he begs...begs for my love...Keeping his gaze steady ensuring he would listen to a frail soul, I wrapped my hand tightly around his.

"Yes...yes I will marry you...I will marry you because...I will marry you heart is not relenting and it is a-adamant...adamant and stubborn in believing that your words to h-hold the truth this time...I will marry you b-because...because this damned heart holds a very small piece of love for you...a love that is w-weak...f-frail...and wants to be healed because it wants to l-love you...I...w-want to love you...and I need a lot of s-strength to love you Shivaay...I do...a-and y-you have to r-redeem yourself to w-win my love...but I...I want to g-give you a c-chance...because...because you know the m-most...that I...I have n-no one except one...You know the m-most...t-that n-no one h-has e-ever l-loved me...the way you one...a-and I h-have d-died m-many times...many the p-past f-few years...I...I am not myself anymore Shivaay...I...h-have f-forgotten to even l-love...I am...not the f-fell in love with...I am not...b-but t-tonight...the w-way for a m-moment y-you made the old Anika r-return...g-gives m-me that you will be the one to g-give me my life give me myself back w-who I have l-lost...A-and...and I cannot see you like this...I cannot. I want you to mend me... and I want to mend you...I w-want y-you to l-love me, so I...I can l-love you...So m-marry me...make me yours'...b-be the s-soulmate that y-you know will b-bring me back f-from the gallows of m-marry me and for once l-love me only...only me..." My voice cracking the corner of vulnerability as my voice held gravel barely breaking through the tears that were beginning to break from the buried graves of my heart as I had sublimed them because no one was willing to hear listen hear what injustice they have faced in the past.

A force folding itself into me wrapping itself around me pulling me into its solace...His arms lifting themselves and enveloping me into an embrace letting me know that I too shall be loved. My hands trailing around his back taking a firm grasp of his shirt fearing that he might vanquish...leaving me once again...just like everyone else. A wet trail of drops falling on to my shoulder as he began to layer it with kisses one by one his lips taking hold of each bit of skin...pulling on to it and sucking it before pressing themselves against it. A shiver spilling down my spine with heat drifting and spreading its root from my hips, where his hands began to anamour themselves brushing themselves firmly against it. Heat rushing to my cheeks as he laid his plush lips beginning to suck on to my tears wanting to take them in just as I had done.

He is my everything...he is the reason why I want to continue to face this brutal, ceaseless world that continues to torture and inflict vices upon me...He is the reason why I want to wake up and see the dark evils that surround me hunting for me...and my honor...He is the reason why I have been ruined, but he is the reason why no one can lay a finger upon me...He is my savior and I don't find shame in it because despite who he is...what immorality he morality he has is that he without any shame he proclaims me to be his...he without any shame claimed his children as his and claimed me as his without any hesitation...He is not like my family who consumes themselves with fabrics of honor and pride not once giving a damn about their daughter...He is not like this obscene world that changes shades and forgets each and every sacrifice you made once you have committed one immoral sin...He is wicked...He is toxic...But one thing I know is that there is more truth to him then the world that exists in the outside...the world that changes shades and masks according to their will and power...He is not like them...He fights his battles even against his own blood if it means to protect me...He betrayed me, but my heart knows that he had reasons...reasons that he will soon tell me...and I believe him because that soul of his...that soul that was under the guise of a dark, evil force that consumed now attempting to break away and falter to the path of divine due to love...pure love that he now desires to give life to.

His lips grazing the corner of my ear as he began to glide his tongue against it making me gasp realizing how I was still a virgin in these tender matters...memories of nights full of passion suddenly beginning to erupt inside of me lightly flame to desires....desires held for years in which I wanted him to hold me in such a make love to me in such a love me...

My fingers trailing against his neck digging my nails into it before forcing him to look towards me. His blue hues meeting mine appearing to touch reality from a moment of euphoria realizing how he had completely consumed himself and me both in the ridges of passion...and even daring to touch the rims of lust. My empty finger...deprived of his claim...appearing to catch his gaze that laid in patience against his heart...waiting to wear the symbol of his vow. His hand slipping against the ground before appearing to lift a small gem from it.

A smile radiantly touching my lips as I laid them gently against his heart pressing into his wounds letting him know it too shall be loved if it takes the will to claim me. A cool, small oval slipping its way down my finger feeling his fingers delicately slide the gem down it. His hand smothering into the waves of my hair as my hands kept themselves wrapped around his back beginning to tremble not able to bear how close we had come...not able to bear the unhinged tension that now was intoxicating our senses pressuring us to give into one lay love.

His mouth's heat blowing lightly against my ear making it heat up as I felt his face lower itself to me with my eyes remaining half closed finding a veil of shyness come upon me.

"I promise to bring back the Anika that you were...I promise to bring back your beautiful smile...your gentle giggles...your ill timed humor...your naughtiness that I love to tease upon...your boldness that always has made me go crazy in many ways that I cannot even dare to say...I promise to bring you back...I promise to be the one you can always hold on to when no one is there for you...I will be the one to hold you when you fall...I promise to mend you and your love...and Anika...thank you...thank you for continuing to love me..." His voice coming out as a bare whisper ensuring only the conversation stayed between the both of us. His promise carrying trails of honesty appearing to reflect his genuine desire to fulfill my dream to become myself once again.

Tears lifting themselves out of me while I stayed in silence letting his promise seep in ensuring my love would remember allowing it to nourish itself and gain strength. His hand wrapping around my cheek that turned crimson red upon feeling the gentle stroke of his thumb rubbing into my tears wanting to erase them in an instant.

"Anika...I...I don't know are made a takes courage to face demons that I takes a lot of strength to endure the sins that I have takes a lot of love...its takes a lot of accept, cherish, and even embrace a man like me..." He whispered within a teardrop slipping from him and falling upon my heart making me flinch not able to endure the drips and dews of agony that could be felt splintering and rooting itself into me.

We sat in silence as I spread my legs into the rose petals letting him hold me realizing I found the most peace and comfort in his arms...a peace not found in years...a peace that I was searching for what felt as an eternity. Shivaay's hand wrapping around the beautiful gem that laid upon my finger. My eyes falling on to it admiring the solitaire that found itself encircled by small diamonds before wrapping into a silver band where something appeared to be engraved in the inside. Curiosity touching me as I loosened the ring to peek into the engraving and see what was written.

"Forever yours' and for Shivaay..." His words speaking the lines he engraved upon the symbol of vow giving life to a shy smile now touching my lips making me immediately look up towards him finding a fragile smile not lifting itself upon his lips that remained soaked with tears.

My hand sliding up his neck before taking a grasp of his head entangling itself in the luscious waves that I appeared to create their own arousal within me. A spasm erupting in my waist making me hesitate for a moment, but not hindering me as with trembling fingers I laid my last bit of strength to pull his love towards me. His lips appearing to tread towards mine once again playing a waltz as they had all night enticing them making them arouse and beckon his lips to take them in and give them a morsel of him.

Beats shattering. Breathes collapsing. Thoughts lust began to pour within me taking complete control beginning to intoxicate me piece by piece consuming each and every part of me...enticing me...alluring me...telling me how lust is good...not a sin...but a deed that everyone should commit...

Something wicked appearing to take root within me with an unusual smile spreading across my lips...a smile that appeared to be provocative...right from the devil. His eyes showing some pondering as innocence now touched innocence that once was mine.

Make him yours Anika...Lure him...sieze him...he is yours' other woman's except yours'...Look he is begging to have you now...he has learnt his lesson how no women except you can love him...Now ensure that he will stay with you...Don't you want that? Don't you want to ensure he will now only be yours'? The devil began to tap its fingers against lust that I had buried deep within me...a lust I did not want to touch knowing it would only soak me with filth...

What filth?...He is going to be your husband tomorrow...there is no filth. Claim him it it so he will fully become yours' and will not philander...but he didn't philander last time...he went to Tia, but never made her his...because he loved you...only you.

My heart began to pound loudly against my chest with my waist curving itself up and down as an unusual dark, hallow shiver ran through it diving deep itself once again. His lips appearing to move closer as I closed my eyes shut expecting the savory of his lips, but only to feel their plush touch on my temples....appearing to value me as a precious treasure that he wanted to keep...marking me as his by laying his touch upon my soul making it aware that now it was to be his. My eyes lifting up, I sighed allowing him to keep the innocence, but knowing there is more to what I am desiring at the moment.

Slinking my fingers one by one, I made a slow trek up his chest as he appeared to clench his jaw catching on to the innocent seduction I was appearing to beguile him with. His lips parting beginning to palpitate barely holding to their strength while I captured his gaze introducing my desire to him...letting him know that I was accepting of the craving that appeared to encapsulate him at the moment...and that message appeared to reach him as he began to dip his lips down towards mine which waited in patience...waiting to be tended and savored by the only man who they have ever dared to allow to touch.

The heat of mouth blowing against mine that trembled not able to bear the temptation any longer now at the verge of plunging themselves falling and crashing if not give support...and then it happened.

His lower lip sinking into mine introducing their bittersweet rough texture that had creases of smoothness upon which I immediately grasped on to sinking into it and diving into the kiss immediately pressing my lips against his penetrating into them forcing them to open.

His hand clumsingly slipping from my back and barely grasping on to the back of head while my hands began to quaver and shake with pure nervousness before taking a grasp of his shirt's collar and deepening the kiss slipping my tongue against his wanting to explore the depths I hadn't for quite a while...wanting to stake a claim of knowing them before anyone else could.

Our bodies molding into one as we began to grab and tug upon one another's lips with our hands clumsingly falling and plunging until suddenly he began to slip. My lips loosening against his as his back hit the lush roses below him bringing me down with him.

A giggle erupting from me feeling his hands slither around my waist tickling the ends of my nerves that now were bubbling and bundling themselves with haywire impulses now bounding through them.

Waves of my hair falling upon his face making him shake his head wanting to get a clearer view of me while I continued to giggle feeling giddy in the moment not knowing why. My eyes falling upon him finding themselves captivated by his stunning blue hues, that always charmed me, contrasting with the deep, rich red shade of the rose petals that laid below him. His lips appearing to swell to a shade of red while continuing to waver losing the tolerance he had shown towards keeping a distance between the both of us.

My finger inching one by one to the buttons of his shirt as he heaved a breath latching on to the notion that perhaps I am not that innocent and primitive to such matters.

He pursed his lips together before attempting to keep his composure, "You ok Anika?...The twins are ok right?" He whispered to divert my intentions considering he was the one who always tamed himself in such matters to keep reasoning alive...well sometimes.

A shy smile touching me making me hit back to reality upon what I was seemingly my mind had taken a hit of ecstasy forgetting how I was a complete virgin in such matters, yet, somehow still wanting to indulge in them.

"Y-yeah...they are fine ok?...Now shhh...we should be quiet right?" I whispered keeping seduction in my voice before placing a finger on his lips. His eyes widening appearing to be in disbelief that I was the Anika whose innocence he found admiration upon.

Flipping my hair to the side, I let my waves hit his face knowing that the subtle rose fragrance was a key to taming his reasoning and letting his heart run out into the wild. His eyes closing shut as the strands of my hair stuck themselves to his moist lips that were not salivating upon the layers of seduction he had found himself in...probably never expecting such to happen.

Hovering above him, my fingers dragged against the roses before taking a fist of them and immediately plunging them against his face making his eyes awaken caught by surprise from the subtle, soft touch of rose petals that scattered and clung themselves to the nooks and corners of his pale skin before collapsing against his lips that uncanningly matched their shade.

Another giggle escaping from me as Shivaay laid still finding himself numb not able to comprehend the sudden change that had now taken full reign of his soon to be wife. Taking a grasp of his cheeks, I let my nails slide against them before lowering my lips and laying a tender kiss against his temple letting him know that this was my turn to heal him...that now he should rest after a day of mending me...handling my moods...ensuring I was cared for...and loving me...loving me with passion found in the subtle moments we shared tonight.

His hands beginning to trail the curves and bumps of my spine making a chill run through it immediately letting my heart dropping down not able to bear the bit of seduction they cunningly offered knowing how to compete with me.

Tracing my lips down his forehead, I began to mold them on each crease and fold of his cheek by tenderly kissing each and every dried tear ensuring they were lifted and would not leave a permanent mark upon his heart...which would wound him. His nose beginning to trail up and down the side of my neck, laying a coat of heat, wanting to claim it, but failing as I inclined myself allowing me to do the talking while he waited.

He sighed as he trapped his fingers in my waves before lowering his lips against it to grab hold of me and question me.

"Anika...what has gotten into you? Huh?" He whispered huskily wanting to find the origins of how the moment suddenly changed.

His question lifting me out of euphoria in which I was indulging in as my lips slightly let go of his jawline before continuing to peck it and smoldering my upper lip on to it ensuring to leave a trail of tease that would be fulfilled later.

I don't know what has gotten into me...I cannot lift a finger and place it on a particular point...perhaps it's a culmination of days of distance between us that has built this inherent desire within me to hold him, to embrace him, and love him fully...I don't know whether this is a culmination of the ages of yearning I have carried to want to indulge in a moment like this where we would give up our animosities....slit our woes...and only love...I don't fully love him...of course I don't...but it is wrong to say I do not desire moments like these...moments full of passion in which we make love to one another...where we release our tensions...our anger...our need to overpower each other through these...moments in which we can only satiate our pleasure that we both have ignited within desires of healing one another....

My eyes falling into his as he looked at me confused trying to fill in the puzzle pieces in his mind and figure what had pushed me to once again to cross my boundaries...break my values...and once again lay love upon him...

A shy smile reaching my lips as I began to run my hands through his hair prodding his confidence...letting him know he would lead in this moment...knowing that is what he liked. Heat spreading to my cheeks, I felt my face flush a shade of red feeling flustered and realizing how far I had brought this innocent moment...but knowing that is was something we both inherently wanted...

" don't talk hm? Don't you want this moment to be private?...Only between you and me? And no one one..." I whispered as I lowered my gaze towards my abdomen before looking at him gesturing him the implication. Shivaay's eyes widening with his mouth slightly gaping open not able to even realize what he had just heard from my lips...trying to catch on to the subtle hint my words had given him.

My hands trailing down to his heart forming a small, invisible heart around it trailing my finger around it as his lips parted appearing to ponder over the invite trying to make a decision between morality and perhaps immorality?

Tracing the edges of the button, I pulsed my finger through the gap opening it before lowering my lips and gently pressing them against the bare skin...where his heart laid letting him know I wanted to touch its bare tone and its bare wounds tonight.

Suddenly my feet lifting themselves up making a small shriek erupt from me with the sudden surprise. Roses bumping and lifting themselves up falling with my flesh that toppled against the ground. My eyes closing shut after feeling a soft...plush, leathery touch falling against my skin lightly brushing against it as a feather inciting an inhalation of a deep gasp from me feeling a rose petal press against my cheek before it ripped apart as I felt a teeth slide against it.

Clasping my hand against a rough textured cloth, I immediately opened my eyes only to find my reflection in his that hovered above reflection that now was being clouded with pure love mixed with the poison of lust which I myself had inserted within him...A wicked, impish smile appearing across his lips as his eyes lowered dragging itself across my neckline trying to find a place to mark and claim me as his.

A giggle escaping from my lips once again feeling his fingers lightly hit my waist purposely brushing it back and forth knowing the triumph of laughter it would incite within me.

My hands swarming as I dug them into the rose petals...squishing my palms into them and appearing to rip some attempting to control a sudden ripe desire of having him erupt within me. His lips lowering and molded into the nape of my neck where they often found their salvation in. Wrapping my fingers into his hair, I craned my neck allowing his lips to climb the incline of pleasure that began to stroke the feathers of it before continuing to smother and undulate soft, tender kisses that increased their pace with each and every bite with his teeth slipping into the cloth of my dress before diving into the silk cream. A small croon escaping from me catching him as he brushed his lips against my cheeks before taking hold of me in his eyes that spoke bewitchment.

" take you home..." He spoke appearing flustered realizing somewhere we might be crossing a boundary. Blush falling on to my cheeks as I felt a red hot steam simmer out of my body that began to tremble with weakness stoking a havoc from my naked feet, recoiling into the soft lush petals trying to find strength, but failing as they trailed lightly against his shoes and up his leg entwining into it.

Home?...What home?...A home where I am only seen as an object...where it lays in the center allowing strangers to come and value it seeing how much honor and dignity it has...forgetting that the object is a human being...a human that can make mistakes...a human that has a heart that will make it commit to flaws...a human that will always be immoral because that is what fate has determined for everyone...What is pride and honor if it only lets you suffocate and drown your life away to leave you as a piece of fabric which each one can wear, use, and then tear?

Tears slipping down my eyes before falling against my neck. A light brush hitting against them as I felt him lips crawl and barely take them in to nurture them. I sighed tracing my hands around his back pulling him into me... burying my lips into his neck laying another feverish mirage of kisses from the edge of his neck and down to his shoulder.

"I am home...My home...Our home...I have only...b-been a beggar...staying at a doorstep...that t-took me i-in...but only as an o-object...I l-love m-my f-family...b-but I...I n-need y-you...y-you are the one who loves me...a-and I q-question y-you love at t-times...I do...b-but t-then...m-my heart t-tells me that t-this t-time...y-your love i-is c-changing you...and t-this t-time...y-your love will become pure...even if it doesn't...I only want you...I need you...I want you to love me...only choose me..." My lips trembling barely letting the words out as my tears stroked the pallets of his cheek rubbing my tears against them before laying a kiss at the corner of it.

Shivaay's breath barely skimping out of him before he turned his eyes towards me brushing his temple against mine as our lips began to lean in once again...playing a small tease of chase as I inclined in while he drifted away...A small smile touching me as he blew heat against mine enticing them as I backed away finding him drifting and dipping his towards mine encircling our temples together once again.

"This is your home Anika...from today onward...this is your home...our home...where you will n-never b-beg...n-never be shackled...n-never have your dreams buried...I promise...I...I am d-doing everything to change Anika...for you and our children...I promise to be the husband you deserve...the father our children deserve...I promise to always choose always love you..." His promise bringing the rush of calm within me...havoc and chaotic nervousness mixed with demure vanishing knowing that in this moment...this was the refuge that no other place...or person could ever give me...knowing he is my savior...and I am his...

His hand slipping against mine while I felt the threads of our vows glide against my pulse awakening me...letting me know that he was already mine...he was already my husband...His eyes falling on my mangalsutra as he filled the gaps of my fingers pulling them into his grasp before laying a tender kiss against the threads...sealing our vows once again. A wistful smile escaping from me finding myself admiring him seeing him he lay another kiss there.

He appeared to whimper letting tears drop upon our vows. My palm immediately grabbing hold of his chin forcing him to look towards me to find his tears. "I...I am sorry Anika...I swear...I swear to you and our children...that...that n-night...I...I didn't want to throw you out...I...I didn't want to leave you...I...I w-was...I t-thought that...that o-our r-relationship was a l-lie, so i-it would b-be easy to let you go...b-but I...I c-couldn't...I could never g-give anyone y-your place...I swear I never did...b-because I c-couldn't l-let you go...and now w-when y-you c-came back...I g-got c-clarity w-why I had b-been f-feeling so suffocated for y-years...You brought peace...that c-calm...y-you m-made me w-want to live...I love you...I love you so much Anika...I cannot tell you...describe to you the love that my heart beats each and every moment for you..."

And without letting him speak another word, I crashed my lips against his plunging into the dark, demons that still wouldn't let him live...savoring the bittersweet love that now was bulging within his heart...ready to escape and consume him completely within a moment times.

His lower lip immediately taking command as he consumed the soft, creamy luscious orchards blossoming tinges of love within me. Our lips beginning to move in our own rhythm falling and grasping upon one another pulling and tugging...indulging in a small battle of triumph as a giggle escaped from me before I salivated into his tongue allowing it to hit me. Clasping my hand into his air I moved him in closer as he took hold of chin stabilizing my lips that now were beginning to lose gravity...trembling and quivering....wanting to crash, but couldn't as for once they had met their lover after being a virgin.

Our lips loosening to catch another breath as our breaths simmered increasing the warmth of our bodies that now rushed up to our heaving hearts. His lips appearing to move forward as I leaned back slightly to ensure I was the one in power.

My hand taking hold of his cheeks as I made him look into my eyes. "L-love me only hm?...Always choose only me?...Make me the woman in your you understand? L-love me...this is my command...and if it is not f-followed...t-then...y-you d-do not want to s-see...that shade..." I spoke in a lowered voice that yet held command knowing that loyalty was what would give him access to the threads of my love which he can weave into him.

A faint smile meeting my eyes as he looked at me...his eyes capturing my demand and appearing to surrender in an instant knowing that only it was I who could heal him...that his healing depended on me...and no other woman... "I promise to always love only you...No other woman will ever take your place understood? You are my wife...and my soulmate...I love you...and will only and always love you..." His voice handing off his loyalty to me as I smiled knowing that those eyes weren't I am the one who can read even his darkest thoughts...he can only be unlayered by me...only me.

"I like this fierceness of yours'...this feisty...authoritarian side...I want more of it...I want more of these commands...Do you understand Mrs. Oberoi?" He spoke as a small giggle escaped form me once again leading him on a chase for a kiss as I encircled my lips in the air making him sigh, as he appeared to lose patience, brushing his nose softly against my cheek laying another kiss before once again beginning to compete.

"I show me what 'forever eternity' will be me that indeed you are my forever...Make me feel loved...I want to feel your love..." My voice having that layer of seduction...and bewitchment as I gave him a provocative smile giving the right dose of sensual seduction mixed with innocence knowing it would amp his temptation and spin the chorus of his need to lead the moment...and lead me into a night of love.

That wicked, impish smile...the one that always drove me crazy...making me run on wild chase after him...appearing across his lips as he ran his tongue against them.

Our lips once again dancing their tune as he grabbed my hand roughly sliding it across my mangalsutra before entwining his fingers into the gaps of mine rubbing into...pressing upon it...competing for power.

I giggled biting my lip knowing I was going to give in soon...but still enjoying the tease knowing how much it drove him crazy...putting him on a wild chase...And then I let go withering down and keeping still before lifting my lips up letting him know he had gotten victory...

A smile touching him as he lowered himself hovering his lips around mine. "I love you Anika...and now I will make you feel loved..." He spoke huskily before pressing his lips gently against mine letting a rose petal slip from the end of my lip as it withered away.

Suddenly a sprinkle of water erupting as I shrieked loudly realizing that sprinklers had went off lifting from the ground letting the rose petals erupt with spraying its cheer above us. Shivaay letting out a chuckle while he grasped on to my lips firmly ensuring they wouldn't slip away as water began to smolder both of us letting our bodies to press against one another sticking and soaking each other with heat now sweltering away. My teeth biting lightly into his lip finding him penetrating through them gently before savoring the honeydew that stuck lightly within me. Our lips continuing to increase their pace against one another drumming each other's heart beats letting them pulse against our lips that continued to savor upon our wounds and relish upon that light of passion that now was burning and ravaging between the both of us...a passion that now can only end with this moment...this moment of being one...this moment of reuniting as one soul.

Our hands hitting against the petals once again as we began to submerge into their softness letting them glide and scatter across our hands...tearing them with our passion...igniting them by burning their rims and stroking the sheer mirage that laid beneath us offering us a moment...a moment to completely forget...each and every bruise laid on our love...each and every demon we unleashed upon one another in anger...this moment was only a moment of healing...a moment to resume our journey...a journey that had met its reckoning by fate...I don't know if this is a moment of lust or love...I don't know if this my thin obsession or the fragile love that I have cherished for years...But I do know one thing...that I want this moment...I want to seize this moment because now he is soulmate...and so I will let this moment weave its coarse...I will let this moment run...I will let this moment consume my passion...I will lust in this moment...and love as well...I will let him touch my soul...and I will let him reunite with it...because he is my vow and I am his...and now under the guise of this night...under the witness of these stars that lay bliss upon us...I will vow myself again to him...and so now we will love...mend our love...stitch our wounds...and make our love.


I promise Shivika's wedding is in Chapter 37 :)

The long paragraphs in last scene are actually quite detailed, romantic intimate scenes I wrote according to reader demand, so do re-read them if you want too. They are not long point of views at the end...but intimate scenes.

If you did not like the last intimate scene due to the tone of it then I am willing to censor if, but please do let me know by commenting or messaging me, thank you :)

What do you think happened in the last scene of this chapter? I would say to not quickly jump to assumptions, but please do let me know what you thought happened between Shivika if you want to?

The details in the last proposal and intimate scene were essential to show the romantic tension between them and also show romance since many readers have wanted to see more romance between them.


Wedding updates will happen hopefully by Thursday/Friday :)

This chapter is more on Anika's point of view to set her obsession track that will last a few chapters before it focuses on her building her love again...she first has to tackle her obsession.


Also I had to add details in this chapter to set up and explain their point of view along with explaining romantic scenes since readers want more romance between them and explain the feelings characters have for one another, but will lessen as updates go forward :) Also, settings were only described in this chapter to set up the new track and set up a new image in readers' minds, but such will change in upcoming updates and details will lessen. I am so sorry for the issue :(

I promise Shivika's wedding in chapter 37 :)
The sudden turn in Anika and Shivaay's relationship is best explained by the long monologues in Chapter 35 in which indicated Anika's thin line of obsession for Shivaay as she admitted her therapist told her she has an obsession for Shivaay, so take that into perspective to realize the sudden turn in her attitude and relationship with Shivaay-their relationship is very dynamic and this chapter shows how their marriage will be....Also, please read Chapter 35 to understand why both have suddenly become so romantic with one another :) rooftop scene, Shivaay's scene in hospital, and Anika's last few thoughts in Chapter 35 to understand :)


Thank you again everyone for giving 100K reads to this story...I want to thank each and every one of you who have read this story :) Thank you so much and I am so humbled by the love give to this story :)

Next two parts of wedding special will hopefully be updated by Thursday/ Friday :)

Thank you for being amazing and giving so much love to this story :)

If you like this chapter then please do like, comment, and share :) Thank you :)



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