Chapter 39 Part 2 of 3: Star-Crossed Lovers

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Hi everyone :) I want to begin by thanking God for his support and all of my amazing readers who continue to give so much love and support to this story :)

Please do not forget to read Chapter 39 Part 1 where Anika and Chaaya meet each other! :)

Mature Content Warning: This Chapter contains mature content appropriate for ages 18 years or above.

I will label the scene where the "Mature Content" begins and rest of the mature content will be in the next part which is Part 3 that I hope to update soon :) I label "Mature Content" as what I think is mature, but others may find it differently.

This week is the "Haldi" week meaning I am hoping to update more frequently with chapters on Shivika's "Haldi" :)

Thank you for reading and if you like this chapter and if you wish please do comment, share, and vote :)


Letting our fingers draw together, a small weak smile played upon our lips while we continued to look into each other's eyes finding ourselves bewitched by love that appeared to hold us above the graves of life that laid beneath our feet under this very ground...where the tragic lovers had died.

Our hands engraving our names gently into the tree with our wish slipping through it.

"A simple wish...that may our souls be now united for eternity. That no matter what crisis...what matter what, we stand by each other and never fall apart. That for our children, we remain united and our children remain more blessed than even us. May we never part...Shivaay...I don't want to last time..." My voice closing itself shut with tears now speaking my fear that indeed what if we do part like last time.

A sudden force wrapping itself around me as I felt myself being pulled into his embrace with his arms wrapping around my heart pulling me into his chest. Burying my lips into his arms, I began to wail feeling that something worse had happened to me that even I myself cannot remember. I don't know why I am feeling different right now under this tree...why I am feeling enchanted by it as if I am under a spell.

Our eyes capturing the initials of the original lovers below which our names laid.

"A+S..." I whispered reading the initials of those tragic lovers who love had breathed life into this tree. A chill running through the both of us seeing our names written below those initials realizing the similarity...

My heart beginning to skip beats with panic suddenly rushing in realizing what we had we had engraved our essence into this lifeless tree and how that essence appeared to lift its origins and roots from these lovers.

Clasping my hand against my mouth, a sense of shock began to run through me with the ground below me beginning to shake realizing who laid under this ground...the history that laid beneath this ground upon which we both were standing.

"Anika...what's wrong? Anika are you okay?" He questioned pulling me closer as I immediately wrapped my arms around his waist pulling myself into heart finding threads of fear inserting themselves through my flesh and down into my heart that appeared to hold a familiarity with this if it took part in it, but did not remember.

Holding the embrace, I kept still fearing if I would let go then we may face the same fate that the lovers once faced. His lips laying a soft kiss on my forehead as I laid still on his heart finding it soothen me while I held my fear closely.

"T-there is a beautiful, but t-tragic story behind this tree and lake...This lake is nameless just like their bond was, but it's called a lover's lake by lovers who come here..." I whispered looking out towards the lake that held the lovers' love in which they dipped in many times.

A smile appearing across his lips as he looked out towards the lake trying to find the origins of the name lovers had given it. Slipping my hand into his, I slowly began to lead him closer to the banks of the lake letting its water rush and touch our feet gently.

Stopping in our steps, I allowed him to take in the subtle beauty of the dark, blue shaded lake that held simplicity, but deeper shades of love mixed with lust in which many lovers had dipped in for many years.

He appeared hypnotized by the lake not once looking away from it. "What's the story?" His voice appearing to shake as if the lake was reminding him of something.

Wrapping my hand around his arm, I attempted to take his attention while he continued to look towards the lake. Pressing my lips gently against his shoulder, I leaned my head against his arm admiring the beauty, but feeling haunting as I looked back at the tree behind us.

"Well, it's said many years ago there were two lovers. She was the lover and he was the one who was loved. She was a doctor in training and he was the town's only doctor. They met in an accident where he hit his car into her taxi cab. She did not know he was also her new boss who would be training her in medicine. They had an argument and things went cold between them, but somehow fate took control and as they began to work together...spending time together while healing others a love affair started between both of them...according to her at least. The town's doctor never knew how to love...He knew how to lust, but not love. He had dark many say. But, she loved him no matter what...She was consumed with his love not letting go no matter how much he begged her to let him go. Many saw him as a wrong man...a brute, an alcoholic, and simply just a man without a soul. But she was different...She saw him with her heart...For her he was perfect...He made her feel...loved...something she never had because...she was an orphan. She had no the little amount of love she got from him was enough for her to continue to live. Legend goes that, many nights...they made love here near the lake...under this tree in that wooden cabin...For her she called this lake 'serenity'...This lake gave her a solace never found elsewhere..." My voice going into a daze as I felt my mind fogging and entering a blur while the story began to speak itself through my heart.

"And he wronged her...He left her..." Shivaay's voice coming out as a soft whisper with his eyes falling on to the lake finding layers of mysteries in it that I myself could not see, but wanted to touch and feel it run against my own heart...realizing my healing was somewhere in this lake.

However, my voice continued to speak while my mind entered a daze.

"Y-yes...He left her. The story goes that he was beginning to fall in love with her and he got scared...scared that he might weaken due to her love. He was scared of being in love and so he left her...He was gone for many years finding himself wandering in many a nomad...He wandered...helping to relieve the ails of those who suffered, but he himself s-suffered for m-many years...She waited many years for him...Legend says she sat right under this tree waiting in patience for him and praying he would come...but he didn't. He didn't...She...she held his child...his daughter for many years under this tree and cried many nights remembering him. Life went on, but she didn't...She tried, but couldn't move on..." Tears clenching on to my heart as it began to beat loudly and fiercely as if it had familiarity with this story.

"And he came back one day...because he couldn't find solace...anywhere he wandered. He found it only in her..." His voice dull appearing to enter its own illusion while he kept drifting into the depths of the lake not once looking towards me.

Holding a blur, I stood in silence finding a sense of unease touch my heart as the sunlight began to skitter across us wanting to bless us in its own way.

"Y-yes he came back...He came back to her. By now she was...dying under this very tree. His love had broken her heart, but yet she treasured that heart while continuing to die. Her daughter was besides her wishing and praying her mother would heal. But she wasn't healing...until he came. By now both had lost their innocent age and had become grayed, but their love never met a death...He attempted to heal her...bring her back from admiring her beauty...cherishing her essence...loving her... But she died. She died under this very tree in h-his a-arms...a-and...m-moments l-later...h-he d-died w-with her...H-he c-couldn't b-bear l-losing her...T-they d-died i-in e-each other's a-arms...under t-this v-very tree..." The story closing shut as my body began to shake violently finding myself getting dizzy appearing to lose hold on the ground.

Lifting my gaze, I met his which held tears just as mine did. A silence dropping upon both of our souls which appeared to lift out of our flesh and now were begging to walk out on to this lake as if they had experienced its purity years ago....

"Oh my God Shivaay...t-they d-died..." My lines catching hold of him, pulling him out of his illusion, as he grabbed my wrist immediately turning me towards him revealing that same unease that I was having at the moment...

My soul lifting itself from my flesh finding it drifting to an unknown illusion that it appeared to have been a part of...I cannot touch upon what it is, but I feel as if this soul knows more to this tragedy that had occurred between two start crossed lovers.

"A-Anika...s-she d-died b-because of h-him...A-Anika...h-he k-killed her...h-his darkness k-killed her..." His voice falling apart as if he had completely become consumed with the story living it in this moment as if he...he was that lover.

Clasping his hands against his lips, he shook his head losing himself to a series of thoughts that now were pulling him back to that darkness where many of his demons were caged, but begging him to unleash them once again.

"N-no...No...i-it wasn't his darkness Shivaay....absolutely n-not...S-she e-embraced h-his d-darkness...I-it w-was the s-separation...S-she missed him a lot...Every day and night s-she m-missed him...But h-he never came...He came w-when s-she was d-dying...H-he w-was the o-one who made her feel a-alive...human. S-she f-finally found l-love in him...and s-she couldn't b-bear the separation...Damn it...she loved him a lot then why did he leave?! Why?!" My voice suddenly thundering loudly with anger erupting out of me appearing to have simmered out from a past that even I did not remember...but filled with demons of love appearing to lunge on to my heart.

Shivaay's eyes widening taken aback by my sudden lapse in anger not able to grasp upon it. His hands immediately wrapping around my arms pulling me closer trying to pull me out of that illustrious tragic story in which I had indulged myself into.

"Anika...are you okay? Anika!" His voice echoing loudly through the empty woods appearing to pull me back into reality in an instant.

My eyes shooting up as I felt tears rush out of eyes with my body now beginning to shake as if suddenly my soul had come back and entered back into me relieving me of that emptiness I had felt moments ago.

Clasping his hand on the back of my head, he pulled me into his chest as I began to wail not knowing why, but feeling as if...if I had been part of this story. His lips slowly beginning to grace the nape of my neck leaving tender and supple kisses on it trying to ease me out of the story knowing why I had connected to it.

The orange hues of the sun falling upon us while we stood still looking into each other's eyes and finding ourselves diving into the lakes of love. The water rifting through us as Shivaay wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me closely.

"I am so sorry Anika...this is due to me...I am so sorry that you were reminded of us from this story...Anika I swear I didn't want to leave you and I swear I will tell you once this wedding finishes. I promise...I will tell you when the right time comes..." He whispered against my cheeks as he began to wipe my tears away allowing me to take gain clarity from his eyes that held the apology which had come from his heart that had written it.

Weakly smiling, I shook my head clasping my hand against his and beginning to rub it knowing it was needed to assure him. "I-I know...I know you are sorry and I...I want to forget everything that happened in the past and now just focus on our present. I truly do. It's best to move on and leave the past behind because scraping the surface of the past will only weaken this bond...this love. I...I don't k-know...I-I just felt an odd connection to the story...This story feels real..." I whispered slowly looking back towards the tree seeing the tragic lovers' initials below which our names now laid.

Shivaay's eyes entering a daze as he also looked the initials finding himself captured by them appearing to find truth in the story that lived and breathed through this lifeless tree where lovers bore their wishes upon.

"We shall never part Anika...No matter what...I will never leave you even if you will want to leave, I will never leave you and never stop loving you. I promise. I promise to hold you for eternity and I will...I promise to hold my love for eternity for you no matter what may come be. I promise..." He spoke in an attempt to provide a subtle healing to the wounds my heart held hoping that somehow it could relieve me of the fear I had just gathered.

Lifting my head up, I looked into his eyes that held the promise as his truth... ensuring he would fulfill it no matter what may come matter what may happen or what may fall upon the both of us.

The heat of our lips rushing through the cool wind that brushed by us wanting to break us apart, but failing. Lowering my gaze, I let my eyes lurk on his lips that held bits of his tears which had rushed from a fearful heart. Somewhere, I have always been attracted to this broken side he carries...I don't know why, but that darkness he holds pulls me and right now in this moment...I know he still holds darkness, but that is what I want to touch and heal.

Our lips holding still as they trembled finding themselves giving into the moment while we stood in silence becoming consumed with the idea of being in love.

His lips beginning to lean in towards mine while I stood still waiting for him to pull me back into the lake of love that my heart wanted to take another dip in once again. Letting the heat of our lips merge, he pulled my shaking lips into a tender kiss.

Folding our lips into one, he began to lead me into the kiss slowly taking hold of the corner of my lips allowing both of us to relish that tinge of passion fevored with our fear of what if we may become that couple in the future.

Letting his lips escape from mine, he grabbed a hold of my neck and began to leave soft, cool kisses against the corners of my cheeks wanting to devour the tears that had unexpectedly fell from them without any reason known to me.

"Um...we...should go to my home now..." I mumbled looking back only to find his lips brushing against my nose revealing the bare gap we both held between each other.

Revealing a smirk, he took a tight hold of my waist making it lean against his knowing it would be enough to hit the rivers of pleasure that I too wanted to indulge in with him.

"Yeah...but first we should do...have some fun. It will lighten your mood..." He spoke in a lowered voice that even the tree couldn't hear the filth being weaved around it.

My eyes widening hearing his lines realizing he was running his fantasies on a completely different track. A shade of red flushing across my cheeks, remembering the tension we both have been building since this morning wanting more of each other's virgin flavors that we haven't had since what feels forever.

"I mean make love...the way those lovers did here...Your home is only five minutes away, so don't worry...we still have lots of time..." He spoke in a husky voice knowing the cravings it incites within me.

His lips beginning to lean in towards me ready to lunge upon my lips not wanting to wait any longer before I slammed my palm against them letting out a giggle.

Play with his mind Anika...come on tease him...He has gotten so much on your nerves, so he deserves a taste of his own medicine.

"B-but...where should we do the deed? I mean... where should we go?" I whispered tilting my head trying to act innocent knowing he would fall for it. My fingers subtly clawing the cloth of his kurta wanting to strengthen his fantasy only so I could shatter it.

Shivaay raising his eyebrow looking around at the empty lake finding not a soul in sight, but only us. The woods screaming death, but somehow embracing the idea of love as they stood in silence only to wave gently back and forth.

"There is no one here baby besides you and me. Believe me even a dead soul doesn't lurk here.

So...we don't have to worry of anyone seeing. I mean...we have done this before, I hope you do remember?" He sounded off the last line bravely with pride making my cheeks turn a solid red remembering exactly what he was talking about.

A chuckle escaping from him as he saw my face knowing that I had that memory quite intact in my mind. Shaking my head, I clasped my hands on my eyes wanting to remove that awful memory, but could not.

"Why would you want to remind me of that memory? Huh? What is wrong with you?!" I exclaimed slapping his chest lightly while he continued to laugh before pulling me against his chest and beginning to leave teasing, light kisses on my shoulder.

"That was the best adventure I had in my life. No joke! And I cannot believe you agreed to it!" He shouted with excitement letting his lines echo through the woods to ensure even chudails and bhootnis that lurked this area would be scared and repulsed by hearing our sickening adventure we both had indulged in.

"Agreed?! That is my mistake that I agreed to your nonsensical idea! You are a lustful bhalu who needs to learn how to tame your sickening fetishes!" I argued feeling extremely mortified remembering that memory that now was playing 3-D in my mind.

Shivaay erupting into laughter as he tightened his grip around my waist before gliding his tongue down my shoulder while I shivered immediately becoming aware he was hitting my sweet spots on purpose.

"Then you are the bandari who loves these sick fetishes. Now don't lie...don't pretend Anika. We both know how much you like the danger involved in these fantasies..." He hissed completely unlayering my guilty pleasure as I stood in silence with a small smile knowing he had completely hit on point about my desires.

"I cannot believe how I agreed to that idea...What was wrong with me?" I muttered while Shivaay continued to laugh completely aware that memory was running in loops in front of my eyes where it was continuing to torture and torment me.

"Hey everyone makes love no big deal...Nothing to be ashamed of...Believe me so many people do it that way we did!" He noted while leading his fingertips down my saree's pallu letting it slip down slightly. Continuing his work, he began to kiss the bare edges of my skin trying to ease me into this freakish idea he had formed.

Throwing my head up in the air in frustration, I elbowed him hard in his chest making him howl loudly.

"Who is their right mind decides to make love in the middle of a crowded beach in Ibiza on their honeymoon?! Who?! Please tell me! Is it those ghada and saand friends of yours' who I absolutely despise?! Tell me!" I commanded grabbing his collar angrily while Shivaay's eyes widened appearing caught off guard by my mood.

Scratching the back of his neck, he wandered his eyes everywhere knowing he was trapped in my series of questions.

"Um...well....okay fine...My friends did it and that is where I got the idea alright?! And why are we fighting over this after so many years?! Also, you enjoyed it and don't deny it now please...I mean you were crazy back then and still are. In fact, you should be grateful that you have me to handle this craziness of yours'. No man ever brings such level of adventure to their marriage. No one except me!" His ego now bloating and fattening itself above me while I tapped my foot loudly against the dirt feeling furious knowing he had given valid points.

"Crazy? You are calling me crazy?! I was naïve back were not! You had clearly planned all of this out and I was the idiot who agreed, so actually you are the crazy one!" My sentences rambling and slushing together making no sense since I knew I was losing the argument.

He let out a small laugh knowing he had won this argument. "Naïve? Okay...I get that part to be honest, but you have to admit that was fun...I mean no one caught us and it was the middle of the day on a public beach. But, you were so scared and yet we still did the deed! I mean it was all due to me of course!" He boasted as I rolled my eyes feeling my cheeks continuing to turn many shades of red remembering the entire scene in my mind which was not wanting to let go of it...appearing to be bewitched by the idea.

"Yeah and I had no contribution? Um...hello! Where have you been while we were in that moment? Were you having an exorcism again like you usually do when we...make love?" I chided bluntly while Shivaay's eyes widened as he clenched his jaw tightly with his anger now incited by my lines that questioned his manhood.

Pursing my lips together knowing I had taken it a bit too far, I immediately jumped up and began to run while he lunged after me.

"Oh look the bandari got scared! You are going down!" He yelled after me while I giggled continuing to run letting the mud dip on to my clothes finding complete childishness taking over my senses and now consuming me.

Our minds losing track once again with laughter erupting between us while he continued to run after me. Running my tracks against the lake, I felt the water lurk against my feet while I immediately cusped some of it throwing it in his direction.

"Anika! Hold it right there!" He yelled as he began to splash the water in my direction while I giggled beginning to splash more toward him trying to blind his vision. Leaning over, I attempted to clasp more water, but only to stumble back.

My eyes widening realizing I was not a swimmer as I screamed loudly fearing another drowning before his hands took hold of my waist immediately turning me around towards him. Stumbling once again, I grabbed a hold of his neck trying to balance in the slippery mud, but failing as I brought him into the dive allowing the both of us to sink into the mud.

"Anika look what your childishness was about to get you into!" He began to scold me while I began to whimper. Pulling him closer, I buried my lips into his neck with fear continuing to pump through me remembering how I had drowned last time and he had saved me.

"I-I am sorry...I am so sorry..." I mumbled while continuing to shake as I pulled him into an embrace wanting to hold my nerves down that were continuing to shake violently.

"Anika you have to learn how to control this behavior! You could've gotten hurt and...remember last time how you drowned and how you were almost...It's been so many years and you still are careless like this. Why?!" His anger unraveling as he lifted himself slightly above me revealing those dark raging eyes that hadn't appeared for a while.

My gaze lowering in an instant feeling fear from his anger remembering how this anger makes him lose even his own senses at times. Tears stumbling out of me as I laid still feeling his intense gaze continuing to leer upon me.

His arms taking a firm hold of me as he pulled me up forcing me to look into his eyes. A demonic being holding itself in his blue hues where these lashes of anger found their roots from.

"Now why are you crying?! You have been behaving childishly all day without any care towards your health! From running around wildly to carelessly dancing to reckless driving and now this! Do you know how much risk you are putting yourself in? Why are you like this?! Why can you not just grow up? Is it that difficult for once to have some control over this side of yours? I get it that it's been long that you have it doesn't mean you take a wrong advantage of this and indulge in reckless behavior!" His voice thundering loudly with now shades of red bubbling and boiling upon his skin revealing the outrageous beast feverishly taking over his senses and inserting his poison into him as always.

Anger beginning to climb upon my heart hearing his last statement that wrongfully accused me. My hands grabbing a hold of his collar, I pulled him closer wanting to ensure I would engrave my words within him.

"I...I am careless? I need to grow up? If I was careless then I would have fallen the moment we separated...I would have completely left life and walked into the doorstep of death if I was careless and for once did not remind myself that I have to learn how to live for myself. I grew up the moment we parted...I had to! Damn it...I completely lost myself to the idea of forcing myself to move on... My soul met its death and I just roamed this ground with my flesh...I woke up each morning to an empty space next to my bed...where you had laid! I walked through the day aimlessly wanting you, but knowing you w-were someone e-else's...I came home at night to not see you welcoming me and realize that I am the o-only p-person w-who d-doesn't have a-anyone who loves her... I got up and bore the whips of life for the sake of my parents who saved me during this time...I...I had a mental breakdown a-after y-you m-married Tia...and I know you have your reasons and you will tell me one day....but I am telling you my truth! My reality! I grew up damn it and you forced me to...and now here you stand judging me!" I spat releasing the bitter ugly truth that resided within me full of only raging anger...not sadness....but pure anger that was swallowed as a pill to relieve my mourning of a dead marriage.

Silence touching both of us as we felt the wind rushing through us and whistling with laughter in how it had incited a barrier between us once again.

My hands dropping down dragging down his chest finding myself getting dizzy with a subtle cramp erupting in my womb knowing I had inadvertently hurt the twins by losing myself to anger once again...not only anger, but also my reckless behavior.

Shame dropping on to my womb realizing somewhere his words held the truth that I am losing myself into that crazy world in which I have always been a part of...many call me eccentric, but perhaps I am just mad.

I don't know what it is, but sometimes I do lose control of my senses and that leads to me losing myself and becoming a completely different shade.

"I...I know I made a mistake. Gosh, I myself do not know why I become like this sometimes. It's just that sometimes when one is deprived of happiness for so long...and they feel it after a long time, they go on this unexplainable high from which they cannot fall from. I...I am so sorry..." I muttered realizing that the same, dull Anika was now beginning to resurface once again whom I had bore for many years.

Taking a step back, I began to walk realizing how just like before we had ended our moment of love with our own flaws...there is always a high and then a crash. How can I expect things will change this time knowing that it likely never will? That no matter what...we both can never change. How can I expect our marriage will be free from these sudden hits of romance and then have these sudden crashes of anger and rage? How can I expect that this rage would not dare to consume our senses and force to be someone that we truly do not want to be....How can I expect that our demons will just be caged forever within us knowing that is impossible?

"Anika! Anika!" He continued to call after me while I let my feet dig into the mud allowing this symbolic saree to touch filth knowing our marriage can never be pure of love only...that it will be always tainted with our demons that will ravage and savage us just like the first time.

Tears boiling upon the wounds of my heart that appeared to be infected with the toxic poison of his love that masked itself as pure moments before.

Wrapping my hand across my womb, I felt my blessings recoiling themselves inwards in fear of what fate has in store for them as they have become aware the ones who breathed life into them are complete savages themselves.

A strong force taking hold of my arm trying to pull me back as I snatched it away not wanting his sorries nor his affection knowing I will enter that high of bliss again, but to only be deprived of it later.

"Anika...just listen to me! I...I got scared and I lost my senses leading to me to speak without a thought! Baby I am so sorry! I swear I just lost m-myself to f-fear! Fear of losing you! What if something would have happened to you?! What would I have done?!" He continued to scream as I paced myself up towards the dirt pathway not wanting to listen to him at the moment and only keep my silence knowing that would be the way we would kill the demon that dared to incite our sinful flawed sides once again.

"Stop you both!" A sudden voice roaring loudly crashing into the demon that was leaping behind us and slaughtering it in an instant.

Our minds going blank with our feet suddenly stopping and skidding against the mud that appeared to cage us not wanting to let go. A sudden wind beginning to erupt as trees began to wave back and forth holding an unusual force that began to be felt pressuring upon the both of us.

My head spinning with my vision blurring as I felt a pair of arms wrap around me tightly pulling me into an embrace wanting to protect me from the owner who had dared to stop us.

Lifting my gaze up, I suddenly felt a flash of a haunting presence lifting itself before me. My eyes widening feeling chills going down my spine seeing the being in front of me who sat against a dead tree.

His eyes hallow, but holding an eerie mystery in red shades that colored them. Age had taken hold of him as he sat in silence looking at both of us appearing to have been waiting in patience.

My feet stumbling back as I felt Shivaay's grasp tightening around my waist. Turning towards him, I saw his eyes daze and enter an illusion appearing to have become deprived of any emotions.

"At last you both have come! Truly fate has done justice to your love at last!" His voice rumbling as I immediately looked towards him finding a soft smile reaching his lips as he looked at the both of us appearing to admire our presence.

"W-what?" Shivaay barely letting his voice out as I stood still feeling layers of confusion wrap itself around me not able to touch upon the deeper meaning of his words.

The man appearing to be one from the past and the if he knows both seen in aging greyness of his flesh indicating fraility masking a deeper force he holds within the palm of his hand.

"Fate never gives love a second chance. I hope you both learned your lesson last time and this time you both will not dare to separate again..." He hissed letting out a small laugh before peering closer towards us as if wanting to skim the outskirts of our souls.

"H-how do you know we separated...? I d-do n-not r-remember you," Shivaay speaking once again with his grip tightening around my waist trying to protect me from the unknown being sitting before us.

The Baba's smile softening as he looked at us both appearing to find a good in us that we both couldn't ourselves touch upon.

" will you both remember me if I haven't met you in this lifetime?...I am only allowed a few moments with you both. I am here to revive that love...that love that has blessed this place with life..." He spoke looking towards the lake and the tree as my heart skipped a beat finding itself tremble from the uncanny layers he wanted to expose.

"W-we d-don't understand B-baba...w-what do you mean?" I questioned trying to crack a nut of bravery within me as I felt Shivaay's hand touching my womb appearing to want to protect the two from the phantom sitting before us.

Baba shaking his head as he sighed leaning his head against the dead tree before looking towards us with his eyes suddenly firing revealing that this man was not a normal being, but one that roamed many lands still unknown.

"You both met me in the last lifetime...I was laying right under this dead tree begging for life and you both came running towards me ready to heal me. You...Shivaay... being the cunning, brute doctor who with his poison healed many in this town and you my child...Anika...being that soft spoken, blessed child whose love was enough to heal many in this town. Shivaay being the dark shade of the night and you Anika being that moon who brought light to his darkness...Anika you were the orphan who hunted for love and Shivaay you were the one who knew how to love, but failed to realize that it was love...You both loved one another under that blessed tree where many lovers come for blessings now....Your love has always been eternal and has met its fulfillment in each lifetime even the last which everyone claims to be a tragedy..."

My heart stopping hitting a sudden pause with my soul lifting out as I felt the ground beneath me shake unable to bear my presence realizing that I...I am that tragic lover...Confusion spinning its wheels while blurs of memories appeared to touch me but not reviving as I felt my feet weaken and collapse against the ground.

"W-we c-cannot b-be...N-no...we cannot b-be t-those l-lovers..." My voice stuttering as I began to tremble.

"Then how do you know the legend?! How?!" His voice shaking through me inciting a layer of questions as my mind began to go blank trying to remember the origins of the legend and where I had heard from, but failing to remember any of it.

"Many only know this is a tree of tragic lovers, but how do you know the story?! No one knows the story!" His voice echoing and falling through the both of us and in a snapshot hitting us with blurs of memories that we still could not gain clarity upon.

My eyes immediately meeting Shivaay's who held the memories of our past. His eyes widening with shock hitting him bluntly and crashing and rickshaying into his wicked evils that ran away fearing the truth had finally been spoken.

"You both are the tragic lovers whose love breathed life into this tree! left her because of fear...fear of falling in love and that fear led you to roam many lands wanting to be relieved of love, but could not...At the end your returned. And you Anika...your love is one that is found rarely and one that only you have amongst these selfish beings that roam upon this ground. You had his daughter without him knowing! He never knew that he had a child with you! You cried many nights under that tree with his daughter...praying for his return...and he did return! He returned because he realized that he has always loved you...He took in you and that precious child your love had made. But fate...fate was cruel to you both. Anika you were dying from a broken heart by the time Shivaay had returned and he tried everything to save you, but couldn' met death...and the moment you died was the moment he died as well... ..."

"No! No!" Screams suddenly erupting from me with tears now lavishing my eyes with my heart now bolting finding itself familiar with the feeling of death and parting from my lover...The memories crashing and entering a darkness, but their remnant feelings beginning to erupt within me as sparks.

Shivaay's arms wrapping around me pulling me into his heart as I began to wail hearing the tragic story and realizing that perhaps...perhaps it was mine...No. No. This cannot be. We cannot be those tragic lovers.

"W-what are you saying? No...we are not those lovers! We are not!" Shivaay's voice breaking with tears hitting him hard as he attempted to hold his strength knowing that if he fell in this moment so would I.

"You are the lovers! The moment you stepped next to the both began to behave as those two lovers! You both loved one another under that tree again today and you both fought again due to your fears of separation! Your original initials...A and S...lay there on that tree under which you both have now written your name! That box....that box that holds a blade to allow lovers to carve their wishes on that tree is one that Shivaay carved for you a gift in your past lifetime!" The Baba holding out the carved box as Shivaay's eyes went still finding himself entering a weave of rough memories like he had when we held the box moments ago.

The Baba smiling gently as he raised himself up before laying his hands on both of our heads. Our eyes closing shut finding a sense of energy lifting its way into us and putting us in a moment of solace...

"You both...I am here to only relay a message. The past has been done and dusted. Do not look at this past lifetime now because it is gone. Fate had decided already in your past lifetime to separate you both in this cruel manner...But fate regretted...Fate could not end your love that continued to grow even after death. In this both were parted again due to vices committed by others who could not bear to see this love you both held...but now look fate took its reign and brought you both a blessing in form of two new lives...Fate took reign and now tonight is uniting you both again under sacred vows. Fate is freeing you both from its cruelty and allowing you both to embrace this love that you two have held for each other for eras! both do not allow your beings to be devoured with these reckless demons of anger and rage you both carry! Take this blessing of fate and now live your love and love one another! Fate has granted you both freedom to live as lovers and raise precious children your love has made...Do not give into the mistakes you made before...Only let love reign both of you...You both have to give love a chance because what you do now in the present will affect your future and your fate of being together in the next lifetime...You have to love to be together again...Your future depends on this...Now bless you both and you both now shall reach solace..." Baba's voice suddenly dimming.

The energy rushing past us with the winds colliding and collapsing into pure calm. Our eyes immediately opening wanting to question our past, but seeing the man of the past and the future had already escaped.

The veil of silence falling upon the both of us as we looked into each other's eyes finding ourselves at a loss trying to pray we were in a dream, but knowing it was not. Tears drying on our cheeks as we found ourselves dwelling into the legend of the tragic lovers who perhaps we were.

Fear shaking through us while love continued to drip and splatter upon our hearts trying to relieve us of that peculiar ache which was now piercing upon our ache that appeared to be evolved from the past lifetime we both may have shared.

Suddenly he took an immediate step towards me and grabbed a hold of my cheeks trying to hold both of us above the seas of mystery that swiveled around us.

"W-what? A-are we r-really those l-lovers?" My voice hitting hiccups as I began to cry looking back towards the small wooden box laying on the ground finding a familiarity with it.

Shivaay taking a deep breath as his eyes fell upon the box that laid on the ground as well. His hands trembling before taking a hold of the box finding himself unable to open it while knowing the box held a mystery of its own.

Sighing, he let the box drop on the ground knowing that it was needed to escape this moment and not further dwell into a cruel past we both may have shared. His hand pulling me closer as he looked into my eyes trying to bring me out of the illusion that we both had entered.

"Anika...I...I d-don't know what we were in the past lifetime or what our future holds... And...and maybe he was right or maybe he was wrong. We don't know...these are mysteries of the past that we humans are not allowed to touch or even walk upon because it will only create more chaos and more havoc. Do you understand?" His voice hitting a loud tempo wanting to reel me out of the haunting from the past.

My gaze lowering as I shook my head knowing his words held truth that it is dangerous to explore a past life as it is sacred and only one that the divine can touch.

"F-fate has been g-good to us finally...If we a-are truly t-those t-tragic lovers then p-perhaps Baba is right that f-fate is finally now b-blessing us t-to b-be together...f-finally...a-and look we both are...a-are only dwelling into our rage n-not appreciating f-finally w-we both have g-gotten a chance to b-become one..." I spoke realizing how we both were failing to appreciate this mercy given to us.

Meeting his gaze, I found teardrops upon his cheeks with his eyes revealing that somewhere my words did hold truth. My feet moving a step closer allowing our hearts to brush past against one another in an attempt to thread the love we both held for each other.

"I am so sorry Anika. I was scared I might lose you again when you fell near the lake. I just lost it and I began to blame you and I failed to realize how much you have much you have grown because somewhere I just have lost touch with you. Lost touch with who you've become because of me...and my misdeeds...I need time to relearn you and learn the ways you have drifted and changed over these years...I am sorry Anika. I shouldn't have lost my temper on you..."

My palm clasping against his lips gently halting his words and wanting to speak my own knowing we both were wrong in our argument.

"I k-know...I know life has continued and we both may have changed, but I still hold that same heart which loved you and....somewhere still holds it heartbeats that have an ugly, weak love for you. We perhaps have to relearn one another and our ways, but you know what hasn't changed? The way we still complete each other's thoughts...the way we are the only ones who make each other laugh....the way we find ourselves living for once only in each other's company...That hasn't changed..." A smile touching my lips as I leaned closer peering into his eyes that held faith that somewhere our love has only resumed and we do not have to face the same struggle of building our love again.

His hands wrapping into mine as he leaned in trying to find reflections of the revelation the Baba made...trying to find if we both were those tragic lovers.

"Perhaps we never changed Anika...Fate never changed our love and we are those lovers that sacrificed themselves in the name of love...Anika what if we really did separate due to m-me in our I wronged you in the past and again now...I have always been your culprit perhaps..." His voice falling through as he began to ponder over the deeds he committed now and the ones perhaps from another time.

Sighing, I took a deep breath trying to make sense of what we were told and remembering the Baba's words which pleaded to give into love in this moment and not allow ourselves slip back into that dark cycle in which we let ourselves surrender to evil.

Pulling myself closely towards him, I attempted to lay my thoughts knowing we have to forget the idea of even thinking about this past and only dwell on the future.

"E-even if we are the tragic lovers...then isn't it amazing how from that lifetime to this new lifetime, we both still found our way to each other and...and nourished our love...made love...and carried another precious blessing in the children we will have...Let's forget out anger and our temper...Let's promise to fight, but never separate. Let's promise to never let our anger overpower our love...Let's promise to only try to love...will you do that for me?" I spoke holding my lines bravely.

Even if we may have been those lovers or not...the lesson learnt from those tragic lovers is that love never dies and separation only prolongs doesn't give solace the way the fulfillment of love does.

Shivaay holding a small smile as he began to lean in looking down upon my lips wanting to seal the promise with a kiss. His eyes meeting mine revealing his agreement with his fingers tracing the corners of my cheeks.

"I promise to fight for us and to never allow us to separate. I promise to work on my anger and never let it overpower our love...I promise to love you forever no matter what may come be..." His lips colliding against mine pulling me into a subtle, passionate kiss.

Our hands entwining into one another as we felt a peculiar spark hit the both of us not wanting to let ago...a spark that appeared to be aged and from a past. Our lips warming the cornered folds of our tongue as he began to push me lightly back against the car while continuing to hold our kiss.

"W-what if we were them? Shivaay...what if we were those lovers?" I questioned in between our kisses finding myself still at disbelief what the Baba said and pondering whether it was a mere lie. His hands raveling around my waist molding into the mud that latched on it before merging my bosom against his chest.

"I...I don't know...who we were, but w-what I know is what we are now...If indeed we were those lovers then let us claim our love once again within these woods...Isn't it amazing how our love crossed over a lifetime and did not die?...Do you know what that means Anika?" He questioned collapsing his hands against my cheeks revealing a hope held in his blue eyes.

I myself do not know what any of this means. What I do know if that we cannot even dare to think about this past because it will only ignite our differences. No one is allowed to look into the past and to be told of it is itself dangerous.

"It means that we have to forget our vices and our sins and only embrace love. For the sake of our future, we have to move on and forget our past. We have to learn how to love only...we have to unite for the sake of being together because that is what we want...We both want to be together and to finally have fate to allow us the opportunity to be tied in sacred vows, we must seize it no matter what...And no matter what storms come we both have to be together or we will meet a tragedy once again..." I spoke with fear holding on to me as I looked at the tree where those lovers passed...who perhaps were us.

Placing my hand on his heart, I felt it beating erratically having the same fear of becoming a tragedy once again if we were those from the past as told.

"I am scared Anika...I am scared of separating like those lovers. If we are them then I am fearful of meeting the same you to dearly to lose you again. I don't ever want to leave you ever again and I want to treasure you in my heart so you can never leave me. I love you too much now that even thinking a moment without you feels as if I will instantly die-"

"No! not e-ever say such words to me. Y-you are m-my e-everything...and it will be a l-lie if I say that I can l-live a m-moment w-without you b-because I c-cannot. To f-finally k-know that y-you are m-mine makes me w-want to a-always k-keep you by m-my s-side and h-hold you l-loved by you. I just w-want to be y-yours' and I w-want y-you to l-love me the way that lover l-loved her...I do not k-know who w-we w-were in our past, but I do k-know that from n-now on I a-always will p-pray e-each and e-every m-moment that I h-have y-you a-as my s-soulmate in this l-lifetime and e-every l-lifetime a-after this...b-because...I am f-falling for you..." The last line barely coming out of me with tears lushing out of me realizing how much I am now falling for Shivaay again and probably much harder because for once I am feeling loved by him.

For once I am feeling that he loves me the way I loved him in the past.

Closing the gap between both of us, he grabbed my waist pulling me closer before taking a firm hold of my head trying to pull me out of fears I was beginning to drown myself in.

"And this is t-the r-reason why I-I l-love y-you b-because t-the w-way you l-love m-me is a w-way that n-no woman can ever l-love a m-man. I l-love how you c-continue t-to g-give m-me a chance and a-allow yourself t-to b-be l-loved by m-me...n-no one h-has that s-strength A-Anika...and damn it...I d-do not d-deserve this l-love from you...I d-do not...but I-I n-now cannot imagine y-you b-being w-without me...I j-just love you t-too much t-that now I c-cannot see you with a-anyone besides me...and I know I am wrong...and I a-am b-being s-selfish...."

"Just be s-selfish d-damn it! I w-want you to t-take command of m-me and l-let e-everyone k-know that I am o-only yours'! T-that I am y-your wife...your l-love! B-be my l-lover and c-claim me as y-yours'...j-just m-make l-love to me...m-make me f-feel loved...!" And letting my demand echo, I grabbed his collar and dived into a kiss.

Mature Content Begins

Letting our lips crash, I began to consume the ecstasy that I found in the poison he held wanting to make it mine and reach a high once again. His hands dragging down the edges of my pallu wanting to strip it away as I giggled letting my hand run through the fabrics covering him wanting to touch his bare tones where I found my love engraved upon.

His lips folding into mine, with heat simmering between them, while continuing to tease and bite into each other. His tongue scraping my dull flavors while I pushed it back wanting to play a small game with him.

Digging his fingers into my waist, he attempted to tame me as I let my nails claw against the buttons of his kurta dragging it down through his bare skin inciting a moan from him. Pushing me back gently, he began to deepen the kiss slowly increasing the pace wanting to prove his worth as my lover with his hands pushing me back.

A sudden scream erupting from me as I felt my feet colliding against the mud realizing I was falling. Grabbing a hold of his shoulder, I tried to find balance, but failing as our bodies dipped into the wet, trails of mud soaking our deadly, thrilling, and sick desires we both were now beginning to form towards one another.

Biting into the taste of mud, I licked my lips before popping them towards him as he laid below me. The whip of temptation hitting him hard as his fingers began to trace mud gently against my waist rubbing into it and tempting the petals of love that were beginning to slip down my navel.

A heave escaping from me with a chill rushing through my waist finding myself arching up not able to bear the heat of his skin that begged me to give in to him.

Dragging my fingers up to his lips I let them shake before coloring them with the brown shade of pure muck wanting him to lust on my true flavors which were laced with filth.

He attempted to take deep breaths knowing I was seducing him wanting him to give into me...Our breaths deepening as I began to lower my lips barely letting them brush his knowing to keep a tease enough for him to thirst upon.

Letting my tongue drag upon the streaks of mud, I clasped my lips against his cheeks slowly sucking on them wanting to drug myself and reach a high which my body was begging me to have once again.

Slowly, I began to layer his cheeks with small, tender kisses leaving the game in his court knowing he would return.

His hands digging into the mud wanting to hold his patience and not allowing lust to dance on his heart.

" should g-get g-going...y-you have to g-go to your home...w-we will get l-late..." He barely whispered as I let out a small giggle before grazing my lips down his neck with subtle heated kisses allowing them to mold him with wet, mud which was soaking both of us.

"Baby...we have you said. We have an hour before they need us and many things can be done in an hour right?" I spoke enough for him to hear my command wanting him to fulfill it. My palm taking a hold of his heart wanting to feel what hunger he exactly was forming at the moment.

His heartbeats beating forcefully against my palm indicating unlucky demons were dancing upon them and screaming at him to give in while his ego told him to hold on knowing he was going to lose the first round of seduction.

A sudden grip taking hold of my neck forcing me to look into his eyes that now held pure lasciviousness wanting to take me in.

"No baby...w-we a-are going to go h-home...e-everyone is w-waiting for us..." He attempted to take another breath, but barely able to feeling his hunger growl and dive into rims of his heart that wanted to touch me.

"I thought you like formed this idea of...making love here... and I am only working on it...and I want to work on" I attempted to hold my weakening voice finding myself completely becoming drugged with this fetish fantasy of making love to him.

His hands dragging into the mud wanting to hold on to reality despite beginning to fall into the realm of love making where he ruled.

Dragging my hand down the buttons of is kurta, I let my fingers linger before looking into his that were telling that he was direly wanting to enter sheets of pleasure that I held within the folds of my flesh.

Sighing, I knew this challenge was going to be difficult as I arched myself up looking towards him. Letting my fingers lifting into the cornered gaps of his buttons, I began to open them as he chewed on to his lips with his eyes wandering down my cleavage that was beginning to blossom out with my saree collapsing against the sticky, mud that wrenched me.

Taking a hold of the mud I dug my hands into it soaking them gently into their bubbled filth before smearing them gradually up his bare chest from peaks of his navel and to his heart which was beating only for me.

"I am wearing the same saree that night when we got married...I know how much you wanted me that night...wanting to thrust your pleasure into me...make me yours'...don't you want to fulfill that fantasy...that unfulfilled desire you still hold... I want the thrill...that I know only you can offer...I choose you to lead selfish and command me...claim me...don't you want that? Don't you want to lead me?" I spoke softly playing with my innocence as I tilted my head before pulling myself up and hooking my knees around his hips.

He laid in silence finding himself entering a trance where he appeared to admire each and every flaw and feature of mine trying to fulfill his craving, but failing utterly at it knowing looking was not enough.

Looking down at my saree stained with mud shading the sacred red where I held my vows.

A shy smile touching my lips as I let my hands run up my bare waist brushing the mud against it showing him where he could get his pleasure from before grabbing a hold on to my bosom and brushing it with murk. His eyes widening seeing the rose petals of my bosom peaking through my blouse that were waiting for him.

Letting the mud stream as a river against my neck, I ran it across my cheeks soaking me with it and showing him what he can do to make me a ripe fruit once again.

"Fuck the challenge! You win round one! Damn it Anika!" He yelled grabbing my hips in an instant and running me down on the ground before he lunged above me. His lips taking a firm hold of my cheeks as he began to layer me with eager, urgent kisses wanting to ravage the mud that dared to relish upon me before him.

Giggles erupting from me knowing I had sucked his patience out and was on the trail of winning my challenge.

"Where work on me?" His voice beginning to hit a louder tempo and hold its ground once again beginning to surrender to my seduction... knowing he was losing at it.

Letting out a shy smile, I let my eyes wander seeing a small wooden cabin across the enchanting tree where we had laid our wishes...a tree that appeared to speak our past despite us not wanting it to.

"I will work on you...where those lovers nurtured their love...l-lovers w-who perhaps were us...perhaps that is why fate brought us here today...t-that we u-unite under t-this very tree w-where our love originally began...Shivaay....let's make love where we perhaps always made love..." I whispered feeling tears letting go of me as I looked into his eyes that held their own tears realizing somewhere our love had collapsed before and how uniting once again in that very place may just save our love.

Without a warning, he let his lips run themselves into me as I let my lips separate allowing him to take a hold of the virgin flavors he had yet to taste. His palms wiping my tears away roughly desiring only my bliss as he began to rhythm himself above me beginning to press his body upon me hitting a peak before a bellow.

Our lips molding the mud that stuck to them tasting its filth allowing it to taint pills of ecstasy we both were spilling into each other. His lips devouring on to mine trying to satisfy his fetish upon washing me clean with his love that held a blemish of lust.

Wrapping my hands into his waves, I curled them feeling his fingers drumming down to my waist and rubbing it forcefully wanting to help me release white milk of pleasure that was tensing and bulging within my navel.

Lifting himself up, he immediately let my legs wrap around his waist before pulling me up into his arms. His face turning deep shades of red from tension running solid hits, torturing him violently, and pressuring him to take me in.

Wrapping my arms tightly around him, I continued to work on his neck letting my teeth sink into him before leaving a rough kiss on the wound. A groan escaping from him, as he began to walk down the wooden cabin that appeared to have been deserted for ages.

Slamming the door open he immediately pushed me against the wall shutting the door shut. My arms holding on to him tightly as he grabbed on to my hips pulling me tightly against his waist ensuring I would not fall.

A shiver running down my waist incited by his hands that ran their warmth against it before pulling me closer towards him allowing our beating hearts to collide that were beginning to hit the tunes of love that rose and fell, but continued to nurture themselves between the both of us.

Our lips crashing with their pace increasing as we let them separate holding on to each other's flavors before letting go, but only to return wanting more with a craving to flame passionate lust intertwined with love.

Both of us panting as our eyes came across one another reaching a complete hush. His hands forcing themselves around the corners of my waist as I traced my hands down his cheeks barely holding on to the wall behind us.

"Let's fulfill that unfilled love that we may have left on this ground....fulfilling may just free us from our past and allow us to only love from now on..." He whispered putting me into a high as if in this moment we were the tragic lovers who parted upon this lake.

Somewhere I do feel we were those lovers...that we were the ones who separated because how it possible that fate will unite us again after everything that has happened...yet here we are uniting once again.

Biting into the mud that disgraced my lip, I pulled myself into him before letting our lips begin a war of teasing as they began to play with one another wanting the other to give in first.

"Then let's fulfill it and begin our new journey to only loving...let our souls reunite once again so forever they can only love and never hate...let's make love to reunite now forever..." Holding my silence, I pressed my lips into his gently dipping into him once again wanting him to now lead me.

Our lips smiling against one another as we slowed down our kiss letting a wave of lust now rush down our hearts before colliding into our fruits we held delicately between the corners of our waists that were tightly holding on to one another.

Pushing me against the wall, his hands grazed their heated desires down my thighs that had wrapped themselves tightly around his waist. Burying my lips into his neck, I began to suck on the mud gently not letting go, but only devouring it wanting to get to the depth of his true, toxic taste.

"What if someone see's us...?" I whispered with fear lurking by realizing how we both were entering a public domain where anyone can enter into our secret tryst.

Shivaay letting out a small chuckle as he began to rub my thigh letting it brush briefly against my flower making me gasp realizing how that flower was begging to be soaked by his love.

"That is the want a thrill baby and now I will give it to you...Twenty minutes and you will reach the high of your life...I promise..." He held a wicked dare before slamming me down on to the ground and grabbing my thigh pushing it towards him.

Heat of our flesh now gliding against one another. Heartbeats crashing. Breaths rushing. Lust shattering. Love plunging.

A heave escaping from me feeling his lips dive down my waist as he began to blow heat on my navel trying to pressure it to release its virgin flavors in the white milk now begging to drop out of my flower. My nails dragging against the wooden wall realizing I was about to lose another petal from my flower.

His eyes lifting up finding me completely drugged with ecstasy now beating and thrusting violently upon my heart making it forget its wounds and drown into the lake of love.

Layering his muddy hands one by one up to my bosom he grabbed a hold of my neck trying to pull me out of my intoxication ensuring I was in the moment.

"If you are not feeling well...we can stop now. Are you sure you want to do this?" He spoke softly trying to break out from that hungry beast which was trying to pursue him to continue.

A weak smile touching my lips finding myself admiring his desire to ensure I wanted to be part of this new high. "You have twenty give me the award for the first round I just won. I want you to make love to me now..." I spoke to my servant as his smile widened finding himself lavishing under my command.

"Let's fulfill our empty love and unleash it free before a tragedy dares to touch it..." He spoke finding himself dwelling on that past as I smiled taking a step back and placing my hand on my saree's pallu.

"Then let's uncage our love and set it free so it could rule upon us..." I declared as he began to take a step towards me finding his hand grasping to the edge of my pallu.

A rush of warmth climbing from my feet and up to my heart making me turn a shade of blunt red realizing how soon he will unravel me from my shackles and begin to love my flawed bare tones.

Mud streaming down my neck as he leaned in letting the heat of his lips rush against it as I lowered my head wanting to surrender to him knowing he knew more. Fingers gently downing against the veil before wrapping into the fabric feeling the pin that held it.

My hand taking a hold of his chest pulling him closer before leaning my lips against his letting them merge once again trying to soak them so they can be refined for the work they have to do. Wrapping my fingers into his, we slipped them into the pin before opening it and letting my veil fall.

The saree's drape rushing down my shoulder and collapsing against the ground revealing my mud drenched flesh that was shaking and begging him for once to relish on its taints, devour its flaws, and admire its subtle features....and love it like it never has been loved.

Silence holding us with wind whistling out the open window where the tree of fate began to breathe once again finding itself blessing the love that now was beginning to take root beneath our hearts.

Looking into our reflections in each other's eyes, we found that haunting past we held from five years ago still wounded from it, but now learning that loving again is the only option to savagely rip those wounds off and replace them with pieces of each other's hearts.

Our gazes lowering as he began to lean in slowly appearing to respect our moment knowing that this silence was enough to be the tune to our unsung love. Smiling faintly, we began to close the gap between us.

"My beautiful bride...that night I did want to love you, but...I felt shame knowing what I was doing...I..." He appeared to hold back remembering our first wedding night when we both were close to letting virgin souls unite.

My palm smashing into his heart forcing him to say no more knowing that remembering that past would only hurt us and pierce us with thorns... that we could never pull out and only allow them to torment us.

"No Shivaay...let's not remember where we both sinned...let's only hold this moment and love..." Letting my desire run into thin air, I began to push him back towards the small cot behind us finding pleasure now completely consuming my senses not allowing me to even ponder over the past.

Pressing my lips tenderly against his shoulder, I grabbed his palm and placed it against my heart wanting him to feel how it was beating itself only for him...crashing and falling knowing that once again it was being forced to drown into love.

"Then I will love..." He spoke tenderly with a smile touching him knowing that my diving heartbeats were for him.

A shy smile touching my lips with love now beginning to dance wildly upon the doorsteps to my heart knowing it might be allowed inside forever because now this heart is in love with the desire of being loved.

My eyes lifting to the tree outside of the window realizing that it is becoming a witness to our union once again ready to bless our love that was being borne from our souls wanting to become eternal.

Dipping himself on to the cot, he grabbed my waist pulling me closer as he gently ran his lips against the creases of mud that smoldered it. Clenching my navel, I attempted to hold the virgin fruit wanting to revel in the tension that was beating down as rivers flowing between my thighs.

His lips molding on to my skin as he began to lay short, sparking kisses before slowing down and licking the corners of the fabric that dared to cover it. Twisting the knots of my drapes, he let his hands absorb the wet mud that slimed against my thighs pleasuring himself with the idea of how he can help me to scrape its filth off.

Tightening his grip on my thighs, he pulled me in while I sighed trying to hold on to the drips of wet milk now skimming down my knees finding that flower begging him to give it a hit.

Grasping a hold of the drape, he began to pull on it as I gasped realizing what he was doing. The drape beginning to unravel one by one as he pulled on the chords of the drenching flower between my thighs ready to enter it and feed it once again.

My legs weakening knowing I was going to fall as he immediately got up grabbing my waist and pulling me into an embrace. Wrapping my hands around his waist, I buried my lips into his heart where I began to lay rugged, coarse kisses letting my tongue lick the streaks of mud.

Holding on to his patience, knowing I needed to ease into this, he dragged his hands up to my blouse's dori before pulling me against his chest. Weaving his fingers with the dori, he began to lower himself slowly sucking his lips gently on to the tones of mud mixed with flavors of my flesh finding new tastes in them that I myself did not know of.

"You are ravishing Anika....ravishing. No one even knows what a beauty lays under the shackles you have to wear...and thank's only me who is allowed to see this beauty..." He spoke in a low voice as I felt a shiver go down my spine unable to bear its owner's appreciation.

My cheeks turning a red shade as I began to shake lightly knowing the moment was coming soon where he would make me his. A nervous giggle escaping from me feeling his hands clamming against my back before beginning to untie the fabric that covered an innocent heart.

Finding the fabric loosening from my bosom, I turned around wrapping my arms around him feeling shy despite knowing he had seen me many times like this.

A small laugh leaving itself out of him as he wrapped his arms around me.

"Now you were the one who did the seduction...won its first round...and asked for the prize..." He spoke against my cheek while I grabbed a hold of his kurta pressing my nervousness into it despite dying with desire to pleasure myself with him.

"T-then...l-let m-me to d-do s-something..." I stuttered lifting my head up as he raised his eyebrow questioned if I had the ability to do such considering how much heat I am soaking in at the moment.

Chewing on my lips violently, I pushed him back on to the cot before leaning over him finding him stunned by my move. Giggling, I began to lower myself on top of him letting my fingers take a firm grasp of his kurta. Without any thought, I immediately lifted it up and wrenched it off of him revealing his wide smirk that took hold of him.


I know the update ended abruptly and I am so sorry, but I have gotten requests for shorter updates, so that is why I had to end it and I feel it is easier to read shorter updates :)

The next part continues with this scene and has mature content...I label "Mature Content" as what I think is mature, but others may find it differently, so I am sorry for any confusion :(

The next update will hopefully be by mid-week, but no promises since I am a little busy :(.

This week is the "Haldi" week meaning I am hoping to update more frequently with chapters on Shivika's "Haldi" :)

Thank you for reading and if you like this chapter and if you wish please do comment, share, and vote :)



Explanation of legend: The story Anika told about the tragic lovers is one she remembers and what the Baba told is the truth. Shivika were the tragic lovers behind the tree who separated in their past life and now they are reborn as the Shivika we know in LTLHA :). This shows why their attraction for each other was sudden and how the cycle of falling in love, separation, Shivaay wronging Anika, and then love happening again repeated meaning they are soulmates and star crossed lovers :)

I am sorry if the emotions changed abruptly in this chapter but the past few chapters have been quite sad so I am trying to experiment and show sudden twists and changes in emotions, but I am still working on this and it will take me some time to improve so I am sorry for any disappointment :(

Please do not forget to read Chapter 39 Part 1 where Anika and Chaaya meet each other! :)

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