Chapter 5: Cake and Tears

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Copyright © jasminedarcie

All Rights Reserved

This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner or language whatsoever without the express written permission of the author.

Edit: Please follow me on twitter to not miss out on behind the scenes of writing this story. Also you can provide me feedback on Twitter as well. Please follow me @JasmineDarcie .(


Shivaay's Point of View

My vision blurred as I tried to open my eyes against the sunlight that was shining on to my bed. I tried to move my head up, but couldn't as a sharp pain emerged in my head. Pushing myself out of my deep sleep with all the power I could, I got up on to my elbows as I stared out the window. My eyes wandered to the state of my bed as I noted my bedsheet dropping down on to the floor, my coat laying spread apart on the bed as my shoes being collapsed on the floor. I held my head and rubbed it as I tried to recall what had happened last night. I sighed as I remembered Anika. There she was stuck in my memories as I recalled our argument from last night. What went wrong? Was it the atmosphere or the tension that eventually burst open from the box in which we had our memories locked in? What happened to Anika? Most importantly, what happened to me? I should've avoided her and avoided confrontation with her, but I couldn't. There is something about her that just pulls me towards her. It is something.

I looked at the clock and realized it was nine in the morning. Oh God, I have to meet that caterer! I quickly got up and dashed to the bathroom. God, I have so much to do today. As far as I remember, I have to go with Akash and Priyanka to visit their caterer and taste out food and choose menu options for the upcoming wedding rituals and the wedding itself.

I quickly rushed downstairs as I fixed my shirt and ran my hands through my hair. I heard loud laughs and chatter coming from the dining room.

"Waise, you woke up a little late today," I heard someone say as I turned around and noticed Om walking to me as I rolled my eyes.

"So? I was a little drunk last happens," I said as he crossed his arms and raised his eyebrow at me.

"What? What do you want to say?" I asked as Om shook his head and walked up to me.

"I saw you and Anika together last night. You both went together to your room," Om said as my eyes widened. Crap, I forgot all about that. My memory is a bit blurry, but I do remember her bringing me to my room. Suddenly, the bulb lit up as I remembered what happened last night in our room. I shoved the memory out of my head as I gave Om a stern look.

"Look there is nothing going on between Anika and me. I was drunk and she dropped me off in my room. That is all! Most importantly, you shouldn't be asking me these questions Om. I am older than you and I know my limits," I replied as Om's eyes softened and he placed his hand on my shoulder.

"I know, but still I wanted to ask because we all have been thinking about you. Maybe, you should be considering to find a new life partner," Om began until I raised by hand at him and I clenched by teeth and looked up at him.

"I know you care for me Om, but please don't ever discuss about this topic with me again," I replied as I turned on my feet and entered the dining room.

I suddenly felt everyone's eyes on me as the talking mellowed down as I sat next to Dadi as Om came and sat right next to me.

Gauri offered me my omelette as I thanked her and felt Dadi's gaze on me along with mom and dad's.

" have been thinking billu about your future," Dadi began as she cleared her throat. I placed my fork on top of my omelette as I looked up at her curiously.

"We care about you and your future a lot. We have been thinking that this is the right time for you to consider getting married again. In fact, we are considering that Anika may be a good fit for you," Dadi went on as my eyes widened as I looked up at her in shock. What the hell? Me and Anika. Where did they get this idea come from? Never, Anika and me....never ever will that happen.

"What do you all mean?! I am sorry dadi, but no! In no way will I marry anyone. And Anika is a definite no," I exclaimed as I got up from my chair and looked at everyone.

"Well she is a good fit for you. In fact, she will match perfectly with you," Dad said as I sighed as I slammed the table hard in anger. I felt the veins in my neck bulging as I felt my face becoming warmer.

"No! How do you all think that I would be comfortable in letting you all take such important decisions for me?! You all have no right to do that especially what happened after Tia! In no way in hell am I getting married," I exclaimed as I threw my chair down.

"Shivaay, just listen for one moment! Please!" Ma exclaimed.

"Please I don't want to listen. This discussion is over! And if any one of you tries to talk about my marriage, especially with Anika, I will forget we all are related. Because my life already has been ruined because of that Tia! You all, in fact, especially you both mom and dad, said that Tia is perfect for me and a perfect fit since she matched that high society of yours, but how did it end?! Huh! She cheated on me! She ruined my reputation and look at how the world still see's me as! The world see's me as a fool and you know what? I don't want to be a fool by getting married again!" I exclaimed as I slammed my foot against the floor and walked out.

Anika's Point of View

I laid my head silently against the window as I looked outside at the empty street. I snuggled up against my shawl as I took a bite of my paneer paratha. Last night running its course in my mind as I tried to forget about it. I tried to forget everything, but I couldn't. Everything just kept on repeating in my mind. I was of course mad at Shivaay for the way he had behaved last night, but I wasn't shocked. The way he parades around with that ego of his doesn't surprise me that he would behave in such manner when drunk.

I heard my phone ring as I looked at it and realized it was Priyanka.

"Hello," I said.

"Hey Anika! I need your help," Priyanka exclaimed as I raised my eyebrow in curiousity.

"Sure for what?" I asked.

"Well, today Akash and I have to go taste testing for food we might want at the rituals and the wedding and I was wondering if you could come with me?" Priyanka asked. Well, it doesn't sound too bad. I mean I do like food and it is taste testing, so I could come along and help Priyanka.

"I know it is last minute, but please,"Priyanka requested.

"Sure, I will be ready. What time are you picking me up?" I asked. I heard a cough on the phone.

"Um...around eleven," Priyanka said. Somehow, I felt there was something more than what she was saying on the phone.

"Sure, sounds good. I will be ready by eleven. See you later," I said smiling as I turned off the call as I quickly walked upstairs.

"What happened? What's the hurry?" Mom called as I passed by my parents' room. I turned around and looked at her.

"Um...Priyanka wants me to go with her today to help her choose the menu for the wedding," I said.

"Oh that's nice. That's good you are getting out of the house as you usually lock yourself inside all weekend and every weekend," Mom said as she emphasized her sentence. I rolled my eyes as I went to my room.

"What do you mean Mom?" I asked as I crossed my arms.

"Oh stop it Anika. Priyanka's your only friend and you know why because she goes out of her way to talk to you and hang out with you. You never had friends. You're always like this-staying at home all day!" Mom exclaimed.

"Well, fine I am a loner and I confess it, but I find peace in quietness, however, Mom you just don't understand!" I replied as I walked to my room and slammed it shut. Mom doesn't understand. I try to make friends, but somehow it never turns out right. Somehow something always goes wrong. Fine maybe it's my awkwardness, shyness and my tendency of lack of creativity when it comes to choosing places to hang out, but it isn't all my fault. It's just bad luck. I thought as I angrily my hair and tied it up in a loose bun as I felt my locks fall down on my face. For some reason, my hair was irritating me and the best way to control it would be to tie it up. I grabbed my shoulder bag as I put on my flats and attempted to straighten my black leggings. I quickly grabbed my laptop and began finishing up patient charts until I heard my phone ring as I noticed it was Priyanka.

"Hey Priyanka, I am all ready to go," I said.

"Great, we're parked in the front of your house," Priyanka said as I turned off the phone and walked down the stairs.

"See you later mom and dad," I yelled before I closed the door shut and turned around. I raised by eyebrow as I looked at the black BMW SUV with black tinted windows parked in front the house. This doesn't look like Priyanka's car, I thought as I walked down the stairs and down the driveway.

"Hey Anika, it's me!" Priyanka exclaimed as she rolled down her window and waved at me. I smiled as I walked closer to her. I looked behind her and my eyes widened as I stopped in my tracks. It was Shivaay. He had the same expression on his face as he looked at me through his sunglasses.

"What the?" Shivaay hissed to Priyanka as he pursed his lips together and looked back at me.

Great, this day couldn't get any better. I mean this weekend. I thought today would be a day of peace without seeing him, but no here I am. I thought as I looked at Priyanka.

Priyanka smiled as she looked at me.

"Actually, Shivaay bhai is also coming with us as well. Sorry I forgot to tell you," Priyanka said innocently as I raised my eyebrow at her and realized she was not so innocent. I have strong feeling she didn't tell me on purpose.

"Anyways, come sit," Priyanka said as I stared at her as I crossed my arms. I really do not want to spend another day with Shivaay. Yesterday was too much for me. Too much of an emotional toll and I thought today would be more peaceful, relaxing and help me get my mind off of him, but I guess fate has something else in store.

"Come, Anika! Please," Priyanka said as I sighed. Well, I made a commitment to Priyanka and cannot break it at the last moment. Also, she's my best friend, so I have to support her throughout this wedding process. I stared at the door handle and opened the back passenger door and sat in the backseat behind Priyanka.

I heard Shivaay drumming his fingers on the steering wheel as I placed my seatbelt on and closed the door. As usual, he had put NPR on. Somehow I was not in the mood to listen to it since honestly watching the news these days is making me more depressed and emotional, so I have decided to avoid listening to it for a while.

Shivaay made a swift turn as he drove down the hill. I could tell he was mad as he drummed his fingers loudly on the steering wheel nonstop as he placed his left arm up with his fingers against his chin and lips as he drove straight. The silence was dreadful as I could feel the tension in the air.

"Um... bhai can I change the station?" Priyanka asked as Shivaay kept driving.

"It's my car, so I decide" Shivaay replied coldly as he looked up in the rearview mirror and fixed it. I felt his cold gaze at me as I turned my face away and looked outside the window.

"Oh come on bhai! I am changing the station. Even Anika would agree with me!" Priyanka exclaimed.

"Anika likes NPR," Shivaay replied before biting his tongue as Priyanka looked at him curiously and turned around and looked at me.

"How do you know she likes NPR?" Priyanka asked Shivaay as he played with his lips and looked at her as he braked at a red light and stopped.

"Um...she looks like the type," Shivaay said as he gulped and looked back at me as I raised my eyebrow at him.

"Well, she recently quit bhai. Anika doesn't listen to the news anymore since she's tired of all the negativity," Priyanka said as Shivaay looked back at me.

"Wow, impressive considering she is...."Shivaay stopped as I threw him a glare and crossed my arms as I realized what he was about to say. Priyanka turned on the stereo loudly as Shivaay pressed the gas and sped off onto the highway.

I held on to my seat as Shivaay sped down the highway. When is he going to stop his rash driving? I thought as I laid my head against the seat as he sped down the highway.

"Can you please drive a little bit slow?" I asked as Shivaay hummed with the music as he looked back at me.

"No, I cannot. This is how I drive," He replied as I glared at him. Of course, he would enjoy speeding since he knows how much I hate it.


"What the hell is this?" I exclaimed as I walked down the steps of the apartment and stared at him as he smiled and sat on a large, new, glossy black bike.

"Our new ride," Shivaay said as I crossed my arms and looked at him as he smirked as he pulled my wrist and brought me right against his chest as I smiled. I felt his hand right on my pulsing vein as I felt my cheeks flush up in redness as I stared at him.

"I love it when you do that," Shivaay said as I raised my eyebrow at him.

"What?" I asked curiously as Shivaay drew circles on my wrist.

"When you blush. It is a weakness of mine," Shivaay said as I laughed as he pulled me into his strong arms and hugged me tightly as I hugged him back. I felt his lips rest on my shoulder as I shivered under his touch. I felt his lips lightly kiss my shoulder as I looked up at him as he smiled and tucked a pair of hair strand right behind my ear.

"Well, you do know I am not sitting on this. You know how scared I am of bikes Shivaay?" I said as Shivaay rolled his eyes before grabbing my hand and brushing it against his lips as I felt my heartbeat speed up at his mere touch.

"Well, as I will remind you, today is date night and it is my turn on how to run this date. And I, Shivaay Singh Oberoi order you to sit on this bike," Shivaay said sternly as I sighed and ran my hands through my hair as I fixed my black dress.

"I am wearing a dress," I said as he grabbed my hands and handed me a helmet.

"Well, you are wearing leggings under it, so you'll be fine. No excuses. If you love me then you will get on this bike with me," Shivaay said as I sighed in defeat as I stared at the helmet.

"Come on Anika, sometimes, you need to have fun and excitement in life. You are too boring and Shivaay does not like boring," Shivaay said as I shook my head. Well, I can give it a try. I mean I should. How long will I stay like a bore my entire life? I thought as I felt my legs weaken as I stared at the bike in fear and then looked up at Shivaay who gave a look of reassurance. I should trust him as relationships are always about trust. I thought.

I placed the helmet on my head and fixed up the straps as I sat behind Shivaay.

Shivaay coughed as he looked back at me.

"What?" I asked as I looked at him curiously.

"Well, you have to hold me," Shivaay exclaimed as I laughed and wrapped my arms around his chest tightly as I rested my head against his shoulder as he started the bike and sped down the street.

"Ahhh!" I screamed as Shivaay laughed as we sped down on a steep hill.

"What?! You have to enjoy the moment!" Shivaay exclaimed as I held onto him tightly for dear life. I buried my face into his back as I attempted to not look up at the street in fear. I felt wind rushing through my ears at it squeezed and drummed in my ears as I held on tightly to Shivaay's shirt. He sped fast across the streets as I peaked from his shoulder and looked at the night sky as the stars shined above us.

Shivaay laughed as I screamed as he sped around the corner of the street and towards the lake.

"Can you please drive a bit slow?!" I yelled as Shivaay shook his head and sped down the street until finally he stopped.

I took a deep breath of air as I placed my hand on my heart from the adrenaline pumping through my body. I looked at Shivaay as he took off his helmet as he got off the bike. I looked around at the beautiful dark blue colored lake that reflected the moonlight. The lake was surrounded beautiful tall trees wrapped in lights in accordance with holiday season. Shivaay smiled as he took off my helmet and before I realized it he lifted my legs up in the air.

"Ah!" I exclaimed as I wrapped my arms around him tightly and closed my eyes as Shivaay began walking me down the field of grass towards the lake.

"You will get it bad for driving like that!" I exclaimed as I held on to him tightly.

"I would like that," Shivaay replied as he smirked as I threw him a glare from his double meaning as I slapped his shoulder lightly. He walked me down to the end of the boat dock where the small canoes were.

"What is this?" I asked him curiously as he put me down before paying up the attendant for the canoe as he grabbed a paddle and gave one to me too. My eyes widened as I stared at the paddle and looked up at him.

"Um...I never canoed let alone sit in a canoe or a boat," I said as Shivaay grabbed my hand tightly as he walked me down the grass right near the water.

"Well, I'm here. And if I am here then you don't need to worry about anything," Shivaay said as he looked back at me as I slightly smiled before resting my head on his shoulder as I felt him kiss my forehead gently.

"Well, I'll lead the way since the gentleman is more experienced in this subject matter," Shivaay said as I rolled my eyes as he stepped into the canoe and sat down as I stood there looking at him curiously and then the boat. Clearly, I am no expert in this as I tried to route a plan in my mind into how to get into that thing without making a fool of myself or falling into the water.

"Come on! Are you that scared?" Shivaay asked as I bit my lip and stared at him before he grabbed onto my wrist and pulled me closer to the canoe as I wedged my heel strongly and pulled it out of the grass as I slowly placed one of my foot into the canoe before I felt my legs wiggle until I tripped over and fell right on top of a warm body. I looked up nervously at the teasing pair of blue eyes as I held onto his chest tightly as the canoe shook lightly. A large smile with a pinch of tease appeared on Shivaay's face as he wrapped his arm tightly around my waist as the canoe kept shaking as I closed my eyes in fear and grabbed on to his shirt tightly.

"You know I really like this. I can get used to it," Shivaay said as I opened my eye slightly before slapping him on the chest as I got up and sat down. Shivaay laughed as he began paddling down the lake as I copied his hand and arm movement as I paddled.

"Your sense of adventure gets to me," I said as I looked at Shivaay as he smiled and paddled a bit faster.

"You like it or not?" He asked as I rolled my eyes as I looked at him.

"Well, frankly it annoys me and I would hate it if someone else forced me to do these kind of stuff, but somehow I like it when I can do all of this with you," I said as I looked away shyly as I felt his intense gaze at me.

"Well, I will make sure it is always me you can do all this with. Only me," Shivaay said possessively as I felt him place his hand on top of mine. I felt his hand softly drag from my hand and slowly, teasingly up to my shoulder as my heart began beating faster and faster as I felt his hand rest on my neck as the warmth of his hand teased my neck. I felt him move closer to me as I felt the intoxication of his presence get to me. He laid his forehead lightly against mines as I smiled. Before I knew it he laid his lips against mines.

Flashback Ends:

I heard a loud screech as I looked up and realized Shivaay braking the car hard as he stopped at the red light. I broke out of my trance as I realized we were in the city as I looked up at the tall beautiful buildings reflecting the beautiful sunlight that lit the blue sky. I loved San Francisco. It was full of different shades and moods as it dozed off in the fog and the cold as the day began while it lit up with sunshine as it bustled with busy streets, pedesterians and festivals as the day went on.

"You love the city, right Anika?" Priyanka asked as I smiled and rolled down the window a little bit.

"Yeah, I love it. It is truly beautiful," I said as I noticed Shivaay's gaze following onto the rearview mirror as he traced his eyes onto my face. He quickly pressed the gas until he made a turn and uphill to a large business building.

"Anika, I think you will love the caterer, Nimmi aunty. She is Akash's mom's close friend and an expert in making Indian dishes," Priyanka said.

"Perfect, there is not an Indian wedding without all the traditional food," I said.

"No, Indian weddings can be made classy with classy food," Shivaay declared as he parked into an empty parking space. I rolled my eyes.

"Well, traditional Indian food will make everyone feel at home and comfortable. Our older generations grew up eating that food at weddings and it is what makes an Indian wedding festive and full of culture," I said as he sighed as he turned off the ignition as I opened the door and got out.

"Akash! You're here!" Priyanka exclaimed as she ran up to Akash and hugged him tightly as he stood by the large staircase that led into the building complex.

"Well, of course. It was your order and it has to be obeyed," Akash said as I smiled and began walking to them. I felt Shivaay's presence close to me as he followed my tracks. I felt a warm touch on my wrist-a familiar touch. I looked back and looked down as I realized Shivaay's hand holding my wrist tightly. I looked up at him as he looked at his hand before letting go of my wrist as he walked up to me as I looked at him.

"Um...about last night. I went a little overboard..."Shivaay began before I raised my hand up at him as he stopped.

"I don't want to talk about it Shivaay," I replied coldly as I turned on my toes and walked towards Priyanka and Akash. Honestly, I didn't want to talk about it. Last night was a nightmare-something I didn't want to live again. The taunts, the anger, the tears...all of it was too much. I kept hearing Shivaay's words in my head-"It was a bet!"- as I thought about last night and tried to remove the memories from my mind. Last night brought every single memory I had attempted to erase all these years, but somehow it came back and I didn't know how to react to all of it.

"Hi Anika and Shivaay, how are you both?" Akash asked as he fixed his eyeglasses and smiled.

"Good," We both replied at once as I turned over and looked at Shivaay as he looked at me.

"Ok, so how about we go inside. Nimmi aunty especially showed up today to meet with us in her personal kitchen space where she readies all the orders," Akash said as we walked into the building and to the elevators.

I gulped nervously as I looked at the elevators nervously. God, I hate elevators. They are the worst creation ever made. The closeness of its walls, the lack of proper air and then people. So many people crowding in one place together. All of that just makes the experience horrendous. We waited for one of the three elevators to open up until one finally did.

I walked in nervously as I followed Shivaay and stood besides him. Akash pressed the tenth floor as I gulped nervously. The doors closed shut as the elevator slowly made its way up. Slowly as in snail speed. The elevator wiggled and drummed upstairs as I held the small railing behind me. I felt my finger against something soft and warm as I held on to it tightly. I heard a cough as I looked besides Shivaay as he moved his eyes down towards the railing as I looked down and my eyes widened as I realized my fingers had been holding tightly to his. I looked up at him as he looked at me. I felt my fingers fitting perfectly into the spaces between his fingers as I held on. For some reason, I couldn't let go. This felt so right and for some reason I wanted to let go, but couldn't as I felt my fingers stuck like glue at the same spot as they wrapped onto his fingers.

Ding.Ding. "Tenth Floor". I heard the elevator announce as I broke out of my trance and let go of his hand as I turned around and quickly walked out of the elevator. I followed Priyanka and Akash as Priyanka laughed loudly at his jokes as Shivaay and I awkwardly trailed them like third wheelers.

"God, PDA. One thing I hate the most," Shivaay hissed as I looked back at him and rolled my eyes.

"Well, that's what couples do, but I highly doubt you will understand," I said as we walked down the hall to a pair of large glass doors that read "Catering with Tradition" on them. Akash opened the door as we heard loud Bollywood music blasting in the shop.

"Oh I am so happy you all are here!" Nimmi aunty exclaimed as she hugged Priyanka and Akash tightly. I smiled at her as she let go of them and looked at Shivaay and me.

"Wow, you two look so lovely together," Nimmi aunty exclaimed as she hugged me. I could tell Nimmi aunty really liked to hug and she was a hugger as I took a breath of air as she let go of me.

"Let me guess Priyanka, these two are your bhaiyya and bhabhi right?" Nimmi aunty exclaimed as my eyes widened as I looked back at Shivaay who had the same expression as me.

"Oh no Nimmi aunty! He is my bhai, but Anika is my best friend," Priyanka explained as she tried to clear the air.

"Oh well I thought they were a couple the way they were standing together," Nimmi aunty said I realized Shivaay had closed the empty space between us and stood too close. I moved away quickly as I followed Priyanka and Akash to a large wooden table where laid a large variety of different types of foods. Priyanka sat right next to Akash as I sat besides her. Of course the empty seat right next to me was filled by Shivaay again. When is this going to stop? When I wanted fate to do everything to bring us together, we were separated and now when we want to go our separate ways and live separate lives, somehow we are always brought together.

"So, let's go over what type of menu you are aiming for. How about we begin with a list of favorite foods and what you would want at the wedding and then we will move on with tasting some of these samples," Nimmi aunty began.

"I want something with fusion. Like a fusion of Indian and American," Akash said.

"I agree Akash. That is a good choice considering we will have diverse guests at the wedding and the rituals," Shivaay said.

"Well, bhai I agree, but I would want all the traditional food as well. You know the food we all grew up eating," Priyanka said as I shook my head in agreement.

"Anika, right? I mean we should have traditional food," Priyanka asked as I bit my lip and confused on whom I should support.

"Well, I agree. I mean I think we should have cuisine that fuses Indian and American food, but also traditional cuisine as well because why not introduce new and unique Indian food to a diverse group of people. That is perfect and a way of welcoming them and introducing them to our traditions," I said as Priyanka smiled.

"Well, people won't like it Anika. It's all about class and status," Shivaay said bluntly. I stopped in my thoughts as his words touched a deep nerve as I looked up at him. Class and status...that's all he cares about and due to such thinking he always decides according to it. Why is he so obsessed with reputation? I knew what he meant. He was clearly implying that I am not part of the so-called millionaire's clique and won't understand what class and status is.

I lowered my head as I played with my scarf.

"Well, bhai how is food related to class and status? I think food is about unity, so why not unify everyone and go with Anika's idea? Right Akash? We'll have your favorite fusion and my favorite traditional," Priyanka said as Akash agreed.

The next two hours involved intense taste testing and most of all disagreement between Akash and Priyanka as clearly both of them had extremely different preferences when it came to food. I sat in silence as I was stuck between the both since they always asked me on who was right and whose preference was better. Of course, Shivaay avoided the ordeal as he kept busy yelling and screaming at this secretary on his phone. Why did he show up if he didn't want to help and only conduct business all day long? I thought as I looked back at him as he stood in a corner with an angry expression as he continued yelling.

"Bhai, please come and taste the cake flavors nah? It is the last thing on the list, but we have been arguing since the last twenty minutes," Priyanka announced as Shivaay quickly hung up his call and took his seat besides me.

"Well, it's just cake Priyanka. I am sure all the flavors are good," Shivaay said as he took a bite of red velvet cake. My eyes widened as I realized he had stolen my plate and clearly ate the rest of my cake.

"That's my cake!" I exclaimed as Shivaay looked down at the plate and up at me.

"And now it's in my stomach," Shivaay replied.

"But you know it's my favorite nah! Still, you don't have the audacity to apologize," I argued as I realized the room get eeryingly quite.

"Oh my God Anika it's only cake! Why do you always fight over cake?! Nimmi aunty has more and will give it to you," Shivaay said as he played with his fork against the plate.

Well, I do realize I was stupid over fighting over cake, but somehow I wanted a reason. A reason to just yell at him and annoy him. Somehow, I realized it wasn't the fact that he ate my cake that angered me, but how he insulted me last night and today as well. God, he makes my blood boil.

"Well, weren't you the one lecturing me about class and now where is your class? You ate my cake Shivaay. You know how I hate it when someone touches and eats my food without asking me," I replied as I crossed my arm and looked out the window ahead of me as I stared aimlessly at the tall brick building in front of me.

I heard snickering behind me as I turned around and saw Priyanka and Akash holding back their laugh while Nimmi aunty bit her lip as she tried to hold her smile as she looked back at us.

"This is embrassing Anika. Why are you being childish?" Shivaay asked as if to hint that I should quit the fight and accept defeat.

"You both fight like a couple. Are you sure you both are not a couple?" Nimmi aunty asked as we looked back at her.

"No, absolutely not!" Shivaay declared as means to intervene in any type of nonsense thought or idea Nimmi aunty had cooking up in her mind.

"Wait, how do you know Anika always fights over cake?" Priyanka asked curiously as Shivaay placed his hand on his mouth as I fumbled with my scarf.

"Why don't you focus on your wedding cake Priyanka?! I am older than you, so don't question," Shivaay ordered as Priyanka rolled her eyes as she began discussing cake flavors again with Nimmi aunty.

"It was honestly just cake," Shivaay whispered as I dragged my plate back to me from him and took a piece of red velvet cake and took a bite of it.

"I want vanilla flavor," Priyanka said as Akash sighed.

"That is boring Priyanka. Choose something fun like dark chocolate, lemon cake, something uniqu!" Akash exclaimed.

"Oh God, will you both quit it?!" Shivaay yelled as I shook right next to him as he banged his plate and glared at them.

"You know marriage is about compromise and you both need to do that. Just compromise and decide the flavor. Honestly, people will be too drunk to criticize a stupid piece of cake!" Shivaay exclaimed as I felt my shoulders tense as he fumed with anger. Shivaay had a very low tolerance level and clearly it had been passed. In fact, I am surprised he got angry after such a delay since I would have expected him to burst in anger since about an hour ago. Compromise...huh as if he knows what compromise in marriage means.

"Oh come on bhai it is our wedding. Everything has to be perfect," Priyanka exclaimed as she looked back at Shivaay.

"Well, you know a marriage is more than just about taste testing, choosing cake flavors and arguing about honeymoon destinations. It is more about compromise, care, respect and love," Shivaay argued as I looked back at him as he stopped and looked back at me. Since when did he realize what marriage was about or a commitment was about? He would never know. This is a subject in which he will always fail. I thought. His eyes widened as he realized what he was saying.

Since when did he start understanding what relationships are made of? He sure knows how to play with his words. All lies. Everything that comes out from his mouth is a lie and the words are just part of the mask he wears.

"It is also about respecting the person you love most. Respecting them, loving them and cherishing them. It is about equality and both of you shoulder consider that. Marriage and any partnership is about equality between two partners, being honest and doing what will make your partner happy and you happy," I said as Shivaay sighed as I felt his gaze fixated at me. Clearly, I was touching a sensitive nerve and annoying him as he drummed his fingers loudly on the table. Mission accomplished. I love it when I annoy the hell out of him.

"You're right Anika and bhai. What is more important that we are getting married and have a chance to stay a lifetime together and we shouldn't waste our time arguing," Priyanka said as Akash entwined his hands into hers.

Akash and Priyanka turned around as they began sorting out the cake flavors and design as I ate my cake.

"Since when did you start giving advice on relationships?" I asked as I looked at Shivaay as he raised his eyebrow at me.

"Well, I was married," Shivaay replied, stinging me as I gulped and played with the fork on my empty plate. Oh right, married to Tia? Who he married because she was the perfect woman that fit in his world as she fit perfectly according to his so-called image and reputation. God, was I ever in his so-called plan of being rich, being perfect and portraying that image of perfect, smart, family man to the world?

"Oh right? Tia right? She cheated on you with your colleague didn't she? That must be so sad-" I began until suddenly he grabbed my wrist and tightened his grip on it. I bit my lip as I tried to get out of the grip. I wiggled my hand hard, but he wouldn't budge no matter what. His hand deepened its grip as I noticed my wrist changing shades from pale to a deep shade of red. His eyes emerged with darkness as I noticed his teeth clenched tightly as his face reddened with anger and frustration.

"Let go," I whispered as he smirked and shook his head.

"Well, you should have thought that before opening that mouth of yours," Shivaay said as he pulled his chair closer to me and moved our hands right below the table as I struggled hard.

"Stop it Shivaay," I said as he looked at his phone and began playing on it as my mouth gaped at him.

"You didn't use to say that before when you know we were together," Shivaay replied as I shook my head and looked back at Priyanka who was busy discussing cake designs with Akash and Nimmi aunty.

"Ok, so I guess everything is confirmed then!" Nimmi aunty said as she got up from her chair and shook hands with Akash and Priyanka. Shivaay got up still holding on to my wrist as I got up and shook my head at him as I looked down at our hands and up at him. I felt him loosen his grip on my wrist and I snatched my wrist from his hand and stared at the redness that circled around my wrist. Who does he think he is? How can he just do whatever he pleases and likes to do? I thought as I waved goodbye to Nimmi aunty and walked out towards the elevators.

"Shivaay and Anika is it ok if Priyanka and I go for lunch together alone? The wedding and the rituals are taking so much of our time that we don't have time for each other," Akash said as he looked at Shivaay and me.

"Um...well that's great. You both should definitely do that," Shivaay said as I shook my head in agreement.

"That's great! So, is it possible you could drop Anika off at her house then?" Priyanka asked Shivaay as he gulped and pulled the sleeves of his shirt up and stared right ahead in deep thought as everyone waited for his answer. Clearly, he was enthusiastic to do such.

"I could honestly get an Uber or something," I intervened as I tried to break the coldness that spread in the air.

"No, of course not Anika! I brought you here and I cannot just ditch you like that. Am I right bhai?" Priyanka said as she looked at Shivaay for agreement. Shivaay placed his hands in his pockets as he looked at her.

"Whatever, I will drop you off Anika," Shivaay said in an obvious act of defeat.

"Uber is fine for me," I said as Shivaay rolled his eyes.

"Stop acting like royalty. I will drop you off and that's that," Shivaay said as I crossed my arms as I was about to reply before the elevator doors opened and I noticed a large array of boxes inside with movers. Clearly, not enough room for four people.

"Sorry, a business is moving, so this is kind of full," The movers replied as Priyanka grabbed Akash's arm and walked towards the elevator.

"Um...we'll take this one bhai. You and Anika take the next one. Akash has a lunch reservation and we cannot be late," Priyanka said as she waved us goodbye and squeezed into the elevator as the doors closed.

"I can clearly go home alone," I declared as Shivaay sighed and pressed the button for the elevator.

"Sure you can, but Priyanka told me to drop you off," He replied as I played with my scarf in frustration.

"I am an adult and I can decide," I replied coldly as another set of elevator doors opened and I walked in as Shivaay followed into the empty elevator.

"What is your problem Anika? Huh? Why are behaving so childishly today?" Shivaay asked as I stood against the elevator wall and looked at him. Me behaving childishly? Oh really? What about him last night? The way he was treating me like I was his maid...that was not childishness at all. At least he get's a taste of his own medicine. I thought as I crossed my arms at him and leaned against the elevator wall.

"My problem! What is your problem?!" I yelled as Shivaay banged his hand against the elevator wall as he looked at me.

"Really, you are the one who is insulting me in public! That's what you always do!" He yelled as my mouth widened in shock. I am the one who insults him? What? Since when do I insult him? He is the one who does such.

"I insult you. Wow, what about you? You always taunt me about my class and status. You always do that Shivaay. So, what if I am not rich like you or come from a rich family background?! You have no right to insult me! Especially, after how you treated me yesterday like a doormat! You have no right to do such!" I yelled and suddenly I felt him push me against the wall as he placed his hand against the wall and looked at me. He leaned his face close as he looked into my eyes. He moved his eyes up and down on my face as I nervously clenched my fists and avoided his gaze. I was trying really hard to not have an emotional fit as I felt tears building up in my eyes out of anger and frustration at him. God, when will all of this be over? My life is a mess and somehow everyday it's getting worse.

I felt him breathing heavily onto me as if he was ready to burn me down. He loved control and when somebody challenged it he went into a rage. I guess I am the victim for today I thought as I attempted to prove myself strong by standing firmly against the wall as the elevator vibrated against it, moving slowly.

His nose slightly touched the temples of my head as I looked away from him in silence. There was utter silence as the elevator trailed like a snail. He was close...too close and somehow I didn't want to move away. Somehow I felt that I just couldn't...somewhere I guess I didn't want to move away from him. I clenched my hands into fists as my eyes begged for the tears to be released that I was holding. His hand trailed to mines as I looked down as I felt his hand slowly begging my hand to open up from it closed position as I had it folded tightly. His fingers trailed the knuckles of my hand as I felt my stomach flip flop and tighten as I bit my lip.

Suddenly I felt the elevator vibrate loudly as I yelled. The elevator began shaking hard as I grabbed Shivaay's arm and held on to it tightly as I began screaming as Shivaay looked around the elevator curiously in an attempt to understand what was happening.

"Ahhh! No! This cannot be it!" I screamed as I held Shivaay's arm tightly as I shook my head in a no as I felt tears falling down my cheeks without an end. Oh God, this is my worst fear and it's finally coming to life. Here it is. Everything might be over...

Suddenly, the shaking stopped as I looked up curiously as the elevator took a standstill and the doors were not opening one bit.

"What's going on?! Why aren't the doors opening?!" I asked Shivaay as I shook his arm as he rolled his eyes and shook his head at me. I still held onto his arm in dear comfort and for dear life as somehow and somewhere I felt if something happens Shivaay would magically do something and save me. Even if he is my worst enemy at the moment, I somehow needed someone for comfort and I guess it was him for now.

"I think it's stuck," Shivaay said. My eyes widened as I looked at the elevator as it read the fourth floor and that's all.

"Oh my God! What are we going to do? Is someone going to come? are we going to get out?!" I questioned Shivaay as he furrowed his eyebrows and placed his hand over mines.

"Just relax now alright?! Here, let me call the operator," Shivaay said as he pressed the button and heard a bell ring.

"Yes, hello, how may I help you?" The operator said as I shut my eyes and began praying.

"Hi, we are stuck in one of your elevators. It is the middle one," Shivaay said.

"Oh no. My apologies sir. We will get help there immediately. Do you by chance know what floor you may be on?" The operator asked

"I believe the fourth since the digital sign is reading the fourth floor on the elevator," Shivaay replied.

"Ok sir, I have paged the elevator technicians and they will be there shortly to help you. Who else is with you?" The operator asked as she attempted to comfort us.

" colleague," Shivaay replied.

I felt my chest tighten as I found breathing more difficult. Oh no! What is happening? This cannot be an anxiety attack...this is a horrible time to have one. I tried to take a breath of air as I shook the neckline of my kurti.

"Can you please come fast?! Just please come soon!" I yelled as I began breathing more hard. I pressed my hands firmly on the elevator walls as I tried to relax, but somehow nothing was working. Think of birds, think of flowers, think of the blue ocean. I thought as I tried to calm myself down, but somehow my mind went blank.

"Yes ma'am don't worry. Our technicians are on the way ok?" The operator tried to console as she hung up.

My breaths became shallow as my body began sweating. A trembling sensation swept through my body as I felt my hands and leg shaking hard. I placed my hand on my chest as I tried to breathe. Oh God, why do I feel the walls are closing in? There is no air and I cannot see anybody. Why does the world seem so small and closed off? A slew of random thoughts dragged into my head as it stirred continuously.

"Anika, what's wrong?" Shivaay asked as I felt his hands on my arms as I tried to breathe.

"Are you having an anxiety attack again? God, don't tell me you stopped taking your antianxiety medication!" Shivaay said as he shook me as I tried to breathe. I felt his grip tighten on my shoulders as he looked at me as I felt my body burning up with fear. This is it. We will be stuck in this elevator forever. That's how the movies show-the thoughts continued as I tried to calm down.

"Ok, just breathe Anika. Just breathe. Ok just watch me," Shivaay said as I shook my head as he looked into my eyes as I tried to look into his eyes. His face became my sense of focus as I tried to focus on its angles, its features and odd shapes as I tried to collect myself.

"Ok, breathe in and out," Shivaay said as I tried to breathe in and out as I followed him as he took deep breaths. Shivaay rubbed my arms as he tried to make me focus on him.

"It's ok, you're fine. Technicians are on the way and you will be fine. Just breathe in and out," Shivaay said softly as I shook my head and breathed in and out. I closed my eyes as I tried to focus on my breathing. I felt the warmth of his hands burning into my shoulders as he held them tightly.

"You are fine. We are fine. Just do not worry ok?" Shivaay said as I felt his voice soothe me as I opened my eyes and stared at him as I felt my breaths getting easier. I looked into his eyes and for the first time I found something different. A sense of urgency and concern as his eyes twinkled and tensed as they gazed into mines.

Suddenly there was darkness.

"Ahhhh!" I screamed as I felt the elevator vibrate. Suddenly, I felt my arms wrap around something strong and it was Shivaay.

Tears began streaming down my cheeks as I held onto him tightly. I buried my face into his chest as I felt him stand there still as I began crying hard in fear. There was silence except the sound of me crying and hiccupping. My hands traced on to his back as I pinned them there and held on to him tightly not wanting to let go. He stood there like a rock as I held him in an attempt to feel comfort. I needed something to hug and feel comfort and somehow it was him.

A chill ran through me as I felt his hands trace on to my back slowly as I tried to breathe as I held on to him. His grip tightened around me as he moved me closer towards him as the smell of his aftershave began intoxicating my senses as I placed my face against his neck. He moved stiffly as I tugged on to his shirt and wiped my tears against it. His hands traced my waist as I suddenly felt his face bury into my neck as I closed my eyes. His beard tickling the side of my neck as his lips rests on my shoulders. I shivered and grasped on to him tightly.

I couldn't let go. Something happened that charmed me or enticed me and led me to not let go of him. I couldn't. I needed something to hold on to as I felt my world collapsing. Everything had built up inside of me emotionally for the past few days from Shivaay and my first meeting then the engagement and the memories...of Shivaay and me. No matter how much I try to hate him, try to avoid him or get away I still come so close to him. So close. The closeness I wanted for so many years.

" are alright Anika. You are ok. I am here for you," Shivaay whispered as he placed his hand on the back of my head. I felt my scarf loosen its grip as it slipped off my shoulders. I tried to breathe as Shivaay held me as he traced his hands up and down my back. He always used to do that when I had these anxiety attacks. I remember how he was the first person to always be there, leave everything and just hold me until everything was over. Was that also a lie? It did not feel like one when he used to hold me.

"It's ok. The lights probably went out because of the technicians. They are probably trying to fix everything ok?" Shivaay said as I shook my head as he walked back against the back wall of the elevator as I followed his tracks slowly. I felt Shivaay lean against the wall as I held on to him as I tried to calm down. I felt like we stood there forever as I rubbed my nose back and forth on his shirt as he held on to me tightly as if he let me go then something wrong would happen.

Should I let go? Maybe, but why can't I? Is this a closure I am looking for or something more? There is so much comfort when he holds me. A comfort that I cannot find anywhere. A comfort that gives me hope...hope that everything would be alright.

He slowly dropped down and sat on the floor as I held on to him and sat besides him.

He slowly wrapped his right arm around me as I leaned my head against his chest as the sweat dried on my body.

Just let go Anika. Let go. This is not the man you want to find comfort in. He was never made for you. I took a deep breath as I took all the power I had and slowly let go of him and rested my head against the wall.

What just happened? I thought as I stared at the darkness as I felt Shivaay's hand still holding on to mines as I pushed the locks of my bun right behind my ear. Shivaay took his phone and turned on the flashlight and placed it on the ground brightening up the elevator walls.

What has gotten into me? How can I just fall into his arms like that? I am not weak and I cannot show any symbol of weakness to Shivaay. Never. I cannot let him know how much I need him in these moments. I cannot.

"Why don't you take your medication?" Shivaay asked as I looked up at him.

"I have been in therapy for years. I thought I was over with it. I thought I knew how to control my disease, so I stopped," I said as I stared at my hands as I took in the dark surroundings of the still elevator.

"For years? Since when did you start going back to therapy?" Shivaay inquired curiously.

"Since...we separated," I replied as he looked up at me as if shocked.

There was silence as I sat there staring at the elevator doors in hope that it would open any moment. I wanted to avoid Shivaay. I felt ashamed. Ashamed and guilty of the way I clinged on to him. Ashamed that I showed my weakness in front of him. I showed that side of me that I do not want anyone to see or know about.

"Listen...yesterday I went overboard and..."

"Stop it Shivaay. I don't want to talk about it," I replied as I placed my scarf on my lap as I tried to steady my breathing. His hand slowly entwined into mines as he looked at me. I stopped and felt trapped in the entanglement of our hands. I wanted to let go, but I didn't-something was stopping me.

"I want to because I messed up last night and I should not have insulted you in such,"Shivaay began fumbling as I placed my head against the wall in defeat. Of course he cannot say sorry. No matter how much he tries, his ego gets in the way.

"Well, what you said so far is enough. I know how hard the magic word is for you," I said as I still focused on my breathing. Shivaay sighed as I slowly let go of his hand and placed it on my lap.

I moved my fingers up and down in the air as I tried to calm down. Calm down. You are fine. You will be fine. Everything will work out. Just breathe.

I looked at my phone and realized it had been an hour since we were locked inside the elevator. What is taking so long? I thought. I noticed Shivaay unbuttoning his shirt as I raised my eyebrow and looked at him. He looked up at me as I quickly looked away towards the other side.

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked as I hid my face away from him.

"Oh come as if you haven't see anything," Shivaay replied as I sighed and looked away.

"Well, I feel hot Anika. Any person would do such," Shivaay replied as I rolled my eyes.

"Well, I could do the same," I bit my tongue as I felt my cheeks redden.

"And what?" He asked teasingly as I sighed and looked away.

"Just shut up alright!" I said as I stared at the floor.

Why is he like this? Actually, he was always like this-a seductor.


I wiped the tears off of my face as I sat in my car. I cannot believe how Professor Oberoi insulted me yesterday. What does he think of himself? How can he choose such words for his student? I was polite and asked him to reconsider his position since it was his fault. But, how can he just treat me so awfully? What's better is that today I have class with him. I sighed as I got out of my car and wore my sunglasses to hide the redness of my eyes as I locked my car. I stared at the dent that had still yet to be repaired. I rolled my eyes as I put on my backpack and stormed off to the medical building.

I stormed up the stairs to the lecture hall.

"Hey Anika!" I heard someone call as I noticed it was Ayesha as I rolled my eyes. Great, just the perfect person to meet to start my morning. I thought. Why does she hate me so much? Sometimes, I feel that she loves to make people feel horrible about themselves.

"So, um...I heard about your argument with Professor Oberoi yesterday. Wow, if I were you I wouldn't show up to class. Don't you feel ashamed?" Ayesha said as I turned on my heels and start walking as she followed me.

"Well, it's class and I cannot just leave and ditch class. Besides, me being a doctor is very important," I replied as I walked down to lecture hall.

I grabbed my seat towards the end of the classroom as a means to avoid Professor Oberoi and his menacing gaze.

A few minutes later, Professor Oberoi walked in with his shades on as he stomped to the front of the class and swiftly began class. I avoided his gaze as I stared at my notebook. No matter what, I have decided to avoid him. I just cannot stand him. That ego of his is so enormous. I sat quietly as he lectured intensely until finally he finished.

"So, I think we will finish up for now. Please, do read your assigned reading. Also, if Anika is here, may she stay after class for a few minutes?" I heard Professor Oberoi announce as I stopped in my tracks.

What? Why does he want to meet me? Should I go? I mean I should. However, I should avoid just talking to him. I will only listen and leave I thought as I grabbed my backpack and walked down the stairs. I noticed students murmmering as they looked at me. Obviously, to many people got the memo.

I walked up to Professor Oberoi as he was gathering his stuff. He stopped as he looked up at me as I did at him. An unusual smile appeared on his face as he looked at me. I raised my eyebrows as I looked up at him.

I noticed the unusual twinkle in his blue eyes. Gosh, they are so blue. I thought as I looked into them and found my reflection in it.

"Well, I know I overreacted yesterday. In fact, I went home and thought about everything. I tried to think about what we were fighting about and for. Moreover, I thought about the accident and slowly I began realizing the fault was mine," Professor Oberoi said as my eyes widened as I looked at him in curiousity. How did he change? He cannot just change like that? He doesn't seem the type.

"So, I talked to my insurance agent and the insurance money will be reaching you soon. You are off the hook," Professor Oberoi said as a small smile appeared on my face. I felt a huge weight being lifted off my shoulder as I looked at him.

"What? Really, but why?" I asked curiously. Yesterday, he wasn't even budging to admit his mistake and today everything changed. How?

"Well, I thought over it and realized that you were right. It was perhaps my fault. Moreover, I should not have behaved with you in such disrespect as well. I think we started off on the wrong foot, but we can always correct that," Professor Oberoi said smiling as I smiled back at him. He put his hand out forward for me to shake as I smiled and placed my hands in his. I felt his grip tighten on my hand as I looked at our hands and up at him as I smiled as he smiled back.

Flashback Ends

I stared at the doors as Shivaay sat next to me as he looked at his phone as he attempted to get network. If only that day I had not fallen in his trap...then everything would have been good. We wouldn't have known each other and everything would have been perfect.

"God, it's been two hours!" Shivaay exclaimed in frustration as I sat there silently as I focused on my breathing and tried to relax, but the anxiety was not going away.

"And this stupid phone!" Shivaay exclaimed.

We suddenly heard loud knocks on the doors as Shivaay got up and walked to the doors.

"Hello, these are the technicians!" They yelled.

"Finally, where the hell were you guys?! Do you know how long we have been stuck here?! Just do something can you?!" Shivaay yelled in frustration as he knocked on the doors.

"We are trying sir, but it may take some more time," The technician replied. My eyes widened as I began trembling. More time? What do they mean more time?! I thought as I looked up at Shivaay.

"Oh great! Just fanastic! Do you realize it has been two hours already?! Just hurry up will you?!" Shivaay yelled back as he turned on his toes and slammed the wall of the elevator before sitting down besides me.

"I am trying to get some network, so I can let someone know that we are stuck here," Shivaay said as I looked back at him and shook my head in agreement.

"Ah! There is a bar!" Shivaay exclaimed as he quickly began texting someone.

"Here, I texted Priyanka and she will let your parents know as well," Shivaay said.

"Thanks," I replied as Shivaay looked back at me.

"You hungry or something?" Shivaay asked as I felt my stomach grumble. I thought that cake was enough, but clearly I was hungry.

"Well, somewhat," I replied as Shivaay rummaged in his pockets before presenting me a bottle of mints. I looked at it and him as he looked at with a look of reassurance. For a moment, I felt care from him as he handed me the box of mints. Well these mints can do for now. I thought as I placed some mints in my hands before handing him the box.

"Thanks," I said again as he took the mint and placed it in his mouth.

" feeling better now?" Shivaay asked.

"Yeah a little. You don't need to worry," I said coldly.

"What do you mean Anika?" Shivaay questioned me as he placed his hand over mines.

I quickly moved my hand away from his.

"I mean that stop showing this concern. I can handle myself pretty well," I replied as I looked away from him.

Shivaay sighed as he leaned his head against the wall as silence surrounded us.

I pulled my legs up and laid my head on it. This was the closest we had been in years. It had been years since we had been alone and together. Somehow I always thought if this moment comes back I would go crazy, yell at him, question him about where we went wrong, but now when the moment came....I just do not know what to say. There is just silence.

"Why are behaving like this Anika?" Shivaay asked as he broke the silence.

"What do you want me to behave like huh? Like nothing happened?!" I asked angrily as I looked up and questioned him.

"Shivaay you ruined everything, so do not expect me to just act normal about everything. I just cannot. I cannot just show love and care still while you keep disrespecting me," I replied.

"Why do you always act like this?! You didn't have it the worst you know!" Shivaay exclaimed as I looked at him shocked. What does he mean? He kicked me out of his life without any warning and never cared to ask how I was for all these years and he has the audacity to say such.

"I had it bad too ok?! My wife cheated on me for so long and she fooled me! Do you know how that feels?!" Shivaay responded as I felt a smile turn up on the corner of my lips.

"That is karma Shivaay. You deserved it." Immediately, I regretted my words. He grabbed my arm swiftly as he pulled me close to him.

"How dare you?" Shivaay whispered as he attempted to control his anger.

"Stop it Shivaay. Please. Now when I spoke the truth, you are getting mad," I replied as he tightened his grip on his arm as he pulled me close to him.

"Stop right this minute," Shivaay said as clearly I had annoyed him and touched a nerve.

"Ouch!" I yelped as I felt pain at the wrist he had held back at Nimmi aunty's shop. He looked down at my wrist as I looked at it and realized a bruise had appeared on it.

His hand let go of my arm as I looked at my hand and rubbed it gently as I stared at the purple bruise that circled on my wrist. Shivaay took hold of my hand as he rubbed it gently while I looked up at him.

We sat there in silence as he rubbed my wrist. I cannot ever tell when he will change and how will he react. He is so unpredictable. He always was.

I felt the elevator shake again as I quickly got up with Shivaay and grabbed on to Shivaay's shoulder.

The elevator began shaking again as I started panicking and breathing hard. I grabbed Shivaay and hugged him tightly as I felt him slowly wrap his arms around me. I held onto him as he held on to me without saying a word. I hugged him in silence without a word. I didn't know what to say, but I know that I didn't want to let go.

The elevator stopped shaking again as we sat still in the moment without any hesistance.

"God...I miss this," Shivaay whispered into my ear as I opened my eyes slightly as I felt a teardrop fall down.

Now I realize why I can't let go. I miss it too. I miss holding him and feeling comfort. I miss everything and more. He looked at me as he placed his hand on my cheek as he caressed it lightly as I looked at him and placed my hand on top of his. I felt him pull me closer to him as I moved my face closer to him. His eyes pierced at my lips as I looked down and stared at his.

The elevator began shaking hard as I pulled him back into a tight embrace as he hugged me tightly. I felt myself panicking and sweating as I tried to breathe, but felt myself choking again.

His hands went up and down on my shoulder blades as I hugged him

This moment was ours and somehow it was not breakable. No matter what nobody could snatch this moment away.

Suddenly I felt light hit on my face as the elevator lights turned on.

Ding, ding. "First floor," The elevator announced as the doors opened.

Shivaay kept his arms around me as I held my hands against his back.

"I miss you," Shivaay whispered as I felt tears falling down my eyes as I lifted them up slowly as my eyes widened as I looked ahead. My eyes widened as I loosened my grip from him.

Pinky aunty stood there with her eyes wide open like dear lights as Priyanka and Akash stood besides them as they looked upon us. Oh no....this is not good. I began breathing heavily as Shivaay let go me and turned around as his eyes widened as they looked at us as we looked at them. We appeared like a mess. I realized my scarf was on the floor, my bun disheaveled as it had lossened down as my hair escaped from it. Shivaay's shirt was half unbuttoned as his hair was a lousy mess as well. This is not good.

I began breathing heavily as Shivaay wrapped his arm around me and quickly dragged me outside of the elevator as I breathed hard.

"Oh no what's wrong Anika?!" Priyanka exclaimed as Shivaay helped me sit down on the bench.

"Just stay back...she's having an anxiety attack," Shivaay said as Priyanka handed him a water bottle as I grabbed the bottle from him and quickly downed the bottle.

"It's fine now. You are ok and out of the elevator ok?" Shivaay said consolingly as I felt his hand on my shoulder as I nodded. I felt my breathing get better as I looked up as Pinky aunty still stared at both of us with her eyes wide open.

"Ma, what are you doing here?" Shivaay asked Pinky aunty as she broke out of her trance and looked at him.

"Um...I was in the city to meet the wedding planner then I brought her here to look at the menu that was discussed with Nimmi aunty. Priyanka got your text about being stuck in the elevator, so that's how we all are here," Pinky aunty replied as I grabbed my scarf and put it around me as I tried to fix my hair.

"Anika beta...are you ok?" Pinky aunty said as she walked up to me as I weakly smiled and nodded.

"Yes aunty...I am fine now," I said.

"Oh my God Anika! I feel so bad! You got stuck because of me. You have anxiety and claustrophobia and on top of it you got stuck in the elevator," Priyanka said as she hugged me.

"It's not your fault Priyanka. This was just by chance," I said as she let go of me.

"How can you all be so irresponsible?! We have been stuck for three hours!" Shivaay yelled at the elevator technicians as I looked up at him as he appeared furious and ready to punch someone in their face.

"Do you know that this woman has anxiety and claustrophobia? She was literally about to pass out! You know I can take you all to court! Do you know who I am?!" Shivaay yelled.

"It's ok Shivaay...let it be," I said as I got up and walked next to him.

Shivaay stopped as he looked back at me.

"We should get going now," Pinky aunty said as I turned around and looked at her.

"Yes Anika. Akash and I will drop you home ok?" Priyanka said as I shook my head as we walked out.

We walked silently to Akash's car as Shivaay and Pinky aunty followed.

I opened the passenger door as I noticed Shivaay's reflection in the window as I turned around and looked at him as he looked at me.

"Take care of yourself," Shivaay said as I nodded and got into the car as the car drove off in the silence of the evening.

Something changed today and I do not know what. I feel that something has changed in the air and I do not know what it is.

Copyright © jasminedarcie

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