Feelings, But to the Right Girl?

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Hey, Readers!!!!! So, guess what???? Sorry about the long update!!! Anyhoo, here's Chapter 4, ENJOY!!!!


For the rest of the day, Lucy seemed a little...off. Whenever Aditi gets even an inch closer to her, Lucy begins to freak out  a little and runs off. "Lucy sure is acting weird." Happy said, munching on the head of a cod.

"Yeah.." I murmered. I couldn't help but worry about Lucy so much.There was just something inside that wanted to make sure that Lucy was doing. Not able to take the urge any longer, I stood up and announced, "I'm going to go look for her."

Lisanna, who was sitting on the couch reading a magazine, threw it on the table. "Lucy, Lucy, Lucy! That's all you guys ever talk about!"

"'Cause she's important to us, Lisanna!" I protessed. "She's really....important." 

"More than me!" Lisanna screetched. "I just came back from Edolas a month ago, yet you treat her like she's everything to!"

"She's going through a lot!" I cried. Without hearing what she was going to say, I stormed out the door. God, when did she become so inconsiderate! I continued to walk throughout the village, looking for Lucy. I looked everywhere from the woods to the main village, but I still couldn't find her. Where the hell could she be, I wondered. Suddenly, an interesting scent ran through my nose. It was a scent that was both familiar, yet not familiar. "Maybe it's..." I began to follow the scent, running as fast as I could. 

The end of the scent led back to the pond where Lucy transformed. "Lucy! You here?"

"Natsu?" Lucy called out from an unknown area. I looked around, but I still couldn't see her. "Oi, I'm up here!"

I looked up and saw by surprise to see Lucy standing on a high tree branch.

Upside down.

With no suspension.

"L-Lucy?!" I gasped.

"Yo." She smiled. She jumped down from her tree anad landed on her feet. She stretched her arms and stood up. I just stood there speechless. "You...what..how?"

She shrugged. "I feel so..stong. I wanted to test out my strength."

I shook my head. "That's not why you keep storming out of the house."

Her face fell, her eyes not reaching mine. "How do you know that."

"Because I know you so well." I smiled. I could see a small smile form on Lucy's face. "Now why don't you tell me what's going on in your little blond head."

Lucy hesitated for a minute, only saying letters instead of words. Finally, complete words came out of her mouth. "I don't think Aditi is telling us the whole truth."

"Huh?" I said, confused.

"Let's just say I had a little....premonition." Lucy chuckled.

I wasn't in the chuckle type. "What do you mean 'premonition'?"

"Well, when I passed out, I think it was my soul that was transported to...let's just call it a realm, and I began to hear..whispers..one telling me not to trust Aditi-san. And then suddenly...a mirror popped up. I saw myself, and...." She didn't finish her sentence. She just sat on the green grass and remained silent. I sat down next to her. "And?"

"And then...my reflection popped out of the glass, whispering 'Help me....Onee-chan.." I began to notice that Lucy was trembling. "I think that the person was right."

"It could've been some kind of illusion spell or something." I told her.

"That's what I thought too, until I woke up. When ever I was around her, I felt negative energy. Energy that made my skin crawl." A sudden cold breeze appeared from no where, and I could tell Lucy was getting cold, since she was sensitive to weather. Since my body could radiate heat, I got closer to her and wrapped my arm around her. She looked up at me and her face turned red. "T-Thanks."

I could suddenly feel my face turn red too. "No problem."

It was awkward from there, silence practically filling the whole world. "So..How's it like to feel power?"

"It feels....electrifying. I feel like jumping, flying, soaring!" She exclaimed, raising her hands in the air. This made me laugh out loud. She acted as if she was a child who had just gotten the best Christmas present. She rested her head on my shoulder and sighed. "Onee-Chan....Natsu, do you think it's possible that I have a sister?"

"Wouldn't Layla and Jude have told you? And plus, I've even asked them; well, at least I asked Jude. He showed no sign of suspicion what so ever, not even in his scent." I told her.

"But that was before all this mess happened: Edolas, Tenrou Island, stuff like that." Lucy reminded me. I sighed and laid down on the grass. "This is getting really confusing." I sighed. Lucy laid down as well, her scepters hanging on her back making a clanking noise. "You know, with those scepters around your back, you almost remind me of Mystogan."

"Mystogan!" Lucy laughed. Her smile was so big and beautiful, I couldn't help but smile myself. Suddenly, Lucy's face fell. "Natsu...I have a question."

"And that would be?" I asked.

"What's your relation with Lisanna?" 

"We're best friends, Lucy." I reminded her.

"I don't think that's the way she sees it." She said silently. Her face was red, but her expression  was sad, almost depressing. She rolled to her side and just sighed. I rolled to her side and stared at her in the eyes. "Latley, I feel...disconnected from you. Like I'm not important to you anymore."

"Lucy! You know your important to me!" I cried, getting closer and closer to her.

"Then prove it!" Lucy cried, getting closer to me. Suddenly, we both gasped. 

Our faces were only an inch apart. I could feel Lucy's breathe on my face; my heart beating fast. "Lucy...."

"Na..tsu.." Lucy whispered. Our faces began to get closer.

And closer.

And closer.

"Natsu! Lucy!" We heard Happy's voice call out. "Where are you!"

Startled, we quickly seporated in a heart beat. I could feel my face burning up from embarrasment. Was I just about to kiss..Lucy?!?!?  I look up to see Happy hovering above us. "What's up with you two? Did something happen?" Happy asked.

"N-N-NOTHING!" We yelled at the same time. I took a glance at Lucy, and she did the same to me. We quickly looked away from each other. "Weird...Anyway, Aditi wants the both of you."

"A-Alright." Lucy muttered. I could tell she was nervous about seeing Aditi. I took a deep breathe and stood up. I grabbed Lucy's arm and pulled her up. "Don't worry. Everything's gonna be fine." I whispered.

She nodded, her face still red.

When we got to Aditi's cottage, we stayed close to each other. Lucy was very nervous and was shaking. "Oi, are you alright?"

"So much negative aura in this whole house. She's definieley hiding something." Lucy confirmed.

"Until you actually fine proof, don't make it obvious." I whispered.

She looked at me and nodded, walking into another room. My heart was still beating fast at the sight of Lucy. I clutched my fist on my chest. What the hell is happening to me? Soon, Lisanna stepped into the room, wearing her lacey pajamas. I wasn't really in the mood to see her, so I began to walk into the other room. "It's almost time, isn't it?" Lisanna asked. 

"Huh?" I asked, pretty confused.

"You know, for the beast to come and Lucy to show off her new powers." Lisanna scoffed. 

"Yeah, I guess." I tried to leave the room, but Lisanna blocked my path. "Something happened with Lucy, didn't it?" 

I could feel my face suddenly burn up. "W-What are you saying?"

"Natsu, I've known you for a while to know when something's happened." Lisanna's eyes looked very hurt. "Did you guys kiss?"

I didn't look at her in the eye, but I whispered, "Almost. We almost kissed."

Suddenly, Lisanna slapped me. The stinging sensation flowed through my whole face. "What the hell was that for!"

At that moment, Lisanna pressed her lips against mine. This caught me by total surprise. I tried to push her away, but she wouldn't budge. I don't know why, but I decided to give in. Her kiss was dark and seductive, anyone could've given in.  Why does this feel right....yet so wrong at the same time?

Little did I know while I was exploring my feelings for Lisanna. Lucy was standing by the door, tears falling from her delecate, beautiful face.

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