Sorrow;Despair; But Still Hope

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Hey, Readers!!!!! So I'm very excited because I finally got my computer moved to my room! :3 that's good for both me and u ;) Lol ANyhoo, here's Chapter 5, ENJOY!!!!


I set myself for this.

I should've known it was to crazy for us to happen.

But I had too much hope.

I watch Natsu and Lisanna kiss aggressivley, I felt something wet on my face. I gently touched my face to realize that they were tears. I quietly limped over to the guest room and continued to shed tears of sorrow. Why? I thought sadly. Why is my heart so broken right now. As I continued to cry on the bed, I suddenly felt that familiar pulse inside my body. "Aditi." I whispered. I slowly turned around and saw the old lady behind me, wearing a black cape over her. Cautious, I backed up a little. "W-W-What are you doing here?"

"Well, dear, you're crying yourself to death.I just wanted to know what's wrong."

"There's nothing for you to be concerned about, so you can leave." I muttered. I wiped away my tears and got up from my bed. Suddenly,, I could feel her bony hand grasp onto my wrist. I look back at her and gasp.

Aditi was no longer Aditi.

Instead of looking so old, she now looked about twenty Her silver hair was now perfectly pitch black, and her skin was olive skined. The negative energy began to hurt so much that I winced with pain, falling to the ground. "Lucy, Lucy, Lucy. Don't you know you should never talk to strangers." She snickered.

"W....hy?" I gasped, the pain still flowing through my body.

"Simple: I NEED your power. Because of you being a Celestial Priestess, I could become even more powerful than ever!" She cried.  "All I have to do is drink all the blood out of you."

I Could feel the color in my skin get paler and paler. Without thinkin, I kicked her, making her cry out in pain. I crawled my way out of the room, pain still surging inside me. I was able to crawl back to the living room to se that Natsu and Lisanna were still at it. Oh God, now my whole body inside out hurts, I cried. "Natsu!" I cried.

Strangley, he didn't answer.

"NATSU!" I continued to cry.

Still, no answer.

"They can't hear you." I suddenly heard Aditi snicker. I turned to see her fresh face having a wicked face.

"W-What do you mean they can't hear me!" I cried.

"Let's just say those cookies weren't just for munching down. They were only suppose to affect you."

God, why is this happening! I suddenly remembered something.

My scepters were on my back!

I quickly pulled one out, which ended being what looked like a golden balancer. Libra! Suddenly, Aditi began to laugh. "You can't activate them the same way you did with your keys."

Shit, I cursed in my head. Suddenly, she blew some kind of purple dust into my face. "What..the?" I muttered, but then passed out on the bamboo foor.

When I woke up, I appeared to be in some kind of cavern. Stalagmites were everywhere as dripped, the sound echoing. Where am I, I thought. Suddenly, I felt a weird tingly feeling all over my body. I looked down, and I could physically feel my sanity dropping lower and lower.

All over my body were giant, hairy spiders the size of Happy, weaving webs from their womb. I screamed at the sight, my heart pounding so much I thought it was going to pop out. As one began to crawl on my head, I began to scream, "HELP! SOMEONE PLEASE! HELP ME!"

"Sssh." A familiar voice whispered. "Your death will be long and painful."

I followed the noise to above my head to see Aditi above me. Just like the other spiders, she was weaving a silk-like web around my boy. "ADITI!" I screamed.

"Ugh, I'm so tired of that name. Call my by my true name: Arachnolia." She snickered.I began taking deep, heavy breathes. "I'm not scared." I lied. "Natsu is going to save me, like he always does. He probably had  a fight with you while I was unconscious."

"Wrong!" Arachnolia sang. "I just told him you were resting peacefully and needed a doctor, and he shrugged it off and continued to kiss that foolish girl. I think they might be going further than kissing at this moment."

"Your lying. Natsu has never and wil never done that!" I cried.

"You think I'm lying? Well, maybe this might be proof." She smiled. She suddenly waved her hand over to a wall, and an image began to show. I began to make out the image of Natsu and Lisanna, still on the couch. Luckily, they were no longer kissing, but they were talking now. "Natsu, do you love me?" Lisanna asked him.

He was silent for a moment. Pleae say no, please say now.

"Yes." He said with a gentle smile. "I love you."

I could hear my heart crack open. It was official.

Natsu loved Lisanna. She smiled. "I love you too, Natsu."

They cuddled next to each other on the couch, Lisanna next to Natsu's bare chest.

The image soon faded, and Natsu and Lisanna disappeared.

Suddenly, a loud roaring sound echoed throughout the whole cavern. I screamed out of fear, scared on what that thing was. "Don't tell me you're scared of thunder now?" Arachnolia laughed.

Thunder? That can't be thunder?! I've never been afraid of thunder! Thunder continued to ring in my ears, making me scream. Arachnolia laughed. "You foolish child! You will always be the weakest of them all! You can't even control your own powers!"

As she continued to taunt and mock me, I could feel the webs rise to my fore-arms.

So...this was how I was going to die?

I was going to die by the birth of two of my new deathly fears: spiders and thunder.

My love for Natsu will always be strong, but I can never experience the love he shares for Lisanna. was a good thing. You know, to die. I decided to just accept that fact and close my eyes.

Wait until my death has arrived,

You can't die, a familiar voice rang in my head. You must have hope. I wake up to see that I was back in the white realm, wearing nothing but a white clothe around me. My hair was once again down and long, like it was before. "But what's the point? I'm weak. I can't even activate my own magic." I said sadly.

All you have to do, The voice said, is accept me. Suddenly, there was a golden light appearing in front of me, blinding me.  I covered my eyes until I noticed that it had dimmed. I took a look through my eyes and gasped. In front of me was a beautiful woman who looked to be about thirty. She had long, glossy white hair and beautiful ice-blue eyes. She wore some kind of foreign dress; it was long and looked as if it was made of silk, covered with sun patterns of the color orange, red and yellow. A sun was painted over her right eye. "Hello, Lucy."


"That voice in your head? Yes, I am. My name is Solar."

"Why..are you here? Why am I here?" I asked frantically.

"In order for you to release your full Celestial Priestess powers, you must accept them."

"But I do accept them!" I cried.

"Do you Lucy?" She asked. I stared at her with shock. I had to admitt, the one thing I was scared of was changing myself, but then I wondered. Wht if it's...good to change? I took a deep breathe and sighed. I was finally accepting my new magic. "I do, Solar. I do accept my new magic."

Then, I felt something inside me.


I could see and feel golden dust all around me; magic surging all around my body. "Good luck, Lucy." I could hear Solar whisper.

Soon, I left the white realm.

I opened my eyes to see that the web was up to my mouth. I knew I had something worth living for now.

Living for me.

I broke thorugh the cocoon like it was nothing at all, shaking the spiders away. "WHAT! HOW DID YOU BREAK FREE!" Arachnolia screamed.

I smirked. "Creating a new me." I closed my eyes and grabbed one of the scepters from my back. I took a glance to realize it was Aquaris's scepter. yes, I cheered in my head. I placed in front of me and chanted, "I combine the spirit of the Water Bearer to the soul of the Celestial Priestess! Aquaris!"

I could feela  sudden surge of energy coming from the staff. Luckily, the new and improved Aquaris staff didn't need water to activate. Suddenly, i began to feel my body...changing.

For a while, I couldn't see, and I panicked. But almsot a second later, my sight returned. I looked down at myself and gasped.

I was no longer wearing my mini skirt and T-shirt. Instead, I was wearing a long, flowing blue dress with bubbles and waves. In my hair were starfish, real ones by the look of it. You ready to kick some butt! Aquaris suddenly growled in my head.

You're in my mind?! I exclaimed.

No, you idiot! Our mind's are just connected. I'm still in the Spirit World, and I'll be staying there now that you're a Celestial Priestess, she explained.

Oh, I thought sadly, the thought of not being able to see the mermaid was a loss, but I had to keep my head high. I had to clear my mind of all emotions. "SPIDERS! ATTACK!" Arachnolia cried. A giant swarm of spiders began crawl towards my direction, growing bigger and bigger. You ready, Aquaris asked me.

As I'll ever be, I told her. I closed my eyes and held the staff with both of my hands; concentrating on my magic. Finally, I opened my eyes, releasing my magic. "Whirlpool Attack!" Soon, all the water from the cave began to  spin around me in a circular motion. I shot my hand forward, and the water followed, attacking the spiders. You could hear their cries as they were hit by the mobile whirl pool. Soon, they all laid on the ground motionless, turning into black dust. "NO! MY BABIES!" Arachnolia cried. She crawled down by the spider dust, crying out of agony. When she tried to touch the dust, they were immediatley blown away with the wind. As she continued to cry, she shot her devil eyes at me. Her eyes turned from a dark brown to a bright and malicious red. Her negative energy hit me hard, making me wince from pain. "I"LL KILL YOU!" She screamed, charging towards me.

Aquaris, what do I do now, I asked frantically as she began to charge closer and closer.

Use the Giant Wave spell, she exclaimed. I nodded and closed my eyes once more. I took a deep breathe and closed my eyes, chanting, "Giant Wave!"

At an instant, a giant wave was created from thin air, forming itno a giant sphere above me. Like the other attack, I shot my spell forward, and it charged at Arachnolia. Before she could even awknoledge the spell, she was hit, flying against the hard rocky walls. She fell from the wall and lied on the ground;motionless.

I cautiously walked towards her, a tight grip on my scepter in case she attacks. I looked down to she that she was injured badly. Blood was seeping out of her mouth and head, and she had cuts and bruises all over her. "You...think you've" She laughed weakly.

"I know I beat you. Now tell me why you wanted to kill me." I ordered.

"" She said weakly.

That caught my attention. "Who? Who ordered you to kill me?"

"My master holds something precious to you. Something that you've forgotton, yet still remember at the same time." She gasped, caughing up more blood. I grabbed her by the collar of her dress. "What the hell do you mean!"

She reached inside the pocket of her dress and handed me a piece of paper that was folden. "You..will....know.." She whispered. Soon, her hand fell to the ground, as did the rest of her body. She laid there motionlessly. I quickly reached down and placed two of my fingers on her neck.

No pulse. She was dead cold.

I sighed deeply. I could feel my magic returning to my scepter. I could also feel Aquaris leaving my mind. See you next time, kiddo.

I smiled softly.  See you soon. My clothes now returned to the mini skirt and t-shirt. Suddenly, I see a bunch of small spiders crawling out of the walls. I don't know why, but I began to scream uncontrollably. Tears fell from my eyes, my body was shaking, my heart was beating rapidly. I could'nt move. The spiders carried off the corpse into a hole that I apparently didn't notice. The minute the last spider disappeared, my heart returned to it's normal rythm. I guess I'm still terrified of spiders, I thought. I then remember the piece of paper Arachnolia gave me before she died. I slowly unfolded it, my hands shaking.

When I finished unfolding, I saw a picture of me when I was six on Christmas day. I smiled softly. That was my favorite Christmas of all time. I had Papa and Mama with me smiling all joyously. But as I stared into the picture, I noticed something becoming visible next to me.

A girl who looked exactly like me.

Shocked, I fell to the ground, not knowing of what to think.

Well, I was right about thing: I did have a sister.

But I didn't think it would be a long lost twin sister.

And at that moment, I fainted from both lack of energy and a heavy amount of stress and anxiety.

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