Act I: Loner

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I walk back into the room to find it loud and chaotic, but notice that Alan is just sitting in the window seat, laying his head on the desk quietly. Then, Mr. Reynold begins yelling. "Everyone, quiet down!" It shuts them up, which is nice. I was going to thank Mr. Reynold for the walk, but I figured it best if I just go to my seat, which was the seat in front of Alan. That gauntlet on his arm is menacing, the ends of each finger sharp, and each part partruding rather ominously. It really is quite evil looking. "Hey... hey. Hey!" He begins lifting his head slowly. "You alright, nooby?" "Y-yeah, thanks for asking... My arm just hurts..." So it's what I suspected... That's right, sister! It's another one of us! Stay out of this, Leecher! The point is this must suck. His is SO exposed compared to mine. I manage to keep mine hidden, but his is just out there... What do you think this means for us? Nothing for now... Even if this guy gets discovered they won't know about you. After all, you're on my damn knee. Guess so. But I'm particularly interested. I never thought I'd meet another of my kind. I guess... "Class will now start, everyone. Sorry for my lateness. First things first. Alan! Mind coming up to the front?" He looks confused, but nods and heads up. "Meet our new student, everyone. This is Alan, a Dark Elementalist!" Everybody's giving him dirty looks. If mine was visible, would I be treated the same way? Well, I guess I kind of do behind my back. People just know better when it comes to me. I won't take their shit. You go, sister! I'm NOT your sister. "Would you like to say a few words, Alan?" Mr. Reynold decides to ask. "Uh, I don't really have much to say. Except really only to apologize to Donovan, if I can. What I did was kind of dirty." "Damn straight!" I hear one of Donovan's lackeys yell. "Watch your mouth, Richard!" "Yes, sir... Jeez..." The idiot leans his head back loosely, putting his feet on the back of the girls chair in front of him. I feel sorry for her... "Can I go back to my desk?" "You may, Alan." He walks back to his desk, putting his hands in his pockets and looking around nervously. Maybe he isn't as bad as I thought, but I don't quite trust him yet. I just have a feeling he's hiding something. Probably. People with Leechers usually have shady pasts. You would know... Of course I would. You're one of them, Grace. Shut up... I suddenly feel a light shake as Alan sits back down. He really just plops in his seat, jeez. The kid looks a bit emo, honestly. No need to be rude. Says you, one of the rudest gals in this school. Oh, just shut up. Let me live my life. I will, for the 4 years you have left. Curse you...

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