Act I: Rules

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"As a new student, you should know a couple things, Alan." "Alright." "One, there is a dress code. White dress shirt and navy blue dress pants. Clear?" "Uh, yeah. I'll need to get some though." Interesting answer. Normally families already have clothes like that, but I don't judge. "Alright, another thing... You can't wear that around. That gauntlet." "Uh, sir... No offense, but I can't take it off. It's attached to me..." I know... "Ah, I see. Very well, then we'll make an exception." "Thank you Mr. Reynold." He remembered my name? That's flattering. Hm... I doubt the other teachers would like to take this student into their class... He does seem like a liability, considering that injury that Donovan was inflicted with. "Um, by the way..." "Yes, Alan?" "That Donovan kid... I didn't hurt him, did I?" Oh... This is a turn. "Uh, yes. Yes you did, but he will be alright. Our medical service here is top notch." He nods nervously. He seems extremely tense. Maybe I should try to lighten things. "Are you excited about joining the Elemental College?" "Yeah... Although I wasn't sure I was going to be able to, considering you took me to your office like this." "I'll admit, it was getting pretty ugly out there during your Genesis Trial when you tricked him into thinking you were a stilledborn." He nods nervously again. Peculiar, this one. I can't tell if he's a shy kid or a malicious one. Most peculiar, but I have a feeling that the reason he's so hard to read is because of that gauntlet on his very arm... "Can I ask how that Gauntlet got stuck on your arm?" "I... I can't tell you, I'm sorry." Hm. Figured as much. You're a special one, Alan. I think I'll take you under my wing. Enact a special order to have you join class C with me. I'll make things easier for you if I can. But in all facts, you will have a hard time here due to your unique abilities. "Alan. May I say something rather honest for a moment?" "Of course. Honesty is a good policy." "Very well. I don't know how to put this lightly, but your abilities are special, and the other students aren't going to like that." "Yeah... I figured... But it's been my dream to be an Elementalist since I was really young, and I won't let anyone stop me." I can't help but smirk to that. "Very well, Alan. Then I won't stand in your way. You're dismissed. Head down to classroom C, and meet your new classmates." "Yes, Mr. Reynold." He smiles, nodding his head and jogging down the hallway and heading downstairs. Then I suddenly hear footsteps as a young girl appears in front of my office. "Mr. Reynold?" It was Grace. One of my best students and my assistant. "Yes, Grace?" "You weren't in class and it was a bit chaotic. I was wondering why you were gone." "I was dealing with our new student." "That new Alan guy? You kick him out?" "No. Not at all. I can see myself in him a bit. I figured I'd give him a chance." "Oh..." She looks a bit shocked. "What's wrong, Grace?" "He just seemed a little... dubious." I could see where you got that. "You have no need to worry, Grace. He's honestly quite shy. Can you do me a favor?" "Yes, Mr. Reynold?" "I just got done sending him to my class. Can you give him a warm welcome for me?" "Uh, I can try, sir. On one condition." "What might that be?" She tries to smile a little. "Walk back to class with me? You're fun to talk to." I am a little shocked by that. I am rather boring. "Very well, Grace. I'll go back to class with you." She nods and begins walking. I follow behind into the hallway, locking the door behind me. I hope that new one can make friends here... Hopefully I at least got him one.

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