Chapter 8

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17 December 1699

Lena and Brochan arrived at Breatha castle yesterday and had headed to their first lesson on the creature all around Scotland to the dangerous black dogs and kelpies to Selkies and blue caps. They were in the library at the back of the castle facing the sea. Lena had started daydreaming.

"Lena are you listening?" Questioned Mungo as he babbled on about the Selkies. "Yes, uncle Mungo, you were talking about how the Selkies take off their coats to allow them onto the land and put them back on to go back to the sea." Lean answered in a quiet voice full of doubt.

"Well, next time make sure you at least look like you're listening" her uncle advised. Lena nodded her head in agreement, then continued gazing out the window once again looking at the bright shining on the sea, she thought myself why did she feel a sudden sensation to get in the sea. She could not explain it.

Then all of a sudden she heard the song again, this time it was longer and more clear.

Oh, I hear your voice on the wind. And I hear you call out my name. Listen my children you say to me. I am the voice of your history be not afraid come follow me. Answer my call and I will set you free. I am the voice in the wind and the pouring rain. I am the voice that always is calling you. I am the voice. I will remain.

Lena unknowingly started humming the tune until Brochan shook her out of the trance the song had placed her in. As quick as the song had started it seemed to vanish. Mungo signed and shock this head before telling Lena and Brochan that the lesson had come to an end for today and that they could explore the castle and its ground.

Brochan ran out the library doors as fast as his legs could carry him towards the stable were Arran and Balfour waited for him. They strolled of chatting about how they could take down a black dog in one blow and trying to see who was the strongest. Lena sat in her seat as her uncle Mungo approached her with kindness in his eyes and heart. Lena looked up to see his grey haired face looking down on her see she had a question. "Lena what is it you would like to know?" Mungo questioned this court Lena off guard. She reluctantly replied "Do you know a lady by the name Coral?" This question seem to have shocked her uncle Mungo who took a few minutes to answer her question. "Yes, I do she was one of your mothers closes friend. She lives in a cottage in the west of the castle." He finale replied with a shaky tone to his voice.

Lena headed straight to the cottage on the west side of the castle. She ran as fast as her legs could carry her. When she arrived at the cottage a tall, beautiful tanned woman in a plain brown dress was just leaving the cottage. She had long midnight black hair with jet black eyes to match. Sadly Lena did not stop in time and ran into the woman. Lena fell on her bottom, but the woman stayed standing and helped her up. "Are you ok?" The woman asked, dusting Lena's dress off. "Yeah I'm fine, sorry about running into you. Are you Coral?" The woman looked at Le a puzzled and slowly answered. "Yes, may I ask why you want to know?" Coral raised one of her eyebrows. Lena smiled and told Coral who she was and why she wanted to know if she was Coral. Coral nodded now and then until Lena had finished.

Then she opened the door to her cottage and invited Lena in so she could explain everything. Lena followed her into the cottage. The inside of the cottage was homely with flowers on every windowsill and table. She had a small straw bed in the corner with some fabric separating the bed from the rest of the house. Coral pulled out a chair for Lena to sit on. Lena sat down across from Coral.

"Well, I better start explaining?" Coral signed. It all started when I was about your age. I'm what most creatures call a half breed. My father was a black dog and my mother was a selkie. So as a half breed I have to put on my black coat to turn into a black dog, however I can breath underwater, which most black dogs can't do.

I first met your mother in the cave on the beach here at Breatha Castle. She was so nice to me went no one else was. All black dogs and selkie looked down upon me because I was a half breed that no one wanted apart from my parents. Who was killed a month ago, before I met your mother. The Queen selkie and king black dog order my parent's deaths and mine but I hide from them and promise I would never but my coat back on until your mother change my mind, and heart. She showed me kindness when the other didn't. Then when she met your father, she seemed to have forgotten me until he had to go then we were back to being best friends again until she married your father. However, she did hold her promise that she would visit until you were born your uncle Mungo informed me of her dead and your birth. Her mother or the King of the Black dogs must of found out she knew me and she had kept it a secret from them and not killed me. She killed for knowing me as her punishment.

Lena looked down at the floor when hearing this of her mother's sacrifice and the trouble Coral had gone though.. She hated herself for asking to know more, but Coral could she Lena had more questions. Then Coral noticed the burned letters and gently pulled one out of Lena's hand and read the letter. Coral seemed to take her time reading the letter before continuing from where she left off her story.

Ah Lucifer a name I haven't heard in a while. He was a friend of your mothers also know as the prince of the black dogs. He had a gigantic crush on your mother. However, his father would not allow it for the fear of a royal half breed. When he found out your mother was pregnant he went to see her. He told your mother, she was pregnant with a girl sadly that meant the end for your mother. Sorry if that sound bad but when a princess selkie gives birth to a half breed such as yourself the queen decides your fate and if she sees fit then death. However the only way to stop her finding out was for either you or your mother to die your mother chose to die so you could live. Lucifer wanted to be the one to kill her because he knew he would make it swift and painless, which she deserved.

Lena could see tears coming from her eyes, she stops asking questions there. Coral dried her eyes and smiled lightly. "You are spitting image of your mother. Lucifer will most likely turn up as a young boy to try and make himself less threatening, so just tell him you know the story and he will show you his true human form." Lena nodded and then looked out the window the sun had just started to set. Lena got up and headed to the door thank Coral for telling her more about her mother. Coral waved goodbye and yelled to Lena as she ran for the beach "If you want to know more just drop by again it was nice chatting with you."

Lena soon ran out of sight. Coral turned around to see Lucifer leaning against her cottage with an evil grin on his face holding back a sinister laugh. "So you lied to your best friend's daughter just so you could get your coat back and you call us black dogs low. Losing you were a half breed, and that her mother died for her sake." Coral just glared at him and slowly walked towards him. "Don't you have somewhere to be so your plan will work, besides I've given her a reason to trust you. You just need to seal the deed. Then your dream will become a reality." Coral spat out at Lucifer, which made his grin even more. He then vanished in a cloud of smoke, leaving Coral on her own. She fell to her knees and cried since she knew she had doomed the world to a fate worse than death.

Sorry for a long chapter had a lot to explain hope that made you want more please vote and comment your thoughts. The YouTube video is of the song Lena can hear it by Celtic women and it called the voice. The picture is of Breatha castle.

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