Demigods and Wizards

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I know I said I wanted comments and votes, but I just really wanted to update so whatever. Ha. Ha. Anyways. Enjoy this chappie. If anyone is even reading. -__-

Percy's POV

I watched Harry, Ron, and Hermione as I explained about the Greek gods and goddesses. Ron and Hermione looked astonished like they couldn't believe it. I didn't blame them. When I had first learned about the gods, I couldn't believe it either. Harry, on the other hand, merely looked confused.
"So why are the Greek Gods important? And who are you people anyway?"

I sighed. "Harry, the gods are important because we are their children," I told him. The trio looked shocked.

Ron stuttered, "Y-you mean that all of the people here are... Half gods or goddesses?"

"Yeah, we all are." Hazel said, smiling a little.

"I-I don't believe you!" Hermione cried out shakily.

"You'd better believe it Hermione," Jason said grimly. "Before one of them blasts you into oblivion."

Harry, who had stayed quiet all this time finnally spoke up. "Does that mean.... That you are all Demigods?"
I turned my attention to him. When I looked him in the face full on, I realized that I had seen him somewhere before... I was snapped out of my thoughts when Annabeth snapped her fingers in front if me saying, 

"Helloooo... Percy? Earth to Seaweed Brain!"

"Uh.. What?!" I exclaimed, confused as everyone else laughed. Annabeth just rolled her eyes and sighed.

"Any way, to answer your question Harry, yes, we are Demigods." Harry, Ron, and Hermione shot each other quick looks. We looked at them confused. 

"What?!" Leo asked.

"Can we talk about this somewhere else please?" Harry asked. 

"Sure," Piper said. "Follow me."

A few minutes later, we all sat around the ping pong table with all the cabin leaders and Chiron. Mr. D had been released of his punishment after his "assistance" in defeating Ephialtes and Otis in Rome. 

"What's this meeting about punk?" Clarisse growled at me.

"Just listen Clarisse and you'll find out!" I shot back at her.

Harry, who was at the other end of table with Ron and Hermione said nervously, "Actually, it's about us. Ron, Hermione, and I are from different worlds. We're wizards."

Harry's POV

Everyone's eyes turned toward the three of us. It was deathly quiet in the room. Finally, the girl named Clarisse grumbled, "Prove it." Slowly, I took out my wand. Everyone tensed up, hands reaching towards weapons as if expecting a fight. I pointed my wand at a flower vase on one of the tables. "Wingardium Leviosa!" I cried. The vase levitated off the table and hung in the air for a few moments. I lowered my wand and the vase landed back on the table. The table erupted into talk. 

Percy yelled over the ruckus, "Chiron! Is it true?" I looked toward the guy in the wheelchair. He had a brown beard and matching eyes which shone with wisdom. 

"Yes my dear boy, wizards ARE real." Chiron's statement was greeted by silence. The demigods were all stunned. They had expected their teacher to disagree with my statement. Chiron sighed and said, "It is time that I told you about the different worlds out there. One if those is the Wizarding World where Harry, Ron, and Hermione are from. I knew a brilliant wizard many years ago. He was a teacher at a school for wizards and witches. Like I teach you demigods. His name was Albus Dumbledore." I stiffened. He knew Dumbledore. Chiron asked me,"How is he by the way?"

I gulped. "I'm sorry Chiron. But... Dumbledore died. From the Death Eaters." He looked down sorrowfully. 

"He was a great man."

 Ron, Hermione, and nodded in agreement. Chiron continued with his explanation. "Well, around half a century ago, an evil wizard was born. He went to the school Dumbledore taught at. He grew up evil and tried to take over the Wizarding World. He killed many innocent people. He was merciless. He was known as Lord Voldemort." Ron flinched at the name. "But 16 years ago (Remember this is the summer after the 6th year. He turned 17 a few days ago.) Voldemort tried to kill a family. He succeeded in killing the parents but the little boy... He lived. The curse rebounded and hit the evil wizard, almost killing him. That baby grew up famous and all the wizards in the world rejoiced when the Dark Lord supposedly 'died.' The baby is now known as the 'Boy who Lived'. His name is Harry Potter." I winced slightly as the demigods around the table stared at me, shocked. Chiron cleared his throat and continued. "But 2 years ago, Voldemort rose again. Their world is in war again." We all sat quietly, the demigods absorbing the information while Ron, Hermione, and I sat in shock. How had Chiron known all this? Chiron caught my eye and smiled slightly. "Dumbledore and I were in contact over the years Harry." Ohhhh...

"Why are you all here, anyway?" The leader of the Iris cabin asked me. (Whatever that was, I didn't even know.)

"Erm... Well. We came to ask for your help. In the war." My words were met with silence.

"What!" Percy demanded. "We've just finished one war! And you want us to fight in another!?"

"I'm sorry my dear. But it seems that we have to help. The gods have come to attention that Tartarus intends to destroy all of the other worlds. The Wizarding, and the Egyptian. Remember Carter? And Annabeth, do you remember Sadie? He intends to start with the Wizards then the Egyptians then ours. We have to stop Tartarus before he destroys the Worlds. I'm afraid that those hellhounds you and Annabeth faced were only the beginning." Percy started cursing in Greek. Or it sounded like it. Annabeth leaned over and whispered something in his ear. Percy relaxed slightly and sighed.

"Wait, hold up! So Tartarus wants to destroy the different races? What, is he racist?" Leo asked. Everyone groaned.

Jason interrupted, "How does Tartarus even intend to destroy the Wizarding worlds?" Chiron sighed sadly. "He's made an alliance with Voldemort."

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