The Wizard's War

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I'm gonna dedicate this to my sister, Adriheartspercabeth. She kinda gave me the idea for this book. We were just talking about Harry Potter and Percy Jackson. And Harry at Camp.

Percy's POV
Hermione, Ron, and Harry looked shocked. Admittedly I was too. The evil wizard Lord Voldemort had an alliance with Tartarus. The Primordial of The Pit. And now I have to fight another war!? I mean sure, wars happen and Tartarus was rising, but why me!? I've went through two wars! All I wanted to do was to live an awesome life with Annabeth. I glanced over at her. Her stormy grey eyes were lost in thought, but when she met my gaze they immediately brightened. I smiled softly at her and she smiled too. Harry coughed. "Er... So will you guys help?" I glanced around the table at the other councilors. They all looked uncertain. Conner, the head councilor of Hermes cabin voiced all of their opinions. "How do we know that THEY aren't spies for Tartarus?" The table quieted down at that. During the Giant War, Travis, Conner's brother had died. He wasn't really the same after that. His usual happy, carefree, attitude was gone. He didn't even play that many pranks anymore.
"Well my dears, how do we know that you aren't spies?" Chiron asked.

I sat stunned. These people-demigods, whatever, were our last chance. With Tartarus on Voldemorts' side, we had no chance of winning. I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing came out. My eyes pricked with tears. We would lose because of our inability to prove our inocence. And I would fail Dumbledore.

Percy's POV
I studied Harry's face. Desperation was clearly shining out of his face and tears shone in his eyes. In his emerald green eyes.
I was suddenly flashed into my dream. The boy was kneeling next to an old man. Dumbledore. They were talking about finding Demigods, us. And the war. Dumbledore's sighed and slowly his eyes lost their light. He was dead. The boy looked up, his eyes shining with determination. "I promise,  Proffessor." I gasped. The boy was Harry.

Harry's POV
I was about to say that we couldn't prove that we weren't spies when Percy interrupted, "Chiron. I've been having these dreams of an old man dying. There's this boy kneeling beside him talking to him. The old guy made the boy promise to find the Demigods at Camp. He told him where we were, Long Island Sound." I gaped. Percy was describing Dumbledore's death! "Chiron. I'm sure that the old man was Dumbledore. And the boy was Harry." Everyone was silent again. Annabeth was glaring slightly at Percy.
"Why didn't you tell me!?"
"I'm sorry, Annabeth. I was going to tell you at the beach. But then, you know...those hellhounds happened."
"Just don't keep something from me again, Seaweed Brain."
"I won't Wise Girl." Percy promised.
"Soooo.... It's decided. Right?" Percy declared glancing around at his friends who all nodded grimly. "We'll help you in this war."

Annabeth's POV
After the meeting, we all filed outside to our regular activities, Harry, Ron, and Hermione following behind.
"What are we going to do now?" Hazel asked.
"We should probably train you guys," Frank said gesturing toward us.

"Why?" Hermione asked. "We've got our wands."

"Yeah, but since Tartarus is with Voldemort-" Ron winced again. "-He would probably send out monsters too. So you guys need to learn how to use different weapons that would actually kill monsters," Jason pointed out.

Hermione nodded slowly. "That makes sense."

So what weapons do you think will work for them?" Thalia asked looking at me.
"Hmmm... Good question Thals. Hermione seems orderly but strong, probably good with a bow or a dagger. Maybe both. Ron was tall and had a long reach but didn't have the strength for a sword. So a spear would suit him. Harry seemed the strongest of the three and had a good posture. So a sword would work best for him," I thought.
"Hermione would work well with a bow and a dagger. Ron with a spear and Harry with a sword," I suggested. Hermione was nodding looking a bit excited. Harry was grinning as if he liked the idea of using a sword while Ron looked uncertain.
"How do you know we'd be good at those weapons and not at others?" Ron asked accusingly.
"I'm the Daughter of Athena. Goddess of Wisdom and Warfare." I stated proudly.
"Oh," was all Ron could say.
Harry broke the awkward silence by asking, "Oh, right, that reminds me. Who are your parents?"
Nico started out by saying, "Son of Hades, God of the Underworld."
Thalia went after, "Daughter of Zeus. God of the Sky and King of the Gods." We kept going with our godly parents while also explaining about the different forms of the gods like the Roman ones. Let's just say that the Trio was extremely confused.

By now it was after dinner and we were all extremely tired. We still didn't get to train, but we had toured Camp with the new comers. We decided that Ron and Harry would stay in the extra bunks at the Poseidon cabin with Percy since he was the only one there apart from Tyson who rarely visited. And since Hermione was really smart and loved books she'd stay in the Athena Cabin with me. I'd already learned a lot about the three. Hermione was the smartest, Ron was kinda funny and irresponsible, while Harry was the leader and was clearly loyal to his friends, like Percy was. I said goodnight to the Seven plus Nico and Thalia before turning to Percy.
"Night, Seaweed Brain," I said, leaning up to kiss him.
"Goodnight Wise Girl, I love you," Percy whispered softly after we broke apart.
I was only dimly aware of Hermione, Ron, and Harry fidgeting in the background but I didn't care.
"Love you too, Percy." I turned back toward Hermione.
"C'mon, let's find you a bunk."

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