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I would like to dedicate this little chapter to Sarahsnothere. She is so supportive and her books are great! Go read them. ;) Here's your extra long chapter Sarah!

Harry's POV
I woke up to see Percy's face staring down at me.
"Finally! You're awake! Took you long enough!" He exclaimed. I glanced around the cabin. Ron was already awake and walking out of the bathroom, his red hair dripping wet.

"Your shower water is freezing!" Ron shivered hugging his shoulders. "C'mon Harry. Get dressed."

"Uhh, what should I dress into?" I asked.

"Here," Percy threw a pair of bundled clothes at me. "Extras from the camp store. And the water is freezing, Ron, because kids of Poseidon don't feel the cold water." I could faintly hear Ron saying, "Oh...." in the background. I looked at the orange Camo Half-Blood T shirt and the pair of shorts. I also noticed that both Percy and Ron were wearing them.

After a freezing cold shower, all the three of us walked over to the Dining Pavilion where we would be meeting Percy's friends and Hermione. Naturally, we were the last ones there.
"You're late," Nico said in a bored voice.

"Sorry, but Sleeping Beauty over there wouldn't wake up," Percy said teasingly. They all laughed, even Ron and Hermione while I blushed crimson.
"Hey, it's ok, I wake up late plenty of times too," Percy reassured me placing a hand on my shoulder. I smiled gratefully at him as we walked toward the table in the middle of the room. We all sat down at where Annabeth informed us was the, Table For the Seven, whatever that is. We would be sitting here while we visited. After they showed us how to work the magic plates and cups, which reminded me of the Yule Ball at Hogwarts, Chiron stood up. This was the first time I had seen him in his centaur form as last night he had been called to Olympus. His top half was a middle aged guy with brown hair and beard and bright twinkling eyes. Chiron also had a bow and a quiver of arrows slung on his back. He reminded me greatly of Dumbledore (besides the horse part) and it was easy to imagine them as friends. His lower half was a powerful white stalion. I knew Umbridge would have hated him immediately. She probably would have started yelling filthy Half-Breeds at him while an offended Chiron shot her with arrows. I laughed at the mental picture.

Chiron cleared his throat and announced, "Campers, we have three visitors. Harry, Ron, and Hermione who are from the Wizarding World. Last night, your councilors should have explained the situation to you all. Please treat them with respect. That is all, thank you."
After the speech, we all resumed eating. I dug into my bacon and eggs while glancing down the table. Ron was devouring his food which looked and smelled suspiciously like Mrs. Weasley's cooking. Hermione was eating toast and scrambled eggs while talking animatedly to Annabeth. Percy was lost in thought chewing his pancakes which were oddly blue. After breakfast, everyone stood up and went to their activities. I followed Percy and the rest of his friends out.
"So what are we going to do today?" Ron asked eagerly.
"Well, Frank, Hazel, Jason, Piper, and Nico are teaching the campers this month so it's up to Annabeth, Thalia, and I to teach you guys. But since Thalia will be teaching Hermione how to use the bow, we need a spear tutor for you, Ron." Percy declared. Frank, Hazel, Jason, Piper, and Nico went over to train the other campers. "And I have the perfect person." With that Percy walked off toward a big group of tough looking kids. He strolled straight toward the cabin leader who I remembered was Clarisse. Percy pulled Clarisse away while all the while she was growling, "What are you doing punk?!"
Percy told her something and she shook her head angrily. Percy was gesturing and I could hear them talk in Ancient Greek. I heard the name Ron a few times though and noticed that Ron's ears had turned pink which meant he was either angry or embarrassed. Finally, Percy whispered something in her ear. Clarisse sighed and nodded defeated. They walked back over here and I could faintly hear Clarisse mumble, "You're gonna pay, Jackson."
We all walked over to the archery range where Percy said Thalia and Annabeth would be training Hermione. After dropping off an excitable Hermione, we went to the arena where Ron and I would be practicing. Percy and I walked over to the other half of the Arena while Ron and Clarisse went to the other.

Hermione POV
Thalia led me over to a table which had piles of bows of different sizes and length. "Choose the bow that suits you best." I gazed at the assorted bows and chose a slender willow bow that fit my grip perfectly. Thalia led me over to the targets and stood in front. I watched as Thalia showed me the proper way to hold the bow. I held it straight with the arrow pointing straight at the target. "Is this correct?" I asked her. Thalia studied my posture and adjusted my arms. "Hold it closer to your soulder." I adjusted my grip, and Thalia smiled with approval. I notched an arrow and after a couple failed tries, I was successful.
"Straighten your arms and pull back, release," Thalia instructed me strictly. I let loose the arrow and it flew straight toward the target. It pinned to the outer circle.
"Yes!" I exclaimed elated. Annabeth clapped from the stands.
"Great job," Thalia congratulated obviously impressed. "You hit the target on the first try! I can tell you're obviously going to be a good archer." I smiled shyly.
"I obviously have a good teacher." I complimented her.
"That's true. Thalia is the lieutenant of the Hunters of Artemis." Annabeth said.
"What's that?" I asked them.
"It's a group of maiden hunters who dedicate their life to the goddess Artemis. The only thing is that you have to stay a maiden forever. Would you consider joining?" Thalia asked hopefully. I looked toward the arena where I could faintly hear Harry and Ron training. Ron was screaming while Clarisse was yelling at him to "Man up, wimp!" I could hear Harry yelling at Ron to stop from all the way here. I sighed. Whatever was happening there I didn't want to find out. I've liked Ron since the 5th year but he never seemed to like me back. I sighed sadly. I looked back at Thalia and told her, "I'll think about it."
We went back to training after Annabeth informed me that I would be learning to use a dagger tomorrow.

Harry POV
I followed Percy to one side of the arena leaving Ron and Clarisse to have the other half. Percy first led me to a table where there where different kinds of sword all over the place. Short ones, heavy ones, and thick ones. "Choose the best one that suits you. Leo promised to craft your sword later on. He is a child of Hepheastus after all." Percy told me. I looked around at the assorted swords and chose a kind of short sword and the blade was made of some metal called Celestial Bronze, whatever that was. It was light, though the handle seemed awkward and didn't fit my hand. Percy nodded in approval at my choice and led me to a small space. Percy showed me the proper stance and corrected me until I got it right. When he was satisfied, he pulled a pen from his pocket. I stared at it confused and said, "What are you going to do with that, write on me?" Percy grinned and uncapped it and it sprang into a glowing three foot long bronze sword with a leaf shaped blade. Percy held the handle comfortably and I noticed that it seemed made for him. Percy smiled crookedly at my expression. He held his sword forward and said, "And now we spar." He moved his blade toward my head as if testing me. I moved back and blocked it, pushing my sword against his. He smiled at my reaction and moved his sword back before striking again to my left side. We exchanged blows, Percy moving fast while I barely just blocked them. Finally, he caught my sword against his and pushed in a downward motion. My sword flew out of my hands landing five feet away. I panted leaning against a post while Percy just stood there, barely breaking a sweat. Even though I had tried my very hardest, Percy barely even tried. He was obviously a very good swordsman. He went over and picked up my sword before giving it back to me. He smiled. "Great job, Harry! That was a pretty good first try."
I smiled back gratefully at him. "Thanks, what was that move you used on me to get the sword out if my hands?" I asked him interested.
"Oh, that's the disarming technique. It's very basic but effective. I'll teach it to you if you want." Percy offered kindly. I nodded too exhausted to talk.
"But first, you need water." Percy led me to a cooler which held ice cold drinks. I opened a bottle of water and downed it in a couple of gulps. After the water break, Percy tutored me on the disarming technique, that is until I heard Ron screaming.

I followed Clarisse to our side of the arena. Abruptly, she turned and growled at me, "Listen here punk, we may be your allies in this war but we will NEVER be friends ok?" I nodded, unable to speak but when we turned around, I muttered sullenly, "Like I'd want to be your friend." I followed Clarisse toward the table of spears. Before I even got there however, Clarisse turned back to me with a long sturdy shaft with a sharp bronze point. Clarisse threw me the spear which I barely caught and said, "This is your spear for now." Clarisse told me to get into a batle stance and so I did. What I didn't know was that she meant a spear fighting stance, NOT a fighting stance involving a magic wand. Clarisse started yelling at me to pay attention. She said that she already showed me the stance and I wasn't paying attention but I swear that she didn't show me. Or maybe that I just blanked out like in Flitwicks class...
I woke up when Clarisse hit me over the head with her spear shaft which sent an elctric shock through me. I yelped in pain holding my left eye which had started twitching. "What was that for!?" I yelled angrily.
Clarisse only shrugged and said, "Sorry, forgot it was electric." I stared open mouthed at her.
"All you said was Sorryy!?"
"Yeah." Clarisse shrugged again unconcerned. "Why, should I have said more?" At this I snapped. I leapt forward pulling out my wand at the same time. I shouted, "Tarante-" But before I could even finish, Clarisse punched my nose. Hard. I staggered back holding my bleeding nose. I gripped my wand tighter and jumped forward again. I don't even remember what happened next, only pain and suddenly appearing on the ground, Clarisse's boot on my chest my wand 3 feet away. "Man up, wimp!" Clarisse yelled at me at the same time thrusting her spear at my face. I could dimly hear Harry shouting at me to stop but I didn't.
I spat back at Clarisse, "Only when you stop acting like a jerk!" Clarisse yelled angrily and was about to whack me with her spear again but this time Percy got in the way. He blocked the spear shaft with his sword. "Clarisse, stop," he said in a firm voice.
"I will never teach that prat again!" Claisse yelled storming away. Percy yelled something at her in Greek which made her stop in her tracks. She yelled something back angrily and stomped away. Percy turned back to me and helped me up. "What was that about?"
"I honestly have no idea." I answered him.
"Clarisse is very temperamental sometimes. Just ignore her." Percy advised me. Why was it that I got the meanest scariest teacher while Hermione and Harry got the best ones?

So how was that? Pretty long chapter huh? A total of 1992 words not counting this AN. so basically Hermione is considering joining the Hunters of Artemis. And Ron and Clarisse had a little showdown which Clarisse won. How do you think this plot is going? Please tell me in the comments or vote. Thx!


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