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Percy's POV

I gripped Ron's arm as he apparated us away. Like the first time, it was abnormally dark and I felt like I was being pulled through an invisible tube. Not a pleasant feeling, that's for sure. I asked Nico if he liked apparating once and he told me that it reminded him of shadow traveling but with less of the rush. I agree. I would rather travel through shadows then be squished in a tube. We landed on the front steps of Grimmauld Place abruptly sending me out of my thoughts. We had to apparate precisely on the door step so the Death Eaters wouldn't see us. I still had trouble believing that they would want to eat Thanatos. I mean, who would do that!? I guess these creeps then. UGHH! STUPID ADHD!

Ron opened the door and we stepped inside. After living the whole month here, this creepy dark house was more comfortable and actually homey. After getting past Dumbledore's ghostly apparition, we continued toward the kitchen and peeked in to find the house elf Kreacher cooking a delicious smelling soup.

"Hey Kreacher, where are the others?" I asked.

"They are in the Dining Room going over the plans." Kreacher croaked.

"Thanks!" Ron and I called back. We proceeded toward the Dining Room which was brightly lit with candles. Annabeth and Hermione were pouring over maps and charts discussing something in quiet tones. Harry and Nico were also going over some papers which I realized where all notes for the plan.

"We're back!" I called and everyone looked up.

"How was the stake out?" Annabeth asked and quickly kissed me on the cheek.

"Well," Ron said sitting down heavily on a chair. "The stake out was good but there were 2 more death Eaters outside in the square. It's like they expect us to come stomping out with our trunks and go to Hogwarts. But it is rather strange not being there. The train left almost 8 hours ago."
We nodded even though us demigods didn't really know what he was talking about.

"Yeah, but you know we can't." Harry said glancing discreetly at Hermione before looking away. I knew what he was talking about. The day Kreacher came, there had been this article in the newspaper about some muggle borns stealing magic from a wizard or witch. I mean, that's ridiculous. How can someone steal magic from someone. You're born with it, you don't just get it. But Harry was right. They couldn't go to school because of Hermione, and of course the fact that Harry was now Public Enemy Number 1. We think that Voldemort has infiltrated the Ministry. After all, Rufus Scrimgeour the previous Minister had been replaced by Pius Thicknesse, a possible puppet of Voldemort. All in all, Voldemort was now in control of the Ministry.

Harry was shifting uneasily by the table. "I think we should do it tomorrow." Hermione sat up.

"What? We can't! We need more time!" Hermione exclaimed.

"Hermione," Harry started. "We've been watching the Ministry for a month. If we don't do it now, we'll never be able to do it! We need to do it fast because everyday we're sitting here hiding is another day Voldemort is killing." Annabeth and Nico were looking at me questioningly.

"I agree. If we keep putting it off, eventually we won't be able to do it." Hermione sighed and agreed. Ron looked apprehensive. We spent the night going over plans again, making sure everyone knew it. Finally, after a dinner of onion soup courtesy of Kreacher, we all trooped upstairs to our separate sleeping areas. I entered the bedroom with Annabeth and Nico. Nico went into the attached bathroom while Annabeth and I changed. After Nico went out, he crawled into his bed and fell asleep after bidding us a good night.

I went into bed with Annabeth. I whispered, "Good night, Annie." I kissed her and after we broke apart, she mumbled against my skin,

"I love you." I fell asleep listening to the steady rythym of my girlfriend breathing against my cheek.

Yeah, sorry. Again, late update. But I PROMISE you'll get the Ministry Chappie next week. It's like, maybe 2000 words or something so yeah. Anyway sorry. I'll try to update next week, k? If not, I'm sorry.

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