We infiltrate the Ministry

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Percy's POV

I woke up to find Annabeth shaking me. "Let's go." We dressed and walked downstairs to find the others leaning over a map. We quickly joined them. Hermione was pointing out places on the map and telling us our positions. After that, we ran to get ready. Thirty minutes later, we stood in the soupy London fog holding hands ready to apparate. With a faint pop, we disappeared.

We reappeared in a deserted alley way. Hermione and Annabeth quickly took control. "Quick!" Hermione hissed. I took out the puking pastille and handed it to her. We hid behind a dumpster and waited. After five minutes or so, a gray haired lady appeared. Without missing a beat, Hermione sent a silent stunning spell which hit the witch squarely on the back. She crumpled and hit the cement without a sound. I ran across with Ron and carried her to where the others were waiting. Annabeth plucked out a gray strand of hair and handed it to Harry who dropped it in a flask of poly juice potion which turned into a light heliotrope shade. Hermione then drank it up. Her face molded and her hair grayed and straightened. In a few seconds, she stood in front as Mafalda Hopkirk. Ron and I carried the real Mafalda into an abandoned movie theater and placed her backstage. We went back out to find Hermione and Annabeth looking for the Nosebleed Nougat. "Where is it!" Annabeth muttered rummaging through Hermione's beaded purse.

"I have it." I told them holding it up.

"Hurry! The magical maintenance guy will be here any second!" Nico whispered from the shadows. Harry hurriedly put on his cloak while Annabeth wore her invisibility hat. Ron and I merely dived behind the dumpsters. With another pop, he appeared out of thin air. Hermione walked up to him.

"Oh, hello Mafalda! Good day!" He nodded to her.

"Hello. How are you today?" Hermione greeted him in Mafalda's quavery voice.

"Not so well actually." The man said.

"Oh well. Maybe a sweet will make you feel better. Here." Hermione insisted. Sweet. Lol. They call candy a sweet. UGH! Focus Percy! By now, Hermione had successfully given the wizard the pastille and yanked a couple of hairs off his slightly balding head. The wizard started throwing up, spattering it across the sidewalk. Hermione leaped out of the way. The wizard mumbled a few words about having to work today before finally giving up and apparating away. Hermione turned back to us and gave the hairs to Ron. A few moments later, he was an exact replica of the man whose name was Reg Cattermole.

After around ten minutes, me, Nico, and Harry were replicas of ministry wizards. I was apparently Christian Cowell, a member of the Magical Maintenance with Ron. Nico was Nathan Lackley a member of the Aurors. Harry was Albert Runcorn, a six foot tall intimidating man. Annabeth merely disappeared by putting on her Yankees cap. We continued toward the toilets and lined up. We went into the stalls and heard the sound of flushing from the next stall. I peeked over the top to see Nathan's (Nico's) dark brown eyes. 

"We flush ourselves in? That's gross!" He pulled a face. I nodded anyway. I stepped into the toilet cringing. Surprisingly, the water didn't affect me and I stayed dry without using my powers. I pulled the string for the flush and the water spun beneath me and I sunk. Mere seconds later, I flew out of a fireplace and crashed into someone.

"Oi! Watch where you're going!" A short Ministry wizard yelped. We gave me a glare before walking forwards again, just in time for him to be hit by Harry. He grumbled angrily and was just about to yell when he noticed who it was.

"Oh, sorry, Runcorn." He walked briskly away from Harry who was looking after the wizard in a bemused sort of way. We met up with Hermione, Ron, and Nico next to a group of statues carrying a platform on which a witch and a wizard stood.

"It's horrible," a disembodied voice whispered in my ear and I knew this was Annabeth. I looked at the statue again and noticed that the statues carrying the witch and wizard were all muggles, or mortals. "Mortals in their rightful place." Annabeth whispered again. Hermione, Ron, Harry, and Nico were all staring up at the statues repulsed. I also felt anger bubbling beneath the surface but since I didn't want to flood this place, I pushed the feeling away. I turned away angrily and followed Harry through what he called the Atrium. We proceeded into a lift and was about to step in when a wizard stopped us.

He was an ugly wizard whose face looked like a bulldogs. I felt other Ministry wizards around me tense and fall silent. A wave of nauseating fear washed over them. I was almost tempted to laugh. "Seriously, they were afraid of a bulldog faced wizard?"  He strode right up to Ron who was stricken with fear.

"I've requested someone from the Magical Maintenance squad, Cattermole." He growled through his teeth. "It's been raining in my office... Again." 

"R-Raining in your office...? That's not very good." Ron laughed feebly but stopped when he saw the expression on his face.

"Do you think it's funny, Catermole?"

"N-No, Yaxley."

"Good, then get to it. You too, Cowell." Yaxley paused to glare at me but I didn't back down. He stalked away and the crowd of Wizards moved back forming a walkway. We entered the lift again. Once the doors clanged shut, Ron groaned.

"How am I supposed to do this!"

"Relax. I'm coming too, so I'll use my powers to stop the water." I looked at my friends. Hermione looked scared while Nico looked bored as always.  

"We need to find Umbridge. Fast, before the polyjuice wears off." Hermione muttered. The doors slid open revealing a squat little witch in a fluffy pink cardigan. She had a huge black bow on her head. Overall, she looked like a pink toad with a fly on her big fat head.

Umbridge. What a coincidence. 

"There you are, Mafalda!" She said in a high girly voice. "Am I right to assume that Travers has sent you?"

"Err, yes!"

"Alright then." Let's go down to the courts. Albert, Nathan, aren't you getting off?" She inquired. Harry and Nico nodded a bit stiffly and stepped off.

We proceeded to the next floor in an awkward silence.

The mechanical voice of the witch said, "Level two, the Department of Magical Law enforcement."

Ron stepped forward and I followed. The plan was going smoothly. I followed him down the corridors, glancing uneasily at each other every few minutes. Finally, we located Yaxley's office. It was at the end of a hall. Inside, I could hear the pattering of raindrops hitting a hard surface. I opened the door to be greeted by the sight of the soaking office. It was indeed raining, large drops fell from the ceiling. We almost immediately got wet. I closed the door with a snap.

"Alright, Percy. Do your thing." Ron encouraged me.
I closed my eyes and concentrated on the water around me. I felt the now familiar pull in my gut. I focused on evaporating the water that soaked the office. It was a talent that I had been developing over the last few months. The pulling sensation in my gut grew more intense until it was painful. I heard Ron gasp in amazement but didn't open my eyes. Our sopping wet clothes started getting drier until it was completely dry. I concentrated on the pull and when I couldn't hold it anymore, let it go. With a loud POP! The water that had gathered above me had flown toward the ceiling. A millisecond before hitting the ceiling, it evaporated.

"That. Was. Amazing!!" Ron yelled and punched the sky.

Annabeth's POV

I followed invisibly behind Hermione and the Human Toad. Yes, the human toad, otherwise known as Umbridge. I walked stealthily into a stone corridor after them. I sucked in a quick breath. Dementors where lined up against the wall. There was a shivering crowd of Wizards and witches, young and old. If I understood correctly, they were muggle-borns waiting for trial, and apparently, Umbridge was in charge of those trials. Umbridge soundlessly uttered a spell. A silvery jet of light swept out of the tip and formed into two cats. The dementors drew back against the wall while Umbridge walked toward the door at the end of the hall. "Wait here, magic stealers," She said spitefully over her shoulder. Hermione sent them an apologetic look. We entered the dimly lit courtroom. Umbridge and Hermione sat at a table at the very front of the room. I stood impassively by the door, doing nothing.

After around 5 minutes, the door opened again. Yaxley, the wizard from earlier entered. "Sorry I'm late, Dolores. There was a bit of trouble with the Muggle Born Registration Commission and some Decoy Detonators." I had no doubt about who caused the "bit of trouble" he was talking about.

"Fine, that's fine, Yaxley." Dolores waved it away casually. He sat down at the table too. He called,

"Bring her in!"

The door opened once more. Two dementors escorted a thin mousy brown haired woman in. She had penetrating silver-grey eyes. The dementors sat her down into the chair. The door started to close, but before it could, something stopped it. A millisecond later, the door swung closed once more.

Nico's POV

I followed Harry out of the lift, wincing slightly as the bright, luminescent light shone on my tanned skin. Nathan Lackley was a short, athletic man. He was definitely in contrast to my thin sallow body and almost black eyes. His hair was wavy and brown, his eyes matched this exact color. In other words, being Nathan Lackley was unsettling, very unsettling. I don't even know I why I agreed to go on this quest. It's not like I was useful or anything, I thought bitterly. I wasn't as powerful as Percy and definitely NOT smarter than Annabeth. Sighing angrily, I pushed these thoughts away and followed Harry down the corridor. He stopped and looked back at me. "I'm going to put my invisibility cloak on now? Alright?" I nodded back at him. He disappeared under his cloak, or as I like to call it, Thanatos' Cloak of Death. Because it was. I focused on the shadows and pulled them toward me. Satisfied that I was invisible, I followed Harry's presence toward a large hallway filled with rows and rows of witches and Wizards. They waved their wands in sync, multicolored pages fluttered around them before being bound together. They were making some kind of book. At the end of the hall across from us, there was a polished wooden door with a bright golden plaque. With my dyslexia, I couldn't read the words engraved upon but by the look on Harry's face, he didn't like it. It was the office of the she devil.

  I sensed that Harry had bent down and quickly I did the same. I pulled two squirming Decoy Detonators out of my robe pocket. They ran toward the tables, I waited and in a few seconds, pandemonium was upon us. Honking screeching clanging noses echoed around as the wizards and witches both cursed and stood up trying to find the source of the noise. During these moments, Harry and I had already crossed the room and were outside of Umbridge's office door. I turned the knob and quickly opened the door, shutting it again as Harry made it through the threshold. I turned around to find a lavishly pink office with cute little plates hung on the wall with even cuter kittens painted upon it. The worst part was, the kittens were moving; playing, running, and snuggling right up against the glass, purring loudly.

I hated it.

Harry had removed his cloak and walked toward the office desk and had started rummaging through its contents, looking for the locket. I turned toward her filing cabinets and did the same. After searching it for about 10 minutes and finding nothing, I turned back around to see Harry bent over a parchment with something written on it. I got a brief glimpse of it before he shoved it back into the cabinet. It was his face. "Harry, what's that?" 

"Er, nothing. Come on, it's not here, let's get back to the others." I nodded even though I was still reluctant. I followed Harry as he once again put on Thanatos' Cloak and I hid myself with the shadows, back through the halls, and to the lift. We took off our methods of invisibility as the golden grilles swung upon once more. Percy and Ron walked in. "Hey guys." I whispered as the lift clanged shut again. 

Ron jumped back in surprise. Percy smiled at me. "Oh, whoops. Forgot what you looked like. No luck?" Ron saw our faces and got his answer. "Maybe Hermione found it." He added hopefully. The lift opened once again. This time, we were in a dark stone corridor. There were torches  against the wall but none were alight with flames. The corridor was lined benches and on those benches were hunched forms of children and adults. The seemed to press tightly into the wall, away from something. It was then that I noticed the five figures in the middle of the room.

They seemed to be made of smoke with shadowy grey cloaks on that hid their faces. I, however, could see straight through them. They were faceless, literally. No eyes or noses. Just one gaping hole for the mouth. It seemed to radiate an aura of death and coldness, much like mine. I could tell however that this was different. Very different. It showed you bad memories.

From the look on the faces of my companions, they had felt the aura too. Harry's face was white, like he'd seen a ghost. Ron started shaking in his shoes. Percy was trying to suppress them but I could see despair and grief in his eyes. I wasn't effected since I was a son of death.

I had to stop it before Percy collapsed. I went forward toward the nearest dementor. Harry and Ron reached to stop me but I shoved their hands away. Percy was leaning tiredly against the wall, face pale.

I spoke in Greek, "Be gone, creatures of death and despair. I, Nico DiAngelo, son of the Greek god Hades, command this so." As soon as I had finished, the dementors floated eerily down the corridor, away from us. As soon as they were out of range, the torches lit on fire, illuminating the cramped space. I turned back to my friends.

"Let's go."


Annabeth's POV

I turned my attention back to Unbridge and Yaxley. Hermione was also staring at the door, she had probably noticed it. I let my mind wander, though still paying attention. A few minutes later, a beam of red light flew out of nowhere and hit Umbridge squarely in the chest. She slumped forward onto her face, her patronus fading. Yaxley looked surprised but before he could react, another jet of light hit him. Hermione sprang across the table, abandoning her notes on the trial. She reached into Umbridge's clothes and pulled out a locket. I ran to Mrs. Cattermole who had been sitting shocked. I pulled off my Yankees cap, golden curls flying.

"I know this might be shocking, Mrs. Cattermole, but we need you to come with us. I took out my bronze dagger and sliced them across the chains binding her to the chair. Mrs. Cattermole stood and rubbing her wrists, followed behind. Percy was holding open the door and gesturing at is to hurry up. We were the last people in the room, apart from the unconscious forms of Umbridge and Yaxley. Percy closed the door behind us and turned away. I however called to Hermione, "Hermione! Place a hex on the door so they can't get out!" Hermione nodded and shot a stream of amber light at the door. 

Percy and Nico were rounding up the wizards and witches in the room and pairing them up with those that had wands. Harry and Ron were leading them out of the corridors wands raised. I urged Mrs. Cattermole to run with me and we raced after the others. The people in front of us slowed and yelled,

"Expecto Patronum!" 

Wisps of silvery light shot out though a large silvery stag and a Jack Russel Terrier exploded out of Ron's and Harry's wands. The seven dementors flew backward away from the shapes of happiness and hope. One by one, the witches and wizards entered the lift and escaped to the Atrium. In no time, only the seven of us were left. We were waiting for the last lift to get here. 

Mrs. Cattermole exclaimed, "What's happening! Why-why am I here! Reg!" She leaped into his arms and kissed him hard. Ron squirmed in her grip and wrenched himself away. "Reg?" She asked worried. Hermione, who had had enough of this, pulled Ron away. 

"Obliviate!" She yelled and pointed her wand at her face. Her silvery brown eyes went unfocused. 

"You will forget what happened and forget that we are here. Go home, get your husband, your children, and move to a different country. GO!" Mrs. Cattermole scurried into the lift and pressed the button for the Atrium. We stared at her in shock. Hermione blushed pink. "Let's just go." We entered the lift and we proceeded up toward the Atrium. The doors slid open to reveal a state of chaos and anarchy.  Witches and wizards ran around in confusion, not knowing what to do. To add to the confusion, we ran out of the lift and yelled. 

"Harry Potter! Harry Potter in the courtrooms!" All the magical people there stood frozen before surging directly toward the lifts. However, we ran straight toward the fireplaces. Harry, Ron, Nico, and Percy vanished in a flash of emerald green. I was about to leap in after before a vice like grip caught my arm. Yaxley spun me around and I met his ugly pond green eyes. 

"What have we got here?" He snarled. 

"A stomach ache!" I retorted and kneed his stomach. Then I ran and leaped into the flames. I was shot violently out of a toilet and into Percy's arms. I met his eyes, which were back to their usual sea green. I caught my friends arms and our surroundings blurred and twisted. Before we could disappear for good however, a hand caught my shoulder and unwillingly, I dragged him with us into the unknown. 

Finally!! Done! You have literally no idea how long I'd been working on this chapter. Wanna know?

3 months. 

Yup. I worked on this chapter for 3 months, ever since July. So I really hope you enjoy this chapter. To show your appreciation, can you vote or comment? Please? And hopefully the next chapter won't take literal months to finish. Read on mah friends! 

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