25: Bad Mood

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???'s POV:

"They took down my cult in a matter of seconds!" The admin of the Reflection cult, Lindsey, said.

"They took out mine as well!" The admin of the Gaia cult, Kira, said.

"Girls, calm yourselves." I said.

"Why should we?" They asked.

"Because I have a plan." I laughed.


Haruka's POV:

"..." I was asleep in my bed. "Wake up." I heard someone's voice. "Gimme a few more hours..." I said, turning over. "..." I heard a growl. "HELL NO!" I heard a yell. "I've been trying to wake you up for 20 minutes now!" The voice continued. "UGH..." I said, as I buried my face in my pillow. "Haruka. Get up." The voice became deeper and scary. "Okay!" I said, immediately sitting up. The voice belonged to Darkrai. "Well? I didn't say sit up. I said get up." He said. "Geez, what's you're problem?" I asked. "Nothing." He said. "You're in a bad mood again..." I sighed. "Am not." He said. "Are too." I said. "Are not", "Are too.", "Are not.", "Yes you are.", "No.", "Yes.", "No!", "Yes!" We growled at each other. "..." I glared. "You're in a crappy mood." I said. "No, I'm not." He said. "Can you at least exit the room so I can get dressed?" I asked. "Yes." He said, leaving the room and shutting the door behind him. "Finally..." I huffed. 'What's his problem?' I thought. "Yawn..." I said, walking out of my room. "...?" I raised an eyebrow. "Where'd he go?" I asked myself. "Knock knock!" Yuri and Hoopa walked in. "Gooood morning!" Yuri said. "Morning." I said. "Where's Darkrai?" She asked. "Probably taking a walk to calm down or something..." I said. "What happened?" Hoopa asked. "He was in a bad mood this morning." I said. "A very... Very bad mood." I rolled my eyes. "Hm..." Yuri said. "Did you do something?" She asked. "I dunno." I said.

Herro there my friends! :3

XD it's meh, WaffleCake!


Thanks to Overwatch XD ITS SO FUN!!!

Heheheh my player icon is a Murlock (I hope I spelled that right!)

Anyways... Bye!

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