24: Darkness and Shadow

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Darkrai's POV:

'What is he planning?' I asked myself. "Shadow force!" He said, as he disappeared. "..." Me and Haruka went silent. "HAHAHAHAHA!" We heard Giratina's laughter. "Oh shit." I said, pushing Haruka's head down. Everyone's eyes went wide, except for ours. "What's going on?!" Haruka whispered. "He's using his signature move, Shadow Force." I said. "Which does...?" She asked. "Think of a person in a glass box." I said. "Okay." She said. "Giratina is outside the box. He uses shadow force, and disappears. He then shatters any barrier around his targets, and gets them in one specific area. Then, he strikes." I said. "Wow." She said. "Yep." I said. "GET WRECKED!" He said, destroying everything. "..." Haruka looked at the remains. "Holy Shit!" She said. "Heh! Leave it to a professional!" Giratina smirked. "Says the one who almost killed us..." Darkrai said. "Ssssshhhsshshshsh!" Giratina said. "Come in, Everyone?" Palkia's voice appeared in everyone's heads. "Sup?" Giratina said. "Did you guys successfully complete the task? Is anyone hurt?" She said. "Yep! And no casualties!" Haruka said. "Good." She said with a sigh of relief. "Good job everyone." She said. "Then, everyone, start heading to the meeting point." She said. "Right." I said.

At The Meeting Place...

"Alright." Palkia said. "Giratina, would you mind opening the portal?" She asked. "Sure." He said, opening it back up. "Alright, let's go home... I'm tired." Haruka yawned. "Yeah." I agreed. "Chill out, I just finished opening the portal." Giratina huffed. "Fine." We said. "Alright. It's operational now. Knock yourselves out." He huffed. "YES!" We said, jumping through. "Ah... Back to normal..." Haruka said. "It's nice to be back in reality." He sighed. "Agreed." She replied. "I'm also pretty hungry..." Haruka said. "Then come on. Let's go inside the house already." I said. "Sounds like a plan." She smiled.

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