27: What Do We Do?

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Darkrai's POV:

"Alright, new plan. Our next target is the Aurora Cult." Palkia said. "Aaaaand...?" Giratina said. "We're going to get rid of it." She said. "And how are we gonna do that?" He asked again. "..." Palkia growled. "HOW ABOUT YOU BE QUIET, AND LISTEN?" She said. "Fine..." He sighed. "Aaaanyways... As I was saying..." She said. "The Aurora cult isn't that far from here. It's farther in the forest." She said. "Okay. Any plan of action?" Haruka asked. "No, not yet. I'm assuming that the other cults are aware of what we did to Gaia and Reflection... So they're probably very cautious." She said. "So, their security is greatly improved... Right?" I asked. "Precisely." She said. "We need to scout out the surroundings of their cult." She said. "We don't know where the entrances are, what it looks like, and it's shape." She said. "But, we can't exactly scout it out." Giratina said. "Why?" Palkia asked. "You said their security is improved, right? So we can't exactly scout it out without being noticed. Darkrai can blend into shadows, but what if he gets caught? We can't help him without being noticed because we don't have that ability." Giratina said. "Wow... I underestimated your intelligence." Palkia said. "Good point." Haruka said. "Even if he takes me to scout with him, I can't help if he gets caught, because what if they have guns?" Haruka said. "Exactly." Giratina said. "Well... Can't we scout from a distance?" Lance asked. "It's possible, but it won't be exact." I said. "Hm..." Lance said. "So, what are we gonna do?" Giratina asked. "We don't know." Palkia sighed, resting her forehead on her hand. "I'm getting a headache already..." She said. "Okay, so our only option is to charge in." Giratina said. "They can call backup, y'know..." I said. "How about we wait it out?" Haruka asked. "If we wait long enough, then they will think we're attacking the other cults instead of theirs, and they'll let their guard down." She said. "That's not a bad idea..." I said. "Plus, we'll have time to train." Giratina said. "Alright. It's settled." Palkia said.

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