41: Deoxys

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Leo's POV:

"Hm..." I said, as I looked down a hallway. It was narrow, with a single door at the end. "I think it's this way!" I said. "Are you sure?" Victini asked. "Yup!" I said. She looked around nervously. "Watch out for traps!" She said, pretending to be a ninja. "Pffft..." I laughed. I opened the door, and we entered a huge room. "Whoa...!" Me and Victini said. "Hm?" We saw a boy with brown hair, and orange eyes with blue glasses. He looked pretty chill. "Ah!" He looked over at us. "Ahem... Pardon my manners for not noticing you two... I am Azuki. It's a pleasure to meet you both." He said. "Just between you and me..." He said. "I didn't want to do this to Deoxys..." He said. "Huh?" We both said. You see, Stella is my younger sister, so... She kind of pushed me to do this..." He said. He looked genuinely upset. "I don't know how to turn Deoxys back without anyone getting hurt..." He said. "I'm sorry...!" He bowed repeatedly. "It's not your fault. If you're sister is who I think she is... Then she got her ass kicked by Palkia, Giratina, and their chosen." Victini said. "I just didn't want to make my sister upset..." He said. "Like I said, it's fine!" Victini smiled. "I heard that if you beat Romos... Then all of the Pokemon would be saved, and return to normal..." He said. "Romos...?" I asked. "He is the mastermind behind the cults..." Azuki said. "Deoxys doesn't seem to care." He pointed, to a completely oblivious Deoxys. "Romos doesn't have a legendary, he's a criminal who could care less about the lives of people and Pokemon." He sighed. "Grrr... I'm gonna V-Kick him so hard in the no-no square that he won't be able to sit down for a month...!" Victini growled.

Palkia's POV:

"Alright, this should do it..." I said. "That feels so nice..." Haruka said. I was healing Haruka with a special kind of water that heals injuries. "Aaaand that should do it. Better?" I asked, as I removed my hand from her back. "Much better..." Haruka said. "She will be a bit drowsy for the next hour or two." I said. "The synchronization move healed her enough that she'd be able to walk. It didn't make her injury recover completely, so I had to finish the job." I said. "So now I'm back to normal?" Haruka asked. "I nodded with a smile. "Woot!" She said. "So... What now?" Darkrai asked. "We find Leo and Victini." I said. "Alright, let's go help them kick one ass!" Giratina cheered. "...." Darkrai became silent. "Something up?" I asked, noticing his silence. "I'm just nervous." He sighed. "Why?" Giratina asked. "Because he's really powerful. He's probably stronger than you and I combined." Darkrai replied. "Meh. I'll just get him with shadow force." Giratina shrugged. "He's also really smart. So he'll probably have some moves that will counter ours." Darkrai continued. "This should be the room that he's in." Darkrai said, as we all walked inside. "...?" We saw victini and Leo talking to what appeared to be Deoxys' chosen. "Whaaaa....?!??" We all said together. "What are you guys doing here?" Victini asked. "We were looking for you. And why are you socializing with the enemy?" I asked. "Oh wow! Darkrai, Palkia, and Giratina! It's an honor to see you all in person!" The enemy chosen said. "..." We all stood there, confused. "I'm Azuki. I never wanted to do this to Deoxys, but I didn't want to upset my sister, Stella..." He said. "Isn't stella that insane child we just fought?" Giratina asked. "Yes." I replied. "So, I guess we're going to have to fight this boy." I said, grabbing the hilt of my rapier. "Ah! Please, spare me! Miss Palkia I beg that you let me explain!" He said. "Miss...?" Giratina growled. "Giratina, calm down." I said. "Tch..." He looked away. "Alright. I'll let you explain." I said, letting go of my rapier. "I'm on your side. I never wanted to do this to Deoxys, but I was forced to." He said. "He said that the only other way to free the Legendaries is to beat Mr. Boss man of the cults. A.K.A. Romos." Victini said. "He's fairly weak, so we should be able to take him down if we work together!" Azuki said. "..." I thought about it. "Alright. We shall help you." I said. "Whoa whoa whoa.." Giratina said. "Look. I'll help. But on one condition." Giratina said. "Oh no..." I facepalmed. "You need to address Palkia more formally." He growled. "Pffft..." Darkrai said. "Giratina." I boomed. "What?" He asked. "Back off." I said. "Just ignore him." I whispered to Azuki. "Okay." Azuki said. "Alright. Are you aware of Romos' location in this fortress?" I asked. "Yes." He nodded. "Would you please lead the way?" I asked again. "O-of course!" Azuki said.

Argh! I haven't updated this in foreeevvveeerrrrrr!!!!


Hey hi everyone! It's me, WaffleCake!

Question time!:

Which two characters to you ship? Besides Palkia and Giratina.

Me: I dunno... Heheheh... >:3

Okay, with that out of the way, I hope you have an amazing day! (Heh le rhymes. xP)

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