Sleeping Forever

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I just can't get enough of this feeling

When I close my eyes and drift off into another world

The sensations of the blankets wrapped around my body are nearly orgasmic

As my head rests on the quilt of my pillow

My chest rising and falling with every breath

The raindrops pelting on the roof above


I'm begging you...

With everything inside my soul

Don't wake me up from this sleep

It's so heavenly

So peaceful

Even when I have nightmares I'd still rather just be asleep

It's like a drug in itself

This feeling of non-existence

This feeling of zero control

As if I want to be put in a coma

So I can just sleep and sleep for months on end

Watching this world go by in my own dreams

My favourite time is when the day comes to its closure

When nightfall takes over 

I'm nocturnal like a bat in a cave

Because I know I can crawl into bed and be at peace

In fact...

I think I'm enjoying this sleep so much

I'm not sure if I ever want to wake up again

Bạn đang đọc truyện trên: Truyen2U.Pro