We Will Rule the World, Again

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Good morning

Or good night

Wherever you are

Reading this letter

At this very moment

In this time of day

It is us

The animals of the world

With a message to share with you

Something that humanity has needed to hear for a long...long time

The same ones who consider themselves the top of the food chain

The same ones who have claimed this planet as theirs

The same ones who have deemed us secondly for as long as their race existed

Before you humans arrived we led lives of freedom

Lives of pleasure and peace

We ran freely in the fields and safari of the desert

We swam together in the oceans and undisrupted lakes

We climbed the mountains and set ourselves apart

Then you came and hunted us for food

You shot and killed our brothers and sisters

You skinned us alive

Went on to use our fur as luxury clothing

You polluted our oceans with garbage

You took our cousins and friends

Locked them in cages for your amusement

For you to take your children to the zoo and point fun at us

Living in captivity 

Meanwhile you go home and live lives of pleasure with your families

Lives of freedom that were taken away from us

For us to live in small, uncomfortable cages

And if you humans don't deem us as "cute" or "friendly"

Creations that you have built in your OWN mind

Then we are unworthy and don't have a purpose in your society

You won't even look at us twice

Yet you see a puppy and can't get enough

It's like love at first sight


You cut down our forests and trees

The same ones we climbed with passionate pleasure

You continued to hunt us, even turning it into a sport

Picking us off in the distance with riffles

As we try to live our lives

The way God created it to be

You shot us down and carved our tusks

Sold them for money

You terrorized our parents and loved ones with your violence

You automatically put yourselves first whenever the case may be

Yes...for now you humans are the top of the food chain

But we will take over this planet again

It might take thousands and thousands of years

But we will slowly do it

Just you watch

Every day that goes by

The sun rising and disappearing beyond the horizon

We make our way closer to what is ours


We Will Rule the World, Again

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