Saving Celina

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Y/N (Fusion) was thrown into a cell after being held down by five officers. He was beyond angry.

Y/N (Fusion): Let me out and take me to her!

No answer.

Y/N (Fusion): I will kill you all if you lay a single hand on her!

No answer.

Y/N (Fusion): You're all dead!

Y/N (Fusion) falls to his knees and starts talking to himself.

Y/N (Fusion): I failed. I broke my promise. I promised that I would protect her and wouldn't let her get captured again. She's been captured many times. I almost lost her to the Society of Light. What type of friend am I? I'm a failure. I couldn't even keep our relationship together.

A figure walks over to Y/N (Fusion) and stands beside him.

???: Then do something about it. You know that you can't be stopped in your ultimate form.

Y/N (Fusion): No. I promised Celina that I won't use that form again.

???: Then you will always fail.

Y/N (Fusion): Yubel, I'm hearing him again.

Yubel: I am aware but you must resist. It took a miracle to get you back to your senses the last time.

Y/N's (Fusion) cell opens and he looks to see who it is. A man walks in.

Man: I'm the head cellmate. I run this operation. I heard you were a powerful duelist and came to challenge you. I want to see if you're really as strong as you seem to be. If you win then you'll become the head of this place.

Y/N (Fusion): If I win, can you guys help me find my friend?

Man: We'll do our best.

Y/N (Fusion): Fine. I accept your challenge. Then you'll help me.

Man: I won't go down easily.

Y/N (Fusion): I don't expect you to. Get your game on!

Turn 1- Y/N (Fusion)

Y/N (Fusion)- 4000 LP/ Man- 4000 LP

Y/N (Fusion): I'll start. My turn. I summon Black Stone of Legend on ATK Mode.

Black Stone of Legend: Level 1- 0 ATK/ 0 DEF

Y/N (Fusion): Black Stone of Legend's effect, activate. I send this card to the Graveyard and then special summon one Red Eyes monster from anywhere in my deck. Appear, Red Eyes Black Flare Dragon.

Red Eyes Black Flare Dragon: Level 7- 2400 ATK/ 2000 DEF

Yubel: He's not messing around.

Y/N (Fusion): I place a card facedown. Turn end.

Turn 2- Man

Y/N (Fusion) 4000 LP/ Man- 4000 LP

Man: It's my turn. I draw. I summon Krebons in ATK Mode!

Krebons: Level 2- 1200 ATK/ 400 DEF

Man: Now I activate the spell: Emergency Teleport. This lets me special summon a Level 3 or lower Psychic monster from my deck. I choose Serene Psychic Witch.

Serene Psychic Witch: Level 3- 1400 ATK/ 1200 DEF

Man: Level 2 Krebons tunes Level 3 Serene Psychic Witch! My flames of hatred, blazing within the abyss of my heart, become the black raging waves that will overrun this world!


Man: I Synchro Summon! Appear now, Magical Android!

Magical Android: Level 5- 2400 ATK/ 1700 DEF

Man: I end my turn. Now Magical Android's effect activates. At the end of my turn, I gain 600 LP for every single Psychic monster I control.

Man- 4000 LP - - -> 4600 LP

Turn 3- Y/N (Fusion)

Y/N (Fusion): Time to end this.

Man: You can't end it on this turn.

Y/N (Fusion): You think so? Let me prove you wrong. My turn. Draw. I gemini summon Red Eyes Black Flare Dragon. Magic card: Claw of Hermos, activate. I can fuse this monster with another card in my hand or field. I fuse Claw of Hermos with the Red Eyes Wyvern in my hand. I Fusion Summon! Appear, Red Eyes Black Dragon Sword.

Red Eyes Black Dragon Sword: Level 7- 2400 ATK/ 2000 DEF

The rest of the Lancers appear and watch the duel.

Y/N (Standard): What's going on?

Y/N (XYZ): A duel. What else would you find in this story?

Y/N (Fusion): Red Eyes Black Dragon Sword's effect, activates. It equips itself to a monster and then raises its ATK by 1000 ATK. I choose Red Eyes Black Flare Dragon.

Red Eyes Black Flare Dragon: 2400 ATK - - -> 3400 ATK

Y/N (Fusion): Then it gains 500 ATK per dragon on the field and in the Graveyard. That is Red Eyes Black Flare Dragon, Red Eyes Black Dragon Sword, the Claw of Hermos, and the Red Eyes Wyvern in my graveyard. That's a total of four dragons and a 2000 ATK and DEF boost.

Red Eyes Black Flare Dragon: 3400 ATK/ 2000 DEF - - -> 5400 ATK/ 4000 DEF

Y/N (Standard): Well, this duel is over.

Y/N (Fusion): Battle. Red Eyes Black Flare Dragon, attack Magical Android.

Man: Ahh!

Man- 4000 LP - - -> 1000 LP

Y/N (Fusion): Red Eyes Black Flare Dragon's effect, activate. After it battles, you take damage equal to its original ATK. That's 2400 LP of damage. This duel is over.

Man: Ahh!

Man- 1000 LP - - -> 0 LP

Winner: Y/N (Fusion)

Everyone is shocked as the duel ends. Y/N (Fusion) returns to normal.

Y/N (Fusion): Now you will help me find Celina.

The Lancers run over to Y/N (Fusion).

Yuya: Overkill?

Y/N (Fusion): Not really. Could've been worse.

Sylvio: Remind to never get on your bad side.

Y/N (Fusion): I don't have time for this. I need to find Celina. Does anyone know where she would be?

Man: She would probably be in a special cell since she's a girl. I think I saw a girl being lead to an interrogation room.

Y/N (Fusion): I guess I'm going through the ducts.

Man: Why is this girl important to you?

Sylvio: She's his ex-girlfriend!

Y/N (Fusion) slaps Sylvio.

Y/N (Fusion): That's fun. I understand why she likes doing that. Now can you guys create a distraction?

Man: Sure. Count on us.

The inmates create a distraction as Y/N (Fusion) climbs into a duct. He wonders around until he hears Celina's voice. He goes over to the room where she is being kept.

Guard: Confess to your crimes, you scum!

Celina: I keep telling you! I haven't done anything!

Guard: Keep resisting then. We have ways to make you talk.

Y/N (Fusion) appears from the duct and knocks out the interrogator.

Celina hugs Y/N (Fusion).

Celina: Y/N (Fusion), you came!

Y/N (Fusion): Of course I did. I always will. Now let's get out of here.

Y/N (Fusion) try to escape but are met by another guard.

Guard: You two aren't where you're supposed to be. Surrender now.

Y/N (Fusion): Not without a fight.

Y/N (Fusion) activates his duel disk.

Guard: Fine. After I defeat you, I'll take your girl and then have some fun!

Y/N (Fusion): Just try it! Get your game on!

Turn 1- Y/N (Fusion)

Y/N (Fusion)- 4000 LP/ Guard- 4000 LP

Y/N (Fusion): I'll start. My turn. I summon Red Eyes Wyvern in ATK Mode.

Red Eyes Wyvern: Level 4- 1800 ATK/ 1600 DEF

Celina: What does he have in store?

Y/N (Fusion): I place one card facedown. Turn end.

Turn 2- Guard

Y/N (Fusion)- 4000 LP/ Guard- 4000 LP

Guard: It's my turn. I draw. I summon Vigilante Zeni in ATK Mode!

Vigilante Zeni: Level 4- 1600 ATK/ 1200 DEF

Guard: I activate my monster's special ability. By making its ATK 0, I can special summon a Level 3 or lower Vigilante monster from my hand. Say hello to Vigilante Gata!

Vigilante Gata: Level 3- 800 ATK/ 800 DEF

Guard: I tune my Level 3 Vigilante Gata with my Level 4 Vigilante Zeni. We'll break this delinquent down so much no one will ever put him back together!


Guard: I Synchro Summon my ultimate enforcer, Marksman Heiji Type 0!

Marksman Heiji Type 0: Level 7- 2400 ATK/ 2000 DEF

Celina: Do all these guys have the same deck?

Guard: Now attack his monster!

Y/N (Fusion): Trap card, open: Scrap Iron Scarecrow. This trap negates your attack and then goes back down to summoning condition.

Guard: Hmph. I end my turn.

Turn 3- Y/N (Fusion)

Y/N (Fusion)- 4000 LP/ Guard- 4000 LP

Y/N (Fusion): My turn. Draw. Magic card: Foolish Burial, activate. I send one monster from my deck to the Graveyard. I choose Red Eyes Black Flare Dragon. Red Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon effect, activate. By banishing one dragon monster I control, I can special summon this monster from my hand.

Red Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon: Level 10- 2800 ATK/ 2400 DEF

Y/N (Fusion): Red Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon effect, activate. I special summon one dragon monster from my hand or graveyard. Magic Reflection. Welcome, Red Eyes Black Flare Dragon.

Red Eyes Black Flare Dragon: Level 7-2400 ATK/ 2000 DEF

Y/N (Fusion): I Gemini Summon Red Eyes Black Flare Dragon. Battle. Red Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon, attack Marksman Heiji Type 0. Darkness Metal Flare!

Guard: Urk.

Guard: 4000 LP - - -> 3600 LP

Y/N (Fusion): Red Eyes Black Flare Dragon, direct attack.

Guard: Ahh!

Guard- 3600 LP - - -> 1200 LP

Y/N (Fusion): I end my Battle Phase. Red Eyes Black Flare Dragon's effect activates. You take LP damage equal to its original ATK. That's 2400 LP of damage. This duel is over.

Guard: Ahh!

Guard: 1200 LP - - -> 0 LP

Winner: Y/N (Fusion)

The duel ends and Y/N (Fusion) returns to normal. A man appears in front of the two. Y/N (Fusion) wasn't happy to see him.

???: It's been a long time, Y/N (Fusion).

Y/N (Fusion): Roget, why are you here?

Roget: I have orders from the Professor.

Y/N (Fusion): I don't give a care about what you say.

Roget: Temper. Temper. How is your arm by the way?

Celina: Y/N (Fusion), what is he talking about?

Y/N (Fusion) lifts up his right sleeve to reveal it is completely robotic.

Celina: How did that happen?

Y/N (Fusion): Starving Venom was taken from me. This bastard had the idea of replicating the dragon. The experiment went wrong and I lost my arm.

Celina: Y/N (Fusion)...

Roget: And yet the Professor gave you a replacement so you could keep fighting.

Y/N (Fusion): Enough of this. What do you want?

Roget: Come quietly and I promise Celina won't be harmed. Your friends tried to escape with a distraction but got caught. I want to bring you to them.

Y/N (Fusion): What's the catch?

Roget: No catch.

Y/N (Fusion): I don't believe you.

Roget: If you want to protect Celina then you believe me.

Y/N (Fusion) just growls as he and Celina are led back to the other Lancers.

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