Sharing Their Stories

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The Lancers are hiding in the Satellite.

Y/N (Standard): Thanks to whoever you are.

Crow: No problem. My name is Crow. I have a quick question though...WHY DO THREE OF YOU LOOK LIKE SOMEONE I KNOW?

Y/N (Standard): It's a long story.

Crow: We have time. The kids love a great story.

Y/N (Standard): This will take a while.

Crow: Grab the snacks, guys.

Celina stands up.

Celina: I'm not listening to this. I'm leaving.

Y/N (Fusion) stands in front of Celina.

Celina: What are you doing? We need to go!

Y/N (Fusion): No.

Celina: Move!

Y/N (Fusion): I SAID NO!

Celina flinches.

Y/N (Fusion): Don't you care about how others feel? If you get caught then I can't save you. Just stay here. Please.

Y/N (Fusion) was in tears. Celina hugs him.

Celina: Okay. I'll stay for you.

Crow: Now that is over. How about...

The door opens and in walks Akiza and Luna.

Crow: What are you doing here?

Akiza: Y/N (Synchro) wants us...

Akiza sees Y/N (Standard), runs to him and wraps her arms around him. Y/N (Standard) blushes.

Akiza: I'm glad you're okay.

Y/N (Standard): I'm sorry but I don't know who you are.

Akiza: What! How?

Akiza looks around and sees Y/N (XYZ) and Y/N (Fusion).

Akiza: Why do you three look like my boyfriend?

Y/N (Standard): It's a long story.

Akiza: Well, I guess you can tell us. We have time before Yusei shows up.

Crow: He's coming? What about Leo and Jack?

Luna: Leo is off somewhere. Jack won't come.

Crow: Of course he doesn't. Well, who's first?

Everyone turns to Celina and Y/N (Fusion).

Y/N (Fusion): I guess it's us?

Everyone prepares to hear the story.

Y/N (Fusion): Celina and I come from a different dimension. More on that later. We went to a school called Duel Academy. I was just a regular student. I got good grades. Fell in love.

Celina blushes out of embarrassment.

Y/N (Fusion): But there was strange things that happened. In my first year...we battled a group called the Shadow Riders. They were people who wanted to take control of the Sacred Beasts. Powerful monsters that could grant power. My friends and I defeated them and saved the world. Peace wouldn't stay for long. During my second year, I dealt with a group called the Society of Light. They tried to brainwash the whole world. I took it upon myself to win everyone back. It was personal. I lost a few of my friends. I was able to defeat everyone and got all of my friends back. I hoped for a normal school life after that. I didn't get it. During my third year, we dealt with a man named Viper. He went through great measures to resurrect his son. He didn't know what he was dealing with. He was messing with things beyond his control. An evil spirit appeared. Her name was Yubel.

Y/N (Fusion) is surprised to see that no one flinched.

Y/N (Fusion): You guys aren't scared?

Akiza: We've dealt with our own things. Continue.

Y/N (Fusion): I defeated Yubel but that wasn't until later.

Luna: Is she the duel spirit next to you?

Y/N (Fusion): You can see her?

Luna: I can see all duel spirits.

Y/N (Fusion): Anyway...during my fourth year, I had to deal with Yubel and another spirit named Darkness. He wanted to cover the world in darkness and rule. He was the strongest opponent I had ever faced. He took control of my brother and turned him into the Supreme King. Also...he captured me. Darkness was able to curse my deck and take over. I became known as the Blue Eyes Master. No one could defeat me. I dueled Yubel and defeated her but then I had to deal with Darkness.

Luna: How did you break free?

Y/N: I was hurting my friends. They're screams snapped me awake and I defeated Darkness. After everything that happened...I decided to leave the Academy and go off on my own.

Akiza: Is that how it ends?

Y/N: Sadly, no. I was brought back because Duel Academy threatened to hurt Celina if I didn't return. I returned. I don't remember what happened afterwards though. They brainwashed me and I did some horrible things. I kidnapped two people.

Y/N (XYZ) growls for a second.

Y/N: Then I led the charge to destroy an entire dimension. I'm a murderer. I deserve to die.

Y/N (XYZ) walks over to Y/N (Fusion) and slaps him.

Y/N (XYZ): Get over yourself. You just said you were brainwashed. You can't control that. Now move on and stop feeling sorry for yourself.

Y/N (Fusion): I carded your brother though.

Y/N (XYZ): It will take some time to get over...but I forgive you. You didn't know what you were doing.

Y/N (Fusion): Thanks.

Akiza: You kidnapped two people?

Y/N (Fusion): One of them was named Rin. I kidnapped her from this dimension.

Akiza glares at Y/N (Fusion).

Akiza: Don't expect me to forgive you easily.

Y/N (Fusion): I don't expect you to. Anyway, that's how it ends.

Celina: You forgot a detail.

Y/N (Fusion): What was it?

Celina: You're girlfriends.

Y/N (Fusion): Oh.

Celina: He has a harem. He's a few other girls.

Y/N (Fusion): Did you have to bring that up?

Celina: Of course.

Just then, Yusei and Leo appear.

Akiza: You're late.

Yusei: I'm sorry. Where's my brother?

Yusei looks around.

Y/N (Standard): It's a long story.

Crow: I guess we tell our story next? Yusei, want to tell them who we are?

Yusei: Sure. My brother and I and a few other people are known as Signers.

Celina: Signers?

Yusei: Yes. We have these birthmarks on us.

Yusei, Akiza, Luna, Leo, and Crow showed their Signer marks.

Yusei: Jack Atlas is also one.

Sylvio: He's the guy who's picture is everywhere.

Yusei: Yes. Our story begins with us and the Friendship Cup. Speaking of which is coming up again. Anyway...the Friendship Cup was a trick to bring out a spirit known as the Crimson Dragon. It's the spirit which guides us Signers. Shortly after, the Dark Signers attacked. They wanted these monsters called Earthbound Immortals to take over the world. We stopped them but they weren't the scariest problem we had to deal with. My brother had been taken over by a duel spirit. He had been taken over by the Great Leviathan. He wield a power that the Dark Signers couldn't stop.

Y/N (Fusion): What power?

Akiza: The Seal of Orichalcos.

Yusei: It was a power that we've never seen before. It was greater in comparison to the Dark Signers. But the power of our Signer Dragons combined we were able to defeat him. It wasn't easy. He seemed unstoppable. Afterwards, things went as normal as they could be. But then we had to deal with a man named Aporia. He wanted to rid the world of all Synchros.

Celina: What are Synchros?

Y/N (Fusion): It's the way people duel here.

Celina: Oh.

Yusei: He was difficult to defeat but we managed to be able to. Thanks to my brother.

Celina: Sounds like a hero.

Yusei: He is. The trouble didn't end there. We then had to deal with a person called Zone. He had a deck that seemed unstoppable. My brother found a way to get around it. It wasn't easy.

Y/N (Standard): Can we meet him?

Yusei: He's somewhere in New Domino City. You'll meet him eventually.

Akiza: He also has a harem of girlfriends.

Y/N (Fusion): Seriously?

Yusei: Yeah. My brother is a chick magnet.

Celina: That doesn't sound unfamiliar.

Y/N (XYZ): I guess it's my turn? Well, I'm come from a place called Heartland. isn't standing much anymore. My life was pretty easy going. I was the best duelist around. I won a tournament to prove it. But there was a goal behind the tournament. Its purpose was to collect Number Cards. You've seen one of my monsters. It's a single number out of a hundred.

Crow: Can we find any of these numbers?

Y/N (XYZ): No because I found all of them. I thought there was only a hundred. I was wrong. I'm getting ahead of myself. There was a man who wanted to collect all of the numbers. His motive was to rule over everything. Also revenge. This was a group called the Photon Group. I'm a member but I kept that secret. The plan failed after I stopped them but little did we know that there was someone else pulling the strings. A man named Vector. He was the leader of a group of called the Barians. They were people who wanted to destroy another world.

Y/N (XYZ) goes silent.

Y/N (Standard): You okay?

Y/N (XYZ): I am. Anyway, I found out that I was part of the Barians.

Luna: How did that happen?

Y/N (XYZ): In a past life, I made a deal with a duel spirit after I had died. He gave me a second chance but I had to take over the world beside my fellow Barians. I didn't have much choice. I had to take over the world with my friends. We failed though. My brother was the hero this time. He saved me and everything turned back to normal. Well, as normal as we could be before we were attacked. My friend was kidnapped and I lost it. I went on a road of revenge with some of my friends. I'm better now. All I want to do now is rescue my friend. That's all that matters now.

Akiza: Your friend seems important to you.

Y/N (XYZ): Well...she's my girlfriend.

Akiza: Oh.

Y/N (XYZ): One of them. I have others.

Sylvio: Why am I not surprised? All of the Y/N look alikes all have harems.

Y/N (Standard): Hey! I don't have a girlfriend.

Sylvio: Oh please. Zuzu wants to date you along with Julia and that fortune girl.

Y/N (Standard): I have no idea what you're talking about.

Yusei: What's your story?

Y/N (Standard) tells the group of his adventures.

Crow: That's crazy and yet not the weirdest thing that's happened.

Y/N (XYZ) laughs.

Yusei: What's so funny?

Y/N (XYZ): Nothing. Just we kind of spoiled the other books in this series. They're not even close to being finished when this chapter is posted. Also, I had a run in with these guys before but I'm sure they don't remember.

Y/N (Standard): No idea what you're talking about.

Y/N (Fusion): Me either.

The day ends and the Lancers sleep. The next day, they had back out to look for Zuzu. While they are searching, Sector Security finds them and arrests them. They grab Celina and prepare to take her away.

Celina: Let me go! Y/N (Fusion), help!

Y/N (Fusion) starts to fight the guards.

Y/N (Fusion): Keep your hands off her! Let her go or I'll kill you all!

It takes a whole group of security to capture Y/N (Fusion) as Celina is taken away.

Y/N (Fusion): CELINA!

Celina is taken away from the group.

Y/N (Fusion): DAMNIT!

Y/N's (Fusion) aura rises but one of the guards tranquilizes him before he gets out of control.

Sector Security: Lover boy gets a special cell. The rest of you are coming as well.

Riley: What are we going to do?

Y/N (Standard): We'll find a way out. I promise.

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