Chapter 11 Battle of the borders.

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Throughout the night, our heroes slept peacefully in the rooms of the Triceratops palace, while their friends were chained to a damp wall. Laval was haunted at night by strange dreams associated with his mother and a mysterious figure in a cloak.

Red-haired Lion woke up and breathed nervously. Fortunately, he didn't wake Li'ella. Laval gently got out of bed, dressed and headed for the exit.

Prince of the Lion Tribe realized that the morning had already arrived. The red-haired lion walked over to the table and took a book out of his bag. This is his Journal.

He wrote down and painted all the events in his life. When he finished writing, Laval decided to check how the team slept. And first, he quietly opened the door to the sixth room. The lion watched Uncle Lavertus sleep. His snoring is so loud that it could wake even the Legend Beasts. Laval is holding back a laugh because his uncle's sleep mask look similar rabbit hares.

He left the room, he checked the ninth - Crooler. Nothing changed. Sleeps like a baby. Laval may not have known Crooler, but he sincerely believed that there was good in her, even in Fangar, even though he envied Laval. Skinnet also sleeps well.

Now Laval decided to walk down the hallway. On the way, he saw a window and wanted to look. There was a beautiful view from the window. The sun shone brightly in the cloudless sky. A blooming garden can be seen in the courtyard of the temple. Laval sits on the windowsill and watched the Triceratops and Stegosaurs tending the garden. A cool breeze blew on the mane and it made him smile.

But over time, Laval grew sad. He took the gold locket out of his pocket and opened it. Laval ran his finger over the portrait. The mother, the blue-eyed Queen Leona, held in her arms a little lion cub with a red tuft. And next to her is his father, King Lagravis. Despite the severity in his eyes, love and mercy always shone in them. Laval recalled how, as a child, he felt warmth in his arms. He leaned on his elbow and began humming the song that his father sang at night when he was a kid:

Et Eärello

Endorenna utúlien

Sinome Maruvan

ar Hildinyar tenn'Ambar-Metta

- This song is familiar. - someone's voice was heard from behind.

Laval came out of his stupor, looked around and saw Tyrdrex in front of him.

- Oh, morning Tyrdrex. - Lion got up from the windowsill. - My father sang this song in my childhood. I don't know what it means. But he told me that this is some kind of ballad in a forgotten ancient language.

- Hmm. You and your father are very close relationship. And he gave you ancient knowledge. - said the Tyrannosaurus.

- He's a good lion. My Dad taught me battle tactics, tells different stories. And when I felt bad, he is ready to help me.

- Well, and your mother, as I understand it, was kidnapped seventeen years ago? - Tyrdrex asked.

- Yes. For a long time she was not with me. - Laval replied sadly. - However, for some reason it seems to me that she was watching me. And that "moonlight" that she wrote, it was she who showed the way when Cragger and I got lost. I was then nine.

- That's it. - muttered to himself Tyrdrex and thought.

- Tyrdrex, what are you say? - Laval turned to him.

He wanted to tell him something, but thought that it would hurt lion to hear it.

- No, nothing. I just asked.

It seemed to Laval that the Tyrannosaurus had not finished speaking.

- Tyrdrex, tell me, can I trust you? - Laval asked.

- Although we are not familiar, but I do not betray those who are considered friends. My father taught Tyranors and me honor and dignity, but I regret that my brother exchanged it for Tyr'Azar's speech. - answered the Prince of Tyrannosaurs.

Laval looked into his eyes and saw no lie or deception in them. Although he thought it was a trick, in his heart he believed him.

- Let's go outside? - suggested Tyrdrex. - Everyone is still asleep for now.

Laval agreed, and they both headed down the hallway to the hall. On their way, they met Tricky walking towards them.

- You're awake? I was just going to wake you up. - Said the Triceratops Princess. - Father wants to talk to you in his study.

- Okay. Lead us. - Laval said.

Tricky walked back and the two warriors followed. They left the corridor and found themselves in a hall where the aftermath of yesterday's meal still remained: tables, overturned chairs and plates of fruit. The Triceratops warriors cleaned it all up, and the three went to the her father's study located in the west wing. The princess ordered the two guards to accompany the rest of the heroes to breakfast if they woke up. They immediately ran to the rooms. The three entered the west wing and headed forward until they stopped at the door.

- Here we are on the spot. - Tricky said and knocked on the door.

- Come in. - the voice of Triceronix was heard inside.

Tricky opened the door and went inside. Tyrdrex and Laval followed. The study itself was a room with a throne in the middle and a table in front of it, several wardrobes and bedside tables. Pictures of various events from the history of the Dinosaurs were hung everywhere. Triceronix stood and looked at the painting, which depicts the Union of Dinosaurs and their leaders, holding their weapons up. The Princes of Lions and Tyrannosaurs came up and began to look at them.

- So many years have passed since the Union collapsed. Four tribes went after the Legend Dinosaurs, and the Forest Alliance and the Wild Horde are still at war with each other. - Said the Triceratops King. - I would like the enmity between us to stop and we become one family.

- You are right, Your Majesty. Together we were a formidable force against any threat, and now the honor of the Tyrannosaurs and other Dinosaurs tribe has been sold with the words of Tyr'Azar. - supported Tyrdrex. - Although, according to the legends, in fact, those four tribes went far south, for the Dinosaurs.

- Perhaps Tyrdrex. - Triceronix sighed and sat down behind the throne. Laval and Tyrdrex sat down in armchairs. - I called you to report that there were no active actions on our borders at night. Tyrexor's squad is still examining them with their squad. However, in the morning, the news came that recently at the base of the Wild Horde Gladiator Battles were held, where your friends, Laval, were.

- What?! - the Prince of Lions was surprised, getting up from the armchair. - I thought that they began to torture them a long time ago in order to find out the passage to Chima.

- Gladiator Battles are much more than torture. Constant fights and hounding each other in battle. Many friends there become enemies, and if you survive, then you will have to fight with two champions - Tyrander and Caynar. Few were able to survive on them. - said Tyrdrex.

- That's not all. After the Gladiatorial Battles, the Horde forces left their stronghold and headed southwest towards the Quilboars and Taurens strongholds. Apparently, they are going to take them by storm. Your friends were found in one of the cars. - added the King of Triceratops.

- Then we must go there and help my friends. - Seriously said the Lion Prince and stood up from his seat.

- You cannot stand alone against them, Laval. - began the Prince of Tyrannosaurs. - My brother took with him the best warriors, champions of battles and a squad of Trappers. If you go there, you will not survive. Is this what your girlfriend and your parents would like?

Laval turned and looked at Tyrdrex. He was right about the army and not getting out. His fervor immediately diminished.

- We'll discuss everything at breakfast. First, we will settle the situation at the border, and then we will take care of your friends. - Triceronix encouraged.

Laval nodded in agreement. Tricky remained silent throughout the dialogue and stared at the painting of the Dinosaur Union. The guard immediately came running and said that the guests had woken up and went to breakfast.

- I ask everyone to go to breakfast. - asked the King of Triceratops and headed for the exit.

Tricky, Laval, and Tyrdrex left the office and followed the guard. Triceronix closed the his study and followed.


At the same time, Tyrexor's Squad was advancing on the borders of the Forest Alliance. They walked slowly and in detours, so as not to catch the eye of the Forest Guard. The detachment was divided into three sub-detachments: two detachments drove in from two sides, and the third rode in front and took the attention of the Forest Guard.

- We are going slowly and imperceptibly. We don't need to catch their eye. - ordered before this Tyrexor.

Four hooded and masked Forest Guard warriors, who are scouts, noticed this trick and ran to the camp, which was located in the clearing behind the forest. They jumped along the branches of the trees, heading towards the others, and reached the end of the forest. The warriors jumped from the trees to the ground and headed forward towards the camp, which looked more like a small fortress made of wood, with two towers for shooters and a palisade. The guard at the post saw the four and ran down to the lever that raised the grate. He walked over to him and pushed up. The gate began to rise, and the scouts entered the fortress grounds and ran to the main tent, where Commander Tricers lived.

They walked over to him and pulled back the shawl to go inside. Inside the tent was a table with a map of the Forest Alliance and their borders on it. Tricers and several of his advisors stood around him, discussing the actions of the Wild Horde and Tyrexor's Squad. Their thoughts were interrupted by four entering, standing at the entrance. They bowed to the Triceratops Prince.

- Commander Tricers. - began one of the Triceratops named Tricus. - We've come with bad news: the Wild Horde has just begun to advance in our direction in three directions. They want to surround us and break us.

The Forest Guard commander and his advisors immediately distracted from the table and headed for the cabinets containing an arsenal of weapons. They got out swords, rifles, knives and blasters.

- Tell the others to prepare tanks and activate traps. - The Triceratops Prince ordered, loading his blaster and rifle.

Tricus with the rest of the scouts left the tent and told everyone to prepare for battle. The Forest Guard, consisting of forty Dinosaurs, twenty Triceratops and Stegosaurs each, heard the order, and the warriors ran to arm themselves. Some started up war machines that looked like race cars with three horns in front for ramming, and some had a Stegosaurus tail in the back and a couple of forest bikes. The rest pulled out their swords, knives, war hammers, rifles and blasters.

Five minutes later, the Forest Guard was armed and prepared for battle. Commander Tricers, Commander Stegosaurus and Stegorix's son Stegraus and their advisors and bodyguards emerged from the tent. The soldiers immediately stood at attention and awaited the order.

- I would like to inspire you with a speech, but since the enemy is advancing, I will have to postpone it. Now we will go there and drive them out of our territories. They are not masters here, and we are not glad to see them. - made a short speech Tricers.

It immediately motivated many to fight to the end. The warriors cheered and got into their cars, some, wearing hoods and masks, prepared traps for the named guests. Triceratops and Stegraus left ten guards, five Triceratops and Stegosaurs each, to guard and guard the fortress. The Triceratops Prince has led the attack from above, and the Stegosaurus Prince will attack them from the ground.

The cars set off, and Tricers and his partisans climbed into the trees and headed towards the enemy. The guards of the fortress closed the gate and waited for the others, looking at the forest.


Tyrexor's squad moved deeper into the forest in three directions. In total, the squad had fifty-four dinosaurs, seven cars and nine bikes. Tyrexor rode in the main car and looked around. As a hunter, he looked for his prey with his eyes and scanned the area for signs of opponents. He listened to every rustle and crackle of the branch, holding on to the ax with his paw. Everyone else began to look around, looking for anything suspicious.

The Western Squad of eighteen dinosaurs walked forward and looked around. Rustles were heard everywhere, and the soldiers seemed to be being watched. They walked forward, and the Pterosaurs and Pteranodons flew, inspecting the trees. Some of them were immediately caught in a net and gagged. The dinosaurs were a little agitated and pulled out their weapons while the car prepared to fire. The squad leader and one of Tyrexor's deputies, Tyrax, looked around and applied his teacher's method, listening to all sounds. One of the warriors took a few steps and stepped on some kind of metal plate covered with earth. He removed his leg, as smoke immediately began to be released from it, blinding the enemies. Blasters opened fire on the detachment from the trees, throwing them back. Warriors of the Wild Horde immediately opened fire, but because of the smoke they could not see anything and fired anywhere. Tricers with several warriors immediately began to fight in the smoke against the dinosaurs with swords. The entire Western Squad was defeated, and Tyrax just looked at the Commander of the Forest Guard and pounced on him with axes. Tricers deftly dodged the attack and kept his swords at the ready. The battle began: Tyrax swung his axes, trying to bring at least some damage to the enemy, but the Triceratops Prince only dodged and parried Tyrannosaurus's attacks. During the next attack, he made a sweep and with a powerful blow to the jaw threw Tyrax and his squad back. The warriors themselves disappeared into the smoke and headed towards the center of the forest.

The Eastern Squad, commanded by Tyrexor's second deputy, Tyranis, also moved forward, looking around for opponents. The warriors held weapons in their hands and prepared to fight if necessary. Warriors walked in front with swords and axes in their hands, and behind - arrows with guns. Tyranis heard the sound and with a gesture of his paw ordered him to stop. He heard a strange sound ahead - the sound of car engines.

- Get ready. - ordered Tyranis to his detachment, holding axes in his hands.

The Stegraus squad surrounded them, using disguise and becoming a stone or a tree. All armed with hammers and guns and awaited orders. Three of them fired smoke bombs, blinding opponents. The battle began: Stegraus gave the order to attack, and the Stegosaurs opened fire on the Tyranis Squad. They also opened fire in response, but they fired wherever they looked. Stegosaurs emerged from cover and attacked the squad with swords and blasters. Troops of the Horde fended off their attacks and attacked themselves, firing rifles and swinging axes and swords. The entire Eastern Squad also lost the battle, and Stegraus stood in front of Tyranis with a hammer in his hands, wearing a mask and a hood.

Tyrannis ran at the enemy and swung his axes towards the Prince of Stegosaurus, but he deftly dodged and swung the hammer. The squad leader repulsed the attack, holding back the hammer with his axes. Stegraus decided to use a cunning trick and arranged a sweep of Tyranis with his tail, knocking him to the ground, and sharply hitting the commander with a hammer, throwing him back. He crashed into a tree and struggled to his feet. His entire squad was defeated and retreated. He ran with the others to the Central Squad, while the Stegosaurs followed back.


The Main Central Squad, led by Tyrexor, rode forward through the forest. The sun shone in their eyes, and the forest began to end. They rode out and saw the Forest Guard fortress in front of them.

- Prepare hooks. - ordered the General of Tyrannosaurs to the warriors.

They approached the cars and began to get grappling hooks and powerful blasters from their trunks. When everything was ready, the detachment was about to go, when they were immediately interrupted by the other two detachments, defeated in battle.

- What happened to you? - Tyrexor asked Tyranis and Tyrax.

- We fell into a trap. The Forest Guard surrounded us and defeated us. - began Tyrax.

- They used smoke against us and then attacked. They smashed everyone. - finished Tyranis.

The conversation was suddenly interrupted by a rustle in the forest. Everyone began to look around, as the Forest Guard's cars and bikes drove out of the forest. They stopped in front of the fortress and prepared to fire on command. Snipers sat in the trees, rifles pointed at their enemies.

- If you think you'll scare us with your tricks and traps, you're wrong. Me and my warriors are not shy. - Tyrexor said viciously to his opponents.

- You may be fearless, but your warriors were afraid of us, because they did not know what to do, and fired into the void out of fear. - Someone chuckled.

It was Tricers in front of the cars. Stegraus was standing next to him.

- Get out of here and no one else gets hurt. - warned the Prince of Stegosaurus, holding the hammer in his hands.

- I will never give up. - Tyrexor growled and addressed the squads. - Attack!

The vehicles immediately opened fire on the Forest Guard, smashing them. Tricers and Stegraus responded, and the vehicles opened fire on Tyrexor's Force. A new battle began: snipers fired from a height at Tyrannosaurs and Velociraptors, but Pterosaurs and Pteranodons, shooting at them from the sky, interfered with them. Tyrexor's squadron and the Forest Guard entered the fray. The warriors fought with swords and axes, firing blasters. Tyrexor walked forward, holding two axes in his hands, and his warriors held back the opponents and took them upon themselves. The Princes of the Alliance appeared before him, weapons in hand.

- Let's get it over with now. - declared Tyrexor.

- Do you really need this. Fight and die for a tyrant who is a puppet of a warlock? - Tricers asked.

- I am fighting not only for Tyr'Azar, but for Tyranors too. - the General of Tyrannosaurs got angry and ran at the commanders of the Forest Guard.

He swung axes in an attempt to attack Tricers and Stegraus. Both princes dodged their attacks and deflected them with weapons. Stegraus swung his hammer towards Tyrexor and hit him in the face, while Tricers attacked with swords and left a couple of scars on his body and face. General Tyrannosaurus felt a hellish pain and fell to the ground, all weak and wounded.

The two armies continued to fight. There were practically no casualties among the Forest Guard, with the exception of the wounds of several soldiers, and the Tyrexor squad was defeated: several soldiers died, most of the cars and bikes were destroyed, half of the soldiers were injured.

Tyrax and Tyranis ran to their teacher, who was lying on the ground, with wounds and scars. Tricers and Stegraus wanted to take the General prisoner, as they were immediately attacked by Pterosaurs, firing their blasters. The two commanders took the General by the arms and carried him to the others.

- We retreat. - ordered Tyrax to the detachment.

The shooting continued. The warriors covered the wounded with blaster fire. Tyrexor's squad retreated further into the forest, while the Forest Guard watched them go and continued firing.

- What will we do? - Tyrannis asked Tyrax, laying the General's body on the car.

- We're going to Tyr'Azar in Predrimmar. He will heal Tyrexor, and then we will avenge this Forest Guard. - with hatred towards the side of the forest, where there was a battle recently, Tyrax looked and turned to the soldiers. - We all retreat and go to Predrimmar.

Tyrexor's squad boarded the surviving vehicles, taking with them the bodies of the dead warriors, and headed for the borders. Five minutes later, their trail disappeared into the territory of the Alliance, and the squad itself headed for the capital of the Horde.

The Forest Guard at this time was restoring itself: they wrapped the wounded places with bandages, set new traps and restored everything that was destroyed. Tricers and Stegraus left their advisers in charge, took a bike and went to their fathers to report the attack.

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