Chapter 12 Fall of Quilboars and Taurens.

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On the road to the south-west, at breakneck speed, drove combat vehicles and tanks with catapults of the Wild Horde. The entire area surrounding them was replaced by forests, rocks, mountains and glades. At this time, Heroes of Chima were sitting in containers and looking at the changing locations.

- Does anyone know where we are going? - Eris asked.

- Probably for some kind of war that these savages will arrange. - Cragger replied viciously.

- I heard that after that arena battle, they decided to take over the villages of the Quilboar and Tauren. - said Tormak.

- The ones with whom we fought in the arena against the champions? - Razar asked.

Tormak nodded in response.

- We need to get out of here and stop them. - said Cragger.

Worriz, fearing the enclosed spaces, panicked and began to beat the container cage with his hands, trying to get out.

- Let me out! I am not a pet to sit here! I'm wolf! - shouted at all the Leader of the Wolves.

The cars immediately began to slow down. The heroes felt the tension due to the stop.

The Leaders of Dinosaur approached the containers and looked at the wolf with evil glances.

- Let me out of here, you damned lizard or I'll knock your face in. - Said Worriz angrily to Tyranors.

In response, the Leaders laughed at the threat. The heroes looked at them now with fear, now with hatred in their eyes.

- Do you think your threats will frighten me? This is not true. I told a lot and fought with opponents stronger than you, and if you hit the walls of this container again, I will push you into a much more closed space or make myself a cloak out of your fur. - warned the Leader of the Wild Horde.

- Can we send him straight to his meat? Just the warriors will have a bite on the way, and maybe they will get the same rage as this dog. - Carnamus suggested.

- This dog does not have such ardor as we do. - Velratos added. - Their meat is probably very tough.

- I am a wolf and a hunter. It is not we who are being eaten. It's we are eating others, we hunt to feed ourselves. - Worriz got angry and hit the wall with all his might, feeling pain. - Oh, shoot.

- You have no honor, Tyranors. - Cragger turned to the King of Tyrannosaurs. - We could decide everything in a fair fight, one on one, but you acted like a coward.

- We can arrange it, but it will be after our glorious victory. - Tyranors replied. - Believe me, I'm looking forward to this battle very much in order to punch you well.

The Leaders of the Dinosaurs took their car and gave the command to go further. The cars started and drove forward. The Heroes looked around and looked for a way to get out of captivity. The cars drove through the woods to the steppes, where the territories of the Quilboars and Taurens are located.


In the steppes of Quilboars and Taurens everything was calm at this time. Each inhabitant of these villages went about their business. In the steppes, two castles were built, in which each of the tribes lived, to protect against the raids of the Wild Horde. These two tribes still remember the horrors that the army of Dinosaurs caused them, taking with them prisoners and wounded and forcing them to participate in gladiatorial battles. A group of guards walked along the walls of the fortresses and surveyed the area ahead in case of an attack. Some sat in towers and looked through telescopes.

Quilborox, the king of Quilboars, met with the tauren king Taurenox and his retinue in Quilboar Palace. Both rulers met and shook hands with each other.

- Greetings, Taurenox. I'm glad, as always, to see you at my place. - rejoiced the king of quilboar, shaking hands with the head Tauren.

- Mutually, old friend. - Taurenox smiled. - I suppose we can discuss our union against the Wild Horde.

- You're right. - said the king of quilboars and continued. - I've heard rumors that strange creatures have descended from the Flying Island. Wild Horde immediately took them captive and forced to take part in their fights.

- This is terrible. - the Taurens King was frightened. - How many of our tribesmen died in their battles to entertain them, and some were given to this damned warlock Tyr'Azar. Now they have also caught creatures from the Flying Island.

- These warriors held out in battle against the champions. It seems to me that these are the Heroes who will free our lands from the Wild Horde forever and we will not live in fear. - Quilborox suggested.

- I hope so too. You just need to be on the alert and gather an army to confront the Wild Horde. - Said Taurenox. - I sent two messengers to the Forest Alliance to form an union with them.

- It's a good news. If we unite with them, then we will have a chance to expel the Wild Horde from our lands and free our fellows. I will also send two messengers to negotiate with them. - said the king of Qilboar.

- Then it's time for us to prepare for a future war. - The Tauren king said and shook hands with his friend.

The two rulers parted and went about their business. Queilborox ordered the mobilization of troops and the defense of the fortresses, increased surveillance on the towers, and trained messengers to negotiate with the Forest Alliance. Taurenox did the same. Both tribes sensed that the Wild Horde was close.


The Wild Horde at this time had already reached the territories of the two clans and began to slow down. The cars stopped at a low elevation and hills, from where a beautiful landscape opened up to the fortress and the forests behind them. The dinosaurs set up a table with a map of the area and took the Heroes out of the container. They tied their hands with ropes, put gags in their mouths, and tied them to poles set on the ground. The Heroes hummed, trying to say something, and got angry. The dinosaurs just smiled cheerfully at this sight, and went back to their business. Tyranors and the Leaders of the Wild Horde walked over to the table and studied the map.

- You six. - the Tyrannosaur King said to the warriors of each tribe. - Go to guard the captives and silence them.

The six bowed to the King and ran to the pillars to guard the Heroes. They were still humming and trying to get out, continuing to glare at the Dinosaurs. Their hums only distracted the Wild Horde from their plan of attack.

- Silence them at last. - Carnamus said angrily.

- I'm tired of listening to their humming. - supported Pteranix.

The guards of the Heroes then went around the Heroes, standing behind them, and knocked them out with powerful blows to the head. The Leaders of the Dinosaurs looked at them, and thanked, and then began to discuss the plan of attack.

- Well, what will we do with the aliens after the victory? - Velratos asked, grinning. - I can't wait to play with the this doggy, he-he-he. He will drive my carriage.

- After battle the Alliance, take it. Let him do everything that you order him, but first you need to ask them about the passage upstairs. - reminded Tyranors and looked at the map.

Tyranors came up with three plans: the first is an attack, the second is an ambush, and the third is shelling from a hill.

- So, here's the plan. - Tyranors said to everyone and began to listen.


Meanwhile, two Quilboar warriors are stationed in the fortress. But suddenly one of them sees something wrong in the sky from the telescope. Several mortars stood on the hill and looked towards their fortresses.

- Hey, Quilfort, look what is it. - The soldier turned to him.

The Quilboar, which was called Quilforth, looked into the distance at first. Then he closed his eyes and sniffed.

- Even at this distance, I can smell them - Dinosaurs. And there are many. - Quilfort said quietly and screamed. - Sound the alarm!

Immediately, mortars of the Wild Horde opened fire. The fiery cannonballs flew towards the fortresses and destroyed the walls and several towers. Quilboars and Taurens did not expect such a quick attack and began to mobilize quickly. Each soldier was given a weapon: an ax, a sword, a gun, a club and a spear. The kings of both clans came out and saw a massive bombardment of the city with cannons. The cities began to blaze with strong fire, the inhabitants fled in panic and hid, hoping that they would not be found. Quilfort and his partner ran into the hall.

- Your Majesty. The Wild Horde has attacked us. - said Quilfort. - We reported this to General Quilras. He mobilizes warriors.

- I knew they would return. - Quilborox said with fear and immediately changed in his voice, becoming more serious. - Prepare resistance. We will show them our warm visit. Fight to the end.

- Yes, Your Majesty. - both bowed and left the hall.

The King of Quilboars took out two swords, an ax and a rifle from the closet, put on his armor and headed out of the hall, feeling trembling under his feet from the explosions. Several guards were armed and clad in armor and were waiting for the King. When he arrived, the detachment was waiting for orders.

- Go to the city and protect the inhabitants. Send a few to the Taurens for help. - Ordered Quilborox. - I am going with the main detachment to fight for the city.

The warriors nodded and headed outside to protect the king. The warriors took up their positions and waited for the arrival of the opponents.

The Tauren have suffered as have their neighbors. An unexpected bombardment from mortars destroyed the walls and towers of the fortresses and led to the fire of several houses. Many hid in shelters, and the soldiers, armed, took up positions and prepared for battle.


The shelling was still going on. It was commanded by Tyrank, who was assigned to monitor the situation in the cities. Warriors of the Wild Horde started their cars and waited for the orders of the Leaders. Everyone was armed and awaited a fight.

- Today, these two tribes that have resisted us for many years will fall. Attack! - said Tyranors and put his hand forward, holding an ax in it.

The cars started and drove down the slope towards the cities at full speed. Tyrank gave the order to prepare the cannons. The cannons drove up to the mortars and, at the command of the Horde Commander, opened fire. The shells hit the walls of the fortresses, widening the passage for cars, and destroyed several houses. Quilboars and Taurens, seeing enemies on the horizon, opened fire with guns at them. The machines, on the other hand, opened fire from their cannons and destroyed the towers, causing the Taurens and Quilboars to fly in different directions.

- Divide. - Tyranors ordered. - We take everyone prisoner.

The army split into two: one consisted of Tyrannosaurs, Velociraptors, and Pteranodons, while the other included Carnotaurs, Spinosaurs, and Pterosaurs. The first army took over the Quilboars, while the second headed towards the Taurens. Cars drove into cities and opened fire. Pterosaurs and Pteranodons provided air cover and fired rockets and dropped bombs. Houses were destroyed from such powerful attacks, and civilians were thrown in different directions. Trappers threw bombs to help their fellows, and champions of battles threw debris at opponents and destroyed houses. The warriors marched in formation along the destroyed streets, holding blasters in their hands. Cars with two drivers continued to shell the city from the inside.

Quilboars and Taurens faced off against the enemy. They fired rifles and shotguns at the cars, trying to damage them. The machines fired cannons in their directions, throwing them in different directions. The main units fought in close combat with the Dinosaurs with a sword or an ax. The dinosaurs of the Wild Horde are skilled fighters, so there were no casualties among them, only minimal. Squads of Quilboars and Tauren fell in battle.

Tyranors with Velratos and Pteranix and several warriors walked towards the Palace of Quilboars along the blazing street. Quilborox and his guards came out of the shadows to meet them, ax and sword in hand.

- The King of Quilboars has arrived. I guess you've come to surrender to us? - asked the King of Tyrannosaurs.

- I didn't come to surrender. I'll force you, under threat of death, to surrender and retreat. - Quilborox said hatefully.

- Look: the pig wants me to surrender and retreat? Ha ha ha. - Tyranors laughed. The warriors supported him with laughter. - And how can you force me leave?

- That. - the King of Quilboars snapped and immediately from the shelters the muzzles of rifles, aimed at the dinosaurs, stuck out. The arrows were both inside the buildings and on the rooftops. - You have been ambushed by me, King of the Wild Horde. Any of your actions will provoke a firefight, and then you will die.

- You are surprised, King of pigs. - the Leader of the Wild Horde grinned, clenching his axes tighter. - But I think it was not we who fell into your trap, but you who were in our trap.

Pteranodon fighters opened fire on the Quilboars on the roof, destroying them. The Trappers appeared from the corners and began to grab the Quilboars and drag them into the shadows, where they brutally killed them. Detachments of the three leaders opened fire on the enemies. Some soldiers entered the buildings where the soldiers with guns were hiding, and brutally dealt with them. Velratos and Pteranix covered Tyranors against the elite Quilboars warriors, while the Tyrannosaur King ran to Quilborox.

He swung his axes and attacked Quilboars, but he dodged and attacked in response. A battle began between the kings: both fought in full force and did not yield to each other. The Quilboars king swung and struck, but Tyranors deflected the attack and knocked him back with a jolt.

- You're not my level warrior, Quilborox. Just a pitiful Quilboars trying to resist his destiny. - gloated the Leader of the Wild Horde.

This angered Quilborox, and he got to his feet and ran at the Tyrannosaur King in preparation for the final blow. Tyranors waited for this and got into a fighting stance. The King of Quilboars struck, intending to end the Wild Horde, but Tyranors dodged and the blow fell to the ground. The leader of the Wild Horde only grinned viciously and struck with one ax in the shoulder of Quilborox, and with the second stroked his stomach. The Quilboars king felt pain in these places and blood flowed in trickles. He fell to his knees from this and stared with hatred at Tyranors.

- Its end. You lose. - said the King of Tyrannosaurs.

- We may have lost, but sooner or later your tyranny will end and we will gain freedom. We also know the Legend of the Heroes from the Flying Island who will save us from you. - Quilborox said at last.

The Quilboars King felt his powers melt and fell to the ground. The battle between the Wild Horde and Quilboars is over, and despite staunch resistance, Quilboars have fallen. Their fortress was destroyed, fire was burning everywhere. The King's troops fell in battle.

- Explore the city and find all the pigs and gold. We need slaves. - ordered the King of Tyrannosaurs.

The warriors nodded and headed through the city to look for the hidden Quilboars. After half an hour of searching, the dinosaurs pulled out all the civilians from their hiding places and dragged them to the cars and grabbed the gold. They stuffed them into containers on cars, including captured warriors.

- We have seen the whole city, Your Majesty. These are all the Quilboars that we managed to find. - said one of the commanders of the Pteranodons.

- We are leaving the city. We still need to level this city to the ground. - said Tyranors.

The Dinosaurs took their seats in the cars. The cars started and headed towards the exit of the destroyed and burning fortress.

A similar battle was fought in the tauren fortress, but the bulls were far more resilient than the Quilboars. Many soldiers died in the battles, among the Dinosaurs there were minor losses. Taurenox, armed with a hammer, fought with dignity along with his party and set a trap for the Horde leaders in the same way. In response, they set up their own trap, where they lured the best warriors, and the battle began. Tyrander and Caynar crushed the warriors with their hammers and threw them in different directions, beat them with their fists, throwing them against the walls. Spinrak formed a mysterious sphere of white-purple color in his hands and released it in the form of a wave at the tauren, throwing them back. Then he fought with Taurenox and, inflicting several wounds with a spear, defeated him. Taurenox and his troops fell in battle, and the Dinosaurs, taking with them all who were hiding, got into their cars and headed towards the exit of the fortress.


The sound of gunfire woke the Heroes. They felt pain in the back of their heads from the blows and began to look around. Several warriors stood in front of them, guarding them, and a little further - cannons and mortars that had just opened fire. They spat out gags, which were without straps and looked more like pieces of cloth crumpled into a ball.

- What happened to us? And why is my head buzzing and hurting? - asked Worriz.

- We were hit on the head, and very hard. The pain is still felt. - just said Eris

The Heroes who had just woken up were heard by their guards. They turned and looked at them in surprise.

- I see you are already awake. - the guard Carnotaurus grinned. - Shame you missed the whole show.

- What show? What have you done? - Angrily asked Worriz, ready to get out of captivity and pile on the guards.

- Quilboars and Taurens are defeated. We ended this war, and now your fate will be decided. - said the guard Spinosaurus.

The Heroes were surprised by this. They hoped that these two tribes would survive, but the dinosaurs were much stronger. The Heroes decided to escape, but you need to wait for a suitable occasion. The sounds of combat vehicles' engines were immediately heard. Tyranors' army arrived from the raid on the fortress, bringing their loot with them.

- My friends. Today we have ended our war with the Quilboars and Taurens in our favor. Their fortresses are crushed to dust, and they are captured. Today we will celebrate this victory and mourn the lost. - said the Leader of the Wild Horde. - Now we are stronger than ever, and it's time to prepare for a campaign to Chima.

The Dinosaurs cheered and rejoiced at the long-awaited victory. The Heroes looked at this gathering with disgust and hatred.

- Damned savages! They have conquered two tribe and are now rejoicing. - Cragger said.

- As soon as we get out, I'll make them a thrashing. - supported Worriz.

- All hope is on us and Laval. - reminded Eris. - I know he is considering a plan for our rescue.

Tyranors at this time gave the order to prepare for the return to base. He also ordered the crews of three vehicles to go to Predrimmar and hand over the prisoners to Tyr'Azar. The Heroes of Chima were immediately taken by force to the containers and closed them. The cars started and headed back, and along the road they split up and went in different directions. The Dinosaur Leaders decided to leave for the capital tomorrow to prepare troops.

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