Chapter 23

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A/N:  Well, here's where I have to share that I am still behind on LoD.  I'm sorry about that.  But on the positive side the past three days I have been on a creative streak.  I've been working on revamping Alluvion's Water Lily, which is the OC story that is based off of Encoded in Our DNA.  I've managed to write and rework fifteen chapters during this week.  So that fact had me making a new plan.  Basically I am going to be swapping weeks on what I work on writing.  One week it may be Alluvion's Water Lily, but the next will be Legion of Dionysus, and perhaps the following after that I may go back to Alluvion's Water Lily, or work on a third project.  What I am trying to say, but being long winded about, is that I have a plan.  I still want to be at least 10 chapters ahead in Legion of Dionysus before I go back to posting it every other week, and if not that than 15 chapters ahead.  

The things that are slowing me down?  

Well, I've finally learned part of my medical issues regarding essentially my whole right arm from shoulder down to my fingers (I am right handed by the way).  I had an MRI on Wednesday and apparently there is a tear in my tendon.

I also tend to forget that I get winter depression.  Part of the reason for the creative spurt was because March 1st really did feel like a spring day, and I legitimately felt my good mood snap back in place.  My arm was also cooperating so I wasn't having many problems sitting at the PC for multiple hours at a time.  (Well, I say that but I was feeling it later on.)

Also, of course the medical issues do slow me down a bit.  

But I promised this chapter the first week of March, and I don't renege on the promises that I am able to keep.  So here is the chapter, and I am sorry for the wait.  


This time while I am in the shower I have something else I can think about aside from their gorgeous bodies, although that train of thought is literally only a parallel track away; my brain would just literally have to switch gears. No, this time while I am shampooing my hair I am trying to figure out what Hoseok might be about to share with me.

The only thing I really know regarding his Fae side is that he can use some sort of orb of light magical ability, as well as one that apparently causes damage. I've seen the first, and I only know of the second due to their telepathic discussion regarding their plan of attack. I try to not focus on the gutter joke he made that night as well regarding his 'special orbs.'

There was also something puzzling regarding the fact that I didn't hear him in the pool just a little bit ago. Instead I kept hearing each of the others' voices and at least one of them in stereo. Heck, I think I even heard Yoongi's voice one of the times although I know that he got out of the pool before we actually started playing the game.

Yeah. I'm most definitely completely baffled. So, trying to decipher it on my own isn't really a good idea. I know that it will only make me frustrated that I can't figure out the puzzle. I have to admit that I do like a good mystery, but I definitely have my limits regarding finding the answers for myself. I can't even get a rubix cube to line up properly without taking the stickers off and moving them around!

Once I'm out of the shower I dig out a sleep top and the shorts I bought to go with them. It wasn't until after putting them on that I found myself wrinkling my nose at my selection.

Typically, I don't wear pink or cute things outside of my own home because that simply isn't the side of myself I want to portray in public (not that I portray my real self to the public at all). At home though is an entirely different story, most specifically with my sleepwear. Tonight, without thinking it through, I grabbed my pink boba tea nightshirt, which for some reason also has cute cartoon kitties floating on top of the liquid, and my gray sleep shorts. The top also has something written in Japanese on the bottom, but honestly I don't know what it says. I just thought the top was cute, and essentially said screw it when I purchased it. Right now though, I'm not really sure it's the best thing to be wearing. I think I'm self conscious that Hoseok is going to flip an internal switch and become the hardass I witnessed that first night during our introductions.

Before I can decide whether or not I should change there is a knock on the door. I pull the hem of my shirt down as I frown at the logo of my shirt for a moment or two. I sigh and give myself a pep talk of sorts. This isn't really a big deal. Hell, he's probably the one that packed my sleepwear to begin with, and if it wasn't him he probably saw it when Namjoon was packing it away.

Of course I regret my choice the minute I open the door. "Cute pjs." He smirks down at my shirt.

"Of course you would point them out." I roll my eyes at him. "I was legitimately thinking I should have chosen something different right before I opened the door." I turn away from him and head to the bed but one of his hands reaches out to grab my arm and stop me.

"Sweet LeighLeigh, I'm not trying to annoy you or make you embarrassed. I really do think they are cute."

Due to the nickname and his tone of voice I find butterflies fluttering in my stomach and I find myself studying his face more closely. He looks somewhat self-conscious, which I don't think is ever a term I would use to describe the cocksure man I've been getting to know. "Well, thank you very much." I can't decide if I want to put up a fuss about the new nickname or not. Honestly, I think I kind of like it.

"If you do really feel it necessary to change though, I wouldn't be opposed to one of the skimpy silky garments." Suddenly he's sounding cocksure and flirty once more.

I mentally sigh as his words fully register. Yup, he was definitely the one to pack up my sleepwear. "I'm unsurprised you would make that suggestion." I pause for a few seconds as if I am truly thinking through his suggestion. "Nope. You're just going to have to settle for this outfit after all." I say before plopping down on my bed. We could sit at the window seat I suppose, but it didn't really occur to me until after I already sat down.

He walks around to the other side of the bed before sitting down beside me. It takes him a second to get comfortable, and I don't exactly know the reason for it. Perhaps it has something to do with the uneasy look I read on his face only moments ago. Originally I had thought his discomfort had to do with his concern that he unintentionally offended me; now I'm wondering if it is more to do with the subject matter.

I reach out a hand to touch his own. "I'm not going to judge you, Hoseok." No, I do entirely too much judging of myself, and I really wish I knew how to simply turn it off.

He nods his head before clearing his throat and starting out conversation. "So, you know how the other day we were talking about all the different types of Elves?"

"Sure, but I hope you don't expect me to remember the name for each in your language. I can remember Ahrtne and Sidhe, but that's about it." For a moment I consider what it would have been like to grow up in the Fae world they grew up in. In the world that is technically half my own. Then I remember how each of them were scorned due to the fact that they weren't pureblood. I imagine it would've been far worse for me due to my demonic blood. Wait. Did my Fae side come from my mother or my father? Which one of them sent me to the Earth Realm and left me there for someone else to raise? Was it to protect me? Why hadn't I asked these questions before now? Hoseok squeezes my hand and the pressure brings me back to reality. "Sorry about that. I got lost in thoughts that hadn't occurred to me until now."

"I promise you we will try our best to find the answers." It's the most sincere statement I think I have ever heard from him, and it doesn't even occur to me to ask how he knows what I am thinking. Perhaps that's because he takes control of the conversation once more. "Do you remember how I took over the conversation to talk about the Nomadic, or Wild Elves?"

I nod my head. "Yes, you were telling me how they are the largest group of the Elf race. I'm guessing that's probably due to their interracial breeding."

"I wouldn't be surprised if that was the reason myself." He gives me a bright smile before asking another question. "Do you remember what Jimin said after me?"

I take a moment to put myself in the memory. "He talked about a story of one who had derived from Dryads and Nature Sprites."

Hoseok nods. "That was the birth of the line of Tricksters."

"Tricksters?" I pause for a second. "I feel like Jimin made a comment regarding that too. Yeah, he said something like how much a Trickster that particular Wild Elf was in question."

"Well, he didn't go further into the explanation because he didn't want to take my story away from me." I listen attentively as he shares with me his Fae ancestry. "A Trickster, or Eluahnisrae, is more or less a subrace of Wild Elves. The bloodline that can directly trace their roots and magic to Aerdyn Godt. He was the inspiration for Shakespeare's Puck, also known as Robin Goodfellow."

I pause for a second. "Aren't Leprechauns also called Tricksters? I feel like I've heard that somewhere before."

"You aren't wrong." He pauses for a second, and I can tell that he is trying to remember how to further explain my thoughts to me. "There was a specific family in Aerdyn Godt's bloodline with red hair, pale skin, plus ruddy cheeks and noses. That particular family in question tricked Irish families into believing that they could grant wishes if they were captured and had pots of gold tucked away at the end of the rainbow."

"So, technically Leprechauns are a myth. Leprechauns were merely Tricksters pretending to be something they weren't." I crinkle my eyebrows as I remember another key fact regarding Leprechauns though. "I thought Leprechauns were supposed to be super small. I'm guessing that is something storywise that devolved over time."

He nods his head. "There have been a lot of variations that I recall. Some stories say they were only three to eight inches tall ( 7.6cm to 20.3cm). Others say they were no taller than three feet (91.4cm)."

"So, I'm guessing you are trying to say that you are a Trickster then?" I sum up.

He nods his head. "I think I probably had it easier out of all of us, at least growing up anyway. I lived in a Caravan that would travel from village to village in the Neutral Territory. The Caravan was not only made up of Wild Elves, but also two human families as well. My ma grew up alongside my pa, who was human. No one snubbed them for falling in love as they grew older. At least not in the Caravan that is. I think the first time I realized their love wasn't accepted was when we set up our wares at an outside market near the Spring Court around the time I was eleven or twelve. A Sidhe family, I don't know who they were but they weren't directly from the monarchical family, probably cousins or something like that..." He pauses for a second, and I can tell that he is trying to regain his train of thought. Or perhaps reliving the moment in order to remember. "One of the children with them, close to my age I'd imagine, spit on me. He called me a Halfbreed and said I was an abomination."

I can't help how angry I feel. "Children don't know that automatically! That's something that has to be learned!" I groan in immediate annoyance. "I'm sure it was their parents that taught them to hate like that."

He shrugs his shoulders. "I was able to let that go pretty quickly. A couple weeks later though our Caravan was ambushed by marauders. All of the humans were killed, and I would have been too if my mother hadn't hidden me away. My mother was heartbroken and never the same after that moment. She decided to leave the Caravan and moved in with her parents. She left again a couple weeks later, after she thought I was settled. I overheard from my grandparents a few days after she left that she took her own life."

I feel like there is something he's leaving out. "What about living with your grandparents? What was that like?"

He frowns. "Horrible. They didn't consider me their grandson. They treated me like hired help instead, and if we ever had company at their house I was locked away so I wouldn't be seen. They basically pretended that I didn't exist."

I frown. "I'm so sorry." I take a moment to think of how to change the subject. "So, tell me about your magic. What sort of things can you do as a Trickster."

He holds up his right hand, slightly pulled closed so the fingers are somewhat cupping together. Then suddenly a purple ball of light lifts into the air above us. "You've seen this one. It's a faerie light. I can also conjure up a few different kinds of will o' the wisp which are all types of lit spheres as well with a bit more power than the faerie light. One that can blind the enemies in the area affected. The other that does have the blinding light capability, but also can explode like a grenade."

I roll my eyes. "Yeah, I sort of remember something like that mentioned."

He laughs at that. "Oh, yes. My 'special orbs.'" He shakes his head before focusing on something behind me.

I turn to look over my shoulder to try to determine what he is looking at, and if I had been on the other side of the bed I would have tumbled off of the side out of shock, because he is no longer behind me. He is legitimately standing there towering over me. "I can also blink myself in any direction I am looking." He explains to me with a smirk.

As he leans in even closer I find my chest growing tight as it becomes harder to breathe. I try to clear my throat. "Anything else?"

"'Anything else?'" He repeats. Only it's my voice that comes out of his mouth.

"That's why I didn't hear your voice during Marco Polo! You cheated!" Before I can think about my actions I slap down my hand on his chest. Luckily I didn't do it very hard, but before I can pull it away he lays his hand over mine. I didn't realize I placed it directly over his heart until I could feel how erratically it was pumping underneath my hand.

Before I can make sense of his movements my back is prone against the mattress, and he is pressed up against me. The evidence of his arousal seated perfectly against my pelvis. I automatically squirm against him, but I don't know if it is an effort to get free or to provide both of us some relief. A masculine moan draws from his mouth in response and I feel the whisper of it on my lips before he closes the gap and presses our lips together.

Lips, teeth, tongue. His kiss is made of pure passion, and I find myself burning up as I crave more. I get so lost in the sensation that I don't realize that I start feeding from him for several long pleasurable seconds. I gasp, put my hands on his shoulders, and push him away. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have. I shouldn't be hungry. I just-- It wasn't that long ago I last fed. I don't know why. I--"

Suddenly, I'm surprised to find myself cradled against his chest. I never in a million years would have thought that Hoseok would be a cuddler, but I find myself relishing in the feel of his arms around me and our hearts beating against each other. He leans back before sitting beside me and lifting me up onto his lap. Then I'm curled against him once more. I don't realize there are tears falling from my eyes until he wipes them away with his fingers.

Damn he has long fingers. How have I not noticed that before?

His chest vibrates underneath my cheek as he restrains a chuckle. I can't for the life of me figure out what was so humorous at the moment, but it does ease my emotions a bit. "I obviously don't know why you were hungry, but perhaps that's something we can sort out tomorrow. I think you could use some rest now."

I nod my head, because it's true. I didn't even realize how late it had gotten, or how tired I was until he mentioned it though. I look up at him, and I don't know what inspires me to say what I do next. "Would you stay with me?"

He smiles at me, an honest smile that I am not sure I have seen before now. "Of course."

You can find the Leprechaun resources I used for info this chapter in the comments on this statement.

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