Chapter 24

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April 1, 2022

Hello, Lovelies!  Did you miss me!  ☺  

Well, I did it!  I am about to start writing Chapter 38, so I am currently thirteen chapters ahead.  I do plan on continuing through this weekend so hopefully I can be fifteen or more chapters ahead by Sunday.

That means I am comfortable going back to a set update time.  I'll be updating every other Friday.  So, this month that will be 1st, 15th, and the 29th.

Now you might be asking yourself what I will be doing on the opposite Fridays.  Well... Legion of Dionysus isn't the only writing project I have been working on.  I currently have 22 chapters of Alluvion's Water Lily written, which is the original story based on Encoded in Our DNA theme and framework.  I did already add it to my stories as sort of a place keeper, but only the Foreword is currently up.

I also plan on rewarding you all for being so understanding and patient with me by doing a double update today.  

If you were curious about what is going on with me medically right now I will give you the information on what I know.  Regarding my elbow, my specialist says it sounds like I have something similar to tennis elbow.  I have a brace that I occasionally wear when it gets bad.  My neck is still bad some days, but for the most part I am doing better in that regard.  My right shoulder has a tear in one of the tendons of my rotator cuff.  It's not bad, so my specialist doesn't believe I need surgery, but that also means I am back in Physical Therapy.  I'm doing well though.  I just wish the weather would feel more like spring, because that will help my creative spirit a lot.

Oh and regarding the << and >> before and after the italics moment?  That is denotating a flashback.

3293 words

Through the night Hoseok ended up being a wonderful bed companion. He cupped my body just right, acting as the big spoon to my little spoon, and the only issue I had was the one I found myself in this morning as I woke up. His arms and legs were firmly locked around me keeping me prisoner within the cage his limbs created, and if that wasn't bad enough I found it quite impossible to ignore the solid long hard length of him brushing up against my ass. I softly groaned underneath my breath before I started mentally berating my mind for promptly swimming in the gutter. Don't focus on that aspect right now! Focus on something else!

Because I couldn't get free right away I took a moment to consider what my plans were for the day. I knew that I was supposed to have a lesson with Taehyung at some point. I'd definitely like to be up and ready for it whenever the scheduled event is supposed to occur. That only took my mind off my bladder for a moment or two, and I felt myself tightening the muscles of my lower abdomen because of how fiercely it was currently screaming at me.

I crane my neck back to see if he is actually awake and simply holding me hostage for his own amusement. I almost gasp out loud when my eyes land on the ear closest to me. It's possible that he could have dropped the glamour sometime before we fell asleep last night, but due to the length of his hair there's no way I would have noticed it then. And I definitely didn't think to ask him to tuck his hair behind his ear like it is now. I had gotten completely sidetracked by asking about his magic instead. And then I got sidetracked even more by the unexpected hot makeout session. I don't realize just how fascinated I become by the points at the top of his earlobes until my fingertips are only an inch or so away from grazing over the point. My unintentional physical examination is stopped due to the strong grip around my wrist. I look down at Hoseok's face but his eyes are still closed. "Unless you want to revisit a lot more than simply the ultra steamy kisses we shared last night I suggest you don't touch my earlobes."

I frown down at him. How did he know I was considering it? I ask myself before inarticulately asking simple one word questions. "What? Why?" I somehow retain the presence of mind to glamour my eyes a mere moment before he blinks open his own emerald ones.

He gives me a very pointed look before replying. "They are an extremely erogenous spot for Elves. The only thing that would be more bold would be if you put your hand down my pants and firmly grasped my cock." The green of his eyes smolder brighter as they infuse with lust filled heat, and I know I should jump from that train of thought before it ever leaves the station. I had already been having trouble keeping my own lust at bay before he woke up; I definitely didn't need to get sidetracked by his own as well.

It takes a lot of effort but I push that all to the back of my mind before clearing my throat. "I–" My voice trembles due to the pent up desire building within me so I take a moment to take a deep breath in an effort to regain at least a modicum of composure. "I have to go to the bathroom."

Even though my bladder was screaming at me only a few minutes ago I don't really feel the need to go quite as badly as I did before because of the way my hormones are greatly outweighing my full bladder. Now, I mostly needed to hide myself in the bathroom so I could escape his allure. I strip the glamour from my eyes for a moment and look at my reflection point blank in the mirror and confront my true self.

Just because he is so damn irresistible doesn't mean I should just forget the monster within. I've been able to refrain from not only sex but also from even touching a member of the opposite sex for about five years now. Why has this all changed now? Sure, they are all extraordinarily irresistible, and I seem to have this weird draw to all of them. Hell, I even know about the demon within me now. You would think that having that knowledge now would strengthen my control, not lessen it. Wait. Is my demon the problem at hand? Does being part succubus make me a nymphomaniac? Fuck! If that's the case then perhaps not having sex for five years is actually part of my problem.

I decided to indulge in a quick shower before leaving the bathroom. I realize I have completely forgotten to bring something in the bathroom with me to change into afterward. Luckily, Hoseok is no longer in my bed let alone my room when I peek out the door to make sure the coast is clear.

I stare at the rumpled bed he left behind. I almost cave and crawl into the bed just to linger in the warm spot left behind like an echo of where his body was. That thought had me reliving the heated moments we shared last night. If someone had asked me the night we met if I would share a bed with the cocksure demon I would probably laugh in their face. I'm thoroughly surprised that I asked him to stay at all.

Wait. Why exactly had I invited him to stay? I take a moment and sigh. I guess I should just chalk it up to the pull I have toward them all. I don't know if it's something I have ever experienced before; this almost gravitational orbit they seem to have. Sure, I have been heavily attracted to other men before, but this is beyond what I would typically perceive as normal. I don't even know if I can contribute this heavy level of attraction to our constant close proximity or if it's something about them specifically. There has to be a way to get over this strange pull I feel toward them...

I take a moment to consider that 'pull' I have to them a bit more thoroughly. It's not just that I find them physically appealing, although I'd be lying if I didn't admit that was a huge part of it. No. Genuinely? I simply like spending time with each of them. It doesn't even have to be some big event either. I've noticed that I just enjoy sitting alongside each of them.

Am I just missing friendly interaction in general? I haven't really had that kind of interaction in about five years. It would make some sense that I am simply overcompensating.

Before I know it I am reminiscing about things I had intentionally bottled up in hopes I wouldn't revisit, let alone remember them.


I don't know who I expect to see first after leaving the scene of the crime. I don't even know who I should hope shows up first.

I'd hate to have to lie to Tally. Fate might have made us roommates. But, I honestly feel like we have become really close too, and it feels exceptionally wrong to lie to someone that I was so quick to consider a friend.

But the other possible face I might see could be the cops. That's a whole 'nother level of wrong, and I honestly think I worry about seeing a cop before Tally.

I'm left to suffer in my own miserable self flagellation for a couple hours before anyone shows up at all. I'm partially thankful to have had the time alone because it gave me a chance to take a shower and change my clothes. It also gave me a chance to come up with a somewhat believable story regarding my supposed whereabouts. I'm surprised that footsteps in the hallway have me immediately alert, and fully focused on the shadows cast underneath the door. I wait with bated breath for the knock I am hoping won't come, but I can't help but expect. The key scraping against the lock announces it's my roommate on the other side of the door, and I breathe a quick sigh of relief before the door is pushed open.

"Oh!" She gasps as if she is surprised to find me there. "Hun, I truly expected ta beat yuh home. He seemed like a nice enough guy. I definitely didn't take him for a, 'wham, bam, thank you ma'am, now kindly move your ass out the door.' kind of fella."

"Oh. He wasn't." I inwardly grimace, because if I had gone along with that possibility it would have made more sense. It just didn't seem right to speak so poorly of the dead. "I–" I sigh before stringing together my alibi. My lie. "I chickened out. I came home last night."

"Girl. I thought we'd been over this? Yuh don't have to be waitin' on love."

I shrug my shoulders. I had honestly already agreed and come to terms with giving up on that sentiment a long time ago, but I never admitted it to my roommate out loud before. I choose to sort of explain that decision in the framework of the lies I am spilling left and right. "I know. It's not that I think I am waiting for the 'big L word' to come along, but I just don't think a one-night stand is for me. At least not regarding my virginity anyway."

"Just because yuh say that doesn't mean I'm not gonna stop tryin' to help yuh get that V card of yours punched."

Not long after we headed to lunch. We were both surprised by the commotion going on in the common room of the dorm when we got back. Everyone was grouped around the television as a 'Breaking News' story was announced. I faked my shocked surprise when they announced my victim's body was found in his rental off campus. His name of course hadn't been released yet, but the fact that it made the news meant the cops wouldn't be too far behind.

Sharing my contrived story with the detectives had been a lot easier than I had thought it would be. They didn't even ask me difficult questions honestly. Like they didn't suspect he was a victim of foul play at all. Unfortunately, it left me more surprised than relieved.

It was Julie, Drew's friend, that was the most difficult. She came to me with puffy tear filled eyes asking what happened after she last saw the two of us. I don't know if I felt worse that I had to lie to her also, or if I simply felt bad for witnessing his death at all.

The next day both his name and the coroner's report were released. They claimed that Drew had died from a rare, undetected disease that resulted in heart failure.

For the first week afterward I thought it sounded like an odd story, and I still worried if somehow I was the reason for his death. The second week, I started to come to terms with it being reality. I still had trouble letting go of the guilt of not only being there to witness his final hours but also lying to so many people regarding my whereabouts that night. During the third week I started feeling more like myself, and Tally was finally able to get me to go out that weekend.

I don't know when I would have discovered the truth about myself if I hadn't gone out that Saturday night, but at the very least I wouldn't have put a second life in jeopardy like I had.

Just like Drew I met this guy on the dancefloor, but he spoke a lot more with his hands and body than he did with his words. I'm not sure I even caught his name, and if I did I definitely didn't remember it.

He was the host of the party, so when he wanted some time alone all he did was escort me upstairs. None of our clothes even left our bodies before I knew something was wrong. When I did I jumped away from him like I had been bitten by a venomous snake. I counted myself lucky to discover he had a terrace right outside his window with a set of stairs leading to the backyard.

I already knew Tally had left the party with another guy before I had ever made it upstairs, so I didn't have to worry that she might be outside amongst the people loitering around the backyard. I don't recall my chosen disguise I used to get away from the party that night, but I made sure to stop at a nearby convenience store to switch back to myself in the bathroom before I ever got back to my dorm. I happened to know the guy behind the counter barely lifted his head this time of night as customer's entered the building. It wasn't a smart way to work at a business like this, but it worked out for me during my escape plan. So, I was definitely counting my blessings.

On my way back to my dorms I started to make a plan. I came to terms with the fact that whatever this was that made me deadly to men meant I couldn't live any kind of normal life. I would have to give my dreams up. At that moment I wasn't even sure how I would ever be able to dance again other than as a hobby.

The last interaction I had with Tally was when she turned to tell me she was leaving. I had to accept that as my final goodbye with my roommate.

I don't even recall the last thing I said to my parents. I think we were still fighting about the adoption thing in all honesty. I had to leave them behind though too.

I grabbed my backpack. It was rather lucky that I hated carrying small backpacks. This one was oversized, and it was able to carry both my toiletries as well as a few outfits. I purposely made sure to leave a mess behind. I wanted it to look like I had been kidnapped, or at least that I had left in a hurry. I know it would be painful for Tally and my parents to go through something like that, but I loved my life. Even despite the knowledge I was adopted. It made no sense for me to simply run away.

I changed out of my party outfit. The outfit simply didn't fit the plan I had concocted. I deliberated on what to do with those clothes for a few moments before deciding to put them in a garbage bag and dump them somewhere. I did briefly consider ripping them with my bare hands, or taking a pair of scissors to them. That step just seemed a bit too far. I might want them to think that I was kidnapped, but it emotionally stung me to think that from torn and ripped evidence it would have looked like I suffered.

Before I left my room I took my sim card out of my phone. No one was around when I entered the dorm lobby, and the last person to man the desk got off at 9PM. So there was no one to see me drop my cell phone off in a donation box sitting on the corner of the front desk. I knew that the serial number could be traced back to me, but that still sort of worked with my kidnapping theory. I wanted to make sure that my phone got to someone who needed it. There were no security cameras here, so it was unlikely they would think to check the box for my phone anyway.

After I exited the dorm and the door shut closed behind me I pushed my key out of my pocket so it fell to the ground. That way if there was anyone nearby that I couldn't see it would look like I accidentally dropped it. Then I went around to the back of the building. I made sure there was no one there before changing my appearance once more.

This time I made sure I gave myself male features, or at least the top half of me looked male (mostly around my face). I didn't want to have to focus too hard on making the disguise genuine by giving myself proper genitalia. Not to mention I wasn't really sure how all that worked, or if it would work at all. Hell, I technically still had breasts. I just visually made them barely A cups that were easily hidden by the oversized sweater. My face and hair were the only true part I made male. I gave myself oily unkempt hair, a five o'clock shadow, and I added some dirt splotches to my face. I wanted to potentially appear homeless. For that to be this stranger's motivation to have my credit cards and bank card.

I headed east from campus, stopping after a mile at a bank. I pulled out as much money as I could off of each of my credit cards and bank card. I knew I would be caught on camera so I kept my head down, but let the camera catch me disposing of the cards afterward.

I kept heading east. When I came across a public park I ducked off into a wooded area. I knew it was risky to lose myself amongst the trees when I no longer had a cell phone, but the shadows provided me coverage to change my appearance once more. This time I changed myself into a forgettable looking young woman. So forgettable that even I don't remember what she looked like.

After another mile of walking I came to the bus stop. There I used half of the money I got from the ATM on a ticket across the country. I would use the other half for food, shelter, and a prepaid cell phone once I got to my destination.


It takes a moment or two to recollect myself, and when I do I can't help but wonder how long I had been lost in my own thoughts. My own memories. I glance at the time display on my phone and my eyes practically bulge out of my head. It's been over thirty minutes since I left the bathroom. I would have thought someone would have checked on me by now.

I run to the bathroom once more just to make sure I look okay. I linger as I look at myself in the mirror though. Honestly, I hated taking a moment to delve into the past like I did, but I never really let myself dwell on the past at all. I've never truly dealt with it. Perhaps because of that I simply couldn't move past it? Would the fact that I took a moment to somewhat relive it help me move on?

That last thought stays with me as I open the door of my bedroom. I glance down to the main room below me. My eyes bulge out at the sight of the creature clad in shadow, and while I've never taken myself to be easily frightened by anything, a loud shrill sound reverberating within the room paired with the rawness of my throat seems to prove otherwise.

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