Banks w/ Boyce Vs Bliss. RAW Women's Championship Match.

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The next morning, Sasha was the first to wake up. She yawned and stretched and saw the ring still on her finger. She smiled as she remembered that I proposed last night. She smiled as she looked at me and just kissed me on the cheek and I groaned as I opened my eyes.
"Morning." I grinned as I yawned.
"I still can't believe that you proposed last night."
"It took a lot of energy and self coaching to get the guts and bravery to ask." I sat up and put my glasses on before looking at Sasha. "But I'm glad I did."
She kissed me and straddled me and wrapped her arms around my neck. "So do you have an idea as to when the wedding should be?" She asked.
"I was thinking either March or April?"
"Just in time for Wrestlemania 35. I like that." She smiles and kisses me one more time before getting up and heading to the bathroom. She looked back at me and smiled. "You coming?" I stood up and made my way to the bathroom and she had already started the warm shower and I stripped down to nothing even put my glasses on the counter near the sink. And once she was stripped down to nothing we both got in the shower and let the water just wash over our bodies. She and I make out for a few moments before we felt the urge to explore each others bodies more in depth. "Oohh, someone wants a little more than just a makeout session."
"So sue me." I grinned as she pulled me in closer and kissed me with more heat and fire than she did ever before.

Three hours later...

We were already dried off, dressed and grabbed our arena bags then headed to the arena for RAW and for the night I knew was going to come. My Legit Boss was finally going to get her shot at Lexi's Womens Title. But since she was going to be the new Women's Champion like I know she is. I decided to meet with Hunter and see if he would allow me to go after my own title.
Once we arrived Hunter and Stephanie greeted us. "Hey, Daniel, Mercedes." Stephanie smiled.
"Hey." Sasha and I replied.
"Good work last night. Your match was the most talked about and watched TLC match last night." Hunter said.
"Glad you say so Hunter. Can I talk to  you in private?" I asked.
"Sure." He gestured past him.
"I'll be in our locker room when your done." Sasha smiled as she kissed me. Stephanie walked with Sasha as I walked with Hunter.
"So, what can I do for you?" He asked.
"I just want to tell you that I plan on going after the Intercontinental Title. I just want to make sure that you agree."
"Hey, you put on a hell of a match last night that was topped off by that very surprising proposal. So, if you really want to go after the IC Title. Your more than welcome to do it." Hunter smiled. "But lets just let his rivalry with Dolph play out. Which should end at Survivor Series. So after his rivalry ends. You will have your championship rivalry with Seth Rollins."
"You understand that you better deliver. Because if you don't like you did years ago. What I did to Baron Corbin will be a nice relaxing massage compared to what I will do to you." I walked away and headed to me and Sasha's locker room and Hunter looked into the camera with a scared look on his face. And for good reason. There's one face  that is more feared than 'Deaths Outlaw'. And I was holding that one in reserve.
Once I got to Sasha and I's locker room. She was already in her in ring attire. "So, baby. What did you need to discuss with Hunter?" She asked as she held her BOSS shades in her left hand.
"I am going after the IC Title. But Hunter tells me that I'll have to wait until after Survivor Series and let Seth's and Dolphs rivalry play out."
"Well, I'm glad to hear that your going after a title of your own baby." She grinned as she wrapped her arms around my neck and I wrapped mine around her waist. "And I'm so looking forward to my title match tonight. Which will be the most memorable RAW moment when I dethrone Little Miss Bliss as Raw Women's Champion in the only fashion that I can." She grinned.
"Wow. Ego much." She lightly slapped my shoulder and kissed me.
"But you know what I'm looking forward to most?"
"What is that Mercy?"
"I look forward to the day that you and I are married the most."
"Oh, I'm looking forward to that day as well Mercy." I kissed her then a tech came into our locker room.
"Guys, Sasha's match is up next so they need you at the gorilla." The tech told us.
"Okay. Be right there." Sasha smiled as she kissed me once more, pulled away and I followed her to the gorilla. Of course I wasn't in any face or character because I wanted to make sure that when she did win. That it was the real me at ringside and not just some personality in my vast array of faces and personalities.
When we got to the gorilla we were met by Alexa Bliss who was doing a grand job of putting on a brave face as she held the RAW Women's Title. "You ready to lose that title Alexa?"
"Not if I can help it." Alexa smiled but I did detect a little tinge of fear, possibly a remnant of her seeing my darkest persona last night.
"Come now, Alexa. You and us both know that Sasha will win that title tonight." I said. "And you may have a few underlying, underhanded tactics at the ready. But I have a warning for you. I see them. Any of your underhanded tactics used tonight." I cracked my neck as I turned it from side to side then snapped straight as I looked her in the eye. "Then you will see how dark I can actually be." I said with a very deep tone. Her eyes went wide with terror. Then her music hit and she headed out to the ring.
"Nice work baby." Sasha smiled. When Sasha's music hit instead of just waiting for my music like I usually did. I went out with her. I mean come on. Tonight I was just her manager. She did her usual entrance and before you ask she kept her engagement ring in her bag in our locker room so all she had on her hands were her LEGIT BOSS knuckle dusters. Once she was in the ring she took off her glasses, necklace, knuckle dusters and jacket and handed them to me. I handed them to the time keeper and once the bell rang to start the match I just observed the entire match at ringside. I yelled suggestions and advice to Sasha when I saw it was needed. Alexa had traded dominion of the match with my Sasha over the course of fifteen minutes but she was slowly being worn down by Sasha's attacks.
When the match reached it's thirty minute mark Sasha performed Bankrupt and pinned Alexa but she kicked out at two. I guess she was not going to settle for second best because Sasha picked Alexa up and delivered a devastating Killing Joke then slowly but surely climbed to the top rope and shook her chest like Eddie Guererro and did a picture perfect frog splash then tried again. The ref counted  three count victory and I retrieved the RAW Women's Title from the time keeper and entered the ring with it in hand. I walked over to Sasha and she was leaning on the ropes clutching her stomach. She saw me and smiled as I handed her the RAW Women's Championship. "Good job Mercy darling." I said as I hugged her right after I handed her the title. "I'm so proud or you." I smiled. She kissed me and I looked at her legs. "It would seem you'll need help getting to the back. Do you?" She nodded.
So I helped her to the ramp side corner and she carefully slipped out of the ring with the title held close to her chest. I leapt down to the floor and met her at the bottom of the ramp and she smiled as she looked to the crowd and held the Women's Title high above her head. Then I picked her up bridal style and carried her to the back and to the trainers room just in case. He didn't find anything wrong with her and she walked with me to our locker room while leaning against me most of the way.
Charly Caruso came in and interviewed her on her win.
"Sasha you shocked the entire WWE Universe tonight with your title victory over Alexa Bliss. How do you feel now that you are the top female talent on RAW now?" Charly asked.
"Well, for starters, I said three weeks ago that the Women's Championship would be mine after TLC and it is. But I don't think I could have won this without my fiance." The camera panned to me leaning against a locker. Smiling as I approached Sasha.
"She's totally fibbing. She had the needed tools to become the RAW Women's Champ again already inside her all I did was provide moral support at ringside. And the occassional piece of advice as to how to proceed. But seriously. Her title win is all her. Nothing to do with me." I kissed her as she smiled and leaned into my chest after we pulled away.
"One more thing, when is your wedding going to be held?" Charly asked.
"If we play our cards right it should happen a week before WRESTLEMANIA 35 weekend." I answered.
"Okay. There you have it guys back to you Cole." Charly left and Sasha and I just laid on the couch in the locker room and rested. Well her more than me. But we just cuddled on the couch and just watched the remaining matches but when Roman and Strowman were about to tear each other in half I sighed, "Sorry babe. Have to go play peacemaker."
"It's okay." She smiled. "Just hurry back. I'd like to go to the hotel and celebrate with my fiance." She licked her lips and bit her lower lip.
"I'll try and be quick about it." I smiled as I dashed out of the locker room and to the ring.

I came out to 'Baba O'Reilly' by The Who and the crowd cheered and screamed as I made my way to the ring microphone in hand. "Okay, that is enough from both of you." I started as I entered the ring. "Now Braun I understand that you want another shot at the Universal Championship. And you'll get your second shot at it at Survivor Series. It will be Braun Strowman versus Roman Reigns in a match of my own design. A DOG POUND match." Roman and Braun sported shocked looks on their face. "That's right. A cage with a lid, no way out or in, the cage walls covered in chains, collars, leashes and any and all weapons like baseball bats, kendo sticks, steel chairs but there will be no weapons under the ring at all. So if it's not on the wall. It's not allowed. And if any one tries to help either one of you. They will be assigned their own Dog Pound match the following night. I hope the SHIELD and the Hounds of War are listening to what I'm saying because if not then let me make it even more clear. If I see Seth Rollins or Dolph or anyone else on either side try to interfere which is impossible anyway. But. If there is any attempt at interference. Then not only will Seth Rollins be stripped of the IC Title. But you Roman will be stripped of the Universal Title. And we will have a King Of The Ring Tournament to not only crown a new IC Champion but also a new Universal Champion. Is that clear?" They both nodded. "Good. Now get out of this ring so we can get to the next match." I left the ring first and headed to the back and was met by Hunter and Stephanie.
"You have no right to make matches." Steph said. "Nor do you get to dictate stipulations."
"Last I checked guys. The Board of Directors and Linda McMahon made me constable. Which means I have emergency powers to settle disputes in any way I can or want. So if you don't like it. Then SUCK IT!" I walked into the locker room and found Sasha already to go back to the hotel. I smiled and packed up my duffel and we headed to the hotel.

Once at the hotel, Sasha pushed me down onto the bed, walked back to the door, locked it and just sashayed over to me. "You ready baby?" She asked with this evil grin.
"Oh hell yeah." I replied making her smile.
"Good. Because I want you to fuck me until I can't even walk straight tomorrow." She grinned as she leaned down and kissed me. "Can my machine of a fiance do that?" I nodded slowly as she leaned in for another kiss. "Then show me."

Four hours later Sasha and I were laying on the floor covered in sweat, panting, trying to slow our breathing or even a modicum of energy to get in bed and just go to sleep. "Damn baby. You made me cum forty times. And you came twice. You are most definitely a machine but your a beast machine." She grinned.
"You were absolutely incredible yourself babe." I said with closed eyes. "Should we even try to get into the bed or should we just lay here and sleep?"
"Here's good baby." She snuggled closer to me and I took off my glasses and just put them near the bedside tables legs and with a lot of effort shut the light off.
"Goodnight, Mercy. I love you."
"Goodnight, Daniel. I love you too." We swiftly slid into a deep slumber.

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