Two Months Later At Royal Rumble...

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Over the next month or so, things kept getting better for Sasha and I in terms of our personal life but as I feared Hunter went back on his word of giving me a championship rivalry with Seth Rollins after his rivalry with Dolph played out to the end. Roman had retained the Universal Championship. With no interference from anyone. Sasha retained the RAW Women's Championship in a contractually obligated rematch against Alexa Bliss. But I made it clear only the week before that the rematch at Survivor Series would have been her last shot at the Womens Title and she'd have to start over from the bottom rung and work her way up. We also spent Thanksgiving with her mother and family. 

Then there came Clash of Champions in December. That turned out to be a rather bearable event considering AJ Styles went against Roman Reigns. Becky Lynch went against my Sasha. Seth went against Shinsuke Nakamura. But I just watched from the back and only accompanied Sasha to the ring during her big moment against Becky. Needless to say Sasha won that match making the Red Brand the most dominant in the women's division of both brands.
AJ beat Roman and Shinsuke beat Seth.

I didn't really care about those matches. The only match that mattered to me was Sasha's. I left with her as soon as she was ready to go and just got the results second hand on the WWE Network. We spent the Christmas Holidays at home with the occassional visit from Uncle Gary.
Even though on the surface when we returned to work after a short but needed Christmas break, I was depressed that no matter how many times I tried to remind Hunter of my promise I made to him that if he ever went back on his word he'd regret it. He just ignored me. So I just bided my time until the time had come to make sure he would never forget my name or the face I was going to use.

Throughout the entire month of January, I was nowhere to be found on tv but live house shows I'd always appear in. Sasha and I would sporatically plan our wedding as to who was coming, where it would take place, etc.
But at the Royal Rumble...

"Welcome to The Royal Rumble. Tonight's the night when we find out if the long awaited return of Daniel is going to happen or not." Michael Cole said.
"That's right Cole. And if he is back. Which face did he become these past three to four weeks?" Corey Graves asked.

Sasha and I were in our locker room getting ready for the night.
"Tonights your big return baby." She smiled. "You nervous?"
"I'd be lying if I said no. Yeah. I'm nervous. But compared to asking your cousin Snoop for permission to marry you. This is close to nothing." I looked at her and smiled. "Just think in about two and a half months from now. You and I will be married and you'll be Mrs. Boyce."
"Yeah. It's getting closer. And I have a surprise for you at the hotel after the Rumble. So regardless as to whether you survive the Rumble or not. I'm pretty sure the surprise will make up for it, if you lose that is. But I have a feeling you won't lose. So the surprise may make you even happier."
"Can't wait to find out what it is Mercy." I smiled. I sat down and she sat in my lap.
"I know your gonna like it." She kissed me and rested her head in the crook of my neck.

When Sasha's match came up against Bayley for the Raw Women's Championship she left the locker room and blew me a kiss before vanishing around the corner. I watched her match on the monitor and it was quite the exciting bout. However, once Sasha slapped on the Bank Statement it was all over but the tapping. Bayley tried her best to fight her way to the ropes but Sasha really cranked on her neck and Bayley after a few more seconds tapped out. Once Bayley got up. Sasha and her shook hands, hugged and held each others arms up and exited the ring.
After a couple more matches including the 30 Woman Royal Rumble which Ruby Riot won. It was time for the 30 Man Royal Rumble. Which earlier during the kickoff show Hunter entered himself into out of the blue. But what he didn't know was that I too was entered as the mysterious number 30 entrant.
Sasha and I watched with Bayley the first twenty five entrants get 'cleared' out by 'The Game' himself. I started heading to the gorilla but not before kissing Sasha for luck. Once at the gorilla I noticed on the monitor that the other four entrants before me were eliminated. And the clock ticked down and once it reached zero the lights went out and 'Into The Shadows' by Cyrus Reynolds started playing and when it hit it's first crescendo The lights burst on and I stood on top of the ramp wearing a ripped, burned and torn Asylum Inmate shirt and sliced up jeans. Once Hunter saw that I was the 'Madman From Menan' he nearly pissed himself.
'I warned you Hunter.' I said as I made my way to the ring. I looked at him and he was genuinely scared. So scared that I figured if I wasn't smiling like a cat about to kill and toy with a mouse. He would happily leap over the top rope. I entered the ring and just beat the ever loving shit out of him. I reversed every move he went for. Like his knee face buster he does before he pulls the Pedigree out. Just pissed me off. I mean everything he did had very little to no effect on me. Well not the effect he wanted. He kneeled in front of me and begged for mercy as I stood in front of him and looked to the crowd. I heard their verdict.
'No, no, no, no, no.' The crowd chanted.
So I looked back at Hunter and turned my back for a moment and he went to hit me in the back with a forearm, I ducked, kicked him in the spine and slid behind him as his head shot back, wrapped an arm around his face and dropped on my rear driving the back of his head into my shoulder blade which caused him to rocket over the top rope and to the floor unconscious. I stood up as Jojo made it official.
"Ladies and gentlemen, here is your winner of the 2019 Mens Royal Rumble. 'The Man of A Thousand Faces' Daniel Boyce." I grinned sadistically into the camera then to the WRESTLEMANIA 35 sign in the distance. I headed to the back all smiles and maniacal laughs until I reached the gorilla and the laughs stopped but not the smiles. Everyone from Rollins to Owens congratulated me on winning the Rumble. When I got back to Sasha and I's locker room Sasha was all smiles and hugged and kissed me.
"Congratulations baby. You deserve this." She kissed my cheek and held me tight in her hug." I smiled as I hugged her back and kissed her neck.
"Ohh, I forgot how taxing a Rumble was. Ha. But at least I won. And I have my future wife with me through it all." I smiled.
"That you do." We pulled away from each other, I showered and changed quickly because I knew that Hunter would be looking for some sort of retribution. Then when we were ready to leave we did. We headed to the hotel and once we were in our room. Sasha gave me her surprise.

"Close your eyes." She said. I did. She went into the bathroom from what I could hear. "Keep them closed baby."
"No worries there." I joked. She came back in and placed a small tube in my hand.
"Open them." She smiled as I did and looked at what was a pregnancy test. It was positive.
"You mean..."
"Yeah." She grinned wider.
"We're gonna be..."
"Yes." Tears started to run down her cheeks as she smiled with all her teeth.
"Oh, ho, ho, ho. Mercy. This is a great surprise. Your pregnant. Color me absolutely stunned." She laughed after I said that.
"I have an appointment set up at Mountain View Hospital in Idaho Falls on February 13 which is the next time we have a few days off."
"Okay. Oh man. I'm gonna be a father."
"And me a mother." She grinned.
"Anyone else know?"
"Mom, Snoop even knows. The only people that don't were just you and your Uncle Gary."
"Oh, I'm sure he'd be really surprised by this news." I couldn't stop smiling even if I wanted to the entire time we planned out if we were going to have a DJ for the reception or an actual band. Or if we were going with her family making the food or going with a caterer and if so which one. Towards early morning around one a.m. we put the wedding planner away and just got in bed, I took off my glasses and turned off the light and just held and cuddled with Sasha.
"Goodnight, Mercy."
"Goodnight, Daniel."
"Love you." We said in unison.
I smiled as I kissed the top of her head and we both fell asleep.

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