The Game Tries To Get Even With 'The Man Of A Thousand Faces'.

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It was the week following the Rumble and Sasha and I arrived to the arena after barely getting to the event courtesy of a delayed flight. But we were still smiling courtesy of two things. One Sasha was pregnant and I was still the winner of the 2019 Mens Rumble. So arriving late at the next event didn't really kill us at all. Lexi was the first to run up to us.
"Sasha, Daniel. Is it true that you are going to have a baby?" She asked.
"Now before we answer is this Alexa Bliss asking or Lexi Kaufman our friend?"
Sasha giggled at my heightened security question. "Yes it's true Lexi."
"Oh my god congratulations." Lexi smiled as she hugged me and Sasha.
"You better go and tell the other girls before we are over run with the same question." I joked and Sasha smiled and kissed my cheek.
"I'll meet you in our locker room." And with that she ran after Lexi to tell the other female superstars.
I made my way to our locker room and got ready for the night. I just changed into some nicer jeans and a nicer shirt. After I fixed my shirts collar Sasha came in and smiled.
"Is the rumor mill sated for now?" I giggled.
"Yes, it is baby." She looked at me in the mirror. "Oohh, I haven't seen this persona in a long while. The Extreme Gentleman. Interesting choice for tonight."
"Well, since tonight I'm expecting Hunter to retaliate for me winning the Rumble a week ago. I can't take any chances. Besides we are gonna have to go from here to the airport so we can make it home at least a day before your appointment babe. And I'm looking forward to it." I smiled.
"Good." Now Sasha wasn't on the card but I was supposed to do a promo by myself about how honored I was to win the Royal Rumble. But I wasn't about to go out to the ring without her tonight.

So when it came time to do my promo. I got out to the ring and Sasha stood right next to me as I listened to the crowds chants. 'Let's go Daniel, Let's go Daniel.' or 'Sasha-Daniel, Sasha-Daniel.' Both types of cheers made me and Sasha smile.
"Thank you. Now I'm out here tonight not as a competitor. But as a man humbled by the fact that I won the 2019 Mens Royal Rumble. I can't really begin to tell you how honored I felt winning The Rumble match for the third time in my career. Now I know that people at home are wondering what I mean by honored. Well, there are not that many superstars that can boast about winning the Rumble match twice but it's even more rare that a superstar wins the Rumble three times. Now that being said, I'm in good company. Other three time Rumble winners include 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin and of course one of my heroes growing up, 'The Heartbreak Kid' Shawn Michaels." The audience erupted when Shawns name was mentioned. "But I'm very happy to be part of that very exclusive club of three time Rumble winners. But who isn't happy is one 'Cerebral Assassin'. Who I'm sure is under the delusion that he was cheated out of a victory. Sorry to say Hunter. You shouldn't have been allowed to participate in the Rumble since you just added yourself less than twenty four hour notice as per the by-laws you and Stephanie continuously like to skirt when it suits you." The crowd cheered louder than before. "You see Hunter. You. Gave me your word that I would have a championship rivalry with Seth Rollins after Survivor Series. But I guess that you once again thought you were doing whats best for business. Well that stops now. So instead of going after the IC Title. I want the Universal Title. And I know your back there Hunter. And I know your looking for retribution for your imagined slight at the Rumble. Well, how about we settle this little imagined grudge you have against me at Elimination Chamber." Hunters music blared throughout the arena and he came out with Stephanie not too far behind.
"Your on."
"But the thing is Hunter. I don't trust that your going to face me one on one. So I called in a favor with a member of that elite club I mentioned earlier. And he's agreed to be special guest referee."
The sound of glass shattering resounded throughout the arena and Steve Austin came out and down to the ring and did his usual four post arm raising.
"Now let's get one thing straight right now." Stone Cold started. "In the match between Daniel and Hunter. I will not tolerate any illegal or underhanded activity. Period. If I see either of you do anything illegal I'll stomp a mudhole in your ass and walk it dry."
"I agree to those terms. What about you Cerebral Bitch?" I smiled.
"Agreed." Hunter left the stage and Sasha and I looked around at the crowd.
'Thank you Steve.'
'Hey any time I can make Hunter turn colors like that. I'll take it. But thank you Daniel for allowing me to come back even if it's for one night as the referee.' He smiled and called for beer cans. He tossed me a couple and I stood on the corner turnbuckle near the one he was standing on and like him bashed the cans together after openening them and drained both cans down my throat even though 40 % of the beer went all over hells creation. Then Sasha and I headed to the back then to the hotel to just get our stuff and head to the airport and caught our flight to Salt Lake City then another flight to Idaho Falls.

Twelve hours later...
We were in a cab barely pulling up to our home and once we got out of the cab and snagged our bags and headed inside for a nice long slumber before doing anything else. I ran out and paid the cabby and he smiled as I gave him a ten dollar tip. He drove off and I headed back inside the house and Sasha was slowly heading upstairs as we were both that tired. I picked her up bridal style and she giggled and wrapped her arms around my neck as I carried her to our bed. I quickly headed back downstairs and locked the doors, windows and anything else that was lockable. Which I know sounds weird but I was tired and didn't give a rats ass as to how weird it looked to begin with. Once I came back into the room Sasha was changed out of her civies and was just wearing her bra and panties. So I just stripped down to my boxers and nothing else except my glasses. I put them on the bedside table and just spooned with my fiancee and held her close. I went further by draping my right hand on her stomach. She held my right hand in hers and kept it on her stomach.
"Sweet dreams Mercy." I yawned.
"Sweet dreams baby." She turned her body a bit then her head, kissed me and went back to on her side and holding my hand on her stomach. We had at least at least three days off before we had to worry about anything.

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