Daniel Get's The Opprotunity Of A Lifetime.

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When Sasha and I arrived home in Menan. We had everything ready. From the venue of the reception, to the catering, who would marry us and who our best man and maid of honor were to be.
For best man I went with Braun Strowman. Interesting isn't it.
Sasha went with Bayley for maid of honor which made sense to me considering Bayley's Sasha's best friend. Anyway as Sasha and I were getting everything finalized before the big day which was a little over a week away. My phone went off so I pulled it as Sasha and her mother kept going getting things prepped and ready for Sasha and I's big day.
"Hello?" I answered.
'Daniel.' Hunter greeted.
"What can I do for you Hunter?"
'Well as you know it's WRESTLEMANIA time which means the Hall of Fame. And I have an opprotunity that you'll just love.'
"Whats going on?"
'Well, The Undertaker is going to be inducted this year and even though Glenn Jacobs was going to do it. He has other duties to fulfill. So I was wondering if you would like to be the one to induct one of your greatest adversaries into the Hall of Fame?' I was stunned that I'd be asked to induct the Undertaker into the Hall of Fame this year.
"Absolutely." I immediately said.
'Okay. Good. I'll let Mark know right away.'
"Okay, Hunter. Bye." I nearly couldn't contain myself I was so psyched to be inducting a mentor, hero, legend and soon a Hall of Famer. I thought back for a moment to my most brutal match against Taker and the only one that came to mind was Summerslam 2010. It was a cage match and by the end of it we were both bloody messes. Me more than him. I climbed the cage and just fell fifteen to twenty feet onto the floor barely winning.
I walked up to Sasha and Isabel. "So who was that baby?" Sasha asked.
"What did he want?" She looked at me and noticed a mile wide grin on my face.
"Oh not much. Just asked me to induct my hero, teacher and mentor into the Hall of Fame."
"And judging by that smile on your face it's someone you respect." Isabel said.
"Oh you have no idea." I giggled.
"So who is it?" Sasha asked.
"The Deadman. The Phenom. The Demon of Death Valley. Big Evil himself."
"You don't mean..." Sasha started.
"Oh yeah. I'll be inducting The Undertaker into the WWE Hall of Fame Class of 2019."
"Oh, baby I'm so happy for you." She leapt into my arms and hugged me tightly.
"Congratulations Daniel." Isabel smiled.
"Thanks mom." I replied. Sasha, Isabel and I finished getting everything arranged for our big day. Once we were finished Sasha's phone went off.
I walked away to the backyard in case it was Bayley or someone Sasha didn't want me to hear in terms of the conversation. After she hung up she walked out to where I was and sat in my lap as I was seated in a nice lawn chair. "So who was it on the phone babe?" I asked.
"Stephanie. Just checking on how we were doing since we didn't show up to RAW last night."
"Hmm. Okay cool." I grinned.
She sighed and said, "In one week we'll be married and hopefully be able to know our baby's gender."
"Yeah. And I can't wait for us to be married." I smiled.
"Neither can I." She kissed me and groaned as the baby kicked. "Oooh, this little ones gonna be a handful." She smiled. I slid my hand on her stomach and felt a couple kicks.
"You may be right." I grinned.
Thursday that same week. Sasha and I headed to the doctors office for another follow up.

"Well, here we are again. By the way congratulations on your wedding next Wednesday."
"Thanks doc." Sasha smiled. She rolled up her Rigby Ripper T up to expose a nice baby bump. Same as last time. The doctor put a little lube on her stomach and on the wand and started moving it back and forth on her stomach.
"Okay. And nothings really chaged but your baby sure is lively." He smiled.
"Don't I know it." Sasha laughed with him as did I.
"So would you like to know the gender of your baby?"
"Yes." Sasha and I said in unison.
"Ha, ha. Okay. It looks like. Your going to have. A baby girl." He told us.
"That's good." Sasha smiled as she looked at me as I smiled at the news.
"Yeah just what I hoped for babe." I kissed her forehead and without even bothering to ask he handed Sasha and me a print out of our baby girl.
"Consider this a wedding gift. Now I want to see you back in two months." Doc Phillips said.
"Okay. I'll make sure mom knows so that she can take me in case your on the road baby."
We left hand in hand and just looked at our baby's first official snapshot now that we knew that we would have a baby girl.
"We should keep this a surprise until maybe, a week after Wrestlemania."
"Agreed baby." She pulled me in for a nice long passionate kiss. "So you actually wanted a little girl?"
"Yeah. Didn't you?" She nodded. "Well let's go home and just get dinner going and watch a movie."
"I like the sound of that." She grinned. We headed home and did as we said we would. I cooked dinner as Sasha told her mother about her next appointme which by the time it came around I should be home on paternal leave as Sasha was on maternity leave since the end of Fastlane.

The next few days were pretty interesting. Bayley was the first of second in commands as it were to arrive and she was stunned as to how beautiful our home was. The day after she arrived Braun arrived. We had to put all of the spare pillows and materesses on the floor in the biggest guest room we had. He found it funny as he understood why we were so cautious.

The day before our wedding...
Sasha and I headed to the jewelers to get our wedding rings then back home to start our Bachelor and Bachelorette parties respectively. Braun paid attention when I told him no strip clubs and no booze at all. I wanted to make sure my senses weren't muddled by malted hopps and corn whiskey. So, me, Braun, Finn, Roman, Seth, Dean, Drew, Randy and much to my surprise Steve Austin and Shawn Michaels went out target shooting then just sat around a campfire exchanging stories about either our first loves or their children and familes.

Braun, Shawn and Steve and I headed to my home while everyone else headed to the hotel. The next morning I woke up to a beautiful sunny day. Looked to the bedside table and saw a note under my glasses. I put my glasses on and opened the note and a picture fell out. I picked up the picture as I read the note. 'I know as do you that it's bad luck to see the bride before the wedding. So this will have to tide you over until tonight.'
I barely looked at the photo and my jaw dropped. It was a picture of Sasha naked in front of her full length mirror covered by a very sheer sheet and the baby bump was sticking out ever so slightly. I panted as so many thoughts ran through my mind. I closed my eyes and shook my head trying to empty the dirty thoughts I had about my future wife. I stood up after stowing the photo in the bedside tables drawyer. Then got ready for my wedding. Braun retrieved me from my room and we headed to the church.

Meanwhile at the church...
Bayley and Lexi were looking at Sasha in her wedding dress that had to be slightly altered but Sasha didn't really care because she was going to be married in less than an hour.
"So, how do I look?" She asked Bayley.
"You look perfect Meredes." Bayley answered.
"I agree. You look divine." Lexi added.
"Thanks girls." Sasha grinned as she hugged both of them.
Then her mother came in. "Daniel just called he's only minutes away..." She saw Sasha in the wedding dress. "Oh, Mercedes. You look gorgeous. Oh my little girls getting married."
"Oh, mom." Then Snoop came in.
"Hey, Cuz what's up?" He greeted.
"Calvin. I'm so glad you could give me away today."
"For Sho. I wouldn't miss this opprotunity for anything." Bayley, Lexi and Isabel left them alone. "Tell the truth cuz. Are you nervous?" She nodded. "Well that's normal. But I must say. You picked the right man to marry in Daniel. He's cool and he really loves you." Snoop said.
"Thank you. And I know he loves me. And I know he'll love our baby just as much."
"Speaking of that have you two finalized any ideas on a name?"
"Not yet."
"Okay. But you two need to be on top of that soon."
"We know Calvin." Sasha smiled. Roman popped his head in.
"Mercedes. Daniel's arrived." He smiled and added. "You look gorgeous. You might actually give Dan a heart attack." He left the room and joined Braun, Steve and Shawn at the altar. I stood like a statue. Cool, calm and collected although on the inside. A shakey ball of nerves. Bayley stood across from me along with Natalya, Lexi and Trish.
When the wedding march started I looked up the aisle and saw Sasha in her beautiful pearl white wedding dress. Holding the bouqet over her stomach and lacing her right arm with Snoops left. When she reached me. I took two steps towards her and Snoop let me lace my left arm with Sasha's right. And gave me a thumbs up before sitting down next to Isabel. I walked with her to the altar and the preacher started. After he did his usual spiel. It came time for the vows.
"Mercedes. Since the day I met you. I could tell that there was something special about you. It wasn't until our first match together that I realized that you had been the only woman to handle my insanity and have been able to calm me down even talk me down from the highest levels of absolute madness. And that's not an easy feat. Just ask Trish." Everyone laughed at that even Sasha who had tears in her eyes. "The greatest moment in our relationship is when we were in Boston in the park, sitting on the bench near the pond and just eating our dogs and drinking our soda's while just talking. That has to be the greatest moment in our relationship and I'm sure it won't be the last." I brought her  right hand to my lips and planted a gentle kiss on it.
"Daniel. I've always admired your work. My mother would probably say that you were an obsession of mine for a long while aside from Eddie Guererro that is." I nodded. "But never did I imagin that you'd return to the WWE to finish out your career with distinction. And when I saw you come down to the ring and put Stephanie and Lexi in their place. No offense Lexi." We both looked at Lexi and she was all smiles and faked anger for a few seconds  and shook her fist at us. "I fell in love all over again with more than a character on screen. I fell in love with the man behind the faces you've used over the years and over the past six to seven months. And I'm glad that things panned out the way they have. Because now I feel like that fifteen year old girl who dreamed about being with you or Eddie."
'Gee thanks.' I replied making everyone really laugh.
"But I'm glad that I'm with you. I wouldn't trade one second of our relationship for anything in the world. Not for money, not for any title. Because as long as you and I are together. That is enough for me. That's enough for us. And since you and I are starting a familiy it just makes everything all the sweeter."
We exchanged rings and after that. The preacher said, "Okay. By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride."
I pulled Sasha in for the most passionate and intense kiss I could muster and once we pulled away from each other. Sasha tried to fan herself from the heat she was feeling from the kiss. We were congratulated by Snoop, Isabel, my Uncle Gary and everyone else before we headed out to my car. I opened the passenger door and Sasha got in and pulled her train inside the car. I closed the door and ran to the other side and got in the car and once the engine roared to life. We headed home.
"I love you. Mr. Boyce." She smiled.
"I love you too." I looked at her for a moment with a cheshire cat grin on my face. "Mrs. Boyce." She leaned over the armrest and kissed my cheek.
"Now we just have one last thing to wait for." She said rubbing her stomach. "For our little girl to be here."
"Yeah but I'm sure it will be worth the wait." I said as she nodded. "Well we only have one reception to go to tonight. Thank goodness."
"I agree. I don't think I could handle two." Sasha smiled.

As the day wore on we attended said reception. Stood in line to receive guests, took tons of pictures, did some slow dances, cut the cake and fed each other pieces, loaded the gifts into the car and headed back home. Once at home me and Sasha had a long, hot and steamy night between the sheets. The next day Sasha and I went shopping for the baby's nursery and of course Isabel went with us.

After about three hours and close to twenty bathroom breaks. We placed our orders for the crib, nightlight among a few other things. Then returned home and I went into the study to start composing my speech to induct the Undertaker.

Meanwhile downstairs in the parlor...
Sasha was also writing a speeech. "What are you up to Mercedes?" Isabel asked.
"Just writing some of Daniel's highlights and some other points of his life."
"Okay, why?"
"Because I was asked by Steph to induct him into the Hall of Fame."
"So he's inducting The Undertaker. And your inducting him. This ought to be interesting." Isabel said.

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