The Phenom And The One Man Asylum Are Inducted Into The Hall Of Fame.

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All the following week which was Wrestlemania weekend in East Rutherford, New Jersey. Sasha and I did meet and greets, autograph signings, I appeared on RAW and made my intentions very clear to Roman that one way or the other, I'd be walking out of Wrestlemania 35 the Universal Champion. I even did Wrestlemania Excess. Which was the first one I've ever been to in a very, very long time.
When it came time for the Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony. Sasha and I arrived fairly early. We went through the security protocols, did the red carpet intervies and she came backstage with me but I didn't really know why.

It was close to an hour later when Taker's induction video played. When it was over. Jerry Lawler said, "Now, here to induct The Deadman himself. Is a man who has gone toe to toe with him over five to six years. 'The Man Of A Thousand Faces' Daniel Boyce." I came out to 'Into The Shadows'. Shook Jerry's hand and looked at the audience in attendance. Who gave me the loudest pop I ever had.
"Wow." I said as I heard the chants.
'Let's go Daniel, Let's go Daniel.'
"I am so humbled to be here." I pulled my speech and put it on the podium. "Thank you. You may all sit down now." I said making everyone laugh. "When I got the call to do this. I initially wondered. Did all the other legends who know him better die." Everyone giggled or laughed out loud at that comment. "Don't you remember the last time we fought? What are you thinking? But here I am. About to induct my ultimate adversary. But more importantly. My mentor, my hero and I hope one day down the road. A friend. Although after this he may not speak to me again." I smiled as I continued. "Mean' Mark Calloway started his journey in sports entertainment in the late seventies and early eighties with very little success. It was when he came to the WWE. Donned a long brimmed black hat, black trenchcoat, black shirt with different color ties. black tights and black boots with different color kick pads, and as many may remember the different color gloves. And took on the name The Undertaker did he fiind popularity. Over twenty five to twenty six years. He changed his look about six times or less. He changed his approach to every opponent. But the one thing that never changed. Was his dedication to the business, his family and as memory serves Michelle's out there. I don't know how you deal with him. I can only say you have the patience of Job. But a belated congrats on marrying him. Anyway, The Undertaker has struck fear in the hearts of his opponents. Inspired fans like myself to become pro wrestlers. He has also been the master of mind games for all these years. Anyone who knows the business or has worked in this business, knows it's not a bright idea to challenge the Taker around Wrestlemania time. Because more often than not. The answer you get may not be the one you want. Just ask Shawn Michaels, Triple H and last but certainly not last on the totem pole of victims. John Cena and Bray Wyatt." The crowd cheered and the other superstars and legends applauded. "I never faced Taker at Mania. Like the four men I mentioned. But I'm sure I'd give it my maximum effort to try and beat him like Shawn did at Mania 25." I looked to Shawn and he was standing and applauding. "The only moment that kept creeping into my mind was the match I had with him at Summerslam 2010. My cage match against Taker." The crowd cheered loudly at the mere mention of it. "You remember that do you?" I looked from side to side and saw a lot of fans stand and cheer. "I'm going to just get right to what I took away from that match. Even though Taker and I were bloody, beaten and tired. I somehow found the strength to climb the cage and just sit on edge of the top of the cage and I never understood why Taker didn't try and stop me. He could have easily climbed after me and pulled me off the top. I now realize that he stayed down to help me get over even more with the fans. Not to mention and this is just a guess to give me more credit with the guys in the back. But I also learned another thing that night. Michael Cole and JR will probably back me up on this. But when my energy left I fell off the top of the cage and fell twenty feet onto the ground. Thereby winning the cage match. But in that folley, ha, I learned that its not smart to just sit on top of a steel cage, bloody, beaten and tired then forget to climb down." JR can tell you I screamed my head off in pain when I finally came to in the trainers room." JR nodded behind Hunter. "So without further ado. It is my honor and privelege. To induct into the WWE Hall of Fame Class of 2019. The Original Cerebral Assassin." I looked at Hunter who nodded in agreement. "The Demon of Death Valley, The Big Evil. The Deadman. The Phenom, himself. The Undertaker." The lights went out and Mark came out and smiled as he shook my hand and hugged me.
'Thank you for that. And for doing it period.' He said.
'No problem, Mark.'
'Congratulations on you and Mercedes being married.'
'Thanks.' I walked off the stage and made my way back to the backstage area.

I watched the event until Jerry said, "And now for our final inductee."

A video started rolling and I was shocked to see my name accross it.

"Nobody gives you anything in life. You either earn it or take it. And since I don't believe in stealing, I prefer to earn what I get."

'Daniel Robert Boyce was born in Rexburg, Idaho and for sixteen years was raised in the City of Rigby, Idaho birthplace of television. When he was four years old with the help of his mother Bonnie LaDean Boyce and his Uncle Robert 'Bob' Beckstead. Became from the word go became a professional wrestling fan. He grew up studying every wrestlers style and moves and studied them so much that he became an expert in every move finisher or signature in the entire country. The older he got the more well versed not only in finishers and signatures but he became an expert in the history of the business.
"He was such a fanatic of wrestling but he wasn't one of those annoying fanatics unless you got him going. But he found solace in the world of pro wrestling. But when he was sixteen. He buried himself in anything pro wrestling and comic books." Gary said in the video.

'When Daniel was about to start his junior year in high school. His mother passed away suddenly. Which meant that he had to go and live on his grandpas ranch where he would pick up the work ethic he would eventually integrate into his career as a professional wrestler.'
"Daniel, my god. That boy went through hell as a ranch hand for my fahter, his grandpa. Dean would just keep barking orders or just work him to death most days." 'S. Dean Boyce was of the old school rancher stock and never let up on the reins when Daniel was working for him.' "It got so bad that I told him, 'You and Dean get so loud I could hear you two counties over.' Ha. Eventually Dean got too sick to leave the house and when I became Daniel's taskmaster. I think is when he was able to do the work well if not perfectly. Because the old man wasn't barking at him."

'It took Daniel two years to go into a wrestling school run by the late great Killer Kowalski. Where he would spend hours in the school's ring practicing even after Killer tried to kick him out. It was when he took down the legendary old school wrestling legend that Kowalski realized that Daniel had something special.'
"I remember getting a call from Killer and he told me about this young kid that had a natural talent and I always take Killer at his word and I gave the kid a look and I was floored."

'Vince was so impressed that he sent the kid to Ohio Valley Wrestling and after a year in the developmental territory of OVW. Daniel was rocketed into the main roster where for the next seven years he gathered enough persona's to become his most recent moniker. The Man Of A Thousand Faces. For the past four years before his return in October 2018 that he was put on suspension for attacking the McMahon family for their continuous personal attacks on him and his family.'

'It is with great pleasure that we induct Daniel Boyce 'The Man Of A Thousand Faces'. Into the WWE Hall of Fame Class of 2019.'

Then Jerry said, "And here to induct Daniel into the WWE Hall of Fame. His as of last wednesday his wife. 'The Legit Boss' Sasha Banks."
As Sasha walked out onto the stage I was approached and given a Hall of Fame ring by Candice Michelle. "Candice?"
"Daniel. I'm here to be your escort tonight."
"I thought you'd never want to come back."
"When I heard you were being inducted by your wife. I couldn't refuse to walk the man that protected the female superstars even when we didn't ask for it."
I put the HoF ring on and looked at Candice. "Thank you. Candice. I really appreciate you coming back even if it's for only tonight to escort an old fool out to the stage." She kissed my cheek and we watched for our cue but Sasha had yet had the opprotunity to deliver the speech she wrote for her induction speech of me.

"As much as I don't want to stop you all. But we are limited on time and I'm pregnant and I want to bring my husband out here as soon as possible." The crowd cheered and the superstars/legends stood up and applauded. "Now I had everything written down but the video took most of the points of my speech so." She just crumpled up her speech and tossed it behind her. "I'm just going to wing it." She grinned. "Daniel was born on April 29th, 1985. That was one thing that the video missed. Daniel since he was five years old was taught chivalry and old school gentleman rules. Which some of us women wrestlers have been recipients of. Whether it be him evening the odds when it's four guys against one or two of us. Daniel will show up and take out all four men and make sure we're okay. Or when any of us are crying, Daniel would possibly be the first to stop, ask what's wrong and just listen. Needless to say that was one of the things that attracted to me to him." She smiled and the crowd wooped and whistled. "Yeah calm down now that's my husband. And I'm not giving him up anytime soon or ever." She grinned wider. "But the one thing I love about him and I'm sure all the girls out there can agree is that if any guy exhibited ungentlemanlike conduct or habits. Daniel would be there to shut them down or shut them up." She started crying as she continued. "Like me, Daniel has an appreciation and love for this business. And to be honest I have all the respect in the world for all the legends and superstars that are out there, no longer with us or the hall of famers out there or added tonight. But Daniel is without a doubt the most talented, dedicated and hard working superstar in WWE or wrestling history." She sobbed a bit and Jerry came out and handed her a tissue. Then headed backstage. "So it is my honor and privelege. To officially induct. Your hero, my husband. 'The Man Of A Thousand Faces' Daniel Boyce."
Johnny Cash's 'God's Gonna Cut You Down started blaring over the speakers and Candice and I walked on stage and Sasha slid into my arms after Candice stepped away from me.
'Thank you Mercy for that improvised speech.' I giggled and she kissed me.
'I meant every word baby.'
'I know Mercy.' I smiled. She walked over to Candice and hugged her. I looked around the room and heard cheers, shouts, whistles and chants.
Like, 'Thank you Daniel, Thank you Daniel, Thank you Daniel.'
I smiled like the Joker from the comics as I looked behind me to Candice and Sasha. "I uhh. I'm at a loss for words. I uh. Wasn't expecting to be inducted tonight of all nights." I laughed as the cheers and chants got louder but this time the chants were, 'Daniel Rocks, Daniel Rocks, Daniel Rocks.' I grinned wider as they continued. "Ha ha. Thank you. Glad you all think so. Umm. In all the years I've been part of WWE I've only been proud of a few things, making friends with Hunter and DX, with Ric Flair and all the other legends of our business. Meeting the women who would make an impact in their own way. And no I didn't sleep with any of them. Well, there's only been Sasha so. I guess that is partially a lie." Everyone laughed at that even Sasha. "But never in all my life would I have ever thought I'd be right up here and just moments after inducting one of my heroes. I believed that I'd be 89 or 97 years old or dead before I would be inducted." I looked down at my new Hall of Frame ring. And started to get emotional. "Oh dear warning, warning, tears Will Robinson, tears." Everyone laughed harder. "Now just because I'm in the Hall of Fame the culmination of every wrestlers hard fought careers. I have one thing to say to those who think that now I'm in the Hall of Fame they can rest easy. Sorry to burst your bubble. But the one thing I have to say everyone better take note. I. Am not. Done. Yet." I waved to the superstars/legends/fans and got a standing ovation and Candice and Sasha stood on either side of me. As the other inductees and inductors came out on stage to stand together.

After the after party of the ceremony and Sasha and I got to the hotel. I asked Sasha, "Why didn't you tell me you were asked to induct me or that I even was being inducted into the Hall of Fame?"
"Steph swore me to secrecy. And if your wondering who called Candice to be your escort to the stage. That would be Trish's doing." Sasha smiled.
"Then I'll have to thank her tomorrow." I smiled.
"Your not mad at me for not telling you are you?" She asked.
"Not in the least."
"I must say you did a good job with your speech on the fly."
"Thank you Mercy." She dressed down to her bra and panties and laid on the bed. I joined her after I stripped down to my boxers and put my glasses and the Hall of Fame ring on the bedside table, slid under the covers with Sasha and slid my left hand under her left ribcage and draped my right arm aroundher stomach and she held my right hand with hers on her stomach. "I love you, Mercy."
"I love you too, baby." She smiled as she turned her head enough for me to kiss her for a minute or two before we fell asleep in the spoon position, my arms wrapped around her and the baby growing in her stomach.

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