Jewels Michelle Boyce Arrives.

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I was in the study looking over the family finances among other paperwork. Then I heard, "Daniel!" I ran out of the study and to the parlor downstairs. Once I saw her breathing hard and in complete pain. I ran up to her and helped her to her feet and walked with her to the car and just headed to Mountain View Hospital.
"Good thing we packed a bag long before this happened." I slid my hand into hers. "Squeeze my hand whenever a contaction hits." I broke speed laws driving to the hospital, used every back road I knew to get to Mountain View Hostpital. When I was pulled over I told the cop that Sasha was in labor and I was given a police escort to the hospital.
An attendant rolled a wheelchair out to us and I helped Sasha into the wheelchair and wheeled her inside. I filled out the paperwork in a hurry and went with her to the delivery room. Once she was set up I made a quick call to Bayley. After I hung up I got dressed in a gown, mask, hospital cap and booties for my shoes. I went into the delivery room and after six hours of finger bone shattering, ear splitting labor. Me and Sasha had a beautiful and healthy baby girl.
"Congratulations. You have a healthy baby girl." The doctor said. "Mr. Boyce would you like to cut the umbillical chord?" I smiled and cut where they marked or pointed out and once they cleaned out our baby girls airways and cleaned her off a bit. They wrapped her in a blanket and handed her over to Sasha first. I will never forget the happiness in her face and eyes as she held our little Jewels. She lookedat me and I wrapped an arm around her and kissed her forehead.
"Well, she's here. And she's beautiful. Just like her mother." I said making Sasha whimper not in sadness but in absolute happiness as to the fact she and I finally had our little girl. She handed me Jewels and I was so nervous about holding her. But once she was in my hands. I felt calm and less nervous. I was so proud of holding my baby girl.
"You look so natural baby." Sasha smiled.
"As do you." I smiled as I leaned down and kissed her. Jewels looked up at me and smiled. "Hey, you know who I am. I'm your dad little one." She giggled a bit and I smiled wider. We were moved to a room and a crib was waiting for us in the room. I placed Jewels gently in the crib and she slowly fell asleep. I looked to Sasha who was smiling and resting easy. "You did good babe."
"Thank you." She grinned. I approached her and slid my hand into hers. "I love you."
"I love you too." I kissed her forehead and slid into the bed next to her. A knock came to the room door and a nurse came in with a form.
"I just need some personal information for your baby's birth certificate." She pulled a pen and got ready to write. "Name?"
"Jewels Michelle Boyce." Sasha said.
"Mothers name?"
"Mercedes Kaestner Boyce."
"Fathers name?"
"Daniel Robert Boyce."
"Thank you. I'll fill out the rest." The nurse left only for Ember, Bayley, Charlotte, Ruby, Liv, Sarah, all of our other friends swarmed the room.
"What are you guys doing here?" I asked. "I know I called Bayley to tell her the good news."
"We diverted from our original travel plans to come see your little girl." Hunter smiled as he approached me and Sasha. "Welcome to the very prestigious club called fatherhood."
"And motherhood." Trish and Stephanie said in unison.
"Thank you all for coming." I said. Then I noticed Ember picking up little Jewels. "You just couldn't wait could you I smiled at her.
"Come on. I mean she's just so cute and irresistable." Ember cooed as she looked at Jewels.
"So what's her name?" Roman asked.
"Jewels Michelle Boyce." I smiled.
"That's good." Finn grinned.
Lexi smiled as she walked up to Sasha and hugged her. "You feeling okay?" She asked.
"A little exhausted. But I'll be alright." She replied to Lexi.
All the women from Asuka to Carmella to Rhonda surrounded Jewels. "Any idea as to who the godparents will be?" AJ asked.
"Well," I looked to Sasha.
"We would like a few of people from both brands to be the godparents." Sasha said.
"From RAW. We'd like Bayley to be the godmother. Lexi and Ember as backups. For the godfather. Finn and Braun."
"From Smackdown Live. We'd like Becky, Charlotte and Asuka to be her godmothers. For godfathers, Randy, AJ and if he wants to, Mike." Sasha said as everyone looked to Miz and Maryse. He was stunned as Maryse was smiling.
"So what do you say? Old man?" I joked.
"I'd be honored." He approached me and hugged me as Maryse did the same as Miz went from me to hug Sasha and Maryse held her hand.
"Now. I know you guys want to have a turn at holding Jewels but I'm sure a nurse will be in here complaining about how it's unsafe to have this many people in the same room. So as soon as we're out of here and back home. We'll invite all of you or some of you at a time. To come to our home and have your turn at seeing and holding Jewels."
"Fair enough." AJ smiled as he bro hugged me. And they all left. Ember put Jewels back into her crib and looked at me and Sasha.
"You two made a very beautiful little girl there. And if her parents are anything to go by. She's going to make one hell of a wrestler. If she wants to." She said her goodbyes for now and left me, Sasha and baby Jewels alone. Sasha rested from giving birth to our little girl. I just stood over Jewels as she slowly fell asleep again.
"I am so happy your here now baby girl. I'll make sure no one hurts you or makes you cry and I'll try my best to make you one happy little girl. And well taken care of. I plan on being here for you as long as I live, so will your mother." I leaned down and kissed Jewels' forehead.
A few days ago, Sasha was released and we took Jewels home. We as promised held a party for everyone to get to meet and hold little Jewels. Everyone was so happy for me and Sasha. Even Gary came to see his new niece.

A couple months later...
Sasha had been hitting our new gym in the basement of our home and got back in fighting shape. On December 9, Sasha made her triumphant return and took back the RAW Women's Title since she had a contractually obligated rematch clause since she 'lost' her title months ago. I watched while holding Jewels in my arms in our locker room. Ember sat next to me and we cheered on Sasha and did a little celebration as Sasha won back her title.
"You know, is it just me or did Sasha get a little more aggressive before coming back?" Ember asked.
"No, your right. She did get more aggressive. She had a great training and workout partner to get her into fighting shape. Me." I smiled.
"I should have known." Ember smiled. When Sasha came into the locker room she put down the RAW Women's Title and gently took Jewels from my arms.
"Hey, little one. Did you enjoy hanging out with daddy and Aunt Ember?" Jewels just giggled. "Did she give you any trouble baby?"
"No. She was the perfect princess as we watched mommy beat up that evil Nikki." I tickled Jewels and she giggled louder. Sasha just rolled her eyes at my mentioning the word evil before Nikki. I had no ill will towards her at all. We all got along famously. But as the event came to an end. Ember left, as did we for the hotel. But the next day I would be heading home with Jewels as Sasha stayed on the road. That's right. I'm officially a retired wrestler. Which doesn't bother me at all. Since I did finish my career with distinction. I mean come on. How many are going to be able to say that they inducted the Undertaker the same night they were. Right. No one. I'm pretty happy the way my life has happened and will continue to happen. We made up for our lost honeymoon by going  to the Bahamas for a family vacation/belated honeymoon.

I'm happy to have had the life I have. I'm a WWE Hall of Famer, a husband and a father. Nothing could make me feel any happier than I do right now. I look forward to seeing what the future holds for me, Sasha and Jewels.

The End.

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