Spencer Gets In Way Too Deep With The Sharks.

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I woke up to my phone going off. I looked at the screen and noticed it was Hunter calling me. I looked to my left and saw Sasha was still asleep. I put on my glasses, sat up and went into the living room of the hotel room. "Mmm. Hello?"
'Daniel.' Hunter said. 'You know that kid you gave a Last Laugh to close to a month ago?'
"Spencer, yeah why?"
'He's been calling here everyday demanding to have a match with you.'
"And you gave him one didn't you?"
'Yes I did. So a week before Backlash it will be you against Spencer. Do you have a match type in mind?'
"As a matter of fact I do." I told Hunter the details of the special match I had in mind for RAW the week before Backlash.
'Sounds dangerous. But I'm sure you know what your doing. I'll set it up.'
"Okay. Bye Hunter." I hung up and put my phone down on the coffee table. I then heard the door leading to the bedroom open.
"Baby. Anything wrong?" Sasha asked.
"No. Nothings wrong babe come here." She walked over to the couch and crashed onto the couch next me. I wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "Spencer's been calling Hunter non stop. Demanding to have a match against me. So a week before Backlash. I'm going toe to toe with Spencer in a Shark Cage Match. No doors. No open roof. So Spencer has nowhere to run. I'm going to end this once and for all."
"So do you know who your opponent is for Backlash?"
"I'm hoping for Seth Rollins or Finn Balor. But I should be able to find out tonight."

We spent the day together and when we returned to the arena where Wrestlemania 35 happened the night before. The entire locker room was buzzing about my match against Roman. How I amazingly fought him for close to an hour and survived long enough to unclip the Universal title and become Universal Champion.
"Hey, Daniel." Roman said smiling. "Good job last night. Your one tough son of a bitch. I'm glad you truly earned that title. And don't worry I won't ask for my rematch at least not yet. But it's coming. But I'm sure you'll be on your paternity leave with Sasha. Congrats man. And if you and I face each other again for the title when you get back. I believe it would be another legendary fight worthy of being mentioned in the same breath as Hogan and Andre."
"Thanks man." I bro hugged Roman before he walked off. Hunter came up to me.
"Hunter. Something wrong?"
"No. It's just that you have not been cleared to fight tonight. So what the new plan is. Is that you will do a promo with your title and wish the contenders of the number one contenders match luck. But you did great work last night. You had even me on the edge of my seat. And I don't say that about much or anyone. So as much as I don't want to. I'll have to keep you off TV until your match in two weeks against Spencer. But you did good Daniel." He said walking away.
"Thank you." I said nearly feeling down. But Sasha cheered me up just by being next to me. "Well, you heard the man. Let's get this over with." I said as Sasha hugged me closer to her as I did the same in return. We got to my locker room and I didn't change into anything. But Bayley and Ember came in and sat with Sasha as I headed to the ring with my new Universal Tilte slung over my left shoulder. So when the show came on the air. I was standing in the center of the ring with a mic. "Well, it's the night after Wrestlemania 35 and my prolific win against Roman. Now you have to admit that we gave you a match of the ages. And possibly an irrevocable great Wrestlemania match or moment. Now, not only am I out here to say that I wouldn't get here because of you the fans. But also I wouldn't have had the where with all to go after this or any title again if it weren't for my lovely wife Sasha Banks." The crowd cheered after I mentioned her name. I smiled as I looked at all the fans in attendance. "Ha. Yeah. I also want to say to my wife." I looked in the camera. "I love you honey." I smiled. "Now, Hunter informs me that I am not cleared to compete tonight or for the next week or two either. So this is all I'll be doing. Until the week before Backlash. Then I'll be having a special match of my own design. A Shark Cage Match. For one person named Spencer. Who as you may remember got his first taste of the Last Laugh a week or so ago. And at Backlash I'll be facing the winner of tonights number one contenders match between Finn and Seth. Good luck to both of you by the way. But Spencer is the ex-boyfriend or whatever to my wife Sasha and I had the unfortunate pleasure of meeting him at a meet and greet close to a month or so ago. Which leads us to the Last Laugh incident. I wanted to send a message that Sasha's no longer his. She's mine and I'm hers. Permanently. But courtesy of his talent to be a thorn in one's side. He called Hunter many times and demanded a match. Well. The match he's getting has a cage that has no doors. Not open roof. Nowhere he can run or scurry from me. So Spencer if your watching this. You will know the pain you put Sasha through all those years ago. And you will find out what true suffering really is. Because just as a refresher. A shark cage is supposed to be sturdy enough to withstand the rams and hits from a great white or tiger. But the RAW before Backlash Spencer. When that cage is lowered over the ring and locked into place. You will be locked in it with a true shark. One that smells blood in the water and will filet you alive before the match is over. And that's the bottom line. That is the truth. And more importantly Spencer. That will be your last match." I dropped the mic and headed back to my locker room.

Once I got there, Ember and Bayley smiled as they left me and Sasha alone. "Thanks girls." I smiled before closing the door.
"Nice promo baby." Sasha said as I sat next to her and just leaned over until the right side of my head was resting on her shoulder.
"Glad you liked it babe." I smiled as I looked up at her and kissed her before watching the rest of the night on the monitor in our locker room. There was a few times I had to send out security or a fellow superstar to clear out the riff raff or troublesome element at that moment. But all in all it was a good night especially since Finn Balor won the number one contenders match, which means I'd be facing him or dropping my title to him at Backlash. After RAW we got ready and headed back to the hotel.

We hit the bed once we were in the door. I took my glasses off and just rested my head on Sasha's growing stomach. I smiled as Sasha put my glasses on her bedside table and I just listened to our baby and felt her kick now and then. "Content baby?" She asked.
"Oh yeah. I've also solved the middle name problem."
"Yeah. How does this sound. Jewels Michelle Boyce?"
Sasha thought it over for a few minutes and said, "I love it, baby."
"Good. Thought you might." I wrapped my right arm around her stomach and she held my left hand in her right.
"I love you."
"I love you and our baby more." I smiled as I gently turned my head and kissed her stomach.

Over the next couple weeks I waited to be cleared to wrestle and the night had come. Me versus Spencer in a Shark Cage match. And I was really looking forward plastering him all over the ring. I was cleared that morning. I locked myself away for a few minutes before the match. After I came out Sasha was smiling as she was sitting next to Ember who just had a match earlier in the night. I walked over to her. "I'm going to head to the gorilla babe."
"Okay." Sasha smiled as I leaned down and kissed her. "Be careful. I want you to come back in one piece."
"I will try." I kissed her once more and looked to Ember. "Thank you for sitting with her, Ember. I don't want to leave her alone."
"It's okay Daniel. Just go out and put on a hell of a show and if Spencer is put in the ICU in the process, the more the merrier." She grinned.
"Love you babe."
"Love you, too baby." Sasha smiled as I left the locker room to head to the gorilla to prepare for my match. I waited until my music hit and when 'Sinners Prayer' by Sully Erna started playing I headed out and saw Spencer already in the ring. I wasn't dressed as any special persona. I thought that since this fight was personal that I'd just be myself instead of being the Joker, Death's Outlaw or any other persona I've been bringing out of the woodwork since getting back to the WWE. I noticed that Spencer was somewhat shaking in fear as he looked above his head and saw the cage match sized shark cage. I smiled as he looked up at the cage. I handed my title to the referee and after the ref steopped out of the ring and handed the title to the timekeeper. The cage was lowered and the match began once it was locked into place.

Thirty-five minutes into the match. Spencer was bleeding profusely from a brand new cut I gave him and I tore him apart as I dislocated his left shoulder then his right elbow, anyone who saw what was going on it was like watching a shark feeding frenzy. I screamed at Spencer, "Still think you deserve Sasha?! Huh?! I can't hear you!"  I decided to show him mercy after the match reached the forty-five minute mark and just punched his lights out and just put a foot on his chest and a three count later I had won the match. Spencer had to be carried or wheeled out of the arena and I just snagged my Universal Title and headed back to the locker room. Sasha smiled as Ember left. "Thanks again, Ember."
"No problem. Congratulations and please keep us all updated on your baby's progress."
"We will." Sasha smiled. She stood up and we both got ready to head to the next event which for us would be Backlash.

Needless to say, at Backlash. I dropped the title to Finn as planned. And as I slowly made my way up the ramp. Finn patted me on the back as I stopped on the stage and turned to look at the crowd. I smiled at the applause and cheers. The dominant one was, 'Thank you, Daniel. Thank you, Daniel.' I sported the hang loose hand sign and started to go back to my locker room.
Once I reached the locker room. Sasha got up and walked over to me. "I'm so proud of you. But I also feel your pain. It's hard losing a title even when you do it on purpose."
"Glad somebody gets me." I smiled as I hugged and kissed her. Then a knock came to the door and I answered and saw Finn holding the Universal Title. I let him in and just stood next to Sasha.
"Look. I know your not happy about dropping your title. And to be honest neither would I. You earned this for years and just barely got it in your grasp. And I would be just as depressed as you are. So when you come back. I am going to give you a title shot. I will also arrange for you to have a shot at your title with Hunter. Just in case I'm no longer champion when you get back."
"As much as I think that would be awesome. But, I'm considering retirement. For good this time. Besides, I have all I need. Right here." I looked at Sasha who grinned and hugged me as I kissed the top of her head. "I mean it was good to have at least the opprotunity to wrestle again in front of millions of fans. But. I think after Jewels is born. I'm going to be a stay at home dad. I've had my time in the spotlight. Now I can have my time in the daylight with my wife and little girl."
"Well, if you ever want to come back even for one night. I'll make sure you have your rematch."
"Thanks, Finn." I hugged him and he left.
"Your actually thinking of retiring?" Sasha asked. I nodded. "I'm not going to ask why. Just know that I'll always be here for you and I will always love you." She grinned.
"I know. And I'm so happy that I'm married to a beautiful angel like you. In fact I am have you seen her around." She gently slapped my chest and I pulled her in for a nice long hug as I laughed a bit. So did she. "I am going to miss having you on the road with me."
"I know. But maybe when the baby get's a bit older. I can travel with you."
"I'd love that." She leaned up as I leaned down and we kissed for maybe five minutes before prepping to go home.

Over the next few months, aside from a few bouts of mood swings, weird cravings and the occassional spat over nothing in paritcular. Life was rather sedate. And I was okay with that. But on September 27, 2019. The moment Sasha and I had been waiting for had come.

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