Raw Becomes A Warzone.

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The night after Hell In A Cell. Stephanie McMahon was standing in the center of the ring standing in front of the Raw Women's Championship with a microphone in hand.
"Ladies and gentlemen. I am so proud to present to you a true champion who last night won back her title. Now, without further ado. Here is your rightful Raw Women's Champion. Alexa Bliss."
Alexa came out and put on a fake smile performed fake surprise and appreciation. Which just made the fans even angrier. "Thank you, Steph. Now that I have my title back. I promise that it will stay around the only waist that matters. Mine." Sasha Banks' music hit and she came down to the ring much to the disappointment of Stephanie and Alexa.
"Once again. Little Miss Bitch gets her title back through underhanded means and no one else can take it from her. Well, that is about to change." She said angrily as she leaned against a turnbuckle in the far corner after getting a microphone. "There are a lot of more deserving women backstage that somehow get passed over because Stephanie and Triple H deem it so. And to be honest. I've waited long enough for my shot at the title. But of course, what should be up to the fans is somehow being manipulated by Steph and Hunter so that no one gets a title shot. Well, I will get my shot one way or the other."
"Hold on Sasha. When did you last win a match that actually had any bearing on you getting a shot at my title? Oh yeah. Close to a year and a half ago. But you failed at getting the title. So I don't know about you Steph but I think Sasha here should never get a shot at the title unless she earns it. Which should take her a very long time." Alexa started to laugh until Nickelback's 'Edge Of A Revolution' blared over the arena's speakers. Everyone looked to the entrance stage and watched with anticipation as to who it may be.
Smoke covered the stage and once the opening bars of music hit their miniature crescendo the smoke dissipated to expose a six foot, husky, short green haired, hazel green-eyed man that turned on his heels and raised his arms causing flames to blow on both sides of him. Alexa looked at who was standing on the stage with a confused look on her face as Sasha smiled and Steph nearly shit herself.
"Oh, my. He's back. The rumors were true. Daniel Boyce. The Man of a Thousand Faces has returned!" Renee nearly screamed into her headset.
I made my way to the ring slide fiving fans along the way. When I reached the steps on the other side of the ring. Jojo handed me a mic and I entered the ring and stood in the center of the camera side ring ropes. Then back a few feet. I turned to Steph and Alexa, "I'll get to you two in a moment." Then turned back to the fans. "Ladies and gentlemen. I have one big question to ask. Are you happy to see me?" The place erupted in raucous applause and cheers as I smiled and held out my arms. "It is so good to be home here in the WWE." I approached Sasha's side of the ring. "Now. I know some of you may be asking yourselves. Well, at least those two numbskulls over there. Why are you back and how were you able to return?"
Sasha grinned at me as I momentarily looked at her before returning my gaze to the crowd.
"Long story short. Linda McMahon called me up and offered me the opportunity to come back and finish out my career with distinction. However, there are a few things that need to be dealt with or addressed. Starting with how Alexa Bliss has yet to lose her place in the title picture even though as Sasha here pointed out. There are a lot of worthy women backstage that are more deserving of having a shot at that title." I pointed to the Raw Women's Title. "Oh yeah, I forgot. Steph and Hunter run things here now. I'm such, oh, wait. No, they don't." I reached into my back pocket and pulled a folded paper. I adjusted my glasses before reading it. "It has come to our attention that Stephanie McMahon and Triple H have continuously overstepped their boundaries in nearly every aspect of business dealings. Including but not limited to Title matches/defenses, continuous interference of certain matches or decisions and ignoring the WWE Universe's opinion in what they actually want to see. It is the decision of we the WWE Board of Directors at the behest of Linda McMahon that we reinstate Daniel Boyce not only to compete but also." I handed Sasha the decree as it were and pointed to what the rest of it said. She grinned from ear to ear.
She held up her mic and read the rest. "That Mr. Boyce is the new post facto sheriff or constable of WWE Raw." She read and Steph gulped as Alexa tried to protest.
"Hey, Alexa. You want to see something really scary?" I asked as the lights went out for a few seconds and came back on with me standing behind her a half skull mask and when she turned around I wrapped both hands around her neck, lifted her up and slammed her through the pedestal her title was displayed on. Steph was frozen with fear as the light went out again only to come back on with me standing nose to nose with Steph as Sasha stood behind her. I raised my hand and bent it at the knuckles in a goodbye motion and Sasha performed the Bank Statement on Steph. I laughed maniacally as Steph screamed in pain anguish. I tapped Sasha on the shoulder and motioned for her to get up and pick Steph up with her.
When she did. I slid my head under her right arm, interweaved my arm behind her head grasping her left arm with my right hand and snaked my leg around her right leg and with a swift motion performed a reverse Russian leg sweep driver which a long time ago was called the Killing Joke. I rolled to my feet and smiled and laughed with reckless abandon as I pointed to Steph's unconscious body and looked to the fans. Sasha approached me and hugged me then lifted my right arm. We soon left the ring and the destruction we left in our wake.

Once in Sasha's locker room she smiled and laughed. "That was exciting," I said calming down.
"Yeah. But what was priceless aside from Stephanie's reaction to your return it was the fact we both did our finishers on her. Me the Bank Statement and you did one of many finishers in your arsenal the Killing Joke. But the look on Alexa's face when you planted her through the pedestal her title was on with the Last Rites Bomb. It was really priceless."
"Well, it is good to be back here Sasha. I missed this place a lot. The people. Some of them at least. The roar of the crowd when you hit the curtain." She sat next to me. "But I'm happy that the women's division has grown since I was last here. As you may remember."
"Oh, I do. I was barely called up about five months before Hunter and Steph forced you to retire. Alexa I'm sure remembers you now." She giggled. I loved seeing Sasha smile. She had this adorable kind of geeky grin that made you feel so good about making her smile or laugh.
We looked to the monitor to see Constable Corbin in the ring standing in the center demanding I come out and answer for what I did to Alexa Priss and Steph McHandout. "I'll be back. This shouldn't take long."
"Are you sure you wouldn't like some backup?" Sasha asked.
"I'm sure. Besides if you came out with me. He'd probably say we tried ganging up on him." She nodded.
"See you in a while D." I left Sasha alone and headed to the ring and when I got in the ring. Corbin started tearing into me.
"First off, who do you think you are coming out here in the middle of Alexa's title celebration? You and Sasha I should say. And two, by what right do you have to put your hands on Stephanie and Alexa?"
"First answer. I don't like hypocrites. Nor do I like people who think they can stay in a title picture way past their time in it. Alexa has had her time in the title game. It's time for her to start at the bottom. As for your second question. Here's the simplest answer. I'm the new sheriff or constable for Raw which means your services are no longer required." I smiled. "Did you not hear the decree of the WWE Board of Directors or do you have a hard time understanding English?" He tried to hit me but I caught his fist and ferociously pulled him forward and slapped on the crossface chickenwing with scissors. He screamed in pain as I held him in that hold for what seemed like ten agonizing minutes. The moment I let go I grabbed the mic he dropped and said, "Now, that's just a taste of what's in store for anyone who thinks they can cause trouble and face no consequences." I dropped the mic as referees, trainers, doctors and EMT's looked at Corbin who had barely even flinched since I let go of the savage crossface chickenwing.

Once I got to Sasha's locker room she had on her civies and smiled as she applauded me as I entered. "I'd be so embarrassed by your praise if it wasn't so richly deserved," I said making her laugh.
"Well, since your back and you helped me as your first order of business. I was thinking while you were out there that maybe you can be my partner. Train with me, accompany me to the ring and I accompany you to the ring. Basically, we'd be a mutual support group." She said making me giggle.
"I thought you'd never ask." I hugged Sasha then headed into the shower area to clean up and change into my civies.
Once I was changed and packed Sasha and I headed to the hotel and since the hotel gave away her room. I offered her to stay with me in a two-bedroom. So we wouldn't have to worry about being tempted. But with Sasha. She was so beautiful that I had a hard time keeping my eyes off her the entire drive to the hotel.
Once we got to the hotel. I unlocked my room door and grabbed my only duffel and Sasha grabbed her bags and we walked in and the room was more like a suite. Which surprised me. But there was no use in worrying about why it happened. Sasha and I changed for bed and chatted until we felt that it was time to go to bed. I shut the light off after taking my glasses off and putting them on the bedside table.

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