The Man Of A Thousand Faces First Match Back.

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The next morning...
I was the first to wake up so I got showered and changed into some clean clothes and Sasha woke up and did the same thing I did. Once we were packed and ready we headed to the next Raw live event. While on the ride there we discussed what would be the possible attempts by the former Authority in terms of retribution.

When we arrived at the arena, we got out bags and just headed inside but not before handing the keys to our rental car to the valet. We checked the match board and saw that we were in a warm-up mixed tag team match against Alicia Fox and Kevin Owens.
"Well, it seems they want to play up the mixed tag at TLC." I said as Sasha smiled.
"Do they really think that anyone has a chance against us?" Sasha joked.
"Clarify for those of us that aren't operating on full power." I giggled.
"I mean you're a seven-year veteran. You have majorly more experience than I do."
"And you are tenacious, hungry and one thing I'm not." Sasha snickered. "Okay, a couple of things."
"Which is?"
"Aside from the obvious. Your younger than I am." Sasha looked at me doubtingly. "Okay, we may be close to the same age but in terms of how the body takes a beating and slows over time."
"Okay. I got ya." Sasha laced her arm around mine and once we reached our locker room and got changed into our attires. She in her usual black and gold jacket, shorts and top with the 'Legit Boss' knuckle dusters, BOSS glasses, and boss necklace. I decided to dig way in the back of my old persona closet as it were and put on blood red/black/gray fatigues and shirt, black with red writing dog tags and a marine corps style black and red rope drill sergeants hat.
"Master Sergeant Payne, reporting." Sasha burst out laughing.
"Wow. I thought you'd hold that in reserve."
"Our first match together dictated a special privilege, Ma'am."
"Okay, at ease." I took off the hat and sharply inhaled.
"Whoa. If I kept that hat on any longer I'd be drinking coffee with FDR." Sasha really laughed as she looked at me.
"Your such a crack up." Sasha led the way to catering as I carried the hat with me.
"You know it's amazing how just twenty-four hours ago we were total strangers. Now we're chained to each other via mixed tag team matches."
"I happen to think it's cool. Besides. I'd get to tag with a legend who was forced out but now has the opportunity to close out his career with distinction." I grinned as she patted my shoulder. I got some iced sweet tea and she got some coffee and we found an open spot near one of the monitors near the offices.
"I also think it's cool because I get a partner who's as talented in the ring as she is stunningly, if not staggeringly beautiful." Sasha looked at me and I smiled as did she.
"Ohh, thank you." We watched most of the show but when Roman was getting overwhelmed by Jinder Mahal, Bobby Lashley and Singh I finished my tea and headed out because my job as constable of Raw meant that I had to keep order on and off TV. Or on and off camera really. I then decided to really test the boundaries and just stay in the back and just observed the monitor in the gorilla. Sasha walked up and noticed I didn't go out. "What's up?"
"I want to see if Roman gets out of this himself for a moment."
"And if he can't?"
"Dean, Seth gear up." Ambrose and Rollins approached the gorilla. "Go." They headed out and took out the gang up on Roman.
"Smooth." Sasha smiled.

Our match came up but instead of Kevin Owens. Jinder Mahal was put in his place. Sasha dominated Alicia Fox and once Alicia reached her corner to tag Jinder I leapt over the ropes and just floored Mahal with a running elbow to his jaw. I kept hitting him with elbows, forearms, and fists until the referee tried to pull me off I pulled my left fist back as I looked at the ref and he bailed. I stood up and roared at the crowd. They went nuts as I walked to the corner and crouched and just waited for Jinder to get up. He groggily did and once he looked in my direction I took off and slammed my shoulder into his face. knocking him out. I looked to Sasha who was all smiles. I kipped up to my feet and pointed to Sasha and looked to the crowd. They cheered. I walked over to her and patted my shoulders. She climbed to the top rope then made the shaky transition to my shoulders, I held my arms up for her to hold onto to keep her balance. Once I made my way to Jinder's unconscious body Sasha stood straight up and leapt off my shoulders and frog splashed Jinder and we both covered him for the win.
We made our way to the back and were met by Alexa Bliss and Baron Corbin. "Well, looky, looky Sasha. The soon to be again ex-Raw Women's Champion and the former constable himself. What can we do for you Priss and Blowhard?" I asked as Sasha tried to contain a laugh.
"Good job out there. But when you face us at TLC. You won't be so lucky." Corbin said.
"Oh, sorry I was spacing out. What were you saying?"
"That at TLC. You and Banks will not win that match and she will never get a shot at my title as long as I'm champion." Alexa smirked.
"Are they for real?" I asked Sasha. "Look Little Miss Priss, that stipulation only takes effect if you win. Not if we do. Corbin why don't we add one more stipulation so you don't feel left out. If you lose you're gone." Sasha and I walked by our shocked TLC opponents and headed to our locker room to relax before heading to the hotel. The next event after the live event was a house show and a meet and greet the next day following the house show. Anyway, once we were in the locker room I crashed onto the sofa in the locker room and sat up so Sasha could sit next to me.
"That was pretty fun, Dan."
"I thought so too. Especially shocking our opponents for TLC." Sasha grinned and nodded. "Well, I'm going to rest for a bit then should we head for the hotel?"
"Yeah. By the way."
"Nevermind," Sasha said as she laid her head back and closed her eyes. I did the same and about a few minutes later we both woke up, showered, changed, packed our bags and headed to the hotel.

Once we got to the hotel we chatted a bit and she told me about how she grew up and who she admired in her life. Her mom was her biggest inspiration growing up. "She just never gave up on giving me at least a great life. It was tough but she always made it livable. Never let me see the bad side of things. It wasn't until I was seventeen I learned how bad it was." She looked down and I sat next to her on the sofa of the room. "She just one day told me that she wouldn't be able to help me with wrestling school. But I told her it would be okay and worked a couple of jobs and worked my way through."
"Sounds fun. But for me that's nothing." She looked at me with a questioning glare. "Sorry to say it. But I grew up on a ranch most of my life in Menan, Idaho. It was hard work and a hard life dealing with a domineering grandpa that never let up on the complaints one bit. He always reminded me how to do every job from digging gaps to fixing fences. Every five seconds." I fell back and held my face in my hands. "Sorry. I didn't mean to sound like a bully or an asshole."
"No. It's okay." She grinned.
I started setting up the floor as a bed for me.
"Hmm?" I looked up at her after I readjusted the pillow.
"I know that we've been friends for a few days. But. I was wondering if you'd like to go out with me next time we have time off." I straightened up and looked her in the eyes. She was nervous no doubt. And after a few moments of silence, she started to walk away only for me to lightly grasp her wrist. I stood up and spun her around to face me.
"Normally, I'd say no. Normally." Sasha smiled as she saw where this was possibly going. "I'd love to. I think we have time off after this coming Monday." I smiled. "So where would you like to spend it? In Boston or in my hometown Menan, Idaho." She wrapped her arms around my neck.
"You know. I've never been to Idaho, well I have but only to Boise."
"Well, then a small town should be a new experience for you." I joked.
"With you as my tour guide. How can it not be fun?" She giggled. "You know. I think it will be better if you slept with me. Rather than on the floor."
"I agree." I leaned in and she closed the distance and when our lips met. The sensation was unbelievable. My senses soon came back to me and I pulled away. "Oh my."
"Something wrong?" Sasha asked.
"I shouldn't have done that."
"What kiss me?" I nodded while growing in panic. She put her hands on both sides of my face. "Daniel. I enjoyed it. And to be honest I was kinda hoping that you would." She blushed.
"Really?" She nodded gently. "Well, in that case." I pulled her in and we finished our kiss. She pulled away and touched her forehead to mine.
"You're a good kisser."
"Thank you. Your an exquisite one." Sasha blushed and kissed me before we felt the exhaustion from our match catch up with us.
"Well, I don't know about you but I'm tired."
"As am I." I smiled.
"But. I do want you to sleep with me. Perhaps cuddle and hold me." I nodded. Sasha smiled as she slid into bed and I followed suit and held her close to me. "Goodnight Daniel."
"Goodnight Beautiful." I kissed her cheek and she grinned as we both fell asleep.

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