Table For 3 w/ Sasha Banks, Daniel Boyce & Trish Stratus.

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A day or two later, Sasha and I were sitting in her apartment in Boston just getting ready to watch the latest episode of Table For 3. Which featured us but also had WWE Hall of Famer and one of my oldest friends Trish Stratus joining us.
"I'm so excited to see this babe."
"Not as much as I am." I kissed her as we got comfortable on the couch.
"Oh, by the way, mom is looking forward to meeting you tomorrow." She smiled.
"And I'm looking forward to meeting her. Terrified beyond belief but still." She nudged me in the ribs with her elbow. "Just kidding." I laughed.
"Well, if you think about it, babe. We were put together this past Monday, wrestled perfectly in our first match together. Now we're the talk of Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and are the featured point on Table for Three. We've come a long way in such a short time."
"That we have. And even though I never thought that I'd be back in the ring all these years later. But if you were to tell me that I'd be not only back in the ring or at ringside for any reason. But told me that I'd be with one of the most beautiful young talents in the company. I'd have just brushed you off."
"Because you felt that you'd never be allowed to come back." I nodded. "Ohh."
We looked at the tv and saw the episode starting.

'Tonight on Table for 3.'
"No, he didn't?" Sasha asked.
"Oh yes, he did. Ha ha ha." Trish replied.
"Don't make me embarrass you in front of the Boss now," I replied. We all laughed together and the logo for Table for 3 appeared.

Sasha and I watched the entire episode. And one part we had the most fun rewinding and watching over again was...

"Daniel and I were in line to be the next Sherry Martel and Shawn Michaels right?" Trish pointed out about a month in 2003. Sasha nodded. "Well, Daniel here, dressed just like the old Shawn Michaels. Sunglass clip ons for his glasses, the mirror studded vest everything right. Just to look the part."
"He didn't?"
"Oh yes, he did. The man of a thousand faces had one hell of an amount of egg on his face after that night." Sasha and Trish laughed.
"Don't make me embarrass you in front of the Boss now," I said with a partial grimace.
"Okay. Anyway, we somehow pulled it out that night. Who were our opponents?" She asked me.
"As memory serves we were against Ivory and Stevie Richards of Right To Censor that night."
"I can't believe you dressed like Old School Shawn. Ha ha ha." Sasha smiled.
"Okay, which of us dressed in Eddie Guererro's colors and tried, mind you. Tried to imitate him at Wrestlemania 32?" Sasha shut up but still had a long smile on her face. "At least I had the good sense to try and look the part and not just wear the colors."

We must have watched that part about ten times alone. After a while, though Sasha and I decided to go for a stroll in the park to stretch our legs and just get some fresh air. As we walked Sasha and I talked about what we would possibly do after TLC.
"Well, I'm sure that we'll win the mixed tag babe. I'll get the women's title the next night."
"Then I'll go after the Universal or Intercontinental title." I smiled.
"Why not?"
"I'm just not sure if anyone will give me a shot at any title. I've held the IC belt at least twice, European four times, but if push comes to shove. I'd be more than happy to be demoted to the  manager as long as I was your manager." I looked at Sasha and she openly blushed.
"Well as alluring as that sounds. I want you to have your own title as well babe. And as far as I'm concerned it could be the Universal or the IC." I smiled at her confidence in me.
"One thing I've noticed."
"What's that?"
"Since we became closer you started calling me babe."
"You don't want me to call you that?" She asked.
"Not unless you want to make it official." I smiled.
"Oh, I do." She grinned.
I held her hand and asked, "Sasha, will you be my girlfriend?"
"I most certainly will." She grabbed my jacket, "Come here." She pulled me into her and kissed me with enough fiery passion that I thought the little pond in the park would have dried up instantly. Once we pulled away from each other. We walked to a little hotdog vendor and ordered some food and a couple of sodas.
We sat on a bench after I paid for the dogs and sodas. "You know. Now there is a reason for your mother to meet me."
"Yeah. You're my boyfriend now." She kissed my cheek as we dug into the dogs.
After we finished the dogs and soda. We walked a little more before heading back to her apartment and I looked through my phone and found a photo taken on set of Table for Three that was posted by Trish herself. "Hey, Sasha baby. Take a look at this."
"What is it, babe." Sasha looked over my bicep and saw the pic Trish posted on Twitter. "Oh, that was nice of her."
"I'll say. Read the caption."
'Had a lot of fun on set with The Legit Boss and The Man of A Thousand Faces. Glad to see him back and that he's found happiness again.' She read.
"You think she knows something we don't?" I joked.
"Babe." She kissed my cheek. "You know very well what she meant."
"Oh, I know." I laughed.
"Come on. We need to get ready for bed. Mom will be expecting us at ten thirty in the morning tomorrow."
"You got it,  Boss." She slapped my shoulder and smiled.
"Oh, I'm in love with a clown." She giggled as we changed into some sleepwear and got in bed. Once she turned off the overhead light I took off my glasses and placed them on a bedside table on my side of the bed and she and I snuggled close together. My left arm wrapped around her shoulder and her head resting comfortably on my chest. "Goodnight Daniel. I love you."
"Goodnight Sasha. I love you too beautiful." We just closed our eyes and slowly but gently drifted off to sleep.

The next morning I woke up to find Sasha still asleep facing away from me. I smiled and leaned over her shoulder and kissed her cheek. She moaned softly and smiled in her sleep. I got up and thought I'd get a shower in before she woke up. I grabbed a change of clothes from my duffel, a spare towel from the hall closet and just went into the bathroom and started a nice warm shower. Not a hot shower and not a cold shower. Cold just shocks me awake and I didn't need that. And a hot shower would just lull me to sleep. So a warm shower was just the ticket. I didn't realize I left my glasses on the bedside table. Until about ten minutes into my shower and I heard the shower door open and close and felt a pair of hands slowly moving up and down my back. I turned around and found Sasha wearing my glasses. "Well, I've heard of Revenge of the Nerd, but this is ridiculous." I smiled as she giggled and leaned up to kiss me. She took off my glasses and gently placed them in a little cubby in the wall of the shower.
"Decided to take a shower huh?"
"I hope you don't mind."
"No. I just wish you'd woken me up so I could join you." She grinned.
"Well, you're here now. So what did you have in mind?" She flashed this smile that would make even the Joker nervous as all hell. "Ohh. Well. You sure you want to do that? I mean we have to go to your mom's place in about an hour. Plus we haven't had our first date yet." As I was pointing out what we had to do for the day and what was going to happen next week. She kissed my neck and lightly sucked on it. "Ah hell." I gripped her shoulders and pressed her into the wall and started kissing her and she kissed me back with matching intensity.

Fifty-five minutes later...
Sasha and I were dressed in clean but nice clothes, in an elevator heading up to her mom's place. "You nervous babe?" She asked.
"Yes, I am." I said shaking my hands to get ready to meet my girlfriends mother.
"Babe. Don't be. I'm very sure she'll like you." She held my hands together and I looked at her. "You'll be fine." She got real close to me.
"Thank you, Baby."
She kissed me and once the elevator doors opened we made our way to her mom's place.

We approached the door and she knocked. "Baby relax." She smiled. I breathed deeply three times and calmed down. "That's it, baby." She giggled.
"Your confidence is overwhelming." I smiled. Then the door opened and I swear I was looking at an older version of Sasha.
"Mercedes!" The woman squealed as she hugged Sasha.
"Hey, mom." Sasha hugged her back. After a couple of seconds, they pulled away from each other. "Mom. This is my boyfriend. The one I told you about."
"Ahh. The man of a thousand faces. You cheer my daughter up so much."
"And here I thought I wasn't doing my job." Sasha's mom laughed. "Nice to meet you." I smiled as I extended my hand. "In case she hasn't told you. My name is Daniel Boyce."
"Isabel." She gestured to herself. "Please come in the both of you." She stepped aside and Sasha and I walked in. "Have a seat." Sasha and I sat on the sofa. "Well, I heard about your match this past Tuesday, it was a hot topic on youtube and the sports news outlets and it sounds like you haven't lost your touch."
"You were a fan of my work?" I asked.
"I'm not the only one," Isabel replied. She looked to Sasha and I looked and saw her blush crimson red. Nearly a shade shy of matching her hair.
"Well. I'm actually glad that she is."
"So what persona are you going to be using at TLC?"
"Not even I know yet," I answered honestly.
"I thought it would be a good idea if Daniel became his Perfect Gentleman persona." Sasha said as I looked at her.
"You just want to see what I look like now in gold tights." I smiled.
"That's a big possibility," Sasha said making me and her mother laugh.
"So. What have you two decided to do?" Isabel asked.
"About?" I asked.
"Living arrangements?"
"How did you know?" Sasha asked her mom.
"I may be old Mercedes but I can tell that you two love each other. Even on the television."
"She's got you there." I said looking at my phone. She shoved me and we both laughed.
"Well, Daniel and I are going to go to his hometown of Menan, Idaho during our time off after Raw this Monday. We were going to look at homes for us to rent or buy."
"I'm almost sure there isn't that many though. That's the only downside of living in a small town. Not that many choices in housing. But there's always room to build one if needed." I added.
"Would you be interested in living in Boston with Mercedes?" Isabel asked.
"I would love to."
"We'll keep that as a backup mom." Sasha said. "I'm going to use the restroom babe. I'll be back in a few." She kissed me and stood up and headed to the bathroom.
"Well, I've had this in mind for a day or two." I said.
"And what is that?" Isabel asked.
"I know that I'll have to ask her cousin Snoop. But I thought I'd come to you first." I rubbed my hands nervously. "I was wondering if I could have your permission to ask Sasha to marry me?"
"I see no problem why you can't I mean. Your a gentleman and I've already seen how happy you maker her. So when the time comes. You have my permission to marry my little girl." I smiled and Sasha came back from the bathroom and once she sat down her mother pulled out a couple of photo albums and Sasha knew right away that it was time for her mother to embarrass her. I kinda giggled as I saw baby pictures and old ballet pictures.
"Ohh, that's just adorable." I pointed to a picture of her with Snoop dressed to the nines as an O.G. girl.
"I think she still has that jacket. Plus the necklace and I believe she still has some of the rings." Isabel said.
"Oh. Well, at least you kept everything." I smiled.

Towards the end of the night and Sasha and myself got our jackets back on and said our goodbye's to Isabel and left for Sasha's place.

Once there she closed the door and I laughed at her as she smiled. "You know if I didn't know any better. I'd say that my mother and you got along better than any other boyfriend I've had. And I'm glad that she could just look at you and see how happy I am with you. You make my life so much better." She wrapped her arms around my neck and she kissed me. "You know you and I could finiish what we started in the bathroom."
"It's only customary." I stripped her down and did the same to myself as we headed to the bed and she gently pushed me onto the bed and smiled as I leaned on my elbows. "I've wanted this for a long time." She straddled me and I could tell that she was wet just from the feel of her breath on my neck. I kissed her and she smiled as I rolled her over and slid into her.

After about three hours we lay panting on her bed and my right arm covering my face and my left arm draped over Sasha's body. I moved my hand up and down her back and she smiled and shivered as she still felt our cum cocktail slowly leaking out and down my cock. "Six times that has to be a new record."
"Maybe." I grinned and she lightly slapped me on the chest. All I did was laugh a bit in response.
"Want to go again, baby?"
"What do you think?" I smiled.
"Well, let me do all the work this time baby." She kissed my lips, then my neck and back to my lips. "Oooh. You're getting hard for me again. Good. I may not last too long this time baby but I just want you to give me a large load of your cum." She whispered the last bit in my left ear and once I was hard enough to her satisfaction. She started grinding and bouncing on me and screamed only four times, each one louder than the last. I could tell that she was getting close to her orgasm and she could apparently tell that I was getting close to mine. "Please, baby. Don't hold back. I want it. I want it aaaaaahhhhhh!!!!!" She screamed as we came together. Her body shook so bad that to the outside casual observer who just looked at her from the back would have thought that she landed wrong on her spine. But she was cumming so hard that her pussy nearly strangled my dick to death. Once our unified orgasm subsided she collapsed onto my chest.
"You alright Mercy?" I asked her with a slight laugh masked in the question.
"Oh, man. That was the best one of all." She grinned as she shakily tried to support herself on her elbows than her hands. I sat up and held her face in both hands and kissed her.
"You are an amazing woman Mercy." I smiled. "So. Shall we go to sleep or do you want to go another round?"
"Maybe later babe." She rested her head on my shoulder and I hugged her close. "How did I get so lucky to have a boyfriend that genuinely loves me and would do anything for me?" She asked.
"Hey, that's my line, except for the boyfriend part." I smiled as she giggled. "You satisfied with me Mercy?"
"Yes, I am. I'm so much more than satisfied." She smiled.
"Good to hear." I grinned. "Well, we have another meet and greet tomorrow afternoon so maybe it would be a good idea if we went to sleep?" She nodded weakly. "Okay." I held her to my chest and laid back down and she curled her arms under her chest and I kept my hands on her back near the ribs. "Goodnight Mercy darling."
"Goodnight Danny baby." She kissed my chest and I kissed the top of her head and we slowly but surely fell asleep from exhaustion alone.

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