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(BOOM! Didn't expect a new chapter so soon, eh? I was going to post it sooner, but I was busy with stuff that I had to get done with. But the next chapter will take a while for classes are to start soon for me. So I hope you enjoy this chapter.)

After shutting down the power, we realized that we had a new problem. Since our vehicles were taken down by the Nindroids, we had to find another way to get to the city. We went to Ed and Edna's home and they were more than happy to let us stay and use what we could in their junkyard. It had been a few days since the power went out and right now, I am now currently in a meditative position as I sit down, close my eyes and hold my hands together. I want to check on Lloyd and once I calm myself, I see him. I see him as he holds a lot of rocks while Garmadon places more on it. Talking about finding balance in order to unlock Lloyd's full potential. I can feel Lloyd's frustration because he thinks that now he is the Golden Ninja means he already has reached it. I sigh at that, he's still a kid a heart. I wince a little as Garmadon placed a boulder on the rock tower which made Lloyd lose focus as it falls on him. Ouch. (Yeah... Can't blame him for getting frustrated at that. I mean, that huge one on top of that tower of small ones?)

But then I feel something else and I see red eyes. I gasp and open my eyes. What... what was that? Wait... that poison... No, the power is out. He can't be. I jump as I hear something outside. I stand up and look out a window of Ed and Edna's house to only find piles of scrap, but then I feel Cole and Kai as I feel their exhaustion from looking for whatever it is they are looking for. Eh, they're fine. "Dear?" I jump and look to see Edna with a cup in her hands. "Yes, Edna?" I say. "You seemed a little stressed during your meditation so I made you some tea." She says. I give her a thankful smile and take the cup from her. Blowing it a little then taking a sip. Mmm~ I needed this. "Thanks, Edna." I thank her.

I then hear tinkering and look over to see Nya looking at Zane's heart. An icy blue disk that had an energy unlike anything I have seen. I blink and my vision changes as I see the power emitting from Zane's heart. Dr. Julien not only invented amazing things, he created life. I blink again as my vision changes back to normal along with Edna and I walking over to them. Pixal sat in a chair next to Zane since he couldn't leave her. He then asked Nya to take half of his heart to give to Pixal. Man, this guy loves her. I take another sip of tea to calm myself as Nya takes half of his heart, but Zane sighs in slight pain. "You sure you wanna do this? Modifying your original design could have... unintentional consequences?" Nya asks him. I lower the cup, "And we still need to be careful of the Overlord. Nya is literally holding half of your heart right now, and we need to be at full strength for in case any surprises come our way." I add in. Worried about the consequences Zane will suffer from the loss of half his heart.

"She risked her life for me, it's the least I could do to get her back." Zane states, looking at Pixal. I sigh heavily, feeling his care for her. "Welp, if that's what you want. Let there be life." I say. Nya then inserts the half-disk into Pixal, a blue light emitting from her chest as she then gasps awake. She sits up and I smile as I feel Zane's relief. "Where am I? What happened?" She asks then looks over at Zane. "You gave me half of your power source. My processor does not compute." She says. "You are the only one who knows of Borg's system. You are vital to the mission." Zane informs then pauses. "And... you are vital to me." Okay, I don't need my powers to feel the romance. I smile as I watch him offer his hand to her and she accepts it as they smile at each other. (So cute~ ❄️🤍 X 💜⚙️)

"Oooh~ Robot love." Droid love, Edna. But I don't have the heart to say it out loud to her. I take a nice long sip of tea. "Call me a sucker, but if they've got half of what you and Jay have..." She adds. "Nya and Jay? Judging from the Perfect Match compatibility, perhaps Nya and Cole would be a closer comparison." What? (3... 2... 1) I choked then did a spit take away from the group and cough. "*Cough!* Nya... and *cough* Cole?!?" I say in absolute shock. When did this become a thought?!? "Uh, Nya and Cole are a better match?" I hear Edna say as I feel her pat my back gently while I continue to cough to clear my throat. "Don't you mean Jay? Perhaps her processor was damaged." Zane says. "My processor is fully operational. The Perfect Match for Nya isn't Jay, but Cole." Pixal states.

I hit my chest a few times and clear my throat. "Wait." I then remember how Nya behaved at Cole before arriving at the substation. I look at her, "Is that why you are feeling conflicted?" I ask her. She looks away from me but my powers tell me that it is. "Oooooooh." I realize then take another sip of tea. "Cole's her perfect match?" Uh, oh. I lower the cup as I turn around to see Jay and his father behind us. It was quiet for a moment as the tension is VERY thick. "Jay..." Nya walks over to him, though he looks at the floor with a sad expression. "Heh! It's so quiet in here. What'd I miss, another signature Jay Walker gut-buster?" Cole says as he and Kai enter the house. I feel Jay's fury. Oh, no. "Ugh... You backstabbing, no good-" He jumps him. I wince at that. I sigh heavily. "Oh, boy." I take one last sip and set the cup down. "What's wrong with you?" Cole asks him, the trailer moving from their little brawl. I hear Kai sigh heavily, "I hope Lloyd is fairing better than us." He says. As do I, Kai. As do I.

Lloyd's P.O.V.

I hope the others are doing better than we are. Dad and I end up stopping as a bridge is broken and we need to keep moving forward until it is safe. But then again, I can summon a dragon. "Hey, who needs bridges when you can manifest a Golden Dragon-" "You rely too much on your golden power." Dad interrupts me before I could summon the Golden Dragon. Or finish my sentence. "Let this be a lesson. Center yourself, and move the mountain with your mind." He says, pointing at a nearby mountain. Wait? "What? Move that?!? Are you kidding?" How am I suppose to move an actual mountain? I star to walk back to find another way. "Find your balance." Dad stops me as he says that. "Concentrate." He makes me look at him.

I sigh and walk pass him as I assume a strong stance and hold my hand out at the mountain. I summon my power and close my eyes as I try to focus. I hear breaking and open my eyes as I move pieces of the mountain to form a bridge. Okay, that's heavy. I try to get it to form a bridge, but the rocks get launched everywhere. I get flung back and hit Dad and we both fall back. I grunt, "This is pointless. Especially when I can do this." I say standing up and summoning the Golden Dragon. I command him to form a bridge and he does so by creating one by breathing ice that has a gold shine to it. Huh, reminds me of (Y/N)'s power. I let out a laugh as I make it disappear and land on the bridge. "I'm not the First Spinjitzu Master, and I never wanted to be. I'm the Golden Ninja." I state as I then walk to the other side.

"I know. I was once like this too." I hear Dad say. "But even with such power, it has limits. (Y/N) understands that." I frown at that and don't look back at him. "Perhaps once this is all over, she can teach you about how to truly harness power." He says. I look ahead as I walk on. (Y/N) would understand. I hope she and the others are okay.

Third Person P.O.V.

Back at the Junk Yard, Jay and Cole were still having a little wrestling session. Jay pushes Cole back with anger. "Oh! You know why you're the Black Ninja? 'Cause it's the color of your heart!" Jay insults. "Oh, yeah? Well, what's the point in being a Blue Ninja? Unless you're trying to hide out in some goofy clown college." Cole rebukes, feeling offended from Jay's insult. But what they did not know was that a hover-copter has made its way into the Junk Yard and was now landing. "Ooh! You take that back! There are reputable performers that attend clown college." Jay argues as he holds Cole in a headlock and gives a noggie to his face.

Outside, the copter has landed and a figure jumps out of it and holds a staff which has electric eel-like creatures wrapped around it. Cole and Jay roll around until Jay is pinned down by Cole. "I don't see why you want to settle this arm-wresting. You know I have super strength." Cole says to him. The stranger outside flips a car away easily to find inactive nindroids. He walks over and uses the electricity produced from the eels to power them up. "Alright, that's it!" (Y/N) states. Kai and Zane were trying to separate Cole and Jay from each other as (Y/N) walks over to stand next to the two bickering men. She reaches out and pinches their necks which causes them to cease movement for a moment. "Both of you, STOP! This is ridiculous. You shouldn't be fighting each other over some silly love triangle, which I may add does NOT even make any sense." She scolds them. "'Love triangle'? What are you talking about?" Cole asks her, his voice a little pained as she keeps a grip on his neck. "Oh, don't act like you aren't trying to steal Nya from me!" Jay exclaims. "What?" Cole says in disbelief.

A nindroid is now operating a machine with a giant magnet and positions it over the trailer. (Y/N) had let go of them but they were now breathing into each other's faces because they had not been brushing their teeth for a while. "This macho stuff is making you both look like fools." Nya states annoyed as she turns away from them with crossed arms. (Y/N) became annoyed at her comment then pushed away Cole and Jay from each as she stands in between them as she gives Nya a stern frown. "They're the fools? What about you?" She says to her. "What?" Nya questions as she looks over at (Y/N) with a confused expression. "You were making a move, which I have now realized, on Cole on the circus caravan because of some program telling you he is your perfect match. You already have Jay, who is unbelievably in love with you. Believe me, I've had to feel it for a long time now. And I don't even want to feel it because it was so PAINFULLY obvious! Not to mention I was trying to RESPECT others privacy!" (Y/N) rants. But then the trailer shakes and everyone becomes concerned of it. "What was that?" Kai asks. ((Y/N) has had to feel the love for a WHILE.)

The nindroid then lifts the trailer and Ed rushes over to open the door with Kai looking over his shoulder. "The machines haven't worked since the outage. What's powering it?" Ed says. "Nindroids!" Kai exclaims as he sees that the machine is being operated by a nindroid. "The better question is, what's powering them?" He says. The nindroid then pulls some levers and it causes the machine to spin around. Everyone screams as they are forced to the floor away from the door. "They're after the Techno Blades and Star." Pixal informs. "Thank you for stating the obvious." (Y/N) sasses. Another nindroid climbs up a pile of junk and chuckles sinisterly as it starts firing lasers at the trailer. Everyone screams as a hole is made, the lasers almost hitting Edna and Ed holds onto her tightly.

"Yeah, well they almost hit my mother!" Jay shouts. "Oh, don't worry about us, sweetie. We prepare for every type of situation." Edna tells him as she puts on a hat with goggles and Ed strapping a jetpack on her back. "Did you make one for me? Ow!" Jay asks then yelps as (Y/N) gives him a smack to the head. "Hello? Nindroids trashing your parents' home?" She sasses him. She uses her other arm to keep a grip on Cole as he laid on her lap. "Um, sorry, honey. You hardly ever come to visit." Edna tells her son. Ed stands next to her as he wears his hat with goggles and his own jetpack. "Yeah, good luck, kiddo. You too, (Y/N). Watch over the junk while we're gone, will ya?" Ed tells them, then he and Edna activate their jetpacks as bubbles blow out of them as they fly though the hole and to safety. (They are such a nice couple. Smart, too.)

The nindroid halts its firing as they watch the couple fly away. One of the bubbles pops on its stethoscope which pops and the soap causes it spark. The nindroid yells in pain while the one controlling the magnet continues to spin the trailer. "I blame you for this." Jays says to Cole. "What did I do? You're the one who wanted to stay at a junk heap full of nindroids." Cole argues. They then groan in pain as (Y/N) bonks their heads. "Shut it." She states. "Enough, you two. We may not have our elemental powers, but we still have our Spinjitzu." Kai states. "Are you gonna be okay?" He asks Pixal. "I may not be built to fight, but my protective reflexes should suffice." She states. "Great, 'cause you're gonna need 'em." Nya says.

But then the trailer stops spinning and everyone feels weightless for a moment as they scream. The magnet swings down and the nindroid presses the red button to turn off the magnetism. The trailer is released, "Ninja-Go!" The guys and (Y/N) exclaim as they perform Spinjitzu and jump out of the trailer. However, Zane holds onto Pixal as he did not do it. "Uh, oh." The nindroid says as it jumps off the junk pile before it would have been crushed by the trailer. It falls down and Zane grunts as he and Pixal jump out of it. The android on top the original Nindroid. The others land on the machine, the guys and (Y/N) with their masks on and Techno Blades and Star in hand.

Pixal gets off Zane as she lays a hand on him while Zane lifts himself up. "I couldn't do Spinjitzu." He says in disbelief. "Your heart... dividing it must have inhibited your fighting ability." Pixal states. "Guess I have poor timing." Zane quips as he smiles at her. Pixal smiles back at him but then Zane sees nindroid on a junk pile and fires a laser. Zane gets up and grabs Pixal as they avoid the laser. It hitting the trailer and causing a mini-explosion. "We have to help Zane." Jay states. "Finally, something we can agree on." Cole says. The two jump down and hurry over to Zane and Pixal. However, the stranger presses a button and gates underneath Cole and Jay opens and they fall in it. They grunt as they hit the ground and the gates close above them. "We're trapped!" Cole exclaims. "Oh! And with my own worst enemy!" Jay says. Cole gives him a 'Really' look but then it morphs into worry as the walls start to close in on them. "Ugh. I'm too cute to be squashed!" Jay exclaims as he looks at the closing walls with fear. "Hey, someone stop this thing!" Cole cries out.

"Bad nindroid. Bad nindroid!" Nya scolds the nindroid in the machine, holding his arm as she smacks it in the face. (She's like a mom scolding their kid for doing something stupid.) "They're trapped." Kai says and hurries over to the crash compactor. He looked through the holes of it as he sees Cole and Jay try to push back the walls but it was useless. (Y/N) feels their worry and rushes over but stops as she sees someone who is not a nindroid. She then feels her powers flare up and senses familiarity from the stranger. She recognizes them gasps as she looks at what they have become. Kai looks up at the stranger but crimes shocked as it is Wu. He wore a metal bamboo hat and had half of his face covered by cybernetics, along with some peeking out from his white shirt, his sleeves and pants were black along with his beard and he looked at Kai with emotionless red eyes, wielding a black metal staff with red symbols on it. "Sensei? What have they done to you?" Kai says in shock.

Wu then thrusted his staff at Kai but it was blocked as the Techno Star took the hit. It then returns back to (Y/N) as she hurries over. Wu then spins his staff and aims a hit at Kai which sends the Red Ninja back. "Kai!" (Y/N) shouts and Wu kicks Kai back. Kai yells as he is flung back and grunts as he lands in a pile of junk. (Y/N) growls in anger and her powers respond as she the summons a purple fire wall which stops Wu from approaching Kai. "Hey!" Wu turns around to see (Y/N) glaring at him. "I know this is the Overlord's doing, but that doesn't mean I won't hold back." She states. Wu then jumps at her and she throws the star at him. Which he blocks with his staff and continues after her. He swings his staff at her but she jumps and back flips away from him. She land and summons the star back to her. She looks up at Wu and jumps at him, the corrupted man jumping at her as they continue to do battle.

"Nya, you have to stop the junk compactor." Kai tells Nya, the fire wall having disappeared as (Y/N) battles Wu. "I'm on it!" Nya says, letting go of the nindroid as it drops onto the wheel of the machine. Kai hears a grunt and looks over to find (Y/N) holding her stomach and Wu holds up his staff to hit her but he thinks fast and kicks Wu in the back. Wu looks back at him and hits him with his staff. Kai yells as he is flung back again but then Wu is kicked in the back and is sent forward. He looks back to find (Y/N) with a harden look and the tosses the Techno Star at him.

"Oh, no." Nya says as she looks into the compactor. "Someone stop this thing!" Cole yells as he and Jay try to keep the walls from closing. Nya looks up and finds the control console. She hurries over to it and presses the buttons but the compactor does not stop. "Oh, I can't override it!" She exclaims in worry. "Well, you better, cause if you don't, Cole and I are gonna get real close!" Jay exclaims. "I'm not... strong enough!" Cole exclaims as he struggles to keep the walls from closing in on him and Jay. Nya breaks the glass protecting wires of the console but then gasps. "Seriously, a blue or black wire? I have to cut one of these wires to shut it down, but cut the wrong one and it may crush you guys instantly." She says. She grabs a glass shard to use to cut the wire. "Oh, choose blue, Nya! You know blue. You're comfortable with blue!" Nya tells her. "Choose black. Black is not blue!" Cole says. "Oh, I'm gonna turn you black and blue!" Jay argues. "No time for that." Cole argues back. The two struggle while Nya held the glass shard under the wires as she wonders which is the right one. "Nya!" They cries out as the walls enclose around them. They grunt as the continue to struggle as the walls get closer to crushing them. "I thought you were suppose to be strong." Jay says to Cole. "And I thought we were a team." Cole says back. "Black out blue? Uh, why is it so difficult to choose?" Nya questions herself. "Just CUT ONE ALREADY!" Jay shouts, desperate not to be squashed.

Meanwhile, Zane was using his Techno Blade to block the laser blasts to protect himself and Pixal. He grunts as one wrong one sends him flying away from Pixal. He lets go of the blade and lands on his back. The nindroid operating the magnet drives over and hangs the magnet over Zane, which causes the White Ninja to yell in distress as he is lifted up and attached to it. "Zane!" Pixal exclaims in worry. She hears evil laughter and looks to find the nindroid that blasted at Zane toss more of those eel-like creatures. They land and power up more nindroids which activates them as they stand. Pixal backs away with fear as there are many of them.

Kai grunts as he holds back Wu's staff while he was on his back. "Guys? A little help?" Kai asks. Wu held back his staff then sidestepped to whack Kai, but it gets blocked by the Techno Star as (Y/N) groans from the force in the swing. He pulls back then grabs the front of her Gi and tosses her away. "Aaaaaah!" She screams and Kai watches her get thrown away but grunts as he is hit by Wu and looks up as the cybernetic man jumps at him. He moves out of the way as Wu slams one end of his into the ground. The electricity from it travels into a jet and it turns on as smoke is emitted from the thrusters as it flies off. Kai looks around to find Wu in the smoke but hears his yelling and turns around only to get hit again.

"Junk him." General Cryptor, the nindroid that fired at the trailer and wore some armor to differentiate from the rest, orders as Zane dangles over a large grinder. Zane gasps as he is lowered towards the rotating grinder. The nindroid operating the magnet moves its hand to press the button. "No!" Pixal exclaims. She then punches back the nindroids restraining, making them fall onto their backs as she sprints for Zane. The button is pressed and Zane is dropped but Pixal jumps and saves him just in time. They roll on the ground for a bit until they stop withe Zane on top of Pixal. "That was never in my program. Your heart improved my fighting ability." Pixal says to Zane. General Cryptor laughs as he stands near them. "He needs a little girl to protect him?" He mocks as more nindroids surround the two.

Zane and Pixal stand up and stand back to back as they are surrounded by nindroids with swords. The two then lock arms and swing each other to kick the nindroids away. "Our shared reflexes..." "Work as one." Zane and Pixal say. The android then lifts Zane onto her back as she spins him around as he kicks away the nindroids. "As if we were made..." "To fight together." The two state, performing  Spinjitzu together. "Ninja-" "Go!" They cheer as they send back the nindroids. (Talk about being in-sync.)

Nya hears screaming and moves back to avoid (Y/N) as the Purple Ninja hits the console with her back. "Oooooouch." She groans in pain. "I take back everything I said!" Jay exclaims as he and Cole are about to be crushed. "No, you were right. I could've been a better friend. I had no clue!" Cole exclaims. (Y/N) shakes off the pain as she hears their cries and stands up. "You haven't stopped it?!?" She shouts at Nya. "I can't decide!" Nya shouts back. (Y/N) growls as she rolls her eyes then grabs the wires. She summons a single blade of the Techno Star and holds it under the wires. "Wait!" Nya exclaims but (Y/N) does not listen to her and cuts one. Thankfully, the walls move away and the gates open, Cole and Jay falling onto their backs as they sigh in relief. Nya and (Y/N) look down at them as they cough to regain air in their lungs. "Ha! We're alive!" Cole says in relief. "Oh, which wire did you choose?" Jay asks Nya. "She didn't cut a wire. I did. And I'm never telling which one it was." (Y/N) states. (Never~) "Oh, and by the way, Master Wu is an evil cyborg now! So, Come on!" She shouts as she runs off. Nya follows after her while Jay and Cole exhale into each other's faces.

Kai grunts as his back hits another junk but looks back to find two piles of it leaning against it. He looks back and hold up his Techno Blade to shield himself from Wu. Wu knocks it out of his hand and Kai looks around quickly to find a way out but could not and brace himself for another hit. "Sensei Wu!" Wu halts and turn around to find (Y/N), Cole, Jay and Nya standing behind him. "What happened to him?" Jay ask in shock at Wu's appearance. "He's turned evil. Help me!" Kai says. He then moves out of the way as Wu swung his staff down at him. "But... But he's our Sensei." Cole says, not wanting to fight Wu. Kai grabs his Techno Blade and uses it to block Wu's staff. "Not anymore." Kai says. "More like Tech Wu. Oh! Bad Sensei! Bad!" Jay scolds as he and Cole charge into the fight.

Tech Wu jumps over Kai and uses an end of his staff to hit Cole right in the face. Cole grunts as he lands on his back. "Ha-ha-ha! I hate to say it, but you deserved that a little." Jay laughs. "Ugh!" But then groans as Tech Wu hits him in the gut. "Ha, ha, ha! Right back at ya!" Cole laughs back. "I got this." Nya says as she runs pass them and performs a sliding kick at Tech Wu. Only for the cybernetic man to jump and land opposite of her. Nya walks over and tries to punch at him, but Tech Wu blocks them. She tries kicking him but is instead sent back into a deactivate mech. He slams his staff on the ground and electricity emits from it and into the mech, wrapping its arms around Nya to keep her restrained.

Having had enough, (Y/N) tosses the Techno Star at Tech Wu. He blocks it but is then given a hard flying kick by (Y/N) and is sent back. (Y/N) summons her powers and covers her fists with them as she then lands hit after hit. Tech Wu tries to block them with his staff but it is knocked away and (Y/N) holds Tech Wu by his shirt as she lifts him up. "Yield? Master?" She asks him. Instead of answering, he kicks her in the jaw and it forces her to let him go as she soothes the pain. He grabs his staff and runs up a belt. The guys follow him, but then Tech Wu powers on the belt and makes it go in reverse which causes the guys to fall back while dropping their Techno Blades. Tech Wu goes to grab them, but the magnet appears with Zane operating it and Pixal standing next to him. "Sorry, Sensei." Zane apologizes as he activates the magnet.

The Techno Blades and Star end up attaching to the magnet and Tech Wu's staff is attached as well as Tech Wu dangling from it as he refuses to let go of his staff. "Ha! I always knew those two had a magnetic attraction." Kai quips. (Y/N) gives him a deadpanned look. "Really?" Nya says as Cole and Jay remove the arms off of her. (Y/N) blinks as she then feels someone else then looks up as the rope to the magnetic snaps. She and Kai quickly move out of the way before the magnet would crush them. Tech Wu lands next to a white robed-wearing hooded stranger, who wielded a bow which they used to fire an arrow to cut the rope. "Whoa! Who is that?" Jay asks. Tech Wu readies to fight again but the hooded figure lays a hand on his shoulder. "Enough! The Overlord will be pleased." They say to him. Tech Wu growls but obeys. (Y/N) squints her eyes as she looks at the stranger, getting a familiar but bad feeling from them. The stranger and Tech Wu get in a hover-copter and fly off.

"Uh, seriously? Who the heck was that guy?" Jay asks in frustration. "Or gal." Nya adds. "Whoever it is, they turned our Sensei against us." Kai states with anger as he picks up his Techno Blade, watching hover-copter fly away. "And if we want to save him, we'll need to find out who this stranger is." Cole states. (Y/N) grabs the Techno Star and places it on her back as she then sees Pixal walk over to something. She walks over to her. "Perhaps I could have that answer for you in a few moments." Pixal says as she then scans something. (Y/N) stands next to her and looks at where she is scanning them sees something out of place. "What is it?" Cole asks. "Hmm..." Pixal hums as she picks up a small with object. Zane walks over as he and (Y/N) look at what Pixal is holding.

"It's obviously a clue, dirt clod." Jay states, giving Cole a dirty look. "I know it's a clue, zap trap, but it's so small." Cole says back, giving Jay a dirty look back. "I just wanted to know what-" "Stop it, you two!" Nya scolds them as she separates them. (Y/N) then takes the scale from from Pixal as she looks at it closely. "Pixal, can you analyze it?" Nya asks Pixal as she walks over to her. "The sample size is far too small, but given time, I should have an answer." Pixal tells her. "I already have one." (Y/N) says, still looking at the scale. The rest of the guys walk over. "Already? That was fast." Jay comments. "So, what is it?" Cole asks her. "It's a scale. But not a scale from an ordinary reptile. That stranger isn't a new face, it's an old one. A serpentine." She states as she looks at them. "A serpentine?  But we haven't seen any those guys in a long time." Kai says. "But which one? There's like a million of them." Jay says. "Well, it's a white scale so that narrows it down a little." Nya says a she thinks. "The only serpentine with white scales are the Fangpyre and the Hypnobrai." (Y/N) informs. "They also said something about the Overlord. You don't think..." Cole says, making everyone think the same thing. That the hard drive the Overlord is in is no longer at Borg Tower.

"Then we should waste no more time and get back to the city. I'll use my Falcon Vision to warn Lloyd of our foundings." Zane says. "I thought taking the power out would give us the upper hand, but now that they have it and we don't, I guess the power has only shifted." Nya says, feeling guilt while Jay and Cole continue to bicker in the background. "Don't worry, sis, we'll get Sensei back." Kai tells her. (Y/N) then remembers how the stranger felt familiar. She frowns as she remembers the Serpentine having been locked away where the Stone Warriors were placed under Ninjago City. It is possible that they had found a way out. But why only one? And why did the one make her feel great anger?

Lloyd's P.O.V.

Okay, so while climbing a mountain, making a joke about how my dad wants his four arms back and coming upon a nest with a big baby bird in it, makes it feel like a normal day. But now I am trying to keep says baby bird from jumping out off its nest and off the moutain while also dealing with its dad. Who is a  lot bigger. "You're not gonna fall on my watch." I tell the baby as I catch him. "Your compassion is not helping." Dad says as I look back at him. But then a screech was heard and I look to find the big bird fly at him. I gasp as he lets go and fall. "Dad!" I cry out. He grabs onto a small ledge and I quickly make my way down to him.

"I take it back! I do want my four hands!" I make it onto a ledge, keeping a good grip on the baby as I summon my powers to help him. "No! Do not use your power as a crutch. It will only weaken you." He tells me. I look to the left and frown as I see the big bird fly at him. "He's circling back." And it captures Dad in its beak. "DAD! Nooooo!" I put down the baby and shoot an orb of powers at the bird. But it lets him go. "Son!" No... no, no, NO! I can't lose him again. I close my eyes and focus. I feel it. I feel the mountain. I raise my arms as I form a hand to save my father. "to have the power of energy itself and shift it into the form you desire." I remember (Y/N)'s words of when I first learn to harness my power. I understand it better now. (Callback~)

"You just moved a mountain, son." I open my eyes and see Dad in a giant hand that I made from the mountain. I smile in relief seeing that he is okay. I hear the big bird squawk as he flies in place. I hear the baby chirping and look down at him, but he falls off the ledge. "No!" He falls and I close my eyes to concentrate on moving a mountain again to save him. But I hear flapping and open my eyes. I smile as I see that he is flying. "Looks like you're not the only one who's grown up." Dad says and I smile as the little guy flies up and meets at eye-level with me. I laugh in relief then watch as he flies over to his father. They then fly together, as father and son.

Dad hops and lands next to me then I focus and on my powers and summon a staircase for us to walk down. Sweet. "After you." I say to father. He walks down the stairs and I follow him. Zane's Falcon appears and lands in front of us. We stop and his eyes turn blue. "Hey, the Ninja have sent a message." I smile as I move to be in front of Dad to watch it. The falcon plays it and projects a hologram of Nya. "Lloyd, we've got some bad news. We had a run-in with a mysterious someone who found a new way to power nindroids." She says. I frown at that. "And he turned Sensei Wu evil! He has a black beard!" Jay says as a hologram of him appears. Evil? Wu? The hologram switches back to Nya, "We have a suspicion that this person may have stolen the hard drive containing the Overlord and has reawakened him." Nya says.

Kai then appears. "And now that the hard drive has gone missing, we can't reboot the system. Our Techno Blades and Star are useless!" He says. Nya appears again, "But the stranger left a clue. A white scale." She says, and said scale appears in hologram form. "That's right, we think it may be Serpentine." Serpentine? "We're heading to New Ninjago City to get to the bottom of this, thought you should know to keep your distance." She says. Then (Y/N) appears, "Lloyd, stay with your father and keep moving forward. With the hard drive of the Overlord missing, a mysterious stranger helping him with some kind of species of electric eels to power nindroids and Master Wu becoming a brainwashed cyborg that has no problem with beating us to a pulp, things have only gotten more difficult. I pray things are going more smoothly with you two, but be on your guard. I have a feeling this stranger is very familiar. Good luck, and be safe." She says. And the message ends.

"Whoa. Serpentine?" I say Dad. "We must not go back, but forward." He says, then points at the ground. "Hiroshi's Labyrinth. Miles of jungle so dense, all who enter are never found. We must not rest." He says. "Okay, let's get lost." I state. We continue down the stairs but I frown. (Y/N) remained clam but I can tell that she is worried. I hope this whole thing ends soon.

(Okay, hoped you like it. Until next chapter.)

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