The Curse of the Golden Master

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(Okay, here it is. The next chapter. Hope you like it.)

Thankfully, Tech Wu was able to supply another flying vehicle with power. We immediately headed to Ninjago City. The streets were empty and everything is quiet. Once we landed, we got out and starting walking towards Borg Tower. "What happened?" Kai asks. "No power. That's what happened." Cole answers "Are we too late?" Zane asks. I stop as I feel a lot of people close by, a bunch of cars fall and block our way. The guys gasps and back away then lots of people appear that looked to be dressed in some apocalyptic wear. "Outsiders must answer to the Postman!" What? The Postman? "Return to sender!" Oh, there he is. Why does he have a giant spoon?

I perk up as I feel a familiar presence. "Ah, you finally made it." Dr. Borg. He's okay. Though, with some cyborg additions. I create a ramp for him to go down. "Don't mind the savages. Since power went out, everyone here has grown a bit bored. Their imagination knows no bounds." He explains. I make the ramp vanish after he gets off it and meets with us. He looks past the guys and I. "Pixal. Amazing! You're... powered." He says in amazement. "You need to stay in character, Borg. This is no fun if we're not all committed." The postman says. I roll my eyes. We got bigger things to worry about than playing pretend. "Oh, I'll have you committed if you don't all leave leave us at once. Now shoo! We have real problems to address." Borg bites back. The crowd groans but leaves. Thank goodness. (Guy's got some sass.)

"Pixal, what's powering you?" He asks Pixal, said android walks over to stand beside him. "Zane gave me half of his heart." She tells him. Zane takes a step forward. "Thank you, Zane. I am... greatly indebted." He thanks Zane. "Unfortunately, the hard drive was stolen with the digital imprint of the Overlord. You'll be unable to erase him with your Techno Blades and Star until we find it." He says, getting down to business. "Aw, don't worry, we already had a little run in with the red-handed suspect. Or should I say white-handed." Jay says. I walk over to Borg as I take out the scale and hold it up for him to see. "The culprit left behind a scale. A Serpentine scale, to be exact." I explain. He adjusts his glasses as he looks at it. "Well, this is a development." He states.

I put away the scale in my Gi for safekeeping as we all walk over to a manhole. Cole lifts it up and moves it for us to enter into the underside of the city. "Lucky for us, the last Serpentine were sealed within a tomb right under the city, so it's about time we pay them a little visit." He says. Nya already enters the hole and start climbing down the ladder. "Lady ninjas first." I look up to see him with a playful smile as he looks at me, gesturing with his hand for me to go first. I give him a playful smirk, "What a gentleman~" I tease then enter the hole and climb down the ladder. "Approach with caution. I've also lost a few valuable prototypes. He may be armed and extremely dangerous." I hear Borg say. "Got it!" I reply. "We know, and uh, just for the record-" I stop listening after that as I focus on climbing down.

Third Person P.O.V.

After Jay said his piece to Borg, he climbs down the ladder then Kai follows as he climbs down next. Pixal goes to enter the manhole, "Uh, Pixal, where are you going?" Borg stops her as he asks. She looks at her creator. "Now that my assistant has an unlimited power supply, there's an infinite amount of good to be done." He shyly says, tapping his hands together as he waits for her answer. Pixal looks back at Zane and the White Ninja nods his head at her. "As you wish, Mr. Borg." She agrees to Borg. Zane enters the manhole and he and Pixal share a longing look before the android follows after her creator, holding her hand out to Zane. The Nindroid watches her a little longer then climbs down the ladder and places the manhole cover back.

The group continue climbing down to reach the underground of the city. "Watch your step, girls. We don't know the last time this ladder was used." Cole says to (Y/N) and Nya. "That's thoughtful of you, Cole." Nya compliments. "Yeah. Thanks." (Y/N) says to him. Jay angrily yaps as he gets jealous at Cole. "Hey! How about you watch where you're watching, Cole. Huh?" He snips. Nya yelps as some parts of the ladder breaks as she holds on until she feels her arm get grabbed. "Aah!" She yells a little as she is pulled up by (Y/N). "Oh, is that a threat, Jay? 'Cause coming from you it sounds like some of your best material." Cole bites back. "Ha, ha, ha! There's a reason nobody liked you." Jay argues. (Y/N) makes a deadpanned look at their argument then looks at Nya. "I blame you for this." She tells Nya.

She forms a platform under them then lets go of Nya. The girl letting out a small scream but sighs in relief as she lands on the platform. (Y/N) hops down onto it as she lowers them down as they exit the manhole and enter the underside. The platform disappears as the two land on the ground. "If you two are done with another one of your arguments, you should know that some parts of the ladder are broken." She says to they guys. The guys then land on the ground. "It was his fault!" Cole and Jay exclaim as they point at each other. (Oh, hush, you two. 😒) "Ugh." (Y/N) scoffs as she facepalms. Nya takes out a glow stick to provide light. "Let's keep our eyes peeled. Our mystery suspect could be anywhere down here." Zane speaks up, reminding everyone of their mission.

They start walking to find the tomb the Serpentine were trapped in. Cole, Zane, Kai and Jay wielding glow sticks of their own while (Y/N) looks around and uses her powers to sense the beings they are looking for. "Serpentine. Never thought I'd see them again." Kai voices his thoughts. "Well, in my experience, life is full surprises. Even when you thought you've seen it all." (Y/N) says.

Lloyd's P.O.V.

No wonder anyone who enters Hiroshi's Labyrinth gets lost. This place is nothing but a huge, thick jungle. Father and I move giant leaves as we walk on. "How anyone got through this jungle is beyond me." I comment. "Hiroshi's Labyrinth. Legend says no one has ever escaped its deadly maze except for Hiroshi himself. But the maze is no match for your powers." Dad says. We continue forward. Theses leaves are big. "This is the perfect place to hide from the Overlord's clutches." Hide? While my friends are out there risking their lives? "Hide. That's all I ever seem to do!" I snap. "Your Golden Power only strengthens his cause. We must not lose sight." Dad says. "But I miss my friends. I miss my sister. What good is being all powerful if I can't ever have any fun?" I argue. I frown as I feel like I can never just do anything for myself. I hear Dad sigh."The Golden Power needs to be protected, honored. Evil forces will seek it, try to take it for their own. It seduces."

Protected... "Even your friends may one day covet it." What? I give my father with a glare. "My friends would never hurt me." I state. "He who holds the power has tremendous obligation. You must be able to prepared this journey alone. Even without me one day." I close my eyes. I don't want to believe it, but I know it's true. "Yeah, I know." I say reluctantly. "Keep your chin up, son. Legend also states there is a jewel inside the maze, the most beautiful oasis No one has ever seen before. Perhaps we will be the first." He says. I look and watch a big fly around. I nod my head. "Okay. Let's go find the oasis." I say.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

We soon entered a tunnel that was made of earth and had roots sticking out of the ceiling. And soon enough, we approached the very place which held the Stone Army. "Tomb of the Stone Army. It's been sealed since the Serpentine were trapped her." Kai says. Only it the seal is broken. "It appears the seal has been opened." Zane states. I notice police tape that hanged from either side of the gate that now were cut. Whistling was then heard and we all turned around to see, "Aah! Not you again!" Scales. "Scales. Something told me you'd be behind all this. Search his bag." Cole says.

Kai and Jay walk over to Scales. "Aah! This is harasssment. I've done nothing wrong." Scales says. My powers flare up... and he speaks the truth. "Except steal the hard drive. Where is it? What are you hiding?" Jay questions. I feel Scales's confusion and I walk over as Kai searches his bag, picking up groceries he carelessly tosses. "He's hiding... groceries?" Kai says confused. "And the latest issue of Ninjago times." He adds. "Hmm. Sounds to me like the only thing he got were food and stuff to pass the time with." I state. "What can I ssssay? I'm a sssucker for the crossword." Scales admits. I walk over and place the groceries in his bag. "Sorry about that." I apologize to him, snatching the paper from Kai. I present it to Scales, "Huh. Well, at leassst sssomeone here has manners." He says, taking it. "Ssorry, you've got the wrong sssnake." That's for sure? "Though, what does bring you down here?" He asks.

"Daddy? Are you okay?" Daddy? We all turn around to see a Serpentine child wearing a blue jacket and white pants. "Ssstay inside, Scales Jr." His mother, a Hypbobrai with a pink coloring instead of the usual blue says to him. Whoa. Didn't see that coming. "Scales Jr.? You have a son?" I hear Kai say in disbelief as we Scales slithered over to his family. "We've been busy, since you left usss. And we prefer to keep it that way." He says. "Is this about the Golden Master? Is he going to hurt us?" Scales Jr. says, hugging his father and I feel his fear of the Golden Master. Wait, Golden Master? "That is only a ssstory, sson. They were just leaving." Scales says. "Golden Master? Is this about Lloyd?" I hear Zane ask. "Like you, we have our own legendsss. But I guess in oursss, you are the bad guys." He explains.

"What legend?" Nya asks. "They have a right to know. If we're going to shed a new skin, we must open our home to otherss." Scales's wife says. I then walk over and stand before Scales. I bow to him, "I know the history between us is not pretty, but the reason for why we are down here is because of the Overlord." I state. I stand up straight as I look at Scales, who looks at me with an attentive look. "Someone had stolen the hard drive containing him and we only have this to tell us anything as to who or what they are." I explain, taking out the scale and showing it to him. He looks at it closely, "Hmm, intriguing." He says. "Also, this Golden Master may include the Overlord too. I have a feeling it does." I add. "How are you so sure about that?" I hear Jay ask. I turn back to look at him, "Golden 'Master' is different from Golden 'Ninja.'" I state. "Very well. Let's go, sssurface dwellerss. If you'd like to hear of the Curse of the Golden Master, follow me." He says then slithers into the tomb. " I don't like Serpentine, but I don't like curses either." I hear Kai say as I put away the scale. "If this has anything to do with Lloyd, we need to know." He states as we enter the tomb.

And it is quite beautiful. Bioluminescent plants on the ceiling that emits a soft glow along with plies with lanterns on them and a tile road to walk on. Some stalagmites with orange orgs glow too. The Serpentine have been putting in the effort. "After a rather humbling ssscrap with those indessstructible Stone Warriors, we've made amends with our warring past and found waysss to help better ourselvessss." Scales says as we walk on. I see snakes teaching others now to be more polite and friendly. "So you got a few snakes to go straight. Doesn't mean there's not one bad apple. "Fangpyre have white scales, don't they?" Kai says. Please, don't make this harder than it has to be with the hostility, Kai. "A few. Is this about the missssing hard drive?" Scales asks. "This is about the Overlord." Cole states.

"Aaaah! The Overlord. Glad we weren't around for that messss." Scales says. "Lucky ones, you are." I mutter. "No, we have no desire to meddle in the affairs above. Asss you can sssee, we ssstick to our own." Scales stated as his family stands with him. "We only want what'ss bessst for the next generation." He says. I smile as I feel the love he has for his family with my powers. "Have a sssseat. You could learn a thing or two about your beloved Golden Massster." He says, guiding us over to a fire. We sit down around it and I notice some large stones with some carvings on them. I sit down with Cole on my left and Scales on my right.

"Hello, hatchlings..." The general of the Venomari appears, holding a green snake staff with glowing red eyes. Cool design. "and camouflage land dwellers. Do you seek to learn about the Curse of the Golden Master?" They ask. "Tell me! Tell me!" Jay says in excitement. Acidicus then slithers up to the fire, "Then everyone come closer." They say, spitting their venom on the fire which made it flare up. "Whoa." I breathe out. "When the First Spinjitzu Master created Ninjago, deep in the underground, he created the Serpentine. Since the first dawn, our elders knew of the Curse of the Golden Master, when he who hold powers equal to the First Spinjitzu Master would rise and usher in the last of the setting suns." Usher in the last of the setting suns... Eternal night. Darkness.

"With no equal adversary, his power will go unmatched. His destructive rule will change the face of the world, and he will not stop until every man, woman and Serpentine are enslaved under his control." Acidicus tells. "Is he referring to Lloyd?" Zane asks. "No." I state. I can feel everyone's gaze on me but I only keep my focus on the fire. "It is NOT Lloyd." He would never do that. Never. "The Serpentine tried to warn the land dwellers, but they wouldn't listen. They thought we were the enemy, though we were only trying to prevent the prophecy of the Golden Master's terrible reign. After the Great Devourer failed to scare the unbelievers below ground, it is we who retreated beneath the soil, promising to never return, even now that the end is inevitable." Acidicus finishes. It was quiet for a moment. "Thank you for telling us." I spoke, thanking them for the knowledge.

Pixal's P.O.V. (Surprise!)

Dr. Borg and I have returned back to the tower and are now in the 100th floor. I had a cable connecting the power source in me with the computer. "First patch into the mainframe... Success!" I smile as Dr. Borg said that. "Suppress band witch for wider connection... We have power! By glory's grace, my office has clean, untouched by evil, power!" He cheers. "Thank you." I smile again. "Now we can use this track the Nindroid presence, and they won't see us coming." Dr. Borg says. Though, I have been thinking lately. Beyond what I was program for. "Sir, you created me and gave me life. I belong to you. Yet Zane..." I smile at the memory of him, "saved my life. When I was with him I felt... a connection. I felt... free." I say. I have never expressed myself in such a way before. "Pixal, remember this: You belong to on one. If you want to be with Zane, then you should be with him." Dr. Borg tells me. I give him a grateful smile.

A beeping is then heard. "What? Nindroid power signatures. This is impossible." I walk over to look at the screen showing four red dots closing in. "It says they're right here. 12 feet, 8 feet... Th-This makes no sense." He says. "Unless they're beneath us." I state. Dr. Both and I sharing a worried look then look back at the screen to find more and more red dots. But the only reason for why they would be under is... I gasp. "Zane." They are after the Ninja.

Third Person P.O.V.

Not knowing of the danger approaching, the gang left the fire and stood around a lamppost. "I can't believe they think Lloyd could become the Golden Master." Kai says. "Well, he is the son of Lord Garmadon." Jay adds. (Y/N) snaps, "SHUT IT." She growls. The group looks at her with surprise at her tone. "It is not Lloyd. The Overlord is the one that wants Lloyd's Golden power. Usher in the last of the setting suns, enslave everyone. That is the Overlord. And it is Master Garmadon now." She states, glaring at Kai and Jay. She feels a hand on her shoulder and looks to see that it is Cole, giving her a worried expression. She stops glaring and calms herself as she looks at the ground. It was quiet for a moment until Nya spoke. "What I want to know is, if none of them took the hard drive, who else could it be?" She asks.

"We're under attack! Protect the young!" A Serpentine shouts, Nindroids appearing as snakes scream as they run away. "Nindroids!" Cole exclaims. The adults quickly grab the children and get to safety. "Ugh! These toasters never know when to quit." Jay scoffs. "Neither do we." (Y/N) says, cracking her knuckles. Nindroids charge at them with swords. "I can't believe saying this, but... protect the Serpentine!" Kai exclaims. "Ninja-Go!" He, Jay, Cole and (Y/N) exclaim as they do Spinjitzu. However, Zane remained where he is for he could not do it. "If only I could use Spinjitzu. Wi try out Pixal, my technique is barely adequate." He states. "What evil have you brought here?" Scales demands as he slithers up to Zane. "Sorry about that. We didn't know we were being followed." Zane apologizes.

One nindroid holds its sword at Nya, said woman glares at it and opens her fan. She dodged a swing from the nindroid then blocks another and holds the fan at its throat. She quickly switches the fan to her other hand and steps to avoid the swings of the nindroid. She then grunts as she hits it away. "Junior? Junior?!" Scales' wife cries out for her son. "Mommy!" Scales Jr. runs to his mother, but cries as he is tripped by Cryptor. The genera laughs at the child. "So you're the future of the fearless Serpentine?" He says mockingly as he moves to grab him. But then feels a tap on his shoulder and looks back, only to receive a strong punch that stuns him and forces him to take a few steps back. (Surprise. 😈) (Y/N) shakes out her fist then moves to offer her hand to Scales Jr. "You okay?" She asks him. The child grabs her hand and he is helped up. "Yes. Thank you." He says to her. His mother came over and the two hurry off to get to safety.

"And you're about to be history." Kai says, he and the guys joining (Y/N) as they all stare down the nindroid. Cryptor cracks his neck then laughs, but (Y/N) perks up as she feels something. Something alive. "Let's get 'em, guys." Cole says. He and the rest of the guys pin down Cryptor, but are then sent back as the general stands up abruptly. (Y/N) steps back and her vision then changes as she sees the life auras of some beings that are attached to Cryptor's back. Cole sits up and sees Cryptor walk towards and grabs his feet. He yells as he is tossed away. "Hey, thanks." Jay thanks Zane as he is helped up. But they all groan as Cole lands on them. "Whew." Cole sighs. Nya sighs at the sight.

"If we could figure out what powered them, this would be a whole lot easier." Jay says as he and the guys jump up and onto their feet. Cryptor laughs once again as more Nindroids appear, the guys' eyes widens from the numbers then split up. However, one suddenly collapses as it powers down. (Y/N) stands behind them holding some tube in her hand. She gasps as she feels something close in on her then steps back to avoid the sword that swung down. She looks over at the nindroid then drops the tube as she grabs its arm and moves to stand behind it. The nindroid swing its sword to try and hit her, but it could only move its wrist. (Y/N) grabs the tube connecting the container to the nindroid and rips it out. The nindroid falls limp and she lets go of it.

She looks at the pack and she sees an eel-like creature within it. She blinks and her vision returns to normal. "Guys! The packs! Disconnect the packs from them!" She calls out to the guys. While Kai and Jay knocked away some nindroids, Jay saving Nya from one and gives her a smile, Cole ran up a wall and jump off it, seeing the back and the eel-like creature within it. He grabs the tube connecting to the Nindroid's head and pulls it out. He lands on the ground and watches as the nindroid powers down and falls on the ground. "Hey! (Y/N)'s right! They're powered by some sort of eel thing inside their backs!" He says to the others. Jay, Zane and Kai quickly pull out the tubes from nearby nindroids, (Y/N) pushing one down and pulling out its tube. "Ninja-Go!" Kai, Jay, Cole and (Y/N) exclaims as they perform Spinjitzu to quickly remove the tubes from the remaining ones. The stop and one appears behind Jay, who screams and covers his eyes. But he did not feel a blow and looks to see Nya reveal herself. She laughs a little and Jay laughs along, relieved to not have been sliced then elbows the Nindroid and it causes a domino effect as they all fall down.

The team cheers at their victory but Zane feels his foot get grab and looks down at one still active nindroid, but it has dark purple eyes. "Foolish Nindroid, you are helping the wrong side." It says in a familiar raspy voice. "The Overlord? You'll never succeed. Not if we have anything to say about it." Zane stares, glaring down the evil being. "I already have." He says then laughs a little. "You've unknowingly led me straight to the Golden Ninja. And this was merely a diversion to keep you busy." He says, laughing but stops as his face is then grabbed and forced to look at (Y/N). She glares down the Overlord with a look that can strike fear into the heart of any being. "Listen here, you arrogant monster, if you even think this battle is over, you have already LOST." She states then rips out the tube. The nindroid powers down as it falls limp. (Cold.)

"The boy holds too much power. I fear the curse of the Golden Massster is upon ussss." Scales says. "The dawn of the end of times is near." Acidicus says. Nya walks over to them, "We have to get to Lloyd before they do. Are you sure you won't help us?" She says the them. "I'm ssssorry. We made an oath never to return to the surface. Though, if you wish to get out quickly, the tunnels within the sewers are your best bet. They will lead you straight out of the city. Good luck." He tells them. The others start making their way out, "Oh, one more thing. There's only one Ssserpentine who's had a history of being ssso fond of using Electro-Cobrai." Scales tells them. "Who?" The team asks.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

My head! I hold my hands to my head as I feel so much. I close my eyes and I see Lloyd and the stranger. And.... and.... No.... NO! "(Y/N)!" I gasp as I open my eyes and look to see the others look at me. I was lying down and look to see that Cole was holding me up. "You had suddenly collapsed and your heart started beating rapidly. Are you okay?" Zane asks. I take deep breathes to try and calm down, but I couldn't. "(Y/N), are you okay? What happened?" I hear Kai ask. I look up at him but then feel worry and look to find Cole looking at me. "Breathe." He says softly. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I exhale shakily but finally managed to calm down. "He's back." I mutter. "What?" Jay asks. I look up at the others. "He's back." I say louder. "Who's back?" Nya asks. I swallow some spit then feel Cole grab my hand. I inhale deeply, "Pythor."

(And done! Okay, halfway through Season 3, it will be a while until the next chapter. Hoped you have enjoyed and see ya next time. Bye!)

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