Island of Darkness

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(New chapter! BAM! Enjoy!)

We made it. We are now on the Dark Island. We had to hide the Bounty by burying it in sand along with using palm tree leaves to cover it. We have also been keeping a lookout for stone warriors. But when we got here I had this very unsettling feeling. It is like something else is on the island. I can feel the Stone Army along with Lord Garmadon, but there is something else that is here, but also not here. Does that make sense? "(Y/N)?" I jumps and grab the hand on my shoulder. I move to force the person to kneel while holding onto their arm. "Ow, ow, ow! It's just me!" Oh. I release Nya and she rubs her arm as she stands up. "Sorry, sorry." I apologize. "It's fine. I just wanted to tell you that Misako has some information you need to hear." She says. I nod my head and apologize once more but Nya smiles at me in understanding.

I exit my room and head to the bridge. Once I entered the room, I see the guys, Lloyd, Master, Misako and Dr. Julien. I move to stand in between Zane and Kai while Cole was in front of me as he sat down at the table. Misako then unrolls a scroll, "The Scroll says there is a hidden temple on the island. If you find it, it will give the ninja pure elemental powers, powers that can destroy the indestructible army." She reads from it. "So you're saying we get to fight? Woo-Hoo! I've got happy feet!" Cole cheers. I silently laugh from his excitement. I then place a hand on his shoulder, "Easy, tiger. Don't want to get too excited." I tell him. I then focus back on Misako, "And you, my son, here it is written: 'For once the Green Ninja finds the instrument of peace, he will strike it and know the power of the Ultimate Spinjitzu Master.'" She reads.

"Ultimate Spinjitzu Master?" Lloyd repeats. "It means you will be able to invoke the power of the Golden Dragon, an ancient fighting style only practiced by the First Spinjitzu Master." Misako informs. Wow. I look at the guys and find them with surprising expressions. Even their jaws dropped and I internally laugh at that. Lloyd laughs at their expressions too. "Jealous?" A little. "Wait a minute. This all sounds too good to be true. What's the catch?" Kai says. "The catch is, the temple could be anywhere on the island, and all we have is this." Master says as he holds a golden medallion. Dr. Julien grabs it as he inspects the object. "A medallion. It's like a compass. When the three holes match up, the medallion will reveal where the temple is hidden." He says. "Uh, how'd you know that?" Jay asks. "Oh, I did a lot of reading in my spare time. Adventure stories were my favorite." Dr. Julien chuckles as he answers.

"Then what are we waiting for?" Zane grabs the medallion and I remove my hand from Cole as he and Jay stand up. We start to head out, "Not you, Lloyd." I stop and look back as Master stops Lloyd from following. "Oh, seriously? Are we still doing this?" He says. I can hear and feel the irritation from him. "Wu is right. If you were to come across your father, it could prematurely start the Final Battle. We need to be at full strength before we take any risks." Misako tells him. Jay laughs mockingly, "Jealous? Ow!" I smack the backside of his head. "Unless you guys want to go take your chances without me, please continue." I sass. Jay rubs his head but does not say another word.

"Well, I could use some help around the shop. We should get working on vehicles that might help give us a fighting chance." Dr. Julien says to Lloyd. "Remember," I focus back on Master. "Garmadon doesn't know we're on the island. It is imperative that you stay out of sight." He says to the guys and I. "Of course, Sensei. Don't worry. Have you ever known us to veer from a plan, huh?" Jay says. I only make a 'Really?' look and remain silent. "Ninja...Oomph!" I use my powers to cover their mouths with a steel-looking plate to make them silent because that was too loud. "I... can't stress this enough." I sigh, rubbing one of my temples. "What they mean is to ensure that we not only remain out of sight but also SILENT." I whisper harshly. I then make the plates disappear. "Goooooooooo." They whisper. Better.

However, before I left with them, I drag Lloyd to my room to have a talk because my powers tell me that he is still pretty upset about being on the sidelines. Once I closed the door, he groans loudly, "All this power and I still can't help!" He complains. I give him a sympathizer frown while he rants. "I get that we need all the power we can get but if the temple is found then I have to be there. I mean, I don't want to fight my father, it's just..." I walk over and place a hand on his shoulder. He looks at me and frowns as he looks at the ground. I feel his sadness. I hesitate but then being Lloyd in for a hug. I feel him hide his face in my shoulder. "Look, I can understand wanting to help. But sometimes life just sucks." I start. He doesn't say anything and does not pull away so I continue, "But it can also be great. I met Wu, the guys, and you." I remember back to the first day we met. I smile for a moment at the memory then continue. "Listen, I know you don't want to face your father but destiny, no matter how stupid, cannot wait. We'll be there for you. I'll be there for you." I finish. It was quiet and then I feel Lloyd wrap his arms around me. "Thanks, sis." I hear him mutter. "No problem, bro." I reply.

Garmadon's P.O.V.

Ever since I have found the Dark Island, the time for the Final Battle approaches. But there is still much that needs to be done before it begins. I sit on my throne as General Kozu stands by my side. The only one of these moving rocks that can speak and I can understand them. Along with having four arms as well. One stone warrior enters my tent while carrying a tray filled with a purple slime that looks to have stars in them. They speak the language of the Stone Army as they report to Kozu.

"What did he say, General Kozu?" I ask. "The mining, they've dug to new depths and have struck Dark Matter." He says. He then presents the Dark Matter to me and I hold the tray as I feel the darkness from it. "Amazing. The most powerful Dark Matter." Very dark. "He also says they have lost many warriors down the Mouth of Eternal Shadows, just to obtain this one piece." Kozu adds. "Then tell him I'll throw him down myself, because I need one thousand more just like this one to make my ultimate weapon." I order. "I will see that it is done." Kozu and the warrior bow before me then leave.

"They respect you. This is good. But I feel a shift in the balance." The raspy voice speaks. "Huh? Should I have shaken my fist more? Maybe dramatically thrown over a table, or kicked over a-" "No, you myopic mortal! The Ninja. I cannot see them, but I sense their presence." It says. What? The Ninja? "Here? On the island? I will alert all the warriors back. If they are here, we'll find them!" I declare. I have come too far. Cannot let anything stop me now.

Third Person P.O.V.

At the camp which is the base for the Stone Army, Garmadon gathers some and informs them about the unwanted visitors on the island. "They would be fools to set foot anywhere near my camp." Garmadon says. Though, he is completely unaware of the five individuals watching the camp from a distance on an elevated rock surface. "Look, this must be Garmadon's camp." Jay says. "No, you think? I thought it was a takeout restaurant." Kai sarcastically replies. "It looks like he's building something, but building what?" He asks as he notices the construction in one area of the camp. "Quiet, you bozos. We still need to find what the medallion matches up to." Cole states, holding said medallion.

"Let me see." Zane says, grabbing the medallion and looking through the center hole. The others keep watch while the Nindroid looks around for anything that lines up with the three holes of the artifact. Zane hums as he searches, "Nothing matches." He says. But then something catches his eye. "Wait." "You found the Temple of Light?" Jay gasps, the grabs the medallion and looks through it. "No, but look." Zane points and the others follow to find. "Your falcon. I thought it got shot down and was lost for good." Kai says. Resting on a table and in the shade of a half-built shed with barrels within it, is Zane's falcon. "Not if can retrieve it and get the pieces back to my father." Zane says as he stands up.

"Zane, wait." (Y/N) stands up and holds Zane's left shoulder to keep him still. "I know how much Falcon means to you, but if you get caught then not only will Garmadon know that we are here but we will be completely outnumbered." She tells him. "(Y/N)'s right. We can't veer away from the plan. We're supposed to be finding the Temple of Light and staying out of sight." Cole reminds Zane. "If I were any of you, I'd do the same. I have to get my friend back." Zane rebuttals. He removed (Y/N)'s hand then jumps off and makes his way to retrieve his friend. (Y/N) was about to follow, "The more of us that go, the more chance we'll get caught." Kai says and she halts. "We just have to stay here and hope he doesn't get seen." Kai says. Cole sighs, "I wanna fight." He complains.

(Y/N) sighs as she lies down on her stomach in-between Cole and Jay, "If you fight them now, you're gonna get pulverized." She says in a monotone voice. Cole sighs, "But still, just one punch." He groans. Kai shakes his head at Cole while Jay continues to look through the medallion. (Y/N) keeps a close on Zane, ready to jump into action if he is caught.

Lloyd's P.O.V.

I guess it isn't so bad. I helped Dr. Julien with the Earth Drill. "Thank you, Wu. If you could fetch some more creek water, that should pretty much do it." I look at Uncle as he grabs some buckets but stops and looks at Mom. That look. I hop down to be by Mom as Uncle walks off. "So how did you meet him?" I ask her. "Who? Sensei Wu?" She says, still watching Uncle. "No, my father." I specify, looking down at the ground. I hear her sigh and look at her as she faces me. "You know, he hasn't always like the way he is today." She says. I hold her hand as she continues. "It took years for his poisoned heart to turn him evil. There was a time when I loved him very much. And he was very proud." She says. "When was that?" I ask her. "When we had you."I smile and close my eyes as we hug.

But I pull away as I remember as to why we are here. "And now it all comes down to me... fighting him." I say. Mom looks away sad and I look at the ground as I feel the same. "You know..." I look at her as she speaks. "When (Y/N) scolded me, it made me realize how unfair I was to you. I told myself that I was protecting you and your father by sending you to the boarding school so that you not only not have to fight your father, but also try to give you a normal life." A normal life? "But I should have chosen Wu. You may have been training but at least you would have had a home." She looks guilty and looks to the ground, "Things with your father were nice while it lasted, but... destiny has other plans." She says. I think about what she said. I wish things were different. I wish my father was never bitten. I wish he was here with me and Mom. I wish I don't have to fight him.

But then I remember (Y/N). She was the person to have given me more chances than I deserved while I was causing trouble. She always defended and looked out for me. She and the guys have taught me so much. Even if I didn't have a normal life, I now have a family. "We can't change the past," I start, gently grabbing my mother's hand. She looks at me, so I continue, "But that doesn't mean we can't change our future. And I'm glad to have you now." I smile at her. She makes a surprised face but then smiles and holds a hand to my face. I close my eyes and lean into the touch. She then pulls away and I open my eyes. "I'm glad too. Though, we better go check on Wu. He may handle himself but it never hurts to check." She says. I laugh at little, "Yeah, let's go."

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

Okay. Zane has not been caught yet, and that's good. I had then felt my powers flare up and I close my eyes as I see Lloyd. He was fighting some stone warriors that ambushed Wu. I feel pride at how he has progressed in his training and deals with them effortlessly with his powers. Even Misako can kick butt with how she saved Wu by pining one down. But then that means... I shake my head and open my eyes. I hop down to be with the rest of the guys. Cole and Kai keep watch of Zane while Jay lies on his back, still looking through the medallion.

"I spy, uh.... Another tree!" And he's been playing I spy which mainly involved spying trees. "Jay, how did you ever become a ninja? Seriously." I hear Cole complain. I place my hands on my hips as I look down at Jay. "Oh, would Zane just get his bird already and get out of there?" I hear Kai complain and feel with my powers that he is real frustrated. I give him a look, "It he's not careful, he will get caught and corned. And do you really wanna deal with indestructible warriors right now? And, Jay, use that thing to find the temple!" I state, grabbing Jay hoisting him up. He lets out a surprised yelp from the action and I place him on his feet. "Okay, okay! Sheesh. I forget how strong you are." He groans, rubbing his arm for which that is where I had grabbed him. (We strong~ Even without powers. 😏)

He then looks through the medallion again but then my powers flare up as I feel his emotions spike. "Guys, look!" He hands me the medallion and I grab it, looking through it and finding three lights line up with the holes. "Holy... it matches. We got a match!" I exclaim. Thank goodness. Kai then grabs the medallion and looks through it. "That must be the Temple of Light." He says. Cole then laughs a little, "Jay, I take back everything I said. You are a fine ninja. Not finer than me, but a fine-" Roaring was heard and I look down to find the warriors have spotted Zane and are now brandishing weapons as they walk towards him. But the good news is he got Falcon.

"That's it. I'm fighting." Cole says. "We can't they're indestructible. If we go in there, they'll know we're here too." Kai says. "Our friend is in trouble. And while they are indestructible, doesn't mean I won't stand aside." I state then summon my powers and super jump. I float for a moment as I am right above Zane and the warriors, encase my fist with my powers then drop down and punch the ground. Creating a powerful wave of purple fire-y energy to send the warriors away and on their backs. I stand up and shake my fist, "You okay?" I ask Zane as I turn around to face him. "Yes. Thank you for the assistance." He says. But then I hear growling and turn around to find the warriors approach us again. I assume a stance and hold my fists up, ready to fight. But then I feel the ground rumble and jump back in surprise as some tank passes by us and runs over the warriors.

Huh. Effective. Cole, Kai and Jay hop off it and land in front of us. "What are you waiting for, a red carpet?" No need to say it twice, Cole. We then start making a break for it. I hear Garmadon and look back to see him but then more Stone Warriors chase us. Focus, (Y/N). Focus! I face forward as I continue to run. "Remember when Sensei asked us to stay out of sight?" "Yeah, that was good advice." "Shut up and stack!" I shout. Cole hops onto Kai's shoulders then Jay climbs up then me and finally Zane as we form a human ladder. I then feel my instincts kick in and grab a weapon that would have hit Jay. "Whoa! Thanks, (Y/N)." Jay thanks me. I form some purple flames on the spear then toss it back, hearing some grunting as it makes contact with a random warrior. "No problem." I reply. But then Zane hops down as more spears keep us from climbing over.

We all hop onto the ground and look back at the Stone Warriors. "Why didn't we listen to him?" Jay says then he and Kai duck to avoid spears. "Why don't we ever listen to him?" Zane says then he Cole and I duck some spears as well. "Look! The gate! The way out." I look to where Kai points and find said gate starting to close. "Go! I'll buy you some time." I tell them. They run and I look at the blockheads. I take a deep breath and focus on my powers. I then open them and form a purple crystal wall to keep the warriors out. That won't hold forever.

I run after the guys onto a bridge but stop as Kai suddenly does and almost bump into him. He looks down at the far drop and I feel his worry. But then I feel something else and look back as the barrier starts to crack. "Kai, we're almost there, don't quit now." I tell him, laying a hand on his shoulder. He shakes his head then hops over the gap, but there were Stone Warriors on the other side. I hear shattering and look back to find the barrier gone. "Shoot." I curse. "We've been in situations like this a hundred times. "Quick, who's got an idea?" Kai says. "Uh, we jump into that hole." Jay says and I look to where he advises we jump into.

Only for me to get an extremely uncomfortable feeling from the darkness radiating from that sparkling goop. "Nope. No. Absolutely NOT." I decline. "Next idea!" Thank you, Kai. "I say we fight!" Really, Cole? "With what? We don't have powers. Uh, what about you, Zane? What do your computers say?" Powers... "I got us into this mess. I know how to get us out. (Y/N)." I look at Zane as he said that. But then bridge snaps and we all fall. "(Y/N), platform! And, everyone, grab a plank!" I immediately do what Zane says. I grab a plank and summon a platform under me and the guys. "Now do as I do. Ninja-Go!" He exclaims as he performs Spinjitzu, the plank under him and spins rapidly to help him hover up. "Ninja-Go!" I and the rest of the guys exclaim.

We then stop and surf with the planks on the crane and we bounce off the trees. We all shout at the fun we are having them I summon a ramp and we surf off it then I summon another one for use to land and continue our tree-surfing fun. (Cowabunga!) "We're falling!" Kai exclaims as we run out of trees. "Use your hood as a parachute!" We do as Zane says and safely float down. "Woo-Hoo!" We end up on the ground and put our hoods back on. "We need to get Lloyd. Now that we know where the temple is, we have to get there before the Stone Army gets to us." I state. "And soon, payback will be served!" Oh, Cole. I roll my eyes, but smile at his eagerness.

Third Person P.O.V.

The guys and (Y/N) soon made it back to the others, the sun now setting as the sky becomes a soft light orange. "Hey, they found the Falcon." Dr. Julien says as he notes said Falcon in his son's arms. "Why are they running?" Lloyd asks, seeing how the group is running. "Prepare for battle. We've got company." Zane says, he, the guys and (Y/N) removing their hoods. Zane placed the Falcon on a table thw this father and Lloyd were standing at while Wu and Misako walk over. "You were spotted? By one? Two?" Wu asks. "How about... all of them." Kai says sheepishly. "Did you find the Temple of Light?" Misako asks. "Yes. But we need to leave now if we want any chance of not getting obliterated!" (Y/N) urges, feeling the Stone Warriors approaching.

"Guess you're gonna have to figure this baby out on the fly." Dr. Julien says as he and the others approach the Earth Drill. "We've also packed another surprise in the back. Perhaps it can be of use." Nya says. Then she and Jay share a brief kiss. "Another Nya surprise?" Jay says excitedly. "You'll have to go too. Be safe." Misako says to Lloyd. "We will." Lloyd assures his mother. (Y/N) then places a hand on his shoulder, "Are you ready to learn the Golden Dragon?" She asks him. He only smirks at her and she smirks back. "Whatever you do, do not stop until you get until you get to the Temple of Light. Our survival depends on it." Wu tells them as Lloyd and (Y/N) hop into the seats. Lloyd next to Kai and (Y/N) next to Cole. "This time, we'll stick to the plan." Kai states. Cole presses a button and the hood closes as the vehicle starts up. "Good luck, Ninja." Wu says to them.

And with that, they drive off for the Temple of Light. However, the Stone Army is not far behind as they drive vehicles to chase the Ninja. "Attack!" General Kozu commands. The Ninja look back to find three currently on their tail. The Earth Drill then makes some turns to try and get rid of them. "Whoa! You do know how to steer this thing, don't you?" Jay calls out to Cole. "This is literally its first run. And less talking, more driving!" (Y/N) exclaims. Cole then turns the wheel and drives along the coast to avoid the Stone Army vehicles. Two had passed the Earth Drill and stop a distance from them. Creating a barrier to keep them from progressing.

Loud beeping is heard but Cole then makes a sharp turn and drives off a rock, gaining some air. "Woo-Hoo!" He cheers. But they were now heading straight towards the third vehicle. Saw-blades ready to slice them. Cole flips a switch and dives into the ground, having activated the drill. Kozu says something in his native tongue as he glares at the Ninja escaping. The two front legs of the vehicle stomping to symbolize his anger.

The Earth Drill then surfaces and soon stops as the group had made it to the mountain. "Well, that's about as far as this baby will go. We'll have to do the rest on our own." Cole says, he and the others having put on their hoods whilst underground. "But we'll never make it up the mountain before they arrive." Lloyd says, noting how high the mountain is. "Well, then let's see what my sister packed." Kai says, the hood moving back and he hops out. He heads to the back of the vehicle and finds a compartment. He pushes a button then steps back as it ejects off the Earth Drill and lands on the ground. It then transforms into a mech suit. "Oh, I love my sis." Kai breathes out, holding his hands up as he looks at the red and gold-highlighted mech suit in awe. (Seriously, how can Nya make such awesome stuff?)

More Stone Army vehicles approach them. "Leave this to me." Kai says, now within the mech and turns to face the enemy. He takes a few steps before jumping high and far. He lands in front of one of the vehicles, the ground to shaking a little from the impact. "Hey, buddy, you just had to be first. And guess what you win? A little of this!" Kai says to the warrior in before he grabs the vehicle and spins it around before letting go, screaming heard as the warrior is sent flying. "Who's next?" Kai asks. A stand still commenced then Kai took some steps back before rising forward then slams the hands of the mech down which causes more of the Stone vehicles to get damaged and sent back a little.

Kozu moves forward in his vehicle and puts out a fire from one of the others. He growls as he watches Kai walk off to meet with the others. More pull up beside him. "Go!" He commands and they take off. "These guys just don't stop." Jay says, he and the rest of the team having gotten out of the Earth Drill. More Stone vehicles charge at them but then Kai walks up to them. "Climb on!" He tells them. They do so and hold on as Kai then scales the mountain as do the Stone vehicles.

"Oh, they're still coming." Jay says as he looks back. "Then let's slow 'em down." (Y/N) says. She turns around but still keeps a grip on the mech. She then close her eyes and calms her mind. She then opens her eyes and summons large purple translucent boulders that hit the vehicles and force them to fall. "Alright!" "Excellent!" Woo-Hoo!" Lloyd, Zane and Jay cheer but one appears and a Stone Warrior jumps and grabs one of the mech's feet. The console beeps as Kai looks down and stops briefly to kick it off. He continues climbing but another Stone vehicle almost reaches them. "Active hook!" He holds up one of the mech's hands and a hook is shot out and latches onto the top of the mountain on a ledge. Another stone warrior jumps onto the mech, only to end up getting a harsh kick from (Y/N). It screams and (Y/N) smirks at that. "Man, you don't even need powers to make it hurt." Cole tells her. "Never underestimate a woman's power." (Y/N) responds. Kai then activates the retrieval system and the mech is pulled up. (Who run the world?~)

He pulls himself and the team up onto the top then looks back as the Stone Warriors growl for having run into a problem. The Ninja get off the mech, "Oooooh! We made it to the top!" Jay cheers. "But where's the Temple of Light?" He asks, noticing the lack of a temple. "Are you sure you used the medallion right?" Lloyd asks him. "Oh, of course I used it right. It said it should be right here." Jay retaliates. "Jay. The light was at the top of the mountain. We need to head to the very top." (Y/N) states. "Then get to climbing, I've got to find a way to slow them down." Kai says, turning around finding the Stone Army approaching them. He then uses the mech to smash against the ledge, shaking the ground but not stopping the warriors. He then fires at some hanging rocks, making them fall onto growling warriors and making them and their vehicles tumble down. "That should buy us a little time." Kai says.

The group then start climbing. Lloyd then finds some light on the ground and gasps as he looks up to find a ball of light at the top. He and the others climb towards it and once they pull themselves up, "The Temple of Light." Lloyd says, finally arriving at the ancient building. (Y/N) stands next to him as she looks at the temple. "Almost there." She whispers. The rest of the guys meet with them and, together, they walk to the gates.

The gates then open and the team enter it, a vast area with paintings on the wall and crystals sticking out while also emitting a soft glow. Upon walk up to a wall, they look at the paintings and find that they are actually depicting their journey. "Guys, check this out. It's us." Jay says, as he points to them. "Impossible. It's everything we've ever done." Kai says. "Finding the Bounty, facing the Devourer. Even right now." Cole says, pointing at one that is mirroring them at the moment. "How could it all be here?" Zane asks. "Destiny." Lloyd answers.

(Y/N) was speechless as she looks at the paintings. Of when they all came together. The Tornado of Creation. Meeting Lloyd and him joining them. She sees everything of when her life first started. She inhales a little as she tries to hold in tears from seeing everything she has been through with the Ninja. But then she sees a painting that depicts of her, the guys and Lloyd in the same positions as their symbols from one of Misako's scrolls. Noticing how their Gis are different. "I think I know what we need to do." Lloyd says, but then (Y/N) gasps as her powers flare to warn of the Stone Warriors approaching. "It's hope it's fast, Lloyd." She says. Lloyd gestures for her to follow him and she does so.

They walk to the center of the room and Lloyd bends down to dust away some dirt, revealing his symbol and also sees that (Y/N)'s was under it. "Look." He says. "Like the scroll and the painting depicted." (Y/N) mutters. She then focus her powers then does a sweeping kick and emit a wave that clears the dirt to reveal the guys' symbols. They all look at it in amazement. "Okay, now what?" Lloyd asks. Shouting was then heard as the Stone Warriors were getting closer. "Why does everything have to be so hard?" Cole complains. "Misako said that there is suppose to be an instrument of peace. But where is it?" (Y/N) says, starting to feel anxious as she feels the army get closer.

Lloyd then thinks about what she said. "For once the Green Ninja finds the instrument of peace, he will strike and know the power of the Ultimate Spinjitzu Master." He remembers his mother's words and looks up to find a giant bell above him and (Y/N). "The bell. It's an instrument. You guys ready for this?" He says. "Bring it." Cole states. "We came all this way. Do it." (Y/N) says. Lloyd then runs and jumps onto a pillar then jumps off it as he kicks the bell. Striking the instrument of peace. Lloyd lands under it and a beam of light then emits and shines down on him and (Y/N). "Whoa! What's happening?" Lloyd exclaims. "No one move!" Kai shouts. The light then spreads and Lloyd closes his eyes as he embraces it. A beam of light then bounces off him and it connects to the crystals within the temple. It strikes a pillar where Kai stands near it and his Gi then changes to match the one in the painting. He even obtains a sword handle in the shape of a dragon head. The light then separates into numerous more as Cole then obtains a new Gi and sword handle as well. Jay is next then Zane and together all of the guys now wield a sword handle. Lloyd is then lifted up into the air.

The sword handles then produce blades, each made from the elemental powers of the guys. (Y/N)'s body then changes at it becomes a bright translucent purple with it also becoming. Her eyes shine as star dust emit from her. "Guys, send your powers to (Y/N)!" Kai shouts. The guys then point their blades at (Y/N), shooting their powers at her. (Y/N) raise her arms as the powers swirl around her before being formed into in a sphere. The powers were wild but (Y/N) holds her hands around it and concentrates as they soon become tame. She then raise her arms above her as she sends the orb to Lloyd. Which absorbs into him as his Gi changed as well. A golden dragon then appears, roaring before disappearing along with the light.

(Y/N)'s body returns to normal and she falls onto her back, Lloyd falling and landing on his front. "Lloyd. (Y/N)." Kai calls out to them. The Stone Army finally arrive as they walk towards them. Lloyd then gets up, "Let 'em have it!" He shouts. (Y/N) wakes up and pushes herself up and onto her feet, her Gi having changed as well to match the Lloyd's and the guys. "Time for payback!" She says, punching a fist into her hand. The Stone Warriors rush in as they release battle cries. "Now we get to fight!" Cole exclaims.

Kai blocks a sword from a warrior, the blade emits fire from the colliding of the enemy blade. "Cool." He says then jumps as he inserts the blade into the ground and runs around the warriors, trapping them in a ring of fire. The warriors look at it in confusion, "Woo-Hoo!" Kai cheers as he runs into it and sends them flying. Warriors charge at Jay, who hardens his gaze as she stands firm. He then jumps and stands on two spears then charges his blade and jumps off the spear, striking the blade onto the weapon which causes a chain lightning to travel among the warriors. They shout in agony as they then fall back.

Warriors charge at Zane who jumps onto a pillar and climbs up it. Zane then looks down to find them forming a ladder by jumping onto each other's heads and once all of them were stacked up, he jumps and lands on the sword of one that tried to hit him then jumps again and uses his blade to encase them in ice. He kicks it and this causes the ice to break and the warriors to fall onto the ground. Cole then stands agains a group of warriors as the growl at him. Cole then jumps and inserts the blade into the ground, making it rumble as earth rises and traps the warriors in it. He removes his blade from the ground and laughs then moonwalks and jumps onto four warriors before landing on the dirt and dance a little. He finishes with a spin, "Hee, hee~"

Kozu then enters along with more warriors. "Ladies first." Lloyd says to (Y/N) she smirks as she steps forward then takes a deep breath. She holds her hands out and close her eyes as concentrates on her powers. Small orbs then appear within the group do warriors and they stop to look at them in confusion. (Y/N) snaps her eyes open as she closes her hands and the orbs explode. The warriors shout as the orbs burst and send them back. Each emitting a different effect: A burning, a shocking, a freezing, a hard impact or a bright light to blind them. She then forms a wave of star dust and steps forward as she punches forward, sending it at them. It forces them onto their backs. She shakes her hands out and steps aside as Lloyd steps forward as the warriors get up. "My turn." He says. The guys stand with them as Lloyd then forms an orb that then starts to change from green to gold he then releases it and a golden dragon appears. "Retreat!" Kozu orders, he and the warriors running away.

The Golden Dragon then appears above the mountain as it roars loudly. Streaks of ice, earth, lightning and fire fly from the temple and star dust appears throughout the night sky. (Okay, how can that ever NOT be epic?) Nya, Wu, Misako and Dr. Julien cheer as they watch it on the big screen from in the bridge on the Bounty. "They did it!" Nya cheers. "Yes." Wu says, relieved at the mission being a success. Misako then hugs him and he hugs back. "Perhaps good will win after all." She says. She and Wu embracing each other as they hug.

However, elsewhere, the Celestial Clock continues to tick away and a being watches it as it does so along side Garmadon. "It appears your indestructible army isn't as tough as it appears to be." Garmadon says to it. "The Ninja may be getting stronger, but so are we. When the Celestial Clock reaches zero, the ultimate weapon will be complete, and then there will be nothing the Ninja can do about it to stop you from turning Ninjago into your image!" It responds in a raspy low voice.  The hands contain to tick and it shows that the time for the Final Battle to recommence is approaching very soon.

(Okay, I hope you have enjoyed. It will be a while till the next one so until then, Bye for now!)

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