The Last Hope

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(Okay, with how close we are to nearing the end of Season 2, I am going to try and get the next chapters up as soon as I can. Hope you enjoy.)

I have to say, my powers feel a lot more controlled now. Ever since the Temple of Light, the confidence in the team has almost reached outer space. But I'm starting to get a bad feeling in my gut. Like when the team and I were on our way to destroy the Fangblades only for the Devourer to have been released instead. But, somehow, this feels worse. I don't like it. Not one bit.

While the guys have been testing their powers via their new cool swords, I have been doing some training. I'm currently doing push-ups but I stop and hold myself up as I feel my powers flare up. I close my eyes and see... Garmadon? "I still have to battle my son in order to transform Ninjago into my image." He sounds sad. And it is genuine. I frown in sympathy. Even after everything, he still loves his son too much. "Battle and defeat, if evil is to prevail." "Gah-Ow!" My hands slipped and I fell into my face. I roll onto my back and rub my face to soothe the pain. That... that felt like... I take deep breaths a I open my eyes and look at the ceiling of my room. I calm down then stand up. "I need to get some fresh air."

I was about to leave but stop and look back at my desk. I haven't draw anything in a while and I walk over to my desk and pull the drawer back to pick up former ones. It feels like forever since I have drawn these. I then fold them up and place them within my Gi. And speaking of Gi, I love the look of it. The mainly black with highlights of purple is nice in my opinion. I soon make it out of the Bounty, and walk over to where I feel Lloyd is. I see Nya making some adjustments to the Earth Drill then she sees me and waves. I smile and wave back then make it past the drill to see Lloyd with Dr. Julien. "Every cog, every gear is important. If one piece is missing, or out of place, the invention won't work." Dr. Julien says as he added something to Falcon and the mechanical bird flaps to life once more.

I smile as I move to stand at the table. "Looks like Falcon is as good as new." I remark. "Hello, (Y/N). And you are correct." Dr. Julien says then closes the chest plate of Falcon. "Come now, little one. Time to fly." I smile as Falcon takes off, flying once more into the vast sky. "It is like you ninja. You each serve very important roles, and are each key parts to a magnificent fighting force." Master says as he approaches us and we give our attention to him. I then hear a squawk and look back to find some ice and earth collide together as Falcon then flies off. I roll my eyes, "Boys." I mutter. "If we're all the gears, what if I'm the gear that doesn't work? What if I don't do my part? What if... I can't defeat my father?" I look at Lloyd after he said that.

I frown in sympathy for him as I look at the table. He does not want to fight his father and his father does not want to fight him. But fate is cruel at times and we can't do anything about it. Like how I never got to know either of my parents going up. "What if there are no more 'What ifs'? The Final Battle is almost upon us. When that time comes, we will know the answer to what if, wether we like it or not." I hear Wu say. I look up and walk over to him and lay a hand on his shoulder. He looks at me, "I know this is not easy, but we'll be with you and help you through it." I tell him. Like how he and the gang comforted me when I found out my father had passed on. "I know you don't want to face your father, but there is no other choice." I remove my hand from him as we look to see Nya walk over and stand at the table. "But perhaps there is." Misako says as she appears. "I used to think it was inevitable, but then I found this." She says and places a scroll on the table.

"You mean maybe Lloyd doesn't have to fight? This I gotta hear." I look back as the guys walk over a hill. All of them were in some beach wear with Zane wearing a flower button-up shirt, Jay in a tank top and Cole and Kai shirtless. I mentally sigh at their overconfidence then turn around to look at the scroll. "The scroll says that the Helmet of Darkness is bequeathed to its rightful ruler, the Celestial Clock will count down to the activation of an unspeakable weapon." Misako starts as she unrolls the scroll to show a drawing of the Stone Army walks out of the mouth of a shadowy being with horns and red eyes. "The first sign that the Final Battle between good and evil has begun." I don't know why, but that shadowy being makes me uncomfortable.

"Did you just say unspeakable weapon?" "Uh, I'm still stuck on what 'bequeathed' means." I hear Kai and Jay but remain focus on the drawing. Something about that shadow figure... just itches my brain. What is it? "Go on, Misako. Don't let us interrupt you. How do we stop the final battle?" Stop? I blink as I look up as Cole said that. "There is nothing here that explains what would happen if the Helmet of Darkness is returned." Misako informs. "Interesting. Remove the helmet, the clock starts. Put it back, the clock stops." Wu says. "And the Final Battle never starts." Lloyd adds.

No. If it never starts... I mean, I don't want Lloyd to fight his father and Garmadon does not want to fight his son. But if the Final Battle never happens, who knows what other damage will be caused. But then again, I have been feeling how the balance is becoming shaky. Like... it's almost time. "(Y/N), come on. Misako says she can get the Helmet of Darkness." I blink as I break out of my thinking and look up to find everyone looking at me. "It won't work." I blurt out. "Huh? What do you mean it won't work?" I hear Jay ask. "It's just... do you think that maybe nothing written about the helmet being returned is for a reason? Like, it will literally stop nothing?" I ask. "(Y/N), this could be my chance to not have to fight my father." I hear Lloyd say.

"I understand that. Believe me, I do." I look at him. "Your father doesn't want to fight you anymore than you do. But the Final Battle is going to happen. It will finish and... and..." Something... Something is... "The Final Battle will recommence." "(Y/N)!" I jump and see everyone looking at me with worried expressions. I then realized I'm not breathing and take a deep breath then slowly exhale. "(Y/N), perhaps you should stay behind." I look over at Zane as he said that. I look down, still taking deep breaths and exhaling slowly. I feel hands on my shoulders and I I close my eyes as I calmed down. "No. No, I... I'll come with." I state. "You sure? You didn't respond for a minute." I hear Cole say and look to my left to find him looking at me a concerned face as he has a hand on my shoulder. "I'm sure." I state. "Okaaaaay. But how about releasing the table first." I hear Jay say and look down to find I had gripped the table a little too hard. I pull my hands off and cringe a little at the indentations I made from gripping them.

"(Y/N), if you are sure that you can partake in the mission, you must remain aware of what is happening at all times." I look over at Master and nod my head in understanding. I inhale deeply then look at Misako, "What's the plan?" I ask her.

Third Person P.O.V.

Misako had (Y/N) and the guys walk over to explain her plan. "In order to get past their guards, we need to first get control..." She says. Lloyd then start to make his way to them, "I'm sorry, Lloyd." But stops and groans in annoyance as Wu stops him. "This mission isn't for you." Wu tells him. Lloyd turns to face him, "But I'm all powered up, I can help." He argues. "We mustn't let you and your father come face to face yet. We're trying to prevent the Final Battle, not welcome it." Wu says. "Yes, Sensei." Lloyd says as he frowns and looks down at the ground.

Garmadon's P.O.V.

Yes. Things are progressing nicely. I look at the upgraded vehicles as they appear far more threatening. I smile at that. The Ninja won't know what will hit them. "Why build your forces, when all of your attention should be on completing the ultimate weapon?" My smile drops. Ugh. This guy again. "What good is an ultimate weapon if I'm not around to use it? Do not question my motives!" I tell it then turn my back to the voice. "It is not your motives I question but your resolve. I fear you're hesitating as the hours count down to facing your son." My son... "So it is true." The nerve. "Never doubt my evil again! Not if you wish to remain my ally when I rule!" I tell it. I then look at the warriors. "Get back to building the ultimate weapon! And do not stop until it is complete!" I order.

"Yes~ Now there is the Garmadon I am counting on." It says. "Though, while your son is the greatest threat to you, we cannot forget about the current Master of Life." (Y/N)? "Why do you speak of the Purple Ninja?" I question it. "For they can feel the balance and knows of when it will be tipped. But if they are to be standing with us, our victory will be absolute." It says. (Y/N). The person who has protected and cared for my son. But Destiny has already taken too much, "Well, good luck with trying to catch and persuade her. She is awfully stubborn." I state. "Then it be best to cut a lost cause if that's the case."

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

So, we got to work on enacting the plan. We found some discarded armor of the Stone Warriors so that the guys and I can blend in. Misako was tied up to make it look like she was captured and taken prisoner. We even found some weapons too. With everything ready, we all made their way to the camp and stopped at the door. Jay walked up and knocked on it then stepped back as it was raised. We entered the the camp the Misako struggled against us to sell the act. "Unhand me, you fiends!" She says. One approaches us and has four arms, must be a higher ranked guy. He started speaking a different language.

"Uh, what did he say?" Cole asks. "I don't know." Kai replies. "I believe it is an ancient language." Zane whispers. I roll my eyes, "Really? I didn't get that from the growling and grunting." I reply with sarcasm. "Well, somebody say something. Uh, bada-bada, bing-bong!" I hear Cole say. I keep focus on the four-armed guy as he looks at us. "Cheep, cheep, chit-ta-ta!" "Tick tock, tick-tock." "Bequeath, bequeath, bequeath." I didn't have to look back to know that Jay did some weird dance when he said that. "Huh?" I'm right there with you, four-armed guy.

But then I remember of how it is mainly grunts and growls. With a little gibberish. I clear my throat and shoot my shot. "Gah-muck! Rrrraghar moronus tu po nick-tai." I step forward to stand next to Misako and grab her arm as I force her to walk with me. "Tusho var mo loro! Fool al jeck!" I then toss her forward to the guy. It was quiet for a minute but I hope the guy would understand what I was trying to say. "You have captured one of our enemies to present to our Lord. Well done. You are truly one to get things done despite these morons you have to deal with." He says. Phew. He did understand. Though, the moron bit was a little harsh. Even if the guys can be annoying at times.

"That's right, you caught me. But I'll never tell you where our base is. And you won't hear another peep out of me, unless you take me to Garmadon." Misako says. "HARK-A!" I shout and force her onto her knees. "Sorry." I whisper to her. "It's alright. Keep up the act." She whispers back. I hear growling and look up to see the four-armed guy look at me then gesture one of his hands for me to step back. I do so then he grabs Misako by the ropes and force up to follow him. Okay, plan is going smoothly so far. "How the Heck were you able to speak their language?" I look at Jay as he asked that. I shrug my shoulders, "I didn't. I just copied what I heard and went with it. Honestly, I'm just glad it worked because if it didn't, we would be DEAD." I answer, then sigh deeply at not having been found out.

We then made our way deeper into the camp to try and stay close to Misako and be ready for when she grabs the helmet. But then my powers flare up and I close my eyes as I see the auras of Misako and Garmadon. I could feel the shock then fondness from Garmadon as he sees Misako again after all this time. Misako was happy to see him too. Even if their relationship is not the same, they still hold a place in each other's hearts. But then I felt someone approaching the guys and I. I open my eyes and straighten up as the four-armed stone warrior appears. He speaks in his native tongue and gestures for us to get to work. "Uh, is he talking to us?" I deadpan at Kai's question. "I think he wants us to get working." You don't say, Zane?

The guy then shouts and the guys, for some reason, hopped off while speaking gibberish. I only shake my head. "You!" I stand straight as I am addressed. "Go make sure those fools do not waste anymore time." He says. "Kah-ma." I respond then that follow the guys. But then I feel my powers flare up as I feel Garmadon's disbelief but also relief of finding out Lloyd doesn't want to to fight him. I meet up with the guys and Cole gives me a tray of some dark goop with purple confetti in it. But this was not giving off good vibes. I shiver from the energy emitting from it but walk on as we go up a hill. "Aw, man! No matter how many bad situations we get ourselves out of, we never seem to be able would escape chores!" Jay complains.

Yeah. Like that is the worst thing. "What is that thing?" Cole asks and I look up at the structure with the spiral ramp surrounding it. "It must be the unspeakable weapon Misako was talking about." Zane says. We continue forward but the I stop before I could bump into Cole. "Look, guys! An elevator. Sweet!" He says. "Hold it, tiger." I tell him as the four-armed guy appears and denies them usage of the elevator. I give him a bow to apologize then stand straight and growl at the guys to use the ramp. "Ah. Relax, relax. Forget it." Cole says.

We all then go up the ramp. "Sheesh. What is wrong with these guys?" Cole asks. I walk up to stand next to him. "These guys were created to only serve one purpose: To serve the Dark Lord." I answer. I then see a large barrel sticking out through a hole in the wall. "I don't know about you, but that just looked like some sort of massive cannon." I hear Kai say. "What do you suppose it's for?" Zane asks. "Oh, I don't know. How about to destroy us?" Good guess, Jay.

We then make it to the top and one warrior shouts and bonks Cole on the head with a staff. "Pfft!" Don't laugh, don't laugh, don't laugh! "Hey, why don't you bonk someone your own size, half-stack!" Cole complains. The short warrior then says something I could not understand but that ended up with him getting thrown off. "That guy seriously had it coming." Yeah, he did. "Ninja-Go!" The guys perform Spinjitzu as they change into their Gis and wield their swords. "Welp. There goes blending in." I say then do Spinjitzu to change into my Gi. I stop and look down to find Stone Warriors coming right at us. "At least we get to break the ice!" Zane quips as he freezes the floor under some warriors, making them slip and fall off. "Ha-ha! Nice one, Zane." Kai compliments him. "Now you're cooking with gas. "Guys! More fighting, less quipping." I state then send an orb at the elevator, it exploding and making the elevator fall down. I hear the warriors scream before they hit the ground.

"That would have been perfect for a 'going down' quip." I roll my eyes at Jay's comment. "Save some lines for us, Jay." I sigh. I'm starting to think they are overconfident. "I wouldn't want us to bowl over the competition." I watch Cole as he grabs a rope and swings with it. Some warriors charge but then stop and move to avoid him then Cole ended up ramming into some wooden barrels. I wince at that. "Okay. Maybe I'm being too harsh." I say out loud. "Let's get Misako and get out of here!" Kai says. "Ninja-Go!" We all shout as we do Spinjitzu and knock off more warriors.

Third Person P.O.V.

While the Ninja are busy, Misako is still with Garmadon. She waits patiently for the moment to make her move and snatch the Helmet of Darkness which rested on a stand for Garmadon had taken it off for her. Garmadon has his back to her as lets out a heavy sigh, "Misako, I'm glad you finally understand me. Not many people do, you see." He speaks, but Misako then makes her way to the helmet. She nods stands before and right as she was to grab it, she hears Garmadon grunt softly and looks at him to find he is still facing away from her. "Being evil these days is really unappreciated. But you... I always knew I could count on you." He says.

Misako takes to opportunity and takes the helmet then runs out of Garmadon's tent. The alarms wail and Garmadon jumps at the noise. "Huh?" He turns around and finds Misako and the Helmet of Darkness gone. "You deceived me? Stop her!" He shouts.

Outside, the Stone Army roars as they chase after the Ninja. The Ninja then hop off the ramp (Y/N) made as they all meet with Misako. "You got the helmet!" Zane says. "And you got spotted!" She replies back. "Cole gave us away." Jay calls out Cole. "All right, I've had a rough day. Can we stop laying blame, and focus on what's in front of us?" Cole says. But then the ground starts to shake and the group look to see what is causing it. "Maybe we should worry about what's behind us." Kai says. They see a giant black four-armed mech with Garmado piloting it. "Cut them down to size." He says then cackles. "When will I get a cool vehicle or mech?"(Y/N) asks out loud. "We can discussed that after we MOVE!" Jay shouts as he, the guys, (Y/N) and Misako jump out of the way to avoid the giant sword that Garmado swung at them.

Fortunately, he swung too hard and the blade got embedded in the ground. (Y/N) summons her powers and covers her fist with a purple glow then punches as the purple fist hits Garmadon. It hits him and force his mech to take a few steps back, the sword getting freed as well. "It we do not return the helmet before the clock strikes zero, we won't be able to prevent the Final Battle." Misako says. "Don't worry, I'm on top of it!" Jay says as he then runs towards Garmadon. "Yeah! Woo-Hoo-Hoo!" He cheers as he jumps then grabs the blade of the sword but loses his grip and starts to scream as he falls. He gets caught in one of the mech's hands and is then thrown. He grunts as he hits the ground and rolls for a bit. "Oh, maybe not." He groans as he lifts himself up.

"Didn't his mama ever teach him, 'The bigger they are the harder they fall'?" Cole says to Garmadon, wielding his sword and summoning its blade. Garmadon only laughs as Cole sends rocks at him and easily blocks them with his large sword. "Oh, apparently she did." Cole says, surprised from the blocking. Garmadon then walks towards them and (Y/N) moved to stand in front of the group but Kai charges towards Garmadon. He grunts as he shoots fire at the mech and creates a wall of fire. Garmadon only laughs as he walks through it. "Oh, great." Kai groans. "Bye-bye!" Garmadon says then kicks Kai, sending him flying back. Kai slides on his back.

(Y/N) looks at Garmadon with a defiant look. "Don't make me do something I'll regret, Garmadon." She warns him. "(Y/N). You were always more capable than the others. Along with desiring to protect my son, so I propose something to you." He says. (Y/N) only glares at him and covers her fists with her powers. "Thanks, but NO thanks." She says then sends a ball of purple energy at him. He yells from the impact and steps back. She exhales as she drops her glare and lower her arms. Feeling the balance become more and more shaky but blinks as she feels something else.

"Ugh. We better think of something fast, because..." Kai says as Garmadon recovers and made his way over to them and cackles. "I'm out of lines. Hey!" He shouts as he shoots up and onto his feet as the ground shakes. A drill appears and the group moves as the Earth Drill appears. "Whoa, it's Nya!" Jay cheers. (Y/N) smiles in relief at Nya arriving just in time to help them. Nya races off and charges through some Stone Warriors and forces Garmadon's mech to fall. She drives over to the others and stops in front of them. "Hey, guys!" She greets. "How did you know we needed you?" Jay asks her. "Look up." Nya says as she points up. The group does so and see the Falcon as it flies above them.

"Get in." Nya says, as she opens the hood. The Ninja and Misako hop in and Nya closes the hood. "Hang on!" She then drives into the hole she created. The stone warriors yell as they toss weapons at them. "Don't just stand there! Get them!" Garmadon orders. The warriors growl as they hop onto vehicles that then dive down into the hole. "You fool! You let them get away with the helmet? Don't you realize if they put it on, they will control the army? And why didn't you capture the Purple Ninja?" The voice says. "I'll see to it personally. It's my turn." Garmadon says to it. "And I did say she is stubborn." He adds. The voice scoffs, "Just as they were all those years ago." It states.

The Earth Drill burrows as the Ninja make their way to the Celestial Clock while also being pursued by some Stone Warriors. "Heh. Cool hat. I wonder if it'll make me look more menacing." Jay says as he places the helmet on his head. "Is that really wise? If that helmet turns you evil, we're kicking you out." Nya says as she focuses on driving. "Uh, is that possible?" Jay asks then laughs nervously and takes off the helmet. "It's probably got Garmadon cooties anyway." He says. "Did we get the helmet?" Wu asks through the radio. "We did, and we're all accounted for." Nya confirms. "Then let's rendezvous at the clock." Wu states. "It's so dark in here. One of these have got to be a light switch." Jay says then starts pressing a button. "Jay, no." (Y/N) states but then her eyes widen. She looks up as a Stone Warrior lands on the hood. Jay yelps from the surprise. It growls as it glares down at them. "Uh, sis, can we go any faster?" Kai asks Nya. "We're going as fast as we can." Nya replies.

Kozu growls as he then accelerates the vehicle he is on and it starts to get closer to the Earth Drill. "We're definitely not going fast enough." Cole comments. The group shouts as they Earth Drill gets hit by the stone vehicle and Kozu laughs. "Okay!" Nya smirks as she steps on the breaks and makes the Earth Drill go faster. She then has it surface and drives on the ground in the direction of the Celestial Clock. However, the Stone Army surfaces as they continue to chase them. (Y/N) and Jay both look back and find that they are getting away. "We're losing them!" Jay shouts. Kai cheers from the news. "Excellent!" "Awesome." Zane and Nya cheer. But then (Y/N) gasps, "We got incoming big boss!" She shouts. Garmadon appearing as he makes his mech run after them. "Uh, oops." Cole says.

Garmadon growls as he approaches them. "You won't get away from me again, Misako." He says. Misako looking back and feels guilt for having deceived him, even if it was for good reasons. "Hang on!" Nya exclaims as she makes a sharp turn and charges through bamboo trees. Garmadon follows and has no problem with the trees thanks to his mech and continues pursuit. The guys scream a little as the ride gets a little rough while Nya makes some sharp turns. "Have we lost him?" She asks. "Not quite." Kai answers. Garmadon laughs as he catches up to them and grabs the Earth Drill. Everyone screams as they are lifted up then are shaken as Garmadon laughs. They bounce around until they are then thrown and hit the ground as they roll for a bit then stop right-side up.

They take a moment to breathe then Nya bangs on the hood. "It's stuck!" She exclaims in worry. Garmadon then grabs the Earth Drill again and lifts them up. "I think I'm gonna be sick." Cole says as he holds on. "I finally have you ninja, in the palm of my hand!" Garmadon shouts then cackles. "Let them go!" A beam of green light hits Garmadon's mech, forcing him to let go of the Earth Drill as he is sent back. He lands on his back while the group ended up on a fallen tree. Thankfully, it loosens the hood and Nya opens it. They lift themselves up and see the now busted up mech then look over to find Lloyd arrived. "Lloyd, be careful!" Nya tells him.

Lloyd's P.O.V.

I couldn't stand aside. Not this time.I see my father stumble out of his mech. I walk towards him. "Take the shot, Lloyd!" "He's vulnerable!" "Do not hesitate!" "Strike now!" I hear the guys say as I stop and look back at them. I then face my father and see that he is injured. He coughs as he stops too. "I'm sorry, Father. You leave me no choice." I tell him. He coughs some more but I remain strong. "It is our destiny." I state then hold my arms in front of me to summon my powers. But then I look at him and see the the isn't doing anything. Like he has already accepted defeat.

I then remember a conversation I had with (Y/N). It was when I first started training and we were in that big apartment and the guys had jobs. "Now, Lloyd, when it comes to facing your opponents, it is important to fight with honor." She said. "Okay." I responded. "And the thing about honor is that it is also respect. Even if they are the most hated being in all of existence and have done horrible unforgivable things, striking someone that cannot defend themselves or refuse to fight is wrong." She said. "But what if they do something bad even after we let them go?" I asked her. I remember her looking away from me with a sad face, "Even so, we must never stoop to their level." She answered.

He can't fight like this. He closes his eyes and accept defeat, but... No. I make the energy orb disappear then pant. I then hear growling and look to find Stone Warriors approaching fast. I look at my father and he laughs. But I know that he didn't fake all of it. "Lloyd, we need to move!" I hear Mom. "The clock is not too far from here." Nya says. "Lloyd!" I hear (Y/N) shout. "Okay." I turned and run to them. The Earth Drill gets off the tree and the hood opens. "Better hop in, Lloyd." Nya says. "Go!" I shout as I entered and sit next to Mom. The hood closes and we burrow into the ground.

I look back. Should I have done? No. There's still a chance that I don't have to fight him at all. I then feel something. I look at (Y/N), but find her looking ahead. But the feeling... it feels like... relief.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

I'm glad I'm wearing my hood right now, because I am smiling in pride of Lloyd not striking down his father. But then I frown as I feel us getting closer to Wu. Closer to the Celestial Clock.

"We made it! About to breach the surface." Nya says as the Earth Drill breaches the surface. "Wow. This clock is a mechanical masterpiece." Nya wows at the clock. It is impressive, not gonna lie about that. The hood pulls back and we all hop out. We walk up to it and I look at the hands that tick away, seeing that it is almost time. "You're welcome to dismantle it once we stop it." Misako says. "There's only a couple minutes left!" Jay points out. "Everything, look for the helmet's perch! It could be anywhere." Misako says and she and the others get to looking while I remain where I am. They then look for the resting place but I still believe that nothing will happen.

Honestly, I sigh at how they keep placing the helmet on anything but a perch. Do they not know what a perch is? But then I feel something then move and kick the four-armed Stone Warrior and catch the helmet. I stand firm and glare at him as he stands up. "It is no use. There is only 30 seconds left. You will not be able to find the perch and the battle will recommence!" He says. I remain silent as I feel the balance. I then stomp my foot and hold out my right hand at them as I then form a shield. The warriors bang against it and I toss the helmet back to the gang. "Find the perch, I'll hold them back!" I tell them.

I turn around them hold up both hands as make the shield stronger. The warriors bang against it and I grit my teeth as I stand strong. "Hurry!" I hear Misako shout. The warriors continue to bang against my shield as I hear the others hurry to find the perch. "Where is it?" Kai shouts. Then I hear a gasp, "The helmet's perch!" I look back as I see where Misako points, a perch right under the clock. "There is only 10 seconds left!" Master says. "I'll get it." Misako runs forward. But then I hear shattering and look to see the shield fall. I lost focus. But then... Silence.

I turn around to watch the clock stop. "Nooooooooooo!" I see that while the helmet was placed back on its perch, the hands have reached 0. "Ah! It worked!" "We did it!" The gang cheers and laugh while the warriors groan. "It... Is... Time." That voice... The clock then moves as a horn blares. "No." I hear Master say. It was inevitable. "The Horns of Destruction. We were too late!" Misako says. "No." I state and walk up to the clock. "(Y/N)?" I hear Lloyd but continue looking at the Celestial Clock and stop as I look down at the Helmet of Darkness. "The Final Battle was going to happen regardless of what we did. The balance has been shaking for a while now for it knows that it is about to be tipped very soon." I say. "Destiny has foretold this very moment ever since the First Spinjitzu Master divided the land into two. It has been on pause long enough." I turn around and look at the group. They all have looks of shock and fear. I can feel it. "It is time. This is what we have been training for. Now we shall see if it is enough." I finish. Then hear something and look up as beam of light emerges from the clock and bounces off the planet-looking objects attached to it. I blink and step off the contraption as the beam shoots off in a certain direction.

(Okay, get ready for some HEAVY stuff.)

I then hear growling and look to find the Stone Warriors approach us. However, the guys, Master and Misako end up falling because the ground under them breaks off and they start falling down. Nya screams in distress. "Nya!" "Jay!" "Sis!" Crap. "Don't worry, I can-Ah." But then.. I feel pain. I look back and see a spear... embedded in my back. Ringing... Drowsiness... Dizziness... The stress. I then feel myself fall. "(Y/N)!" Is all I heard before I pass out. (Had to add some drama. Sorry not sorry.)

Third Person P.O.V.

The others could only watch in horror as (Y/N) crashes into the water. Nya is then grabbed by Kozu. "Let her go!" Jay orders him. "Or what? You will make a big splash? As did your friend?" Kozu retorts. The piece the group are on then descends lower. "The ground!" Cole exclaims and the piece completely detaches. They all scream as the fall into the water. "No. No!" Jay shouts then he and the others hit the water. Nya gasps in shock at their disappearance into the sea while Kozu laughs sinisterly.

Meanwhile, the others surface and the guys and Lloyd take off their hoods to breathe better. "Nya! We have to go back!" Jay exclaims. "By the time we climb back up there, they will already be long gone." Zane stares. "(Y/N)! She hasn't come up yet!" Lloyd shouts. Cole takes a deep breath and goes under. The others swim back to land then watch the water with baited breath. Cole then surfaces and gasps for air, (Y/N) within in his arms and still passed out. He swims over to land, "The spear was lost but she's losing blood." He says. Zane and Wu hurry over and help him up. He then gets on his knees as he rests (Y/N) on her front and moves her head to have her not be face-down in the sand along with also removing her hood.

The others look at the area for which she was struck, seeing that it was between her spine and right scapula. (One of the shoulder blades.) "That looks bad." Kai says, wincing at the sight of blood seeping out from the gash. "We have to help!" Lloyd shouts, worried for his sister. "Wait. Look." Misako says. The others look and watch as the wound suddenly be covered by purple star dust. "What- What's happening? Is she gonna be okay?!" Cole asks worriedly. Misako gets on her knees as watches, "It is said that the Master of Life wields much power and with their connection to life itself, they can tend to and heal injuries." She says. The others watch as the wound then starts to close and the blood clears up. A scar is all that remains.

However, (Y/N) remains unconscious. "She's still not waking up." Lloyd says, starting to fear the worst. "It must be because there is still water in her lungs." Zane says. Cole acts quickly and carefully moves (Y/N) with Misako's help to rest the (H/C)-haired woman on her back. He then performs CPR on her as he presses her chest while the others watch. Jay holds his hands in worry as he, Kai and Zane stand together. Wu places a hand on Lloyd's shoulder as they both worry greatly for (Y/N). Having no response, Cole then stops compressing her chest and then opens her mouth as he takes a deep breath and placed his lips on hers, blowing air into her lungs. He does this a few times then compresses her chest again. (Now it wasn't a kiss. It was a life-saving gesture. But, hey, think what you want.)

(Y/N)'s body then jolts as she coughs. Cole stops and as she turns her head to cough out the water she breathed in while unconscious. Everyone sighs in relief at her being alive. After a getting the water out of her lungs, (Y/N) let's out a sigh and lies back down. "I'm sorry." She says, her voice horsed from the coughing. "What for?" Misako asks her. (Y/N) inhales slowly, "You all wanted so badly to not fight and I was pessimistic. I didn't have any hope that the Final Battle could be stopped. I should have tried harder to show I care." She explains. The guys, Lloyd and Wu all had guilty expressions as she said that. Misako frowns in sympathy as she then brushes a strand of (Y/N)'s hair out of her face, "No. Destiny cannot be stopped. We should have accepted what was inevitable. I'm sorry." She apologizes.

"We all are." Cole says. He places his hand on (Y/N)'s, making her look at him. "Yeah." "All this training was for this very moment." "We should have known." Jay, Zane and Kai say to her and she looks at them with tired eyes. Lloyd moves and sits on his knees next to his mother as he grabs her other hand. "I'm sorry you got hurt." He says, holding back tears. (Y/N) gives his hand a comforting squeeze, "It's okay." She says. She then closes her eyes and fall unconscious again. "(Y/N)?" Kai says worriedly. Wu places a hand on his shoulder, making him look at him. "She is merely resting. She will be all right." Wu tells Kai.

Kai sighs deeply as he looks down at the ground. "You were right, Sensei. We were overconfident." He says. Lloyd then groans loudly. "I should have taken the shot! Then none of this would have happened." He says, voice full of guilt. "We cannot change the past, but we can alter the future." Wu tells him. "Now that the Horns of Destruction have sounded off, the Final Battle can start at anytime. We must head back to the Bounty to get prepared, so that next time, you will not hesitate." She says the last line to her son. Lloyd frowns heavily as looks at (Y/N) then nods his head. "Come on, Lloyd. Let's go home. You will get your chance." Wu tells him as he rests a hand on his shoulder. Lloyd then stands up and starts walking as Cole carefully picks up (Y/N) and holds her bridal style.

The group start making their way back to the Bounty, unaware that the ultimate weapon... is complete.

(Okay, I hope you enjoyed. Sorry if I may have caused some shock or near heart attack with a certain part. I will try to have the next chapter up as soon as I can then the one after that. Almost done with Season 2, people! Woo!)

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