The Green Ninja

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(Sorry for the long wait, had some work to do, but I got it done. It's a long one so I hope you enjoy.)

It was night. We are on the Bounty and I watch with Nya as Cole, Jay and Zane train. Cole charges at a dummy designed to look like a serpentine. "Earth!" He slams the blade of his scythe into the deck as it creates a small quake which makes the the dummy fall back. Cole jump flips and lands on his feet as he holds the golden scythe above his head. Jay swings his nunchucks as he charges at his own dummy of a serpentine. "Lightning!" He does Spinjitzu before stopping and hitting the dummy with the golden nunchucks. Zane tosses his shurikens up then summons them back as he stares down his own serpentine dummy. "Ice!" He turns, jump then tosses the golden shurikens under him as they plant themselves in front of the dummy's feet as it then becomes incased in ice.

Once all the dummies were defeated, Nya turned on a spotlight. "Good training." She compliments the boys. "Your powers are getting stronger." She notes. "I'll say. You have greatly improved when you all have unlocked your true potential." I tell the boys. It has been a few days since Pythor stole the second Fangblade, so we have been training more to be ready next time. "Thanks, (Y/N)." "Yeah. I feel like I could take on anything." Cole and Jay reply to me. "Your powers have also gotten stronger." Zane says. I smirk then hop off the platform I was on with Nya, but before I landed in the ground, I floated for a bit then land on the deck. "Thanks." I say.

I had to admit, things are definitely looking up for us. But then I notice someone was missing. "Where's Kai?" I hear Nya say. She noticed too. "Yeah, where is he?" "I haven't seen him." "Perhaps he is running late?" The guys talk while I close my eyes to find Kai. I see his aura and find him to be in Wu's room doing some moves. I open my eyes, "I know where he is." I say. I walk off and everyone follows after me. Once we reach Wu's room, I hold a hand up to signal everyone to stop. "Fire!" Yep. That is Kai. "Unlock fire! Uh, fire go! Shoot flames!" I look into Wu's room, after carefully opening the door to not be heard, and see Kai wearing the Green Ninja Gi. "Oh, come on. Everyone else can do it. So can you. Bring heat!" He says then flips and does some push-ups.

Oh, yeah. That's another thing. Ever since Cole unlocked his true potential, Kai has been trying to unlock his own true potential. And it has been a giving me a headache since I can feel his obsession of wanting to be the Green Ninja. I look back at the others, who were silently laughing at Kai's antics, and signal them to enter quietly. Once we were all in, the guys openly laugh, making our presence be known. "Very nice. Perhaps if you tried the phrase 'fire dork' maybe it might work." Cole teases. "How long have you all been watching?" Kai asks, taking off the hood of the green Gi. "Since you shouted fire." I answer, smirking a little. "The Green Ninja suit, that's awesome!" Jay says. I mean, this is the first time we have actually seen the Gi for the Green Ninja.

"Well, I was looking for some kind of clue from Sensei and then I found this." Kai says. "And you put it on and started saying whatever to try and unlock your true potential." I added. I felt like being sassy today, don't at me. "But you know only he who is foretold to face Lord Garmadon is destined to be the Green Ninja and only he should wear the Green Ninja outfit." Zane states. Green. We have been saying green a lot. "So Sensei would most likely be very-" "I know, I know." Kai interrupts Zane as walks over to look out a window. "But I thought if I just tried it on, it might help me see my true potential. It's not fair that you guys have unlocked your cool powers and I still haven't." Kai says. The guys stand next to him while I remain where I am.

"Besides, Sensei's gone and we don't know when he's coming back." But right after Kai said that, I felt a very familiar presence and heard a door opening and closing, "Hello? I'm home." "Sensei!" The guys cheer and race off. I smile. He's back. He's back! I run off to follow the guys. I use my powers to make sure it's him. And it is! Once I meet up with the guys, there he is. Long white beard, staff, all of it. "Master Wu!" I exclaim. He looks at me and smiles. "(Y/N), it is good to see you." He says. I smile to myself as I stand next to Cole. "Ah. It's so good to be home." Master says. "So glad to have you back." Zane says, happy to have Wu back like the rest of us. "Did you bring us anything?" Cole asks. "Oh, Sensei, have you missed a lot." Jay starts, moving to stand on the table, "Zane's a nindroid, Nya's the mysterious samurai, Cole's a dancer-"

"Zane is a... what?" Wu says in disbelief. It is a lot to take in. "What Jay meant to say is that we have so much to tell you." I simplify for Master. "Indeed. You have been gone a while. We'll catch you up later. But you should know, all of us except for Kai have discovered our true potential." Zane says. "Have you now?" Master says. "Well, I'm not sure if I have unlocked my true potential. I have been getting better at my powers, but I don't know if that means I have unlocked it or I'm just progressing better." I honestly say. "Well, you certainly have been improving in areas other than your powers, (Y/N)." Master says. I smile a little at his statement.

"Where is Kai?" He asks. Oh, right. "Right here." I look to see Kai arrive to meet with the rest of us. He pat adjust his red Gi and has his sword with him. "So glad you're back safe." He says to Wu. But the I froze. Something, no, someone else is here. It's.... familiar. And not in the good way. I look over at Wu right as when four arms appear behind him. And then, the owner of those arms step to the side to reveal himself. "Aah, Sensei! Behind you!" I hear Kai shout and look to find him equip his sword. "Sensei!" I look to find Zane jump in front of Master Wu. Kai swings his sword but the person he was trying to hit feel backwards and avoided it.

"Aah! He's got four arms." Kai says then jumps and tries to strike the four-armed person. But then my powers flare up and the person is not here to fight. I check again but it's the same thing, he's here to help. Lloyd! "Kai! Get off him!" I exclaim, finally moving and using my powers to protect my hands as I grab the blade of the sword and push it away. Kai stumbles back, "What are you doing?! That's-" "I know fully well who it is, Kai! But he's not here to fight, he's here to help!" I state. Kai still holds his sword up and I still have my hands covered with my powers. I don't want to fight Kai, but he's stubborn.

"Enough! Kai, stop!" We both look over at Master as he walks towards us. "He is the reason I left." He states. I notice Kai have a look of disbelief at what Master said. "For as long as Pythor has Lloyd, he will be our guest." Master states. "We have to live with this guy?" "But Sensei, he has four arms!" "Uh, must I remind you ever since he turned evil he's been trying to get our Golden Weapons?" Cole, Zane, and Jay argue. "Enough!" Master exclaims. I jump a little in surprise. It has been a while since he had raised his voice. I make my powers vanish from my hands as I give my attention to Master Wu. "Yes, Sensei." The guys respond.

Garmadon gets up and stands beside me. I take a step away from him because yes, it is Garmadon. Lord Garmadon. Our archenemy. Obsessed with obtaining the Golden Weapons and using them to create his own version of Ninjago. That Garmadon. "This isn't about the weapons, it's about my son." He says. I lower my guard a little as he mentions Lloyd. It has been so long. "From here on out, you will obey me and you will respect my brother." Wu states. Garmadon crosses his arms and has a smug expression on his face. "Yes, Sensei." Everyone replies, though they are not happy. "Now to the bridge. We must put our attention to more pressing matters." Wu says as he walks off with Garmadon following him.

But then the four-armed man stops as he looks at Kai with a smug smile. I can feel Kai's frustration and see him shake with anger. I mentally sigh. This is going to be a long couple of days.

After that fiasco, the sun had risen and we are all currently in the bridge. "So where are we at with the Four Fangblades?" Master asks. I take a deep breathe, "Well, Pythor has managed to obtain two, but there are still two left. All we need is one to stop him from releasing the Great Devourer, but we can only work with what we have and even that is barely enough." I answer. "Indeed. However, I have programmed the falcon to alert us if he sees any suspicious activity." Zane says. "Good, if we find the Fangblade, we find Lloyd. Kai and Nya, prepare the deck and double check the anchor. We need to be ready when we first get word of activity." Master orders. "Yes, Sensei." Kai and Nya bow as they reply. They then walk off to do as they were told, "I have my eye on you." Kai says to Garmadon. But he was not watching where he was going as he walks backwards and hits the back of his head on the wall.

I give him a deadpan look as he grunts and rubs the back of his head. Nya grabs his arm and pulls him out of the bridge, but not without giving the 'I am watching look' to Garmadon then gets pulled away again. "Jay, did you say the falcon was programmed?" Master asks. "Ha-ha. Okay, Sensei. I don't know where to start. It all started when we saw the falcon..." I stopped listening to Jay as I focus my attention on Garmadon. It's so weird. I only met him as a shadow and only saw him once in person in the Underworld, but actually seeing the man right here was a little hard to believe.

Just standing near him, I can feel the corruption of the Devourer's venom that had made him evil. But I could feel the desire and determination to save Lloyd. Lloyd. I look down as I frown, I hope he's okay. But then I feel someone looking at me and I look up to find that it is Garmadon. I look away and then start leaving but I hear footsteps behind me. Once I was close to my room, I turn around and face Garmadon, "Okay, look. I know this new to all of us, but following someone is creepy." I state. "Apologies. I was just curious about you and wanted to talk to you alone." He says. I blink at him. Okay. "Okay. Um... let's talk in my room. So we can have privacy." I reply.

I let him enter my room first then I enter and close the door behind me. My eyes never leaving him. "So, what did you want to talk about?" I ask. It was quiet for a moment as Garmadon looks down in thought. Then he looks at me, "I wanted to thank you for looking after Lloyd." I blink at his response. "When Wu told me how you treated him, I wanted to personally thank you. I know our first meeting was not the best, but I could tell that you are different from the others." He continues. I could only stare at him as I take in his words. This man, despite having evil running through his veins, cares about his son so much.

I swallow some saliva, "Well, I relate to him. I understand what it is like to be alone and without someone." I answer, hugging myself a little. I look down at my feet as me and Garmadon stand in my room. "While our time as allies is short, you have my gratitude and my respect." He says. I look up at him as he gives me a smile. It looked evil but my powers told me that it was kind. I give him a small smile back. "We will get him back. I swear." I say to him. Even if he is to be our enemy, he is still a father wanting to help his child.

Kai's P.O.V.

This is ridiculous! I mean, come on! He has four arms. "But Nya, did you see he has four arms?" I ask my sister. I grab a broom and start sweeping the deck. "Wherever Sensei found him, he's now made it possible so that he can posses all four weapons at once. I don't trust him. Not one bit." Seriously? Am I the only one with eyes right now? "You have to remember, he's not just the Dark Lord, he's also Sensei's brother. Though he's pure evil, Sensei holds him close to his heart." Nya says. But then it hits me.

"That's it." I say out loud. "What?" "To unlock my power. Sensei said the heart is the key. Maybe if I stand up to Lord Garmadon, I'll find my true potential and then everyone can see I'm the Green Ninja! Ha!" I explain to my sister, jumping and flipping onto the deck. Things are coming together. "Nya, you are a genius!" I tell her. "I don't quite follow your logic." "No time to explain, I have to go train. If I'm gonna confront Garmadon soon," I say then jump and do a flip, landing on my feet, "I gotta be at the top of my game." I state. "But Sensei said he's our guest." Oh, please. "Garmadon might've fooled Sensei, but don't think for a second I'm not keeping my eye on him. Nya, the Lord of Darkness just became our roommate." I tell my sister.

"I know. But if you won't take Sensei's words, then take (Y/N)'s." She says. I pause at what she said. "Out of anyone on this entire ship, in all of Ninjago, (Y/N) can feel what others feel. She defended Garmadon from you because she knew that he is here to help save Lloyd." She says. She walks up to me and places a hand on my shoulder. I look down in thought. "You know that she's been struggling with Lloyd gone and that she will do what it takes to get him back. So, please. Try to be nice." She says, then walks off. I take a deep breathe. Even so, I will not take any chances.

Third Person P.O.V.

Over the next few days, things have been relatively normal except for the fact that the Lord of Darkness was currently on board the Bounty as a guest. One morning the guys were brushing their teeth while Garmadon was using a file to sharpen his teeth. The boys watch while Garmadon smiles at them, his teeth shining. During a meal while Wu and the Ninja were eating, Kai was glaring at Garmadon. The four-armed man sat across from him and winks at him before chowing down on the dark, goop-like stuff on his plate. "What's he eating?" Cole asks as he leans over towards Kai. "Condensed evil. Suppose to be low in fat." Kai answers. A maggot-like creature inches towards Kai and the red-clad man groans in disgust as he uses his fork to whack it away.

Another time, Jay and Nya were watching a romance movie, well Nya was watching it while Jay was looking at her with a loving expression, and right as the couple in the movie were saying goodbye, Garmadon uses his powers with the remote to change the channel. He laughs as it stops on a channel that was playing a horror movie where a man was screaming in fear and a chainsaw was heard. Nya and Jay just stare at him with puzzling faces. During a storm, Zane and Kai were steering the wheel while (Y/N) handle direction. "Where's Garmadon?" Zane asks. "Ah. Sunbathing." Kai answers. Garmadon on the deck laying on towel as he enjoys the storm while he sleeps, chuckling a little in his sleep.. "He's fine. He says the lightning and thunder is soothing to him." (Y/N) says as she looks over the map. "Hard left." She says. Zane and Kai share a look at her nonchalant behavior but does as she says.

One night as the guys were about to fall asleep, Garmadon was practicing his powers as he summons a ball of electricity. "Do you have to do that? We're trying to sleep." Kai says, getting annoyed. Garmadon only laughs sinisterly. Kai growls in frustration as he uses his pillow to try and block out the light and noise.

It has been a few days, and currently, Garmadon was laughing as he was playing a video game. Cole and Zane watch him while Kai glares, "He's not even playing the game right, he's just shooting and destroying things." He says. "I've noticed when he isn't so focused on trying to turn Ninjago into his own image, he's actually quite fascinating." Zane says, stating his opinion on the Master of Darkness. "Sure, the four arms are freakish, but all in all, he doesn't seem that bad of a guy." Cole admits. "He might be pulling the wool over all your eyes, but not mine. He's up to something. And I'm gonna be ready for it." Kai states determinedly.

"Are you?" The boys jump as they see (Y/N) leaning back against a wall with arms crossed. She had a neutral expression on her face as she looks at Kai. "Garmadon cannot help the evil that runs through his body, but he is here to help us. Lloyd is top priority, so stop being so stubborn and be nice." She says. She pushes herself off the wall and walks off. The boys watch her go while Kai only grunts in annoyance. He did not like having Garmadon around.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

What is wrong with that guy? Garmadon has been here for a couple of days and he hasn't caused any harm. I have been getting headaches because of Kai's suspicions of Garmadon and it's driving me crazy. I take a deep breath as I focus on my painting. I glide the brush across the paper to make an image. Drawing helps me calm down and once I was finished, I set the brush down and look at what I have drawn. It was of Lloyd and the dragon plushy I won him when we first went to Mega Monster Amusement Park. I look at my bed and see the very plushy lying on it. I look back at the painting and frown. I miss him. He is just a kid and yet so much has happened to him already.

I lean back as I sigh and close my eyes. But then I see something. I see the auras of a bunch of snakes with, ugh, Pythor leading. But then I see a faint green outline in a cage. Lloyd! I focus some more and see that they are heading to someplace.... Familiar. But familiar how? "Gah!" I yelp as I fall back and hit my head. "Ow." Dang it. Leaned back too far. I sit up and rub the back of my head. I get up and pop my back, sighing in relief when it pops a little. But then my powers flare up and I close my eyes as I saw the auras of Wu and Nya. I also the elemental power of the Golden Weapons with them. And Kai spying from outside the room they are in. I immediately stop and open my eyes. Why did I see that?

I shrug them exit my room. I make my way to the bridge and enter it. I look around and find Kai is not here. I groan and facepalm, "You have got to be kidding me." I slide my hand down my face. I shift my eyes to look at the main screen but freeze as I see what is being shown. The falcon.... Has found Lloyd. And rush over to the screen and look to find that the Serpentine are heading to the Temple of Fire. I quickly rush off and right as I am about to exit, I ram into someone. I groan as I back away, "Man. (Y/N), what's the rush?" I look to find that I had bumped into Jay. "The falcon. He found him. Lloyd!" I reply. Jay raises a brow as he looks at me with a confused face. I grab him and make him look at the screen. He gasps as he sees what is on it.

"Oh, my gosh! We have to tell the others." He says. I nod and we split up to find the the others. I use my powers and find Cole and Zane closer. I enter the game room, "Guys! The falcon has found Lloyd and the Serpentine. Bridge, Now!" I tell then ran off, not waiting for a response. I hear their footsteps behind me as we make it to the bridge. We enter it then Jay enters with Kai and Nya. "Looks like Pythor is at the Temple of Fire." "That means a Fangblade is there." "And Lloyd." Forget the Fangblade, Lloyd is all that matters. "That's the same Fire Temple where Kai and (Y/N) first face off with Garmadon." Jay points out. "If memory serves me correct, I'd say one of us cheated back when we last fought." Oh, come on, Kai. "And I remember someone needing their Sensei to save them." Not you too, Garmadon. I groan as I shut my eyes.

"Guys! For the sake of the Fangblade and Lloyd, can we please just get along?" Thank you, Cole. I open my eyes as I hear some beeping and walk closer to look at the screen. "Since the last time we've been there, it looks like the volcano has grown unstable. The place is a powder keg just waiting to blow up. This will be a highly combustible environment." Nya informs. "Oh, great. Just what I like. Fighting armed and deadly snakes in a highly combustible environment about to blow up." Now is not the time for sarcasm, Jay. "We will do what we must." Master says in a calm tone. "Yes, Sensei. But where are our weapons?" Zane asks. But then everyone looks around to find that, "And why is Garmadon not here?" Oh no. I try to grab him, but Kai ran off and I missed.

I growl. "Kai." Master calls out. I put on my hood them run off to try and stop Kai. I use my powers to find him. Along with someone else. Oh no. "KAI!" I shout, approaching Master'd room. But then the door slams closed. I try to open it, but it was locked. Damnit! "Kai! Open the open door! Now!" I shout, banging on the door. "(Y/N), what is going on?" I look over to find Nya and the others approaching then I go back to trying to open the door. "Kai is fighting Garmadon." I tell her. "What?" She says. I look through the window and see Kai continuing to fight Garmadon. "Kai, what are you doing?" She calls out. Kai gets slammed against the door, "Discovering my true potential!" Kai replies, then gets thrown back by Garmadon.

I try again to open the door, but it won't budge. I try to summon powers but they don't respond, "Come on!" I grunt. "Kai thinks he'll unlock his power if he stands up to Lord Garmadon." Nya says. "Why would he think that?" "Cause he thinks he's the Green Ninja." Nya answers Zane. "Well, if we don't open that door soon, I think he's gonna be mincemeat. Stand back!" Cole says. I let go of the door and move away as he activates his elemental power. "Earth!" He kicks the door off its hinges and we run in to find Kai with a foot on Garmadon. "I defeated him! I did it! Are my eyes glowing? Did I unlock my powers? Is this my true potential?" Kai says, trying to do something. I can feel my eye twitch in irritation. "Argh! Why isn't it working?" He growls out.

I'm going to punch him. "Because you cannot defeat someone who allowed himself to be defeated." I stop myself as Master states and walks towards Kai. I let out a huff. Kai got lucky this time. Speaking of Kai, he removes his foot from Garmadon as Wu kneels down to check his brother. "I wasn't going to hurt you, boy. I was only fetching the weapons." Garmadon says. "But you were trying to steal them!" Kai argues. "I asked him to get them." Master states. "Perhaps it is best you do not reach your true potential, or else someone could get hurt." Master says. My powers flare up as he said that. He is disappointed in Kai. "Way to go, hero." I hear Cole say, directly to Kai.

I make my way to help Garmadon. I glance over at Kai and give him a disapproving look. I make my way to Garmadon's other side and kneel down to help him up. "You alright?" I ask him. "I am well. Thank you." He answers. Master Wu and I help him up. "Oh~ Poor thing." I hear Nya say. "Yes. Poor thing." Garmadon repeats, smilingly smugly and looking ahead. At who? I am guessing Kai. Wu and I stand up and I look to find Kai looking even more frustrated than ever. But then the ship stops moving as we made it to our destination. "Sounds like we've finally reached our destination." Cole says. Then let's move." I state. Master, Garmadon, the guys and I make our way to the deck.

And right there, "The Fire Temple." Took the words right out of my mouth, Cole. I grab my fans and hold onto them tightly. We're coming, Lloyd. We're coming.

Third Person P.O.V.

The Ninja, Wu, and Garmadon make their way into the Fire Temple. "The volcano seems to be on the verge of eruption, guys. All recent indicators tell me that this place is becoming increasingly fragile. Even the smallest rupture can make the whole thing go off." Nya informs through the radio. "Then we must not use our weapons." Master Wu stated. Zane, Jay, and Cole obey as they put away their Golden Weapons, but Kai is does not. "Kai." Nya says sternly, looking at her brother with help from the falcon. (Y/N) looks back at Kai and the ninja in red looks at her. He sees her give him narrow eyes and he sighs, "Yeah, yeah. No Fire Sword." He sheathes it on his back, "But only because I wouldn't want anything to prevent us from getting the Fangblade." He defends. "Or my son." Garmadon adds.

The group continues to make their way into the temple. "There." Wu points his staff down a tunnel that leads inside of the temple. "The Serpentine must not reach the inner core. From here on out, we travel by shadows." "It's the only way I know how." Garmadon states as hurries off into the volcano. The others following after him. (Y/N) powers flare up as she senses many presences within the volcano. They soon reach the inside and stop to avoid falling into the lava. They find the Serpentine all over the place, the area mainly having pillars of rock with wooden bridges connecting them. One snake was digging and Pythor was close as he looks at a map. "There's Lloyd." Jay whispers as he points to the black-hood wearing boy. (Y/N) looks to find that he is still in a cage and tightly grips her fans as she so desperately wants to rescue him but holds herself back as to not blow her and the others' cover. "Ah! Son." Garmadon gasps and reaches out to Lloyd, but Wu stops him.

But then a metal clang was heard. Pythor gasps, "Out of my way, fool!" He says, pushing the snake who dug away as he jumped into the hole. The Ninja, Wu and Garmadon make their way down as quietly as possible to get closer. Pythor leans down to look at what was hit then smiles. "The third Fangblade is ours!" He announces as he holds the very blade up. It having a red shine to it. The snakes cheer at their find as Pythor pulls himself out of the hole. He smirks as he looks at the Fangblade. Wu, Garmadon, and the Ninja almost make it without any problem, but then Pythor sees them coming from the reflection of the blade. "Ninja? Attack!" He orders. "Light as a leaf. Attack like there is no tomorrow." Wu state as the battle begun.

The Ninja fight back against the Serpentine, Wu knocking one into the lava with his staff. The snake gets out and runs off with his butt on fire. Wu continues to fight and beat any snake in his path while the others spread out and fight. Cole, Jay, Zane, and (Y/N) have no problem as they take down the snakes and use their powers to help them. (Y/N) tosses one of her fans and it hits three snakes on the head, making them dizzy and then get kicked in the face by (Y/N). She stands in the middle of the knocked out snakes and uses her powers to summon her fan back to her. Jay knocked one snake back then a column of lava sprouts near him and he uses his powers to separate it then jump kicks through the new opening. Zane punches snakes that were behind him then uses his powers to create an ice bridge and slides down it to another pillar of rock. Cole was mainly using his fists and feet as he takes down snake after snake.

Kai backed away from some snakes that approached him. He reaches for his sword but pulls his hand away. However, he shakes his head and equips his sword which ignites with flames and the volcano reacts to its power. The lava glows brightly as Kai swings his sword at Serpentine that approached him. "Kai, the weapon is compromising our safety." Nya tells him through the falcon. "I will do what I must." Kai replies. (Y/N) sees some lava spurt upward and fall at Cole. She raises her hand and a purple shield appears on top of him, protecting him from the lava. Cole looks at it then moves away, giving (Y/N) a thankful look. (Y/N) makes the shield vanish once Cole was safe, the lava dropping onto the ground.

"Let's get out of here! But not before we leave them with a parting gift. Boys?" Pythor commands, some Constrictai digging into the volcano while Pythor and the rest of the snakes make their way out through another passage. The Constrictai pop out from the ground and hurry off as lava flows through the new tunnels and making the volcano more unstable. "They're making the volcano unstable." Zane states. "Any minute this place is gonna blow. We have to get out of here." Jay says. "Not without my son." Garmadon states. "Dad!" Lloyd shouts. Garmadon hurries off and (Y/N) uses her powers to fly temporarily then run as she and Garmadon rush to save Lloyd.

Garmadon jumps up and punches a Serpentine, taking their weapon and using it to fight another snake. He whacks them away then spins and knocks another into a walls a snake tries to swing down a blade at him, but Garmadon jumps back and dodged it then kicks the snake into off the stairway. Garmadon looks to find more snakes coming his way and he prepare to fight, but then some large glowing, purple, rock-like objects were thrown and knocks them down. Garmadon looks back to see (Y/N) with her hands glowing purple. He gives her a thankful look and the two continue up the steps. Pythor looks back and growls, "Lose the boy!" He shouts. The snakes holding Lloyd's cage drop the boy. "DAD!" "Lloyd!" Thankfully, the cage was able to land on some rocks, but the lava was rising fast.

(Y/N)'s heart beat fast as she fears for Lloyd's safety, but then steels herself as she narrows her eyes in determination. She runs then uses her powers to jump far and make it to wear the pole used to lift Lloyd's cage was. She quickly grabs it and hoists Lloyd up right as the lava melted the bottom. Garmadon fought off the remaking snakes then threw his weapons away as he charges at a snake, some lava sprouting in the background as Garmadon grabs the blade of the spear tosses the snake over him. He then uses the weapon to jump over some snakes. (Y/N) pulls Lloyd in to safety, "(Y/N)!" Lloyd shouts in relief as the purple wearing ninja pulls him close and holds him in her arms, dropping the cage into the lava. (Y/N) holds Lloyd close and checks him to see if is injured. He is not.

"Son." "Dad." (Y/N) lets go of Lloyd as the boy hugs his father. (Y/N)'s powers flare up as she feels the relief of the two, one for finally having their dad and the other knowing their child is safe. She smiles softly under her hood. "The Fangblade's mine!" Kai declares as he rushes past them. (Y/N) watches him with wide eyes, "Are you INSANE?!?!" She shouts at him. "Come back, it's too dangerous. The whole place is going to explode!" Cole warns. "Then I better be quick." Kai replies as continues to run up the steps. (Y/N) huffs at his behavior but focuses on getting out of here. "We need to go. Now!" She says to Garmadon and Lloyd. The two hurrying off to the others while (Y/N) focuses on shielding them from any rocks or lava.

Right as Pythor was about to enter the tunnel, Kai grabs his sword and tosses it. It hits the Fangblade and gets lodged in the wall by the Sword of Fire. Pythor hisses at him but Kai continues towards the Fangblade. Pythor grunts as he tries to free the Fangblade, "Hurry, we must leave here at once." Scales says to Pythor, right as some lava erupts. Pythor gasps as he follows Scales. A piece of rock falls and blocks the exit the Serpentine went in. The others make it the where they had entered and look back as Kai still tries to get the Fangblade. "Leave it, Kai! It's not worth your life!" Jay yells, trying to reach out to Kai. "Not without that Fangblade." Kai replies, jumping over a rock that fell in front of him and stops for moment as lava spurts in front of him then continues running. "KAI! LET IT GO! THE FANGBLADE WILL NOT UNLOCK YOUR TRUE POTENTIAL!!!" (Y/N) bellows. She was upset with Kai, but he is still her friend.

The lava starts to rise faster, "But what about Kai?" Lloyd asks. "Kai!" He calls out, but then the piece of ledge he was on breaks and falls. "Lloyd!" Garmadon shouts as he reaches for his son, but misses. Cole tried to use his scythe for Lloyd to grab, but he was too far. "NO!" (Y/N) screams and she attempted to jump down, but Cole stops her. She struggles to get out of his grip, but Cole holds onto her tightly. She tried to use her powers but they would not respond because she was unfocused. Lloyd remains on the rock he is on as it floats on the lava, "DAD!" He calls out to his father. The others try to come up with something to rescue him, but the volcano was becoming more and more unstable.

Kai pulls his sword as he tries to free it and the Fangblade. "Dad! (Y/N)! I'm sinking!" Lloyd exclaims. "It, unh, won't budge." Kai grunts, completely oblivious to what is happening around him. As the place is about to erupt, Kai manages to pull his sword free and the Fangblade falls, almost landing in the lava. "We have to get out of here, else none of us will get out of here." Wu states as they back up to the exit. "No! Not without Lloyd and Kai!" (Y/N) shouts, still trying to get free from Cole. Kai makes his way down to where the Fangblade is and tries reaching it, but it was out of arms reach. "But my son!" Garmadon shouts right as rocks fell and block the only other exit. Leaving Lloyd and Kai the only ones left.

Kai still tries to reach the Fangblade, but it is too far and it is slowly falling towards the lava. "Come on, why won't my power unlock?" Kai says, wanting so badly to finally unlock his powers. "Kai! Help me!" Lloyd shouts. Kai looks to find Lloyd on a rock floating on the lava. He sees the danger he is in. He looks back at the Fangblade and Lloyd looks at him with a pleading face. The Fangblade touches the lava and Kai makes his choice. "Come on, let's get out of here." He says, making his way to Lloyd and grabs the boy. "But the Fangblade..." "Forget it. This place is coming apart." Kai states, finally letting go. "Ninja-Go!" He says, holding onto Lloyd as he does Spinjitzu from rock to rock. He looks up at the blocked entrance then turns his head away as lava erupts. He holds Lloyd close as they become surrounded by pillars of lava.

"Lloyd! LLOYD!" Garmadon cries out for his son as he is pushed by Zane and Jay while Cole holds onto (Y/N) still. They and Wu hurry out of the Fire Temple and make it onto the Bounty. The hop onto the anchor and climb up the chain. Cole hoists (Y/N) over his shoulder as he climbs the chain and (Y/N) watches the temple erupts with blank eyes. The head to the head of the ship and Cole finally releases (Y/N) as he puts her down on her feet. The Bounty flies away right as the volcano finally erupts. (Y/N) places her hands on the railing as she looks at the volcano alongside Garmadon. "Kai." Nya says in disbelief as she made her way to the others and watches with a sad look. "Son." Garmadon says with sorrow in his voice.

(Y/N) was near the brink of tears but as she blinks them away, her vision changes and her powers flare up. She feels a lot of energy and squints her eyes as she sees a bright, fiery energy flying towards the Bounty. She gasps softly as her eyes widen. The ball of energy was actually Kai as he uses his powers to guide himself and Lloyd to safety. Everyone watches with shock and awe, "It's Kai. He's found his true potential!" Jay says excitedly. Kai lands in the deck right as the ball of fire disperses and Lloyd falls onto the ground. His body was like fire as flames came from him. He takes off his hood and has a smile on his face. (Y/N) slowly smiles as he has finally unlocked his potential, and saved Lloyd too. Wu looks at Kai from the where he steers the ship as he nods at Kai with a proud look.

Kai then returns to normal as he collapses. (Y/N) closes her eyes and shakes her head as she rushes to Lloyd while the others check on Kai. She gives Lloyd her hand and he takes it, "(Y/N)?" He asks, sounding tired from the excitement from earlier. "You're safe, Lloyd. You're safe." She says, taking off her hood as she smiles at him. The Bounty then takes off, flying far away from the now destroyed Fire Temple.

Wu steers the ship as everyone meet up in the bridge. Lloyd hugs his father as the two meet after a long time apart. "Dad? Is it really you?" Lloyd asks his father, getting a good look at the man. Garmadon holds his son up as the boy is still exhausted from the events of the Fire Temple, "It is, son." He answers. "Dad? Why do you have four arms?" Lloyd asks, leaning against his dad. "He's gonna be okay!" Cole states. Everyone cheering with him while (Y/N) had a small smile. Lloyd turns around to face them with a smile. "Thank you, Kai." Garmadon thanks Kai, both having genuine smiles.

"But how did you survive? How did you discover the key to unlocking your true potential?" Zane asks Kai. Everyone turns their to Kai and await his answer. "I knew when I had to make a choice. I wanted the Fangblade so badly, to prove I was good enough to become the Green Ninja. But then I figured it out. All of my training wasn't to become the best ninja wasn't preparation to become the Green Ninja. It was... to protect him." Kai answers, looking at Lloyd. The others have surprised expressions at what he said, but (Y/N) looks at all our with a sympathetic face. "What? What is everybody looking at me for?" Lloyd asks bluntly, his father walking away a little. "That means..." Nya starts but then gasps as she, Kai, and Cole approach Lloyd with the Golden Weapons.

As they are presented to him, they float and a green energy emits from them. (Y/N)'s vision changes as Lloyd's elemental aura shines brighter. "Lloyd is the Green Ninja." She says in a calm and unsurprising tone. "I had thought it would be one of you, but it was him the whole time." Wu says, surprised by the revelation as well. "It all makes sense." He continues, walking to Lloyd a they weapons then lower, the green glow fading from them. "Not only have you five been chosen to protect the Golden Weapons, but also to protect the chosen one." He says, laying a hand on Lloyd's shoulder.

(Y/N) blinks her eyes as her vision returns to normal but then feels someone's despair and looks at Garmadon. "That means..." He trials off, a sad frown on his face. "The battle lines have been drawn, brother. Sadly, our family has become more divided. Brother versus brother, and now, son versus father." Wu states. Lloyd looking at his father with a sad face since he will have to fight his father in the future. Garmadon not happy in the slightest that the son he was finally reunited with, will have to be his greatest enemy. Everyone feels the thick tension as it was silent for what felt like an eternity.

But then it was broken when Jay chuckles, "This is heavy and all, but whatever happened to the FANGBLADE?!?" He exclaims at the end. (Y/N) gives him a small glare but closes her eyes and inhales deeply. "Unfortunately, despite the instability of the volcano, the heat from the lava was not enough to destroy it." She says, opening her eyes as she looks down and crosses her arms. "If that is true, then that means," "The Fangblade is in Pythor's possession." Kai finishes Nya's sentence. "That's just great. Now he has three and there's only one left. We don't even know where it is." Jay complains. "But still, we have to try and get it before the Serpentine do." Cole states.

"If Pythor collects the last Fangblade, he will most likely want to head to Ouroboros after to immediately release the Great Devourer." Zane points out. (Y/N) uncrosses her arms and looks at everyone with a harden look, "We have to keep moving forward. If that thing is released, Ninjago will be doomed. That snake has already done enough damage." She states, now having hatred towards the Great Devourer for not only taking away her master's brother, and now, Lloyd's father.

(Okay, it will be a while before the next chapter is up. Hope you enjoyed this one. Bye!)

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