The Royal Blacksmiths

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(Hello! Sorry for the wait. This is a long one. Enjoy!)

Things have been going smoothly, or as smooth as they can get. After the Serpentine obtained the first Fangblade, we all have been working to try and find the other three. However, no luck. I have tried to see if I could track the Serpentine, but no luck there either. It was early morning, like before the sun was up morning, and I finished stretching to help clear my mind. I then flop onto my bed, "Where are those blades? I hope you're okay, Lloyd." I close my eyes and feel myself drift off to sleep.

Lloyd's P.O.V.

I don't know why they brought me along, but right now I'm with the Serpentine as we are in some kind of old temple. I was tied up with chains so I couldn't escape and I remain quiet to not get attention. "Why mussst we stop when the next Fangblade is jussst ahead of ussss?" I hear Scales. I then hear something fall and I gulp a little. "What good is unlocking the Great Devourer with the four Fangblades, if we're not around to see it? Get the boy." "Bring the boy!" I hear and then get dragged by two snakes.

They stop and free from the chains that were wrapped around me, "Oh! You're letting me go?" I ask, hoping it is true. "Only to fetch, my dear boy." Pythor says and I walk around the hole, staring into the black abyss. I don't want to know what's down there. "Do step lightly." I hear Pythor tell me, but I don't reply as I press my back to the wall to not fall in. I see a gap and jump to the other side, but it gives out, "Aah!" I scream, but manage to grab onto another rock. I look down, No! Keep going. Keep going. I make my way to the other side and pull myself up. "Bring me the Fangblade, and I'll let you go." Pythor says. I don't think he's telling the truth, but what choice do I have right now?

So, I walk forward and down the hall, but the floor starts to collapse and I run for it. I jump for it and make it, but then the ceiling starts to lower and it has spikes too. Oh, come on! I quickly crawl and made it. I look back and sigh in relief. I get up but I step on something and arrows shoot out from the walls. I scream as I run for it. I make it and lean against something to catch my breath. I look ahead to see a pedestal with stairs leading to, what has to be, the Fangblade. I slip forward and look up to find a lot of rocks being held up by a big stick. Really? The stick breaks and I run but get swept up by the rocks and fall over.

Ugh. Now I understand how crazy and not-so fun booby traps are. I get up and climb up the stairs, but when I reach the top, there is no Fangblade. "It's gone!" I call out, echoing off the walls. Maybe since it's not here, I can go. "Do I still get to be free?" I ask. "No!" I hear Pythor reply. (I find this bit hilarious.) I grunt in disappointment. Dang it. I just want to get away from them. I miss (Y/N), but why does she feel so close?

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

I gasp awake. I hold my head up as I try to calm my breathing, "Lloyd." I could see him. He was almost killed numerous times. I swear that over-inflated ego for a fraud of purple is gonna get it. I hear knocking and jump a little. "(Y/N), we have a meeting today. Need you in the bridge." It was Cole. "Okay! I'll be there." I reply. I hear him walk off then sigh as I swept my hair back. Well, that is a way to start a morning. I brush my teeth, wash my face, braid my hair, and put on my Gi without the armor then head to the bridge to meet up with the others. Focus, (Y/N), focus. Lloyd is fine and you'll get him back. Someday.

I enter the bridge and the others greet me and I greet them back. "Good. Now that we're all here, we can get started." Nya says, she pushes a few buttons on the keyboard connecting to the large screen then a hologram of a Fangblade is projected and it floats above us. "Though they got the first one, there are three more and we just need one to stop Pythor. They have a map and we don't, so the question remains, how are we gonna find them first?" Nya starts. We all look at the hologram in thought. "I still can't get over the fact that you were the Mysterious Samurai. Is anyone else blown away like I am?" Jay says. I roll my eyes at his statement. Okay, this is getting old. "We're over that. Can we move on?" Kai says, sounding pretty annoyed. Jay makes a talking gesture with his hand as he makes some noise that I cannot describe, "Someone's a little hot under the collar." Jay comments at Kai.

"It appears his impatience is because he has not found inner peace and unlocked his full potential, like you and I have, Jay." Zane states. "Great observation, Mr. Roboto, but Cole hasn't found it either." "I got it!" Cole exclaims out of nowhere. "You've unlocked it?! Oh! Why am I the only one?!?" Okay, dramatic much? "No, I figured out where I recognize the Fangblade from." Cole says then starts to run off, "I have a picture of it." He says before exiting the bridge. "Oh, ha, ha, is that it? Heh. Good." Kai laughs, embarrassed by his earlier reaction. I roll my eyes, "At this rate he ain't gonna unlock anything with that attitude." I mutter. "Did you have any thing to say, (Y/N)?" Zane asks me, "Nope. Just talking to myself." I replied. Okay, that sounded weird.

"I got it!" Cole returns, book in hand. He sets it on the table and we all walk over to see what he has. He opens the book and Jay takes it as we all look at the first page which has a picture of a trophy with the Fangblade integrated into it. It has a white shine to it. "That's it!" Jay says. "Back where I grew up, there's this pretty big competition, where every year the winner gets the Blade Cup. My dad's won it multiple times." Wait, Cole's dad? Competition? Blade Cup? "You never told us your dad was an accomplished athlete. What sport?" I hear Zane say. "Oh. Uh- He's a, uh... A blacksmith." Cole says, and my powers flare up a little as I feel Cole become a little... what it is? "Nothing wrong with that. My father was a blacksmith, too. But I've never heard of a competition-" "That's because he's not a 'blacksmith' blacksmith. He's a... Royal Blacksmith." Cole interrupts Kai as he gets up and turns the page to reveal a picture of his father with the Blade Cup.

Wait.... I take the book as I closely examine the man. "Hey, (Y/N), don't hog it all to yourself." I feel a nudge on my shoulder and look to find Jay and the others snickering. "Oh, uh, sorry." I apologize. "How did the Fangblade become a trophy?" Kai asks. "Well, supposedly, the Blade Cup was made by this guy who collected priceless artifacts." "Clutch Powers?" I guess. "Yeah. That's the guy." Cole confirms. I read a little about that guy. Not much of a fan though. I go back to looking at the photo of Cole's dad and try to understand why I felt something itching at the back of my mind. "Anyway, it gets passed on to each year's winner." I hear Cole say but keep my attention on the picture of the man. "Who has it now?" I hear Zane ask.

"I don't know. I haven't talked to my father in years." What? I look away from the picture and look at Cole. So that was what I was feeling from him. Conflict. "Well, then we'll call him up." "You can't!" Cole shoots down Kai's suggestion. He then walks over to the steering wheel, "He thinks I'm in Ninjago City training at the Marty Oppenheimer School of Performing Arts. He wanted me to follow in his footsteps, but when I couldn't sing or dance, Well, I.... I ran away." He tells us. Cole ran away too. "When he sees I can't dance, he'll know I've been lying in all the letters I've been sending him." He finishes. Cole ran away because he did not want to disappoint his dad. Is it really that bad between them?

"He doesn't know you're a ninja?" Zane asks Cole. "What, you're gonna crack some joke that my old man wears a tutu?" Cole says defensively, walking over to us with an irritated expression on his face. "No." I state, closing the book and setting it on the table, "But this could be an opportunity to obtain a Fangblade before Pythor." I explain, walking up to Cole and stand in front of him, but also give him space, "I can understand that things are not smooth between you and your father, but we have to focus on ensuring that the Serpentine do not release the Great Devourer. Your father is the only person we know that has any knowledge that is vital to our mission. We need him." I tell him in a stern but soft voice, hoping I got through to him.

"(Y/N)'s right. This could be our only chance at getting a Fangblade before those snakes do. So, we better get our own act in tune." Kai says, walking up to Cole and resting a hand on his shoulder. "Yeah. And we'll be there, as support." Jay adds, placing a hand on my shoulder. I look at it then at him and he notices my staring then removes his hand. I raise a brow but shake it off. Maybe he was afraid I would slam him onto the ground. Again. "Okay. But we make this as quick as we can. We go to my dad, ask where the trophy is, then get out." Cole states as he walks off. "Alright then. Setting coordinates for Cole's hometown." Nya works on getting us to where we need to be and the rest of guys walk off to get ready.

But before I left, I grab the picture book to return to Cole. I open it again as I look at the picture of Cole's father. I stare at it to try and remember but it still escapes me. I sigh, "I guess I'll have to meet the guy to understand." I said. I also wanted to go because I had to know. Why was this such a big deal to me? I enter my room then toss the book onto my bed to give back to Cole later. I move to sit at my desk and grab a piece of paper. I lay it out and grab a paint brush and dip it in ink. I breathe in and start painting. It calms me and clears my mind.

Cole's P.O.V.

Okay. Okay, just in and out. No big deal. You are gonna see Dad again after all these years. Just ask about where the Blade Cup is, find it, and everything goes back to normal. Easy. "Cole." I jump and break out of my thoughts as I look to find (Y/N) looking at me. She was dressed in casual clothes with a purple hoodie. "We've almost arrived at your hometown, just wanted to let you know." She says. I inhale some air and exhale to calm myself, "Thanks. I'm on my way." I tell her. I grab my scythe and a case to put away the Golden Weapons but then feel something nudge against me. I look back to find (Y/N) with a book in hand. "I wanted to give this back to you after you left it in the bridge." She says. I smile at her in thanks and take the book from her as place it on a shelf. "Thanks. Now, let's meet up with the others before they start using the intercom." I say to her.

We walk together and meet on the deck with the others. Once we made it above our destination, we jumped. (Y/N) rode with me as we summoned our vehicles. This part never gets old. Once we were close enough, we made our rides vanish. I already put my scythe into the case and I turn to the others, "All right, hand them over." I open the case. "Ah-Ah. But no mortal shall possess all four." Jay jokes, but I wasn't laughing. "Very funny." "You wanna remind me again why we can't keep our weapons?" Kai asks. I close the case once all the weapons were in there, "I told you, my dad can't find out I'm a ninja, and don't feel like making up excuses of why I'm carrying a giant scythe around with me." I tell them as I turn around to walk to my dad's home. It's been a long time since I have been here.

"Just remember the plan, we find out who has the Fangblade trophy, we snatch it, and then we get the heck out of town." I remind them, but right as I was about to knock the door someone grabs my arm. I look to find (Y/N) with a distant look. "Uh, (Y/N)?" She blinks and looks at me, "Sorry. But I feel like the doorbell would be more appropriate." She says, letting go of my arm. I shrug and ring the doorbell instead. "Welcome~" The door opens, "Ha-ha! Come on in, son. It's been forever." My dad says, giving me a hug. It really does feel like it has been forever. "What did you bring? A quartet? Come in, come in." He says as we enter. "Wait a minute." I stop and look back to find (Y/N) has not entered yet.

Oh no. "Could it be...." "Uh, Dad, maybe we should-" "Now I remember! (Y/N)! It's been so long. Look at you, you have tidied up a bit. How did you meet my son?" What? "You are Lou." Wait? They met before? "Yep. My you look so grown up now. How have you been? Are you hungry? I have some leftovers you can have. Oh, it is so good to see you again." Dad guides (Y/N) into the house and I could only watch in disbelief. Okay. This is definitely not what I had planned.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

Now I remember him. Lou. His energy is exactly the same of when I meant him the first time. And I stopped Cole from knocking the doorbell because I knew his father prefers the bell because of his love for singing. And I could feel his desire for the bell to be pushed with my powers. To be honest, I forgot about him for a while because I only met him once and I was always trying to get by until I trained to become a ninja by Wu and with the guys, but meeting him again had made me remember a memory that was one of the few that made me feel genuinely happy.

Right now, we are in a room that displays a lot of posters and props. Mainly of the Royal Blacksmiths. I had my own chair to sit in while the guys shared a couch. We all had a cup of lemon honey tea and it was nice. I even had a plate of some tasty leftovers from Lou. If there is one thing I learned while on my own is that food is precious. A gramophone plays music as we all... just.... sit? I don't need my powers to tell that there is tension. "Did my son tell you how I broke my foot?" Lou speaks and I give my attention to him. "It was the cha-cha, but I swear the percussionist had it in for me." He says. "No, Dad, I didn't tell them about your silly stories." Cole says, sounding a little annoyed.

"Silly stories?" Lou repeats, sounding offended. I just take a sip from my cup. Even tea could not clear the tension. "What he meant was, we've been so busy training at the... Uh..." Kai trails off, not remembering the name of the school Cole claimed to be attending. "Uh, the Martha Oppenheimer. Yeah." Jay finishes. Though, he got the name wrong. And Lou notices because I flinch a little at the scratching as the music stops playing. "Martha Oppenheimer?" Lou questions. "What he's trying to say is the Marty Oppenheimer School of Performing Arts." Zane quickly corrects. "Right! Well, um, see, we have this final research paper we're doing on the history of Ninjago talent, and what we really wanted to know was, how can we get our hands on the Blade Cup?" Oh boy. Right when Cole asked that I knew it would not be that simple.

When I remembered Lou, I remembered our conversation. Well, he was doing most of the talking while I listened. And the Blade Cup is more of an honor than just a reward. "You're talking about getting your hands on The Blade Cup? The most prized and heavily guarded award in all of Ninjago, the symbol of excellence in harmony and grace? You can't just get it, you must earn it." Lou states. He then stands on a chair opposite of the guys as he continues to monologue. "You have to exhibit style. Perfect pitch. Push the boundaries of artistic license and win this year's Ninjago Talent Show!" Lou finishes. Yep. He is still the same as when I first met him.

"Um, perhaps there's an easier way?" Zane asks. I deadpan at his question. "An award is earned through hard work and dedication. Nothing worthwhile comes for free." I state out loud and eat a treat off my plate. "Exactly, (Y/N)!" Lou says. "Is this why you came?" He asks as he steps down from the chair he was on. "You knew I was injured. And when my quartet insisted we shan't go on, you four have come to take our place. Ha, ha! Ingenious!" Lou says. Welp, things took a turn that wasn't foreseen. "My son bringing forth the next evolution of the Royal Blacksmiths! Let me hear the sweet, sweet sound of harmony." Lou says as he puts his hand to his ear to hear the guys sing.

Uh oh. I know what is about to happen so I set down my cup and place myself in front of the guys before they could start the 'harmony'. "Uh, actually, Lou, we were hoping you could help them with getting their act together so that they can be in-tune with one another so that we have a solid chance with winning the Blade Cup. And since you have won it multiple times along with being passionate of performing, you are the perfect teacher for them." I quickly say. I smile nervously as Lou opens his eyes and looks at me. "That. Is. The most brilliant idea I have ever heard! Oh, ho, you are still as smart and resourceful as ever, (Y/N)." Lou says. He then whimpers but still had a wide smile. "If you'll excuse me... I need to write a song about my feelings." He says as he walks off and opens a sliding door to enter another room. "And it's nice to know that you are doing well, (Y/N)." He says, then closes the door. "Phew." I exhale the air I have been holding in. Okay, that was close.

"What are you doing?" I look to find Cole having stand up and look at me with a glare, "Look, you said you did not want your dad to find out you are a ninja. Besides, from what he said, the Blade Cup is an honor and we can't just steal it. We play along." I explain. "Actually, this is perfect." Kai says, and Cole glares at him now. "Look, we enter this competition so we can get close enough to the Blade Cup. Once we get the Fangblade, we leave town. How hard can this be?" Kai says. Oh boy. I rest a hand on my face as I close my eyes and inhale deeply.

"Okay. But is anyone gonna question how Cole's dad and (Y/N) know each other?" Oh. Right. That. I remove my hand from my face as I open my eyes to find all the guys looking at me with curious faces. I exhale, "Okay. Look it all happened before I meant Wu." I start walking over and sitting in the chair across from them. I take a deep breathe, "I was walking around, just minding my own business, it was night and then I heard some music. I went over to see a crowd and I saw a group performing. It was nice. I never really got to go to a lot of events and there was one right there. After it was over, I was about to leave until there was shouting and I saw a hooded stranger running away. I could not let them get away, so I grabbed a nearby trash lid and tossed it and nailed the guy at the back of the head. The police showed up and I thought that was it." I pause, remembering what happened after.

"But the same voice called to me before I could leave. The man walked over to me and wanted to say his thanks to me. I brushed it off, but he was adamant in wanting to thank me because I 'thought quick, smart, and protected the people.' He took me to go get some food and I was not going to pass free food because a nice meal was better than what I would usually have while on my own. He asked me who I was and I felt that he was not a bad man so I told him my name, but just my name. He said his name is Lou and he told me about his home, his passions, and his son. He then goes on to say how he has not seen much of his son and that I could have been good friends with him. I didn't really say much but having a conversation with someone made me feel.... I don't know. Like, I was a person. He then told me I reminded him of someone, but I was done eating and had to be on my way. I thanked him for the meal and he thanked me for.... listening." I finish.

I look up at the guys and they all had attentive looks. I looked away and scratched my head. "Anyway, we should focus on the mission. Got to work hard to win the trophy." I said as I got up and walked off. Once I was alone, I leaned back against a wall and slid down until I was sitting as I out a long sigh. If I'm being honest, I did not think I would meet Lou again and the fact that I am and that he is Cole's father, I don't know how to process this. Lou is a nice guy but he and Cole have not really talked in a long time. I take out the piece of paper I painted before we arrived here and hold it gently. I don't know how to go about this.

Third Person P.O.V.

Some time later, the guys were being taught by Lou as (Y/N) stood by and watched closely as they pratice. "Okay, from the top. Five, six, seven, eight." Lou says as he plays a tune on a piano. "Bop it till you drop." "Shake it till you break it." "Move it till you lose it." "Spin it til you win it." Kai, Jay, Zane, and Cole rehearse. "Stop! Stop! Ugh! If my ears weren't attached to my head, they'd be running away!" Lou says as he walks towards the boys. "Kai, love the energy, hate the hair." Lou criticizes Kai, hitting him the head with his cane. Kai groans from the pain. "Jay, you're giving a lot but I need more." Lou tells Jay. The male in blue letting out a small gasp. "Zane, you're like a machine, don't change anything." Lou says to Zane, and the Nindroid smiles innocently. "And, Cole, try to act like you wanna be here." Lou says to Cole. The raven-haired male only stares at his father as the older man walks.

"He's worse than Sensei Wu." Jay whispers to Kai. (Y/N) covers her mouth to hide the smile she has from watching. "Okay, moving forward." Lou says as he looks at the boys. "Let's take a look at the big show-stopping climax. Cole, we can't have history repeating itself." He points his cane at his son, "Dad, it was the Triple Tiger Sashay. I was 7." Cole complains. "What's the Triple Tiger Sashay?" Kai asks. "Only the most difficult dance move ever created." Cole answers. "It's true. Many professional have dare tried, but it's never been successfully completed." Lou adds. "Hence, my father thought a 7 year old could, but I ended up falling on my face, humiliating myself, and letting my quartet down." Cole says, frustrated by the memory. "If you're going to win, you have to go big!" Lou states. "All right, time for a break. Take five." He says as he leaves the room and closes the door behind him.

"Uh... I'm starting to see why Cole is so closed off. It's cause twinkle toes here couldn't deliver the goods. Is that why you ran away?" Jay says, poking fun at Cole. But Cole was not having it, "Oh, I could deliver the goods! Look. I'll deal with my father, but let's stick with the plan. All we have to do is keep this charade up long enough until we get our hands on the trophy." Cole states. "I don't know, I'm starting think we can win this thing." Jay says slyly. But Cole only glares at him. "Okay, okay, we'll stick to the plan." Jay agrees.

"Are you sure stealing the trophy is right?" (Y/N) asks. "This is the only way." Cole says. "But it doesn't feel right." (Y/N) says as she leans back against a wall and crosses her arms. "Look, I can feel that this isn't about a botched move you did, it runs deeper. And don't you want to see your father?" She says. Cole becomes stumped at her question and does not say anything. (Y/N) sighs, "But I get it. Find the trophy, stop the Serpentine." She says, staring at the ground. Cole raises a hand but lowers it and sighs. "Okay, we have to keep this up. Just until we find the trophy." He says.

The guys walk off to go practice outside while (Y/N) remains where she is. She then walks to the center of the room and close her eyes as she take a deep breathe. "I will always love you, my little star." The mysterious woman's voice echos in her mind. "That's new." (Y/N) mutters. "Thinking of something?" She jumps and look to find Lou entering the room. "Uh... The guys went to go practice some more." She tells him. "Oh, that's good. So, how have you been?" He says, walking up to her and stands next to her while also giving her space. (Y/N) looks down and inhales deeply before exhaling a little, "Why did you treat me so nicely?" She asks him. Lou blinks in surprise, "Why wouldn't I?" He asks her.

(Y/N) feels her heart beat faster but remains calm and determined, "You could have just let me go. I don't know why this is such a big deal, I even forgot about you for a while, but you treated me so kindly for such a small thing." She says. "I just.... Don't understand." She says. She looks at the ground as she waits for Lou's answer. The older man sighs, "Because you saved something that matters very much to me." He says. (Y/N) looks up to see Lou with something in his hand. He hands it to her and she takes it as she looks at what it is. Her eyes widen at what she sees. "I have it with me whenever I perform. So that in a way Cole was there along with... Well, it helps ease the pain a little." Lou says, sounding close to tears but keeps himself from crying.

(Y/N) looks at the photo with a somber look. She inhales and gives the photo back to Lou. "Is that why you push Cole to be the best he can be?" She asks him. Lou sighs a little, "I just... try my best." He says. (Y/N) could only nod her head as she could not trust her voice. It was silent as the two stand in the center of the room. (Y/N) looks around then comes up with an idea. "Do you mind.... Teaching me some things?" She asks. Lou looks at her with surprise. "I never really had a chance to dance. Just.... Never had a reason to." She says. Lou smiles softly at her, "I would love to." He says.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

I stretch my arms as I make my way to the boys. It was time for the competition and the guys are backstage and I wanted to surprise them with something. I smile as I make my way backstage and see the guys practicing the choreography last minute. I pass some other contestants but pay them no mind as I see the guys. I couldn't help but giggle slightly at their clothing. It is not their style, but who am I to complain?

"Then kick ball change, barrel roll, barrel turn, and we all do the double wings-" Cole says, but right at the double wings Kai and Jay bump into each other. "Ow! Dude, you gotta follow me." "Follow you? You're two beats off." "Actually, 2.72 off of the beat." I walk up to them but they haven't notice me yet as they bicker. "Guys, guys! Let's not make this any harder than it needs to be. We just stick to the plan and keep up the charade until the trophy's revealed." I stop after Cole said that. "Once we steal the Blade Cup, we can argue all we want once we get back home." He is still going to try and steal it? But.... "But this is your hometown, Cole. Don't you want to try and win it?" Jay says to Cole.

"Ugh. The only dance step I wanna perform is called 'get me out of this nuthouse, and let's burn these memories from my head.'" Cole says. "What?" I freeze. I move aside as Cole turns back to face his father. "Dad. I..." Cole starts but did not know what to say. "You-? You... were going to... steal it?" I hear the disbelief in Lou's voice. I did not want to experience what he was feeling with my powers. Cole sighs as he walks to his father. "Dad, I didn't mean for you to hear that, but- But I'm glad you did. There's something I've been wanting to tell you." He says as he standsbefore his father. "All these years, I haven't been training to be a singer or a dancer. I found something new that I'm really good at."

Lou looks at Cole with a baffled look, but Cole continues. "Dad..." Cole does Spinjitzu and changes into his Ninja Gi, "I'm a ninja." Lou gasps. "And the truth is, if we don't steal that Fangblade- I mean, Blade Cup." Cole explains as he opens the case and takes out his scythe, doing a spinning jump to face his father again. I perk at that. "-there's other people that will. Bad people. Serpentine. And we need it to save the world. I know how ridiculous this sounds, but I'm proud of who I am, and I want you to be proud of me, too." Cole finishes, grabbing his father's shoulders. But Lou frowns and removes Cole's hands, "I can't be proud of any son who thinks stealing is right. And I'm not gonna wait around to watch as you make a mockery of our family's legacy." Lou scolds as he walks away.

I then use my powers to feel his hurt from Cole lying to him. I close my eyes and try to block out everything happening "Dad, I-" I hear Cole. And a door slamming. I open my eyes to see Cole looking down. "I'm sure he didn't mean that." "Maybe if he just saw you in action." Kai and Jay try to comfort Cole. I walk over and join them. "No, it's- It's okay." Cole says, but just from the tone of his voice, he wasn't. But then a door opens and we all look over to see, oh sweet First Spinjitzu Master, poorly disguised Serpentine. "'Treble Makers'?" "Wait a minute, what are they doing here?" Okay, really? Treble Makers? Do these guys not know how to spell?

"I can't help it if I offend anyone, my only job will be to tell the truth." Oh no. Not him. I groan as I close my eyes and facepalm. Okay. Okay. As much as I want to have at it with Pythor, now is not the time. "Looks like we're not the only ones planning to steal the Blade Cup." Kai says after looking from behind the curtain. I remove my hand from my face. "Please. Pythor is rigging the show." I comment. "This complicates things." Zane says. "Then I say we make our move. We can't risk losing out again. I say we steal it." Jay says. I know the feeling, but I'm still not on board with stealing the trophy. "We're not gonna steal it." Cole says. I look at him with in surprise but then my powers flare up as I feel him become determined.

"We're gonna win this competition, but we're gonna do it our way." He says. I smile at him, "Our way?" Then roll my eyes. "Yes. Our way." I state. "Also, do you mind a last minute addition?" I ask Cole. "Really?" He asks, sounding surprised. "Yes. And don't worry, I had some lessons from a great teacher and I have a keen eye. I also have something in mind that can give our performance a little something to make it pop." I say. "Then let's hear it." Cole says. I smile in excitement.

Third Person P.O.V.

After the 'Treble Makers' sang a very unappealing-sounding song, the crowd boos as Pythor held up a 10 while the other two judges held up 6's. Pythor gave them a glare along with a growl and that made them turn over their cards to make them 9's in fear. The group bow then exit off the stage as the host goes on it to announce to the crowd, "And last but not least, The Royal Blacksmith- Uh, hold on." He pauses as he hears something in his earpiece and is given a paper, "Uh, this just in. There's been a switch. Taking the stage next is Spin Harmony." He announces.

The Ninja, now in their Gis, all stand ready. "If we're gonna do this, I want everyone to see who we are." Cole says. "I have butterflies in my stomach." Zane says. "Aw, come on, that's just nerves." Jay tells him. "No, I really do have butterflies." Zane states, opening his chest panel to release the butterflies that somehow got in his stomach. The others watch them with surprise. "Okay. Glad he got that out of his system." Jay says. (Y/N), however, was starting to get nervous. Cole notices and lays a hand on her shoulder, "Hey, it's gonna be alright. Just imagine it like the fights we've fought. Be in the moment." He tells her. (Y/N) thinks on his words then takes a deep breath. "Okay." She affirms.

"Last call for... Spin Harmony." The host announce. "Let's do this, for Cole." Jay encourages. "If we can do the Tornado of Creation, we can score perfect 10's out there." Kai confidently states. "I can say anything and it will only go to elevate our team unity." Zane adds. "I'm glad you guys are my friends. Let's do the whip!" Cole says. "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's do this!" (Y/N) exclaims. "Ninja-Go!" They all exclaim as they perform Spinjitzu.

The people were getting impatient as everyone waited. "Well, it looks like the last act is no longer performing." Pythor starts, "Ha, ha. That means I can give this to the winners-" "Ladies and gentlemen, Spin Harmony!" The host announces, the two judges and the crowd clap and cheer while Pythor grouches and crosses his arms in annoyance.

The lights flash and spotlight the Ninja as 'The Weekend Whip' plays. (Love that song. 🥰) They all turn around and perform, dancing in perfect harmony. The crowd cheers and claps for them, but Pythor is not happy. He looks at Scales and he looks at the snakes sitting with the audience. He nods at them as they get up and make their way to the stage. They jump onto the stage but the Ninja are ready. Jay bends down as Zane jumps off him and kicks a snake away the backflips and lands perfectly. Kai holds onto Cole's hands as Cole spins him around to kick some snakes. (Y/N) dodges their attacks then drops down and does a back spin, kicking the snakes away from her. She pushes herself up onto her feet and then uses her powers to summon purple crystals that cover the lights and makes them give off a beautiful purple spotlight with some small orbs appearing as they float all around the room making the people look at them in awe, even adding some lightning effects that make it look even more fantastic.

"Jump up, kick back, whip around and spin!" The music blares as the Ninja perform the moves, doing Spinjitzu that wows the crowd. A Fangpyre bites through the rope holding a weight causing it to drop and be directly above Jay, but Zane jumps and kicks it away in time. The others uses Spinjitzu to knock away more snakes and strike a pose once they stopped. Zane does a motion as if he is tipping a hat before smoothly moonwalking. More snakes appear on the stage and Cole notices them.

He jumps and everything feels like it slowed down as he steps on the first snake's head then punches the second one and finally nails the last one with his head. He lands and roars at a camera. Zane gasps, "The Triple Tiger Sashay." He says, Kai and Jay looking on in amazement. "He did it." (Y/N) smiles under her mask, dimming her powers as the purple energy disappears. The crowd was silent but then burst into cheers as they clap at the performance. "Oh! He did it! The Triple Tiger Sashay! He's danced the impossible!" The host exclaims, bowing at Cole's feet. The crowd continues to cheer loudly. Kai hugs Cole as the others join them. Jay punches Cole lightly as he winks at him, (Y/N) lays a hand on his shoulder, and Zane waves to the crowd.

The two judges hold up 10's but Pythor holds up a 0. The crowd boos at him but then a hand pops out of his mouth as it writes a one on the card, making it a ten. Giving the Ninja three perfect 10's. "What? Wait! I didn't write that!" Pythor complains. "It's a perfect score! Spin Harmony wins The Blade Cup!" The host declares. The trophy is presented to the group and Cole takes it. He holds it up as light shines on it, marking their win. "Ooh. This is a travesty of epic proportions! I demand for there to be a recount!" Pythor complains, but nobody listens to him.

As the crowd continues to cheer, Cole searches it to find his father. But only finds an empty seat. The seat meant for his father. He looks down in sorrow. (Y/N)'s powers flare up as she feels his dejection, but perks up as she feels someone else's emotions. After waving to the crowd one last time, the group heads backstage and revel in their victory. "I've never felt more alive." Zane says, still a little in awe at their performance. "Ha, ha! We did it!" Jay cheers. He, Kai, and Zane dancing a little and laughing together. "No, Cole did it." Kai says, giving attention to Cole, "Because of you, Ninjago will sleep safely tonight." Kai says. "Thanks, but go on and celebrate without me." Cole says, giving the trophy to (Y/N). "Winning this doesn't feel the same without my dad-" "Seeing how amazing you are that you were able to win the Blade Cup and kick Serpentine butt as your true self." (Y/N) interrupts him.

"What? But he wasn't-" "Cole!" Cole blinks in surprise as he looks to find, "Dad?" Lou looks at him with a proud smile. "I saw it all, son." He says, walking over to meet with Cole. "I saw it all." Cole runs to him as the two meet. Lou opens his arms and Cole does not waste a second as he hugs his father. Lou hugs him back as the two embrace one another. (Y/N) watches with a smile as she watches the two reconcile. The others watching as well, not saying any words to ruin the moment. The father and son separate and Cole takes off his hood to look at his father, a smile on his face. "You saw me dance?" He asks his father. "More importantly, I saw you fight. Those Serpentine were up to no good, trying to steal the show, and I saw you stand up for what is right." Lou tells his son. He then looks away with a frown, regret on his face. "I was wrong. I shouldn't have pushed you so hard to follow in my footsteps. Everyone is born with a special talent inside that's just waiting to get out." Lou apologizes to Cole.

The others walk over but still keep their distance from the the two. "And you were born to be a ninja." Lou tells Cole. "You're not mad?" Cole asks him. "How can I be? My son's a hero." Lou says, having the proudest smile on his face. "Ehh, sorry to interrupt your little family reunion, but did you know, it's me, Pythor?" Pythor appears, removing the fake beard. (Y/N) looks at him with a death glare. "You really thought we would not recognize you and your friends with those so-called disguises?" She says sarcastically, passing the trophy to Jay. She was ready to fight with the fury she had for this guy. "She's right. You couldn't fool us, Pythor." Cole says, he, (Y/N), and the rest of the Ninja confronting Pythor. "I didn't want you to miss our big show stopper." The snake says as he gestures upward.

Two snakes push a crate and it knocks into equipment that causes them to fall. Directly on top of Lou. "Dad!" Cole calls out. He rushes to his father and the two get covered by the equipment. "NO!" (Y/N) cries out. The equipment causes dust to spread, stunning the Ninja as Pythor snatches the Blade Cup from them. He chuckles as he uses the dust to get away. The others cough from the dust, "They took the Fangblade!" Jay coughs out. "Cole!" Kai exclaims.

(Y/N) was already there as she tries to remove the equipment quickly. The others rush over to help, but a glow catches their attention. (Y/N) stops as her vision changes and walks backwards from the pile. The Scythe of Quakes was glowing brighter than ever. "He found his true potential." Zane states. (Y/N) could see Cole as his elemental aura shines brighter as he lifts the equipment off of him. The all watch in amazement at his state. Cole tosses the equipment away as he goes to help his father up. "Wha-? What? How did we survive that?" Lou says with disbelief until he looks at Cole, his form looking to be polished crystal with some orange highlights. "Son?" Lou says in complete awe.

Cole closes his eyes as he floats, feeling the elemental power course through him. "Cole's found his true potential. His relationship with his father must have been holding him back." Zane concludes. "He's indestructible!" Jay says. (Y/N) smiles in relief as both Cole and Lou are okay. "Ugh. Great. So now I really am the only one who hasn't figured out my special power." Kai complains as he crosses his arms and sulk.

Cole lands back on the pile as his body returns to normal. He places a hand on his head to regain his senses. "Is everyone alright? What just happened?" He asks. "We're all okay, son." Lou tells him. (Y/N) blinks as her vision returns to normal. "Though, you did cut it pretty close." She jokes. Everyone laughs and soon leave the building.

In the morning, the guys and (Y/N) are all at Lou's house, talking as they drink tea. "Oh, man. That was really cool." "You found your true potential." "That was a lot of fun." They all laugh as they reminisce the night before. "I guess the scorecard now reads: Pythor: two Fangblades. Ninja: zero." Jay says, not happy with Pythor getting away with the second Fangblade. "Yeah, but all we need is one and there are still two left to find." Cole reassures. "Who knows, maybe when I unlock my true potential, I'll turn into the destined Green Ninja." Kai says. The others laugh, "Yeah, dream on." "Ha! Okay." (Y/N) rolls her eyes, "I don't know. Red compliments hotheads better." She says. The guys laugh harder while Kai shakes his head and rolls his eyes, but still has a smile.

Lou then enters the room, two framed pictures in hand. "It may not be the trophy, but it will sure look good on my wall." He says, as he walks by the group. They all stand up and place their cups in the table as they go to look at the portrait that Lou hanged up. It was the five ninja as they pose with the Blade Cup. "All right!" "Excellent!" "Awesome." "Nice!" The guys say. Cole then notices the second portrait in his father's hand. "Uh, Dad, what's the other one?" He asks. (Y/N) smiles shyly as Lou stands next to her. "A gift." Lou answers as he then shows the guys what is in the frame.

It is actually a painting of Lou and Cole standing together with smiles on their faces, but there is also a female floating above them, like a spirit looking out for them with a soft smile. Cole had a surprised face while the rest of the guys looked at it with astonishment. "I wanted to give something to him as a thank you, but I added something last minute before the show." (Y/N) admits. Cole looks at her then smiles softly, mentally thanking her. Lou sets the portrait down as he looks at all of them. "As far as I'm concerned, you're all family now." Lou states.

He puts his arms around Cole and (Y/N) as the rest of the guys join in. (Y/N) smiles softly. "Family." She mutters to herself and closes her eyes. Unknowingly creating small orbs around her and the others.

(Okay. Sorry about the wait. Hope you enjoyed and I will try to get the next one up as soon as I can. Bye! 👋)

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